May-Hem 2001

Mark:Welcome everyone to the city of Brotherly Love… Welcome to May-Hem… As always I am Mark along side as usual by the man known as Rhino…

Rhino:You bet ya… Im Rhino… The man who loves to see Triple H and the rest of degeneration X… Lose… Which does not happen often… But I hope it will tonight…

Mark:Tonight… We have a jammed pack event for ya… Even though some promote matches may not happen… Tonight many matches will infact go down… Like Degeneration X battling Whiplash in a Gauntlet match…

Rhino:Whiplash has the odds against him… But you never know what he may do to pick up the win…

Mark:Also the match I am looking forward to… Is for the World and FTW Titles… Its Hell in a Cell… Ladder Match… Between two men… Who have been here for a while… In Triple H the FTW Champion and Lone Jobber… Who is the current World Champion…

Rhino:Im sure as hell ready to see Jobber walk out with two pieces of gold…

Mark:Well lets head to the ring to begin the action here in Philly… For May-Hem…

Dragon vs Nuclear Bomb

Mark:Dragon is getting ready to make his way out…

Rhino:Its Nuclear Bomb…

Mark:From behind its Nuclear Bomb attacking Dragon… NB whips Dragon in to concrete wall… Hard DDT by Nuclear Bomb…

Rhino:This is not a match… As they have not gotten to the ring…

Mark:Prodigy has come from no where to attack Nuclear Bomb from behind… Prodigy is fighting with Nuclear Bomb…

Rhino:They are making their way out the entrance way…

Mark:Dragon and Prodigy are double teaming Nuclear Bomb… Double Vertical Suplex on the Hard floor on the entrance way… NB gets whipped in to the steel guard rail…

Rhino:Its Shadow… Nuclear Bomb’s Stable Mate and Tag Partner is out to help him out…

Mark:Its a Two on Two Now… Dragon and Nuclear Bomb have made it to the ring…

Rhino:What is the referee saying…

Mark:I have been told that this is know an Impromptu Tag Team Match…

Rhino:The Bell has sounded… On this match up…

Mark:Nuclear Bomb gets whipped in to the ropes… Ducks the clothesline of Dragons and nails one of his own… Dragon back to his feet… Hiptoss by Nuclear Bomb… Another one… Dragon back up… Dropkick by Nuclear Bomb…

Rhino:Dragon has landed in the wrong corner now…

Mark:Running Clothesline in to the corner by NB…

Rhino:Nuclear Bomb tags in Shadow…

Mark:The Bigger Man shadow whips Dragon in to the ropes… Huge back body drop… Shadow hooks him… Hanging Vertical suplex… And down goes Dragon… Dragon rolls back in to his corner…

Rhino:Prodigy gets tagged in…

Mark:Prodidy ties up with Shadow… Shadow pushes the 300 Pounder to the canvas… Shadow picks him up… Slams him down to the ground… Prodigy back up… Big Boot by Shadow…

Rhino:Nuclear Bomb drops off the apron and is going after Dragon…

Mark:Dragon and Nuclear Bomb are going at it on the outside… Shadow hooks Prodigy… HIGHWAYTOHELL DROP… Cover 1…………2…………….3………

Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Shadow and Nuclear Bomb…

Rhino:Shadow and Nuclear Bomb won this impromptu Tag Team Match…

Mark:The King is already making his way down to ringside so I guess we are ready for our next match up…

Real Deal Jason Mack vs Jerry”the king”Lawler

(As the king is in the ring… Real Deal’s theme hits as he makes his to the ring…)

Mark:(Bell Sounds)We are under way here in this match up…The King delivers a right hand to Real Deal… Real Deal gives one of his own…The king goes for another… This time blocked by Real Deal… Real Deal nails another one and it knocks the king back… Real Deal connects with a running clothesline… King back up and another clothesline… King back up a third time… Real Deal goes for another… Ducked by King… Low Blow by The King and that brings real deal down…

Rhino:A sneaky move by a veteran… I love it…

Mark:The King drops a fist to the face of Real Deal…

Rhino:The King is trash talking to the crowd… A normal for the king…

Mark:Real Deal back up to his feet… Scoop Slam by The King… The king delivers a nice elbow to Real Deal… The King hooks Real Deal for a suplex… Real Deal gets out… DDT by Real Deal…

Rhino:This has been an even match up so far and neither person has had the advantage thus far…

Mark:That is true… Real Deal whips him in to the rope… Spine Buster by Real Deal… Real Deal hooks The King… Brain Buster by Real Deal…

Rhino:Looks like he is going to go for the Real Deal Driver…

Mark:He has him hooked… Real Deal Driver… Cover by Real Deal… 1………….2………..3…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner Real Deal Jason Mack…

Mark:Well before we get back to the ring… I believe we have a new EWA Reporter John Sanders who is standing by with Shane McMahon…

John:Well im Standing by with Shane McMahon who wants to make an announcement…

Shane:Well John… I know Rob Parks… The President of the EWA… Stated that it would be Dragon and Prodigy to face RVD and Justin Credible at Tuesday Night Carnage… But he forgot that we have number one contenders for the belts… So what will happen is that at Carnage it will now be a Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Titles between the champs RVD and Justin Credible…The Contenders Shadow and Nuclear Bomb… And Dragon and Prodigy…

John:You heard it here… It will now be Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible vs Shadow and Nuclear Bomb vs Dragon and Prodigy for the Tag Team Titles…

Mark:Well with that lets head back to the ring…

Shane Mack vs Kevin Nash

(Shane Mack’s theme hits as he heads to the ring…)

Mark:John is now standing by with Big Sexy…

John:Tonight Kevin Nash its your chance to get a clean sweep over the MackDown… What are your thoughts…

Nash:Well John…

Rhino:Its Real Deal… Jason Mack is attacking Kevin Nash from behind…

Mark:They are making their way down the entrance way… Real Deal whips him in to the steel guardrail…

Rhino:Real Deal is getting revenge for what happen at Carnage…

Mark:Real Deal rolls Kevin Nash back in to the ring…


Mark:Razor is attacking Real Deal…

Rhino:They are now in the ring as well…

Mark:Its a Two on Two…

Rhino:MackDown vs Outsiders…

Mark:Shane Mack whips Kevin Nash in to the ropes… Powerslam…

Rhino:Da Bad Guy just clothesline Real Deal over the ropes…

Mark:Razor and Shane going at it now… Shane whips Razor… Razor reverses… And Razor just delivers a nice right that took Shane Mack down… Shane Mack back to his feet… Gets knocked down again… And Again… Shane Blocks the forth… Picks him up by the neck… Baldo bomb…

Rhino:That move took the wind out of Razor…

Mark:Razor gets whipped in to the ropes… Nash makes the blind tag… Shane Mack turns around… Clothesline by Big Sexy… Nash whips him in to the ropes… Big Boot on Shane Mack…

Rhino:The Strap is down… The Strap is down…

Mark:Nash is setting him up… Real Deal is in… Ramon is in as well… Real Deal and Ramon fighting… Nash and Ramon are double teaming Real Deal in the corner…

Rhino:Shane Mack is back on his feet…

Mark:Shane Mack turns him around… Numba One Stunna on Nash…

Rhino:Ramon is caught up with Real Deal…

Mark:Cover 1…………..2……………..3……….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winners MackDown…

Rhino:MackDown picks up the win tonight… Is this a sign of things to come…

Mark:Well the Asylum is set up outside of the Arena… For Some Reason… So lets get to the match…

Asylum Match
Crazed Maniac vs Crazed Fool

Mark:Both men are in the asylum… So I guess it is time to get started…

Rhino:The way to win is simple… Either Pin your opponent… On Make them submit…

Mark:Well CF is delivering a couple of right hands to CM… CF whips him in to the steel of the Asylum… Headscissors take down by CF… CM to his feet…

Rhino:He stands up and there is no where to go… As The Steel is right in front of him…

Mark:CF connects with a dropkick and CM goes straight in to the steel… CM turns around… Frankensteiner…

Rhino:He is again standing up right at the steel… It dont look good for the Crazed Maniac…

Mark:Another Dropkick to CM… And he goes flying back in to the steel… Crazed Maniac stragers to Crazed Fool… Rolling Boston Crap by Crazed Fool…

Rhino:Crazed Maniac is gonna tap…


Pa Announcer:Here is your winner CRAZED MANIAC…

Mark:Well we are now back in the arena… Something is going on in the back…

Rhino:Its Big Show…

Mark:He is hammering in on Undertaker… Big Show lifts him up…

Rhino:He has evil intentions on his mind…

Mark:Big Show delivers a Chokeslam through a table to the Undertaker…

Rhino:These two are supposed to meet inside a Steel Cage…

Mark:Dont look like they will now…

Rhino:Shane McMahon is walking by the scene…

Mark:We know the history between Show and Shane…

Rhino:Shane is telling him to cover the Undertaker…

Mark:Shane Counts the 1…………..2……………3……….. I guess Big Show gets the win another impromptu match up…


Mark:Well lets hope this May-Hem… Doesnt Continue as we now have our Gauntlet Match…

Gauntlet Match
5 vs 1
Degeneration X vs Whiplash

(“Break it Down” hits as Triple H makes his way out…)

Mark:The Game is out as he is in the ring for the first time tonight… But he has to save some energy for Lone Jobber…

(Whiplash’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Mark:The Game isnt waiting for the bell… He goes right after Whiplash…(Bell Sounds) The Game whips him in to the ropes… Running knee by Triple H… Whiplash is on his back and the game begins to dive in with right hands to the head of whiplash…

Rhino:The game is focused… He does not want this match to last long…

Mark:The Game whips him back in to the ropes… Connects with a Powerslam… The game whips him in to the corner… Triple H begins to pound away at Whiplash… The Game whips him in to the other corner…

Rhino:The Game is about ready to end it now…

Mark:The game has him hooked for the pedigree…

Rhino:Look at the entrance way… ITS LONE JOBBER…

Mark:Jobber is distracting Triple H…

Rhino:The Game has forgot about this match and is going after Jobber…

Mark:The ref is up to eight… NINE…. TEN… The Game has been counted out…

(“Break it Down”hits as Justin Credible enters…)

Rhino:Justin Credible is the next opponent for Whiplash…

Mark:Justin looks like he is going to pick up where Triple H left off… Justin picks him up… Nice Shoulder Breaker by Justin Credible… Who begins to put the boots to Whiplash… Justin has Whiplash up… Hanging Suplex… No he drops him in to a brain buster…

Rhino:Nice move by Justin Credible… Letting the blood stay in his head and then just drop him to the canvas with a brain buster…

Mark:Justin setting him up for Thats Incredible… Whiplash hooks the head of Justin… A rolling pin by Whiplash 1…………………..2……………3…….

Rhino:Whiplash just got by so far 2 members of Degeneration X…

(“Break it down” hits as Rob Van Dam makes his way out to the ring…)

Mark:RVD gets in the ring and whips Whiplash in to the ropes… Flap Jack by RVD… RVD picks up the weak Whiplash… Dropkick and down goes Whiplash…

Rhino:Whiplash has beat two men thus far… But he is hurt and hurt badly… I dont think he can make it much longer…

Mark:RVD whips him back in to the ropes… RVD goes off the other side… Spinheel kick and down goes whiplash again…

Rhino:Justin Credible is still at ringside if I may add…

Mark:RVD slams Whiplash down in the middle of the ring…

Rhino:Looks like he is going to go for the five star frog splash…

Mark:He connects… But hes not done…

Rhino:He is telling Justin Credible something…

Mark:Whiplash is being dragged in to the corner…

Rhino:Could it be time for the Van Terminator…

Mark:Justin is holding the chair across the face… VAN TERMINATOR by RVD… He pulls him in… And he covers him…

Rhino:The ref has DQed RVD for using the steel chair…

Mark:How do you like that… He has been DQed… And now there are only two more men whiplash has to go through…

Rhino:May I reminder you… If he can…

(“Break it down” hits as Shawn Michaels makes his way out…)

Rhino:This should be easy for Shawn… All he has to do is pin him…

Mark:Michaels picks him up…

Rhino:Look how dazed Whiplash is…

Mark:Michaels goes to the top rope… Double Axe Handle by Michaels… Michaels picks him up and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:Michaels is heading back to the top rope…

Mark:Michaels hits an Elbow drop on Whiplash…

Rhino:All he has left is some sweet chin music…

Mark:Michaels is warming up the band…

Rhino:Whiplash is not moving…

Mark:Michaels is tired of waiting it looks like… Michaels is kicking him telling him to get up…

Rhino:Whiplash is out… Hes not going to get up…

Mark:Michaels has a chair… He begins hitting Whiplash with the chair telling him to get up…

Rhino:Michaels has also been DQed…

Mark:Michaels picks whiplash up… Super Kick by Michaels… Michaels is heading to the back…

(“Break it Down” hits as Stone Cold makes his way out…)

Rhino:Stone Cold is out… To pick up the pieces of the fallen whiplash…

Mark:Stone Cold picks up whiplash… Goes of the ropes… Lou Thez Press with rights by Austin… Austin picks him back up… Low Blow by Whiplash…

Rhino:The ref didnt see it…

Mark:Whiplash trying to pull himself up… He runs at Austin… Austin with a kick… Stunner…

Rhino:Austin isnt pinning him… Hes trash talking him…

Mark:He should pin him to get this over with… Austin picks him back up… SMALL PACKAGE…1……………2…………………….3………… Whiplash Wins…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner WHIPLASH…

Rhino:Austin is pissed… DX has lost the gauntlet match…

Mark:The officials are holding back Austin… And the others are helping Whiplash to the back… Lets get back to the ring for some more action

Tag Team Hell
Vicious End vs Destroyer and Destruction

Mark:Destroyer and Destruction have made there way to the ring…

Rhino:I feel sorry for these two… They have to deal with the Vicious End…

(The Princess’s theme hits as The Princess makes her way toward the ring…)

Princess:Ladies and Gentlemen… Will you please rise and join me in a loyalty prayer…I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE, TO LORD HUMONGOUS, AND THE PRINCESS WHO STANDS BY HIS SIDE AND TO DESTRUCTION FOR WHICH HE STANDS

(Lord’s theme hits as he walks to the ring… Omega’s theme then hits as he enters…)

Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well we are underway…

Rhino:I only have a couple of things to say… Good night Destroyer and Dominator…

Mark:All four men are allowed in at the same time… All four men are at least 7 foot tall…

Rhino:Big men are battling tonight…

Mark:Lord with a kick to running Destroyer… Destroyer is stop in his tracks… He lifts him up… Chokeslam by Lord Humongous… Omega kicks Dominator… He lifts him up… Baldo bomb by Omega…

Rhino:One move each and Destroyer and Dominator are out…

Mark:Lord Humongous picks up destroyer… POWERBOMB…

Rhino:Lights out for Destroyer…

Mark:Omega picks up Dominator… SCREWDRIVER…

Rhino:Light out now for Dominator…

Mark:They both go for the pin… 1…………….2………….3…….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winners VICIOUS END…

Rhino:No question about it… Vicious End Destroyed… Destroyer… And Dominated… Dominator…

Mark:John Sanders is once again standing by with Shane McMahon…

John:Shane you have been a busy man tonight… Now what do you have to say…

Shane:As commissioner their is no time for rest… And I have to say… Vicious End destroyed their opponents… And They are a force to be dealt with here in the EWA… But two things… One… Tonight we had a match scheduled between… Gravedigger and Michael Myers… As much as everyone wanted to see that match… It has been canceled… Im not going in to any details… On that… But that match was scheduled to be for the TV Title number one contendership… But since… That match is not happening… I have decided… That since Whiplash… Was able to win his gauntlet match… He will now face Stone Cold Steve Austin for the Television Title at Carnage…

John:You heard it from Shane McMahon… Now lets get back to the ring for more action…

Blake Bennit vs The Rock

(Blake’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring… The Rock’s theme hits as he makes his way out…)

Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well we got a good match up here…

Rhino:We finally have two guys that will probably actually wrestle…

Mark:The Rock starts out by delivering a couple of fists to Blake… Blake blocks a third connects with one of his own… Blake goes behind the rock with a hammerlock… The Rock counters… Blake reverses it in to a side headlock… The Rock pushes him off in to the ropes… Goes for a shoulder block… But The Rock does not move… He goes off the rope again and still the rock does not move…

Rhino:The Rock is as hard as a rock tonight…

Mark:Blake goes off again… Slides through the rock’s legs… Blake pulls the rock’s legs out from underneath him… Blake now hooks a headlock… The Rock bring him back up to his feet…

Rhino:Blake is gonna be dropped by The Rock…

Mark:The Rock goes for the Samoan Drop… No… Cradle by Blake… 1…………..2….. And the Rock kicks out… The Rock to his feet… Goes for a clothesline… Ducked by Blake… Kick to the gut by Blake… Swinging Neckbreaker by Blake… Blake hooks him with a chin lock… The Rock trying to get back to his feet and get out of the chin lock… Blake puts it in to a headlock… The Rock with a belly to back suplex…

Rhino:Both men are down… But you got to love the wrestling in this match… Blake is showing a lot of wrestling ability tonight…

Mark:The Rock and Blake back to their feet… Blake goes in for a right hand… Blocked by the Rock… Blocked again…The Rock now delivers a couple of right hands… The Rock knocks him down… The Rock goes to Blake… Drop toe hold nicely done by Blake…

Rhino:Could it be?

Mark:Surfboard by Blake on to the rock…

Rhino:The Rock is screaming in pain…

Mark:The Rock’s foot is on the ropes and he has to break the hold… Blake is waiting for him to get up…

Rhino:He is setting him up for the Sexy Boy Kick…

Mark:He goes for it… The Rock ducks… But Blake nailed the Referee…

Rhino:The Ref is down and now the rock takes control…

Mark:The Rock whips Blake in to the ropes… Spinebuster by the rock…

Rhino:Its time for the most electrifying move in sports entertainment today…

Mark:The Rock off the rope… Off the other…

Rhino:Some one is in the ring…

Mark:Superkick to the rock… Some big guy in a mask just Superkicked the Rock…

Rhino:The Big Guy is leaving…

Mark:Who in the hell was that…

Rhino:The Big Guy is taking off his mask… ITS RIKISHI…

Mark:Rikishi has interfered in this match up… Blake is back to his feet…

Rhino:So is the ref… And So is the Rock…

Mark:Blake nails the Sexy Boy Kick… Cover 1……………2…………….3…………

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BLAKE BENNIT…

Rhino:Rikishi cost the Rock the match tonight…

Mark:Well the cell is lowering so I guess its main event time…

Hell in a Cell Ladder Match
Title vs Title
World Title vs FTW Title
Lone Jobber(c) vs Triple H(c)

(“The Game”hits as Triple H enters the Cell… Jobber’s theme hits as he enters the Hell in a cell…)

Mark:(Bell Sounds)Here we go… Both men stare up at their belts that are hanging above the ring…

Rhino:One man will have two belts tonight… But who will it be…

Mark:Both men are now staring at one another… Here they go… Trading fists back and forth… The game takes the advantage… The Game knocks him down with a right… Jobber back up… Kick by Triple H… DDT on Jobber… The Game picks him up and applies a side headlock to Jobber…

Rhino:The game keeping the pace slow… As a faster pace would be in favor of Lone Jobber…

Mark:The Game releases the headlock… And whips him in to the ropes… Running Knee that sends Jobber to the outside… The Game goes out after Jobber… The Game whips Jobber in to the cage… Reversed by Jobber…. The Game bounces off the cage… DDT by Jobber on to the ground…

Rhino:Jobber picks Triple H up by the nose…

Mark:Jobber is pushing Triple H’s face in to the cage…Jobber whips him again in to the cage… Jobber is looking around underneath the ring for something… The Game stagers over to Jobber… PS2 shot by Jobber…

Rhino:Jobber knocks the head off of Triple H with a Playstation Two…

Mark:Isnt that yours…

Rhino:Hey that is mine… You can see my name on it right there… Im gonna kill that Jobber…

Mark:Jobber rolls the game back in to the ring… Jobber throws a chair in to the ring… The game grabs the chair before jobber gets in to the ring… The Game nails jobber with the chair right across the back… Chair shot to the leg of jobber…The game is going for a leg lock on that same leg…

Rhino:Listen to Jobber scream in pain…

Mark:The game picks Jobber up… Knee buster by Triple H… The Game has control now…

Rhino:The game looks like he wants to get the ladder…

Mark:The game to the outside and he brings the ladder in to the ring… Jobber to his feet with a steel chair… Jobber nails the ladder that nails triple h… Jobber now has the ladder and Triple H is back to his feet… A Running Ladderline by Jobber…

Rhino:A Ladder Line… What the hell is that…

Mark:Anyhow Jobber sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and is beginning to climb up… The game stops him by hitting a low blow…

Rhino:Triple H need to stop him there or he would have lost his FTW Title…

Mark:The Game whips him in to the corner… Jobber comes out… Kick to the gut… PEDIGREE…

Rhino:He hit his move and all he has to do is climb the ladder…

Mark:The Game sets the ladder up in the middle… He begins to climb…

Rhino:Listen to the music…

Mark:Look who is coming down to the ring…

Rhino:Lord Humongous is making good on his promise…

Mark:It has stop Triple H from climbing the ladder…

Rhino:Lord Humongous is at the Door of the cell…

Mark:MACKDOWN IS OUT… They have stop lord Humongous from entering the cell…

Rhino:Lord Humongous is fending of Mackdown…

Mark:They are fighting to the back… Vicious End and Mackdown are going to meet at Carnage but it looks like they wanted to get a jump start…

Rhino:I dont think that was a wise move…

Mark:Triple H and Jobber are both climbing the ladder…

Rhino:They are trading blows back and forth…

Mark:Jobber knocks the game down a step…

Rhino:Jobber is reaching for his belt…

Mark:Triple H is reaching for his belt as well…

Rhino:Jobber is holding on to his belt…

Mark:And so is triple H…

Rhino:The ladder has fallen and both men are hanging from their belts…

Mark:Both men are trying to fight off one another…

Rhino:Who is gonna walk out champion…

Mark:Jobber falls with his belt… The Game falls with his…

Rhino:Who has won the match…

Mark:Both men have retrieved their belts but not the other belt…

Rhino:Who won the match is what I would like to know…

Mark:The Bell has sounded to end the match up…

Pa Announcer:The Match up between Triple H and Lone Jobber is over…

Rhino:Yeah we know that but who won???

Pa Announcer:The Referee has ruled that since both men have retrieved their own belt… That this match has been declared a DRAW… Both men have retain their titles…

Rhino:A Draw?

Mark:The ref’s decision is final…

Rhino:This match did not settle anything…

Mark:Well we are out of time… We will see you again at TUESDAY NIGHT CARNAGE…

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