Thursday Night Terror 03-16-01
Mark:Well Well Well… Thursday Night Terror has hit the air… I am Mark alongside Toys B. Purg’s best customer… Rhino…
Rhino:Hey I cant help it… I love everything he sells…
Mark:Any way… Tonight begins the first round of the tournament to crown to the NEW EWA Tag Team Champions…
Rhino:Finally those belts are back here in the eWa…
Mark:Also here tonight we have THREE HUGE TITLE MATCHES… Our main event will feature the NEW Champion Rob Van Dam defending his World Title against Lone Jobber, Omega and The Real Deal J. Mack… Also we have Triple H defending the FTW Title against The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin… And also we have Shawn Michaels defending his TV Title against Blake Bennit…
Rhino:Shawn is going to have his hands full tonight…
Mark:Lets get to the Squared Circle to begin tonight’s festivities…
No Holds Barred
The Z vs Whiplash
(The Z’s Music hits as he enters the ring… Whiplash’s theme hits as he enters)
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Here we go…
Rhino:Two newcomers to the EWA trying to make an impact…
Mark:The Z whips Whiplash into the ropes… and connects with a flying back elbow… Whiplash gets sent in to the corner… And the Z runs in after… Whiplash ducks out of the way and connects with a nice dropkick to The Z… The Z gets sent in to the ropes… And powerslam by whiplash… Whiplash climbs the ropes… Moonsault missed by Whiplash… The Z now putting the boots to Whiplash…
Rhino:These two men are testing out the waters on each other as this has been a very tight match…
Mark:The Z goes for a clothesline… Whiplash ducks… DDT by Whiplash… Goes for the cover 1…………….2………………..Kickout by the Z… Whiplash slams him down… Whiplash connects with a springboard leg drop… Cover 1…………..2……….Kickout again by the Z… Whiplash is going back to the top rope… The Z shakes the rope…
Rhino:That must have hurt…
Mark:Superplex by the Z… Both men are down… The ref is up to 7… Both men back up… The Z’s right gets blocked… Whiplash clotheslines him down…
Rhino:He is going back to the top rope…
Mark:He hits the Moonsault… 1…………….2………………..3…….. Whiplash wins…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner WHIPLASH…
Rhino:These men could have a bright future here in the EWA…
Mark:Its time for the Tournament to get under way…
EWA Tag Team Title Tournament
First Round Match
Raven and Diamond Dallas Page vs Demon Child and Crazed Maniac
(Graveyard Hits as Demon Child and Crazed Maniac walk to the ring… DDP’s Music hits as Raven and DDP make their way to the ring…)
Mark:(Bell Sounds)The Tournament has begun and we are on our way to crown Tag Team Champions… DDP and DC start things out… DDP whips DC in to the ropes… And a back body drop… DC back up but gets clothesline down to the ground… DDP with a hiptoss… And a powerslam…
Rhino:DDP is out wrestling the Demon Child…
Mark:Demon Child gets whipped back in the rope… Crazed Maniac makes the blind sided tag… Powerslam by DDP… CM in the ring and DDT’s DDP… Goes for the cover 1……..2……..Kickout… Another DDT by CM… Leg drop connects… Goes for another cover 1………2…………Kickout again…
Rhino:CM is heading to the top rope…
Mark:DDP pulls the rope… DIAMOND CUTTER BY DDP on CM… Both men are down…
Rhino:DDP can not make the cover…
Mark:DDP reaches over 1………………………..2……………..Demon Child breaks it up… DDP trying to make the tag to Raven…
Rhino:He makes the tag…
Mark:Raven is clearing house… Raven kicks Crazed Maniac… EVENFLOW DDT…
Rhino:Crazed Maniac is out…
Mark:Demon Child in… DEMON DROP on Raven… DC pulls CM on Raven… 1………………………..2…………………………..3………
Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Demon Child and Crazed Maniac…
Rhino:How in the world does Demon Child keep winning…
Mark:He has gone from EWA joke.. To EWA Lucky Man… Lets get back to the ring for another Tournament Match…
EWA Tag Team Title Tournament
First Round Match
Kevin Nash and Razor Ramon vs Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr.
(DX Theme hits as Kevin Nash and Razor Ramon make their way out… Kidmans Theme hits as they walk out…)
Mark(Bell Sounds)Ramon and Kidman start things out… Ramon delivers a couple of right hands that knocks kidman down… Ramon whips Kidman in to the ropes… Reversal by Kidman… And Kidman hits a dropkick…Ramon gets back up… And gets caught with another dropkick… And a third that takes him to the outside…
Rhino:Nash is in…
Mark:Kidman catches him with a dropkick…
Rhino:He is still up…
Mark:Another Dropkick by Kidman…
Rhino:Nash is dazed… Rey Mysterio is in…
Mark:Double Dropkick by Rey Mysterio and Kidman… And nash falls over the rope…
Rhino:Ramon is back in…
Mark:Ramon with a double clothesline that takes them both down… Ramon picks up kidman and connects with a fallaway slam… Ramon now with boots to the gut of Kidman… Ramon whips him in to his corner…
Rhino:Ramon tags Nash in…
Mark:Nash begins to drive the knees to Kidman…
Rhino:Nash is taking the air out of kidman…
Mark:Nash whips him into the rope… Big Boot by Kevin Nash…
Rhino:Kidman is out…
Mark:Kidman gets picked up by nash in a press position…
Rhino:Rey Mysterio is in…
Mark:Rey connects with a couple of dropkicks to the knees of nash… Nash is down to his knees… DDT by Kidman to nash… Goes for the cover 1…………..2……… Kickout by Nash…
Rhino:Nash tags out… And so does Kidman…
Mark:Rey with a kick to Ramon… Face buster on Ramon… Rey whips him in to the corner…
Rhino:Bronco Buster time…
Mark:Bronco Buster… Rey is on the top rope…
Rhino:Nash shakes the rope…
Mark:Ramon going for the Superplex… Kidman dropkicks Ramon…
Rhino:Kidman knocks nash off…
Mark:Hurrancarana by Mysterio on Ramon 1………………2………………3……….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr…
Rhino:The Cruiserweights have beaten the giants…
Mark:Its time for our First Title Match…
EWA Television Title Triple Threat Match
Shawn Michaels(c) vs Blake Bennit vs Chris Jericho
(“Boy Toy” hits as Shawn Michaels makes his way out… Blake Bennit’s theme hits as he walks to the ring…)
Mark:They are not waiting for Y2J to come on down to the ring… Michaels connects with a couple of right hands… Bennit blocks and nails a couple of his own… Whips michaels into the ropes… Tiltawhirl backbreaker…
Rhino:Blake is taking apart HBK…
Mark:Blake whips HBK in to the ropes… Blake ducks his head and michaels hits a piledriver… Michaels now puts the boots to Blake… Michaels whips him hard in to the corner… DDT by Michaels… Michaels goes to the top rope and hits a double ax handle…
Rhino:Where is Y2J…
Mark:Michael slams Blake back down to the ground…
Rhino:He is heading to the top rope…
Mark:He hits the elbow drop…
Rhino:He is tuning up the band…
(Y2J’s Music hits as he runs to the ring…)
Rhino:Finally the match is now fair…
Mark:Michaels misses the Superkick… And gets caught by a Y2J dropkick… Jericho whips him in to the corner…
Rhino:He hit the corner hard…
Mark:Michaels is in pain now… Jericho with a couple of chops to the chest of michaels…
Rhino:The Double teaming has begun as Blake and Jericho put the boots to michaels in the corner…
Mark:Jericho whips Michaels in to the ropes… Blake nails a dropkick… Double Vertical suplex and michaels is down…
Rhino:Michaels is being taking out… And he deserves it…
Mark:Jericho hooks him up… Powerbomb… Here comes the second… Double Team Double Powerbomb… Jericho goes for the cover 1………………2…………………Michaels kicks out… Jericho whips him back in to the rope… Punch to the gut by Blake… Spinkick by Jericho…
Rhino:The Outkasts are taking apart HBK… And I love it…
Mark:Jericho is holding up michaels…
Rhino:I believe he is going for the sexy boy kick…
Mark:I believe he is too… MICHAELS DUCKS… Blake hit Jericho with the sexy boy kick and Jericho falls to the outside…
Rhino:Blake can not believe it…
Mark:Blake turns around… Superkick… Cover 1………………….2…………………..3…….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and Still Television Champion Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:The Outkasts make a mistake and HBK picked it up and took advantage…
Mark:Well we have more Tag Team title Tournament action to come…So lets head on back down to the ring…
EWA Tag Team Title Tournament
First Round Match
Lance Storm and Shane Douglas vs Shadow and Kane
(Oh Canada plays as Lance Storm walks out with Shane Douglas… Kanes Theme hits as he walks to the ring with Shadow…)
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Its Big Men vs Technical Wrestlers…
Rhino:This one should not be pretty…
Mark:Storm starts out with Kane… Storm connects with a couple of rights… followed by a Dropkick to the knee of kane… Storm off the ropes… Slides under the leg of Kane… And a choplock from behind… Storm connects with a dropkick to the back of kanes head…
Rhino:Storm tags in Douglas…
Mark:Douglas now is applying a camel clutch to Kane… Douglas begins to jump on the back of Kane… Douglas with a rollover on Kane… 1………………………..2………. Kickout by Kane… Douglas makes a tag to Storm… Who delivers a DDT to Kane…
Rhino:Kane is back up…
Mark:The DDT had no effect… Kane has Storm and slams him down hard… Kane tags Shadow in… Shadow picks up storm… Gutbuster…
Rhino:That took all of Storms wind out…
Mark:Shadow whips storm into the ropes… Rolling flip pin by Storm…
Rhino:Storm doesnt go for the pin…
Mark:Maple Leaf…
Rhino:He has it locked in…
Mark:Douglas goes after Kane… Storm now picks shadow up… Small Package… 1………………….2…………………………3…………. Its Over…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Lance Storm and Shane Douglas…
Rhino:Right now its Demon Child and Crazed Maniac vs Rey Mysterio Jr and Kidman… So it now will be Lance Storm and Shane Douglas vs the winners of the next match…
EWA Tag Team Title Tournament
First Round
Justin Credible and Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lawler and Big Show
(“Royalty” hits as Jerry Lawler and Big Show walk out… “Walk” hits as Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible make their way out…)
Rhino:You have to give Rob Van Dam some applause as he will be wrestling Twice tonight… Once here in this match… Then in the Main Event…
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well here we go… Justin Credible and The King start first… King has a side headlock… JC pushes him in to the ropes… Leap frog by JC… King holds on to the ropes when JC goes for a dropkick… The King connects with a couple of right hands… Clothesline by the King and down goes credible… The King tags the big show… Big Show with a headbutt to Justin Credible…
Rhino:The Big Show is a Huge man…
Mark:We know that… Justin gets whipped in to the ropes by Big Show… And a huge Back Body Drop… Big Show with a Press Slam…
Rhino:RVD comes in…
Mark:Dropkick by RVD… Cover by JC… 1…………………….2………….Big Show pushes him off… Justin runs at the big show… Gets caught… And Big show slams him down to the ground… Big Show… Delivers the Final Cut to Justin Credible…
Rhino:Lawler wants the Tag… But Justin NEEDS to make a tag…
Mark:Lawler is in…
Rhino:He is calling for the piledriver…
Mark:Justin blocks in… Slingshot… and Lawler is down… Justin makes the tag to RVD… RVD hits a dropkick to The King… Dropkick to Big Show… And he falls off the apron… Van Dam whips him in to the ropes… Rolling Clothesline… Followed by a Springboard Moonsault…
Rhino:RVD has this match in control…
Mark:Justin whips Big Show in to the guard rail… Justin back in the ring… THATS INCREDIBLE on The King… FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH BY VAN DAM… Cover 1………..2……………….3……….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible…
Mark:Great Match… The Brackets are set for the second Round…
Rhino:Its Demon Child and Crazed Maniac vs Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr… Also Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible battle Lance Storm and Shane Douglas…
Mark:We are one step closer to crowning the NEW Tag Team Champions… Tonight Thursday Night Terror is brought to you by the Official EWA Website… Rosters, Standings, Results, Superstar outlooks and more on the Official EWA Website… Check it out today…
Rhino:Lets go back to the ring…
FTW Title Triple Threat Match
Triple H(c) vs The Rock vs Steve Austin
(The Rocks Theme hits as The Rock enters… Austin Theme hits as Steve Austin enters the ring…)
Rhino:Austin and Rock are staring each other down…
Mark:Look at the fire in their eyes…
(“Its All About The Game” hits as Triple H makes his way towards the ring…)
Mark:There is going to be an explosion at any moment…
Rhino:No one is taking an eye of the other…
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Here they go… Austin and Rock double teaming HHH… Nailing Triple H with right hands… Austin delivers a couple… The Rock now nails the game… Austin whips the game in to the ropes… Spinebuster by the Rock…
Rhino:The game has rolled to the outside…
Mark:Austin and Rock now trading blows back and forth… Austin whips the rock into the ropes… Lou Thez Press… With right hands… Austin goes for the elbow… The game trips him up… The Game back in to the ring… The Game whips austin in to the ropes… And connects with a high knee… The game now putting the boots to the rattlesnake… The Rock back up… turns the game around… The Rock nails HHH with right hands… He knocks the game down… HHH runs at the rock… Samoan Drop…
Rhino:Rock goes for the cover…
Mark:Cover 1…………..2……….. Austin breaks it up… The Rock and Austin again trading blows back and forth… The rock with aboot… DDT by the Rock… The Game back up and nails the Rock down with a clothesline… The game whips the rock in to the corner… The rock comes out… Goes to nail the game with a clothesline… The game ducks… Neckbreaker… Austin now goes after HHH… HHH gets back up in to the ropes… Clothesline over the top rope…
Rhino:Austin and The game on the outside…
Mark:The game gets whipped in to the guardrail… Austin nails him with a clothesline… Austin rolls back into the ring… Austin gets caught by right hands by The Rock… Jumping Swinging DDT by The Rock… Goes for the Cover 1…………..2………. HHH breaks it Up… HHH throws Austin to the outside…
Mark:The Rock has hit the Rock Bottom… Goes for the cover… 1…………………2………….. The Games foot is on the rope… Austin back up on the apron… HHH pushes the rock into austin… Rock turns around… PEDIGREE… Goes for the cover 1…………….2……………Austin breaks it up…
Rhino:Here goes Austin and The Game…
Mark:Trading blows back and forth… Austin with a kick… Goes for the stunner… HHH pushes him off… Austin nails the rock… Rock catches him… ROCK BOTTOM ON AUSTIN… HHH delivers a Running Knee to the rock and he goes to the outside… HHH goes for the cover 1……………2………………3……..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and Still FTW Champion TRIPLE H…
Rhino:Rock did the damage, Triple H gets the win…
Mark:Now we have the main event to get through… The Commissioner has something to say…
Chyna:Tonight the main event will now be NO HOLDS BARRED… ANYTHING GOES…
Rhino:No Holds Barred… These four men are going to tare each other apart… I feel sorry for Rob Van Dam…
Mark:Lets head back to the ring…
EWA World Title Fatal Four Way No Holds Barred Match
Rob Van Dam(c) vs Omega vs Lone Jobber vs Real Deal J. Mack
(Omegas Theme hits as the Big Man enters the arena… Jobber’s Theme hits as He enters… Real Deal’s Music hits as he walks to the ring…)
Rhino:The challengers are in the ring… We are waiting of the EWA World Champion Rob Van Dam…
Mark:All three men have very serious looks on their faces…
(“Walk” hits over the PA System as Rob Van Dam makes his way out…)
Mark:(Bell Sounds)The bell has sounded as the stare down has begun in the ring…
Rhino:Three men want the gold… One man wants to keep it…
Mark:Here they go… Van Dam and Jobber… And Real Deal and omega… They are all trading blows back and forth… Omega picks up Real Deal and he throws him over the top rope… Omega grabs Jobber and he throws him over the top rope…
Rhino:Van Dam and Omega are face to face…
Mark:Van Dam goes with a couple of right hands… No effect on Omega… Omega grabs van dam by the throat… Going for the Two Handed Choke Bomb… Real Deal breaks it up… Real Deal throws a couple of right hands… to the big man… Jobber and Real deal now working on omega… The whip him in to the ropes… Go for a double clothesline… Omega ducks and nails them with one… Van Dam springs off the rope… Moonsault caught by Omega and he hits a running powerslam…
Rhino:Can anyone take down Omega…
Mark:Jobber low blows Omega… Real Deal has a chair and he wacks Omega a cross the skull…
Rhino:He is still on his feet…
Mark:Real Deal holds the chair up in front of omegas face… VAN DAMINATOR…
Rhino:Omega is down…
Mark:Jobber grabs the chair and nails both Real Deal and RVD with the chair… Goes for the cover on Real Deal… 1…………………..2……….. Kickout… Van Dam up and he delivers a spin kick to Jobber… Omega back up on his feet… But Van Dam nails him with drop kick to the knees… Real Deal and Van Dam are both working on the legs of Omega…
Rhino:They both have a leg lock on Omega…
Mark:Omega gets to the ropes…
Rhino:Van Dam and Real Deal aint letting go…
Mark:They break it up and begin to work again on the knees… Jobber pulls Van Dam off and delivers a nice clothesline to Van Dam… Jobber rolls up Van Dam… Cover 1……….2……………………Kick Out by Van Dam… Omega pushes Real Deal Off… Omega back up but Jobber clips him in the back of the leg…
Rhino:Smart move by these three… Taking out the big mans legs…
Mark:Van Dam gets whipped into the ropes by the Real Deal… Ducks the clothesline… Real Deal ducks one… Double Clothesline… Jobber covers Real Deal… 1………………..2……………. Omega breaks it up… Omega has Lone Jobber… Chokeslam… Goes for the cover 1………………….2………………. Real Deal breaks it up… Real Deal delivers a DDT to Omega… Cover 1…………………..2…….. Real Deal gets sent over the rope by omega… Omega back up and has Jobber… SCREWDRIVER…
Rhino:Thats it…
Mark:Van Dam of the top rope… FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH… Cover 1……………2………………..Omega stops it… Omega and Van Dam are going at it… Van Dam throws a chair at Omega… Omega Catches it… Van Dam goes for the van daminator… Omega puts his hand through the chair and grabs Van Dams leg…
Rhino:What the hell… How did he do that…
Mark:Omega has Van Dam… Dragon Screw Leg Whip…
Rhino:Van Dam is hurt…
Mark:Omega picks up Van Dam… SCREWDRIVER…
Rhino:Now thats it…
Mark:Cover 1……………………2………….. Jobber breaks it up… Jobber and Real Deal double teaming Omega… Omega grabs them both by the neck… Double Chokeslam by omega…
Rhino:What a Move…
Mark:He covers them both….. 1……………………2……………. Van Dam with a drop kick… Omega picks Van Dam up… Body Press Drop to the outside…
Rhino:Van Dam is out on the outside…
Mark:Omega Picks throws Real Deal to the outside on to Van Dam… Picks Jobber up… SCREWDRIVER ON JOBBER… 1……………………………2…………………………….3…….
Rhino:We have a NEW World Champion…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW EWA WORLD CHAMPION OMEGA…
Rhino:Oh my god… The monster has walked out World Champion…
Mark:Will anyone be able to take the belt away from this be man… Time will Tell…