Tuesday Night Carnage 02-06-01

Mark:Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome again to Tuesday Night Carnage… I am Mark along side the Man known as Rhino…

Rhino:We haven’t been able to bring everyone a carnage for a while… But now we are back… And everytime we have Tuesday Night Carnage… Something be always happens…

Mark:Well here tonight we will see Stone Cold Steve Austin battle The Bad Guy from DX in the name of Razor Ramon… Also tonight We have Canada vs USA… As Lance Storm defends his Television Championship against Kurt Angle… Also The Game battles the Lone Jobber for the FTW title…

Rhino:Dont forget we have a Huge battle of egos so to speak…

Mark:Thats right… Shawn Michaels teams with Kevin Nash to take on Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible… Plus a lot more…So lets get to the ring to begin tonight’s action on TUESDAY NIGHT CARNAGE…
X-Pac vs Undertaker

(DX theme hits as X-Pac makes his way out)

(“Rollin” hits as Undertaker Walks to the ring)

Mark:(Bell sounds)Here we go… Pac tries for a right hand… No effect on the undertaker…Pac runs off the ropes and goes for a clothesline… No effect on Taker… Pac tries again and he is caught… Taker has him up… Chokeslam on X-pac

Rhino:Punish him Undertaker…

Mark:Pac trying to crawl to the corner… Taker runs into Pac with a clothesline…

(Undertaker:OLD SCHOOL)

Mark:Undertaker connects with the move from the rope… Pac whip into the rope… Big boot by the Undertaker…

Rhino:He is calling for the Last Ride…

Mark:Taker has him up… X-Pac gets out… X-FACTOR on the Deadman… Cover 1……2…………….KICK OUT…

Rhino:There is Road Doggy Dogg…

Mark:Taker is back up… Chokeslam on X-Pac… Taker is trash talking with Dogg… X-Pac rolls the deadman up… 1………..2……………3……. X-Pac wins…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner X-Pac…

Mark:X-Pac is back on the winning track here in the EWA… Its USA vs Canada for the TV Title…

EWA Television Title Match
Lance Storm(c) vs Kurt Angle

(Storm’s Music hits as he enters the arena)
Storm:If I may be serious for a moment…Tonight Kurt Angle…
(Angle’s Theme interrupts storm as Angle enters the ring)

Rhino:(Bell Sounds)Storm is pissed for Angle interrupting him…

Mark:Storm charges Angle… Angle ducks… Angle with a right hand… And another… Whips him in to the ropes… Clothesline by Angle… Angle stomping Storm down… Storm in the corner… Angle delivers a right hand…Angle with a body slam… Angle goes to the top rope…

Rhino:He is going for the move that Broke Hardcore Hollys arm…

Mark:Angle misses the moonsault… Angle up but Storm dropkicks him down to the ground… Angle whip in… Powerslam with a cover 1…..2……. Kick out by Angle… Storm clips the knee of angle…Figure four by Storm…Kurt Angle is in pain…


Mark:Angle gets to the rope… Storm is dragging angle to the turnbuckle… He is smashing angle’s leg in to the post…

Rhino:Storm has got a chair…

Mark:Storm misses with the chair, but angle is still hurt… Angle back up… Angle runs at Storm… SUPERKICK by Storm…

Rhino:Storm says thats it…

Mark:Goes for the cover 1………2……………..KICK OUT BY ANGLE… Storm whips him in to the ropes… Angle ducks the clothesline… OLYMPIC SLAM… No Storm gets out… Clip to the knee… He is hooking on the Maple Leaf… ITS OVER STORM TAPS…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL EWA Television Champion Lance Storm…

Mark:Well the EWA roster is about to lose a person after this match as the Loser leaves EWA in this match…

Loser Leaves EWA Match
Road Dogg vs Matt Hardy

(“Oh you Didn’t Know” hits as Road Dogg makes his way to the ring… Hardy’s Theme hits as Matt Hardy heads to the ring…)

Mark:We are underway…Matt starts off by Running off the ropes and connecting with a flying clothesline… Dogg back up and Matt catches him with a right hand… And another… He sends the Dogg…in to ropes… Goes for a spin kick… Dogg ducks the spin kick… Matt back up and gets caught with a left hand… And another… And another…

Rhino:I hate to say this but the D-O-Double G is juking and jiving…

Mark:He connects with the right… Matt down and Road Dogg delivers a little shake rattle and roll… Dogg puts Matt on the middle rope… Dogg of the rope and jumps on the back of Matt…

Rhino:Road Dogg is in control…

Mark:Dogg going for the pumphandle slam… Matt gets out… Kick to the gut… TWIST OF FATE By Matt Hardy… Goes for the cover 1…….2………3….. Matt Hardy has won the match…

Rhino:Road Doggs foot is on the rope… But the ref didn’t see it… To Bad… Dx is now one member short…

(Chyna’s theme hits as she walks to the ring…)

Mark:What in the world is Chyna doing out here… Chyna is telling the official something…

Chyna:Ref, take a look at this footage…

(Replay of the ending is shown as the ref sees the foot on the rope…)

Pa Announcer:The Referee has decided that since Road Dogg’s foot was on the rope that this Match MUST CONTINUE…

Mark:Dogg rolls up Matt… 1……..2…………3…….. Road Dogg wins…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner Road Dogg Jesse James…

Rhino:Matt Hardy has to leave the EWA…

Dogg:He Matt before you leave… I HAVE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA… SUCK IT…

Mark:One match down and many more to come…So lets go back to the ring for more action…

Extreme Brawl Match
Mystery Man vs Demon Child

Rhino:Who in the hell is this mystery man…

Mark:I dont know but we will find out any minute…

(Graveyard theme hits as Demon Child walks to the ring…)

Rhino:Well where is the mystery man…

(“Bottle of Rage” hits over the Pa System)

Mark:Thats Sid’s Music… Is he here…


Mark:Sid is out on Crutches…

Rhino:Even with a mest up leg he can kick Demon Childs ass…

Mark:Look at Demon Childs face… He is spooked…

Sid:(Crowd:Welcome Back,Welcome Back, Welcome Back)Demon CHILD… I would love to KICK YOUR ASS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW… But if it wasn’t for this Injury… I would be in there doing it… But Since I cant… But I do know someone who can…

(The mystery guy walks out…)

Mark:ITS OMEGA… The Man who destroy everyone back when he was here at the beginning of the EWA…

Rhino:I haven’t seen him for a Long Long Time…

Mark:He is walking to the ring…

Rhino:This Seven foot, Three Hundred 50 Pound man is about ready to kick some ass…

Mark:DC runs at Omega… Big Boot by Omega… Omega whips him in to the ropes… SPIN KICK by the Big Man…

Rhino:You dont see a man his size do that type of move…

Mark:Omega puts him up… Powerbomb… DC is laid Out… He picks him up… SCREWDRIVER… DC is not moving… Cover 1……….2……………….3…….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner OMEGA…

Mark:DC is being stretcher out… As Omega goes to the back to celebrate…

(Camera follows Omega to the back… Omega stops to buy a hot dog from the hot dog vendor in the back…)

Rhino:A hot dog vendor…

Mark:Its time to get back to more action…

Rhino:Hold on a second… Can we replay the footage…

(Replays the footage)

Rhino:Thats guy look familiar…Zoom in on the footage… ITS PURGATORY… Hes Back…

Mark:The Hot Dog Vendor we have all grown to love is back…

Rhino:Finally we get something good to eat around here…

Mark:Well lets get to more action…

FTW Title Match
Triple H(c) vs Lone Jobber

(“Its all About the Game” hits as Triple H makes his way out with Chyna…)

Chyna:Brittney I have decide thats since you will probably be sticking your nose in to this match… I have decide to keep you out… By putting you up in a cage that will hang over the ring… So Brittany come on down…

(Jobber’s theme hits as Jobber and Brittany make there way to the ring as the little cage lowers… )

Chyna:Brittany, enter the cage or be FIRED…

(Brittany enters the cage… Chyna goes to close the door but Brittany draws her in and Brittany escapes and locks the door as the cage goes up…)

Rhino:Brittany outsmarted Chyna as Chyna is in the cage… The game is pissed…

Mark(Bell sounds)The game goes at jobber with a right hand and another… He whips him into the ropes… High knee lift that sends Jobber over the rope… Brittany is distracting HHH… Jobber comes in the ring from the other side as HHH Turns around… Jobber with a right hand… And another… Whips him into the ropes… Clothesline by Jobber and begins to stomp at HHH… Jobber sends him into the corner… Dropkick by Jobber…Jobber going for the old fashion 10 punch count…


Mark:The game falls down… Jobber with a roll up… 1…………….2…….The game kicks out… Jobber with a piledriver 1….2……Kickout again… Jobber with a small package… 1……..2………….Kickout again… Rolling pin now… 1……….2……. HHH kicks out again…

Rhino:Will HHH stay down….

Mark:Jobber with a sit down powerbomb… 1…………2………..KICKOUT AGAIN…

Rhino:Jobber is having his way with the game…

Mark:Jobber going for his move… The game blocks… Game tries for a DDT… Blocked by Jobber… Northernlights Suplex… 1………2………..KICKOUT… Jobber whips him into the ropes… Jobber ducks his head… Knee Buster by the game… Jobber turns around… PEDIGREE(Cage begins to lower…) 1……………….2……………….3…………….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and Still FTW Champion TRIPLE H…

Mark:Chyna is out of the cage and is going after Brittany… Chyna grabs her by her hair… DDT on Brittany…

Rhino:Damn them… Chyna and HHH have laided out Brittany and Lone Jobber…

Mark:Well its time for some Ego Filled Tag Team Action…

Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible

(“Break it Down” hits as Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels walk to the ring)

(“Walk” hits as Rob Van Dam walks out… ” Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck” by Grinspoon hits as Justin Credible walks to the ring)

Rhino:Well in this match we have an outsider and a Heartbreaker on a side and on the other we have an Impact Player and a whole Fn Show… This one should be good …

Mark:(Bell Sounds)Shawn and Van Dam starting out… Trash talking with one another… Van Dam points to himself and gives a hard right to Michaels… Michaels takes that one and delivers a shot to van dam… Van Dam and Michaels begin to trade blows… Michaels whips him in to the ropes… Michaels leaps over van Dam… Michaels comes off… Split leg by Van Dam… Michaels turns around and gets swept off his feet by a leg spin of van dam… Van Dam off the rope… Slides under michaels… Michaels turns around and Van Dam catches him with a right hand… Arm Drag by Van Dam… Van Dam has michaels arm… And he makes the tag to Justin… JC kicks the arm of Michaels and does an arm ringer of his own… Justin connects with a stiff right hand to the kidneys of Michaels… Michaels gets drop toe holded by Justin… Justin Delivers and elbow to Michaels… Justin holds michaels wide open again and takes van dam in who hits a drop kick to the kidneys of Michaels… Van Dam whips michaels in to the corner… Van Dam runs in after michaels… Michaels moves… Van Dam springs off the corner… HBK turns around and gets a nice spin kick to the face by RVD…

Rhino:Michaels is taken a beaten here tonight… And it is well deserved…

Mark:Van Dam makes another tag… Van Dam lifts up michaels in a Military press and drops him on Justin’s Knee…Justin begins to stomp at the kidneys of Michaels… Justin whips michaels into the ropes… Michaels ducks the clothesline… Justin ducks one… Double clothesline… Both men are down on the ground…

Rhino:Van Dam and Justin have been making a great tag team here tonight…

Mark:Michaels is trying to make the tag to Nash… Van Dam has the ref distracted as michaels makes the tag… Nash is in… But the ref stops him… Justin and Van Dam double team Michaels… Van dam now in… Van Dam goes for a spring board dropkick… Nash tugged on the rope and Van Dam went hard on to the ground… Michaels is trying to reach for a tag as Van Dam rolls back into the ring… Michaels gets the tag as Nash begins to clear house on Van Dam and Justin… Nash gives a huge clothesline to Justin that sends him over the top rope… Nash whips Van Dam into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline… Nash picks Van Dam up… Chokeslam… Michaels is back up… Van Dam is laid out in the ring… Nash tags michaels… Michaels is on Nashs Shoulders… Michaels drops the big elbow on Van Dam…

Rhino:Thats one of there moves back in the WWF days…

Mark:The ref begins to count… 1………………….2…………..Justin breaks it up… Nash and JC go to the outside… The ref goes to the outside to break up Nash and Justin…

Rhino:Out of the Crowd… Its Bill Alfonzo…

Mark:Alfonzo is distracting Michaels… Alfonzo Through a chair to Van Dam… Michaels turns around… Van Dam throws him the chair… VAN DAMINATOR on HBK… Ref back in… Cover 1…………2…………….3……..

Pa Announcer:Here is your winners Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible…

Rhino:Tonight so far has brought back a lot of old faces that have made some major IMPACTS…

Mark:Well we still have one more match to go… Kent is standing by with the EWA World Champion Steve Austin…

Kent:Steve we have heard from you all day… The time is here for you to face Razor… Any last comments…

Austin:Just one… Razor Ramon… Stone Cold is about to open up the Biggest can of Whoop Ass you have ever seen… AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO…

(As he ends his music plays as he walks to the ring)

EWA World Title Match
Steve Austin(c) vs Razor Ramon

(Ramon’s Theme hits as he walks to the ring)

Mark:The time is here and now… Razor throws the toothpick at Austin… Austin gives him a right hand… And we are underway… Austin firing away at Ramon… Ramon is taking the punishment… Ramon blocks the right… Delivers a couple of his own… Ramon knocks Austin down… Austin gets knock down again… Ramon with a body slam on Austin… Ramon giving a couple of boots to Austin… Ramon sets him up… Fall away slam… Goes for the cover 1…2…..Austin kicks out… Austin back up… Gives Ramon a right hand and backs him in to the ropes… Goes for a clothesline and Ramon back body drops him over the top rope…

Rhino:This is evenly matched so far…

Mark:Ramon gets pulled out by Austin as they fight on the outside… Ramon sends Austin in to the steel steps… Austin reverses as Ramon goes chest first in to the steps… Ramon is in pain… Austin whips him hard in to the other steps before he sends him back into the ring… Austin whips him in to the ropes… Lou Thez press…With fists of fury by Austin… Austin gives him an elbow… Goes for the cover 1………..2……Kick out by Ramon… Ramon back up… Austin with a kick… Goes for the stunner… Pushed off… Ramon catches him with a fallaway slam again…

Rhino:Ramon saying the end is now…

Mark:He has him up in the razor’s edge… Austin gets out… Kick to the Gut… Ramon pushes off again… Ramon goes for a clothesline… Austin ducks… Kick STUNNER… on Ramon… Cover 1………….2…………3………Austin remains champion…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL EWA World Champion Stone Cold STEVE AUSTIN…

Mark:We are out of time… Get ready for because the EWA is on a WARPATH…

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