Tuesday Night Carnage 05-01-01
Mark:Welcome everyone to Tuesday Night Carnage… Im Mark… And I am usually joined by the man known as Rhino… But as of this moment… No one here knows the status of the man known as Rhino… So it looks like im flying solo here tonight… But any how… Tonight we will have a first as for the first time… The EWA Will be holding a Rock Paper Scissors Match… For the Television Title… As Lone Jobber defends against Stone Cold Steve Austin… Also Tonight… The Return of Lord Humongous… As he will be battling Crazed Fool… Also the FTW Title will be on the line in the main event… As Champion Triple H defends against Whiplash… Hold on one moment… I guess I have to introduce my partner… Im surprised to see you?
Rhino:Well you know… I saw how good of a Job Kent was doing… So I didn’t want him to take my place so here I am and ready to go…
Mark:Well lets not wait any longer… But before we start… Michael Myers vs John Taylor has been Canceled this evening… So lets now get to the ring…
Big Show vs D-Dawg
(“Show Time” hits as the Big Show walks to the ring… D-Dawg’s theme hits as he enters…)
Rhino:(Bell Sounds)This is a big mis match… We got a Big 7footer and a 6’6″ 210 man… This one shouldn’t be pretty…
Mark:Not at all… D-Dawg goes right after the big monster… D-Dawg delivers a couple of right hands… D-Dawg whips the big show in to the ropes… Goes for a clothesline to the big show…
Rhino:Big Show does not move an inch…
Mark:D-Dawg goes off again…
Rhino:Still has no effect on Big Show… I think he needs another game plan dont you think…
Mark:I believe so… D-Dawg goes for a running drop kick… The Big Show pushes him off…
Rhino:He swatted him away like he was a fly…
Mark:Big Show picks D-Dawg up… And hits him with a head butt… He picks him up again… And this time delivers a big body slam…
Rhino:I wouldn’t want to be Body Slammed by the Big Show…
Mark:Big Show with a Military Press… And he drops D-Dawg flat on his back…
Rhino:This one is over…
Mark:Big Show has him set for the Final Cut… He connects… Big Show goes for the cover… 1…………………..2…………………
Rhino:Big Show stops the referee from counting…
Mark:Big Show grabs D-Dawg by the neck… CHOKESLAM… Cover 1……………..2……………3……………
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner THE BIG SHOW…
Rhino:The Big Show wins an Easy Match tonight…
Mark:Could this be a sign of things to come tonight… Lets get back to the Squared Circle for more action…
Chris Benoit vs Gravedigger
(Gravedigger’s Theme hits as he makes his way out to the ring… “Shooter’ hits as Benoit walks to the ring…)
Mark(Bell Sounds)Well here we go… Benoit delivers a couple of chops to Gravedigger… That backs him up to the rope… Benoit whips him in to the ropes… And connects with a back elbow… Gravedigger still on his feet… Benoit hooks him and nails a snap suplex to gravedigger…
Rhino:Benoit is keeping this match with a fast pace which should be to his advantage…
Mark:Benoit with a quick leg drop to Digger… Goes for the cover 1…………2………..Kickout by digger… Digger back to his feet… But gets caught by a dropkick by Benoit… Digger gets nail with another as he gets back to his feet… Digger up a third time… Moves out of the way of the dropkick this time…
Rhino:Its time for Gravedigger to slow down the pace of the match…
Mark:Digger whips him in… Hold on to benoit and nails a short arm clothesline… Benoit back to his feet but gets caught with a DDT from Digger… Digger picks him up and connects with a hanging vertical suplex…
Rhino:Benoit controlled early but Gravedigger has taken over the match…
Mark:Digger picks him up… Benoit gets out of the slam…
Rhino:Benoit hooks in the Crippler Crossface…
Mark:Will Gravedigger Tap… No he gets to the rope…
Rhino:Benoit turns his back to Gravedigger…
Mark:Benoit turns back around… SIX FEET UNDER… Cover by Gravedigger 1………….2………………3…….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner GRAVEDIGGER…
Rhino:Gravedigger just dug a grave for the Crippler…
Mark:More action is heading your way right now in the squared circle…
Real Deal Jason Mack vs Kevin Nash
(Wolfpac DX Remix hits as Kevin Nash Makes his way out towards the ring…)
Nash:Real Deal… Its time for you to find out exactly why I am Big Sexy…
(Real Deal’s theme hits as he walks to the ring…)
Rhino:Its Razor Ramon…
Mark:The Bad Guy has attack the Real Deal on his way out to the ring…
Rhino:This is a complete mugging here tonight…
Mark:Ramon rolls him in to the ring… Nash whips him in to the ropes… He connects with a big boot…
Rhino:Ramon is just watching as Kevin Nash calls for the Powerbomb…
Mark:Jackknife Powerbomb by Kevin Nash…
Rhino:Ramon is telling the Referee to count…
Mark:The Ref counts 1…………….2………………3……..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner Kevin Nash…
Rhino:This was not a match… It was an assault… Thats all an Assault…
Mark:Well as the Real Deal is help to the back… We get set for our next match…
Blake Bennit vs Loco
(Loco’s theme hits as he makes his way towards the ring… Bennits theme hits as he enters the arena…)
Mark(Bell Sounds)Here we go… Blake and Loco tie it up… Loco pushes him off in to the rope… Leap Frog by bennit… Loco thought connects with a hiptoss… Loco off the ropes and connects with the flying headscissors take down… Blake near the ropes… Loco charges in but get shoulder tossed to the outside…
Rhino:We know both of these men have speed but who is stronger…
Mark:Loco rolls back in to the ring… Half nelson cradle by Blake on Loco with a pin… 1………………….2………… Kickout by Loco… Loco to his feet… Blake with a jumping swinging DDT on Loco… Loco back up again… Cross body by Blake… Pin… No Reversed by Loco 1…………..2………..Blake kicks out… Blake nails Loco with a clothesline… Blake now connects with a Leg Drop… 1………2……..Kickout again by Loco…
Rhino:Blake seems to be a bit more on his game than Loco…
Mark:Blake delivers a nice brain buster to loco…
Rhino:Man thats gotta hurt… Blake is in complete control…
Mark:Blake picks up loco… Small Package…1……………….2………….. Kickout… DDT by Blake…
Rhino:I believe its time for the Sexy Boy Kick…
Mark:Loco ducks the kick… Loco going for the paralyzer… Blake Blocks… Whips Loco in to the ropes… Loco ducks the clothesline… SEXY BOY KICK… Cover by Blake 1………2……………3……..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BLAKE BENNIT…
Mark:Blake prove to the be the better one tonight…
Number One Contender Match for the Tag Team Titles
Demon Child & Crazed Maniac vs Shadow & Nuclear Bomb vs Dragon & Prodigy
(DC’s Theme hits as Crazed Maniac and Demon Child walk to the ring… Shadow’s theme hits as Shadow and Nuclear Bomb make their way to the ring…)
Mark:Hold the phone… Dragon and Prodigy are laided out in the back…
Rhino:Looks like the work of Lord Humongous… But you never know…
Mark:Well I guess this match will now be a regular Tag Team Match… (Bell Sounds) Shadow and Demon Child start things out… Shadow with a scoop slam to DC… DC back up and again he is slammed down by Shadow… Shadow whips him in to the ropes and nails a back body drop… Shadow whips him in to the ropes again… And the big man nails a huge powerslam…
Rhino:Shadow tags in the smaller and faster man Nuclear bomb…
Mark:NB picks Demon Child up… Frankensteiner by Nuclear Bomb…
Rhino:Demon Child needs to make the tag to Crazed Maniac…
Mark:NB stops him… DDT by NB… Cover 1……………..2…….. Crazed Maniac breaks it up…
Rhino:Shadow gets tagged back in…
Mark:Shadow hits another body slam… Big Splash by Shadow and a cover 1………….2……………..Kick out…
Rhino:Shadow and Nuclear Bomb are destroying Demon Child…
Mark:Shadow knocks Crazed Maniac off the ropes and in to the guard rail…
Rhino:Crazed Maniac hit his head hard…
Mark:Demon Child has had no offense so far… Shadow picks him up… Highway to Hell Drop… Cover 1…………..2……………….3………..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winners and Number One Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Shadow and Nuclear Bomb…
Mark:I have been told that Shadow and Nuclear Bomb will get their shot at the next Tuesday Night Carnage…
Rhino:Oh No…
Mark:What is it…
Rhino:You hear the music…
Mark:Yes… Its Lord Humongous Music…
Rhino:I used to be a Sid Fan… But now I aint so sure…
Mark:The Princess is making her way down to the ring… She has a microphone and I guess she is about to introduce Lord Humongous…
Princess:Ladies and Gentlemen… Will you all please rise… And Show respect… For not just mine… But all of yours… Please give it up for Lord Humongous…
(Lord’s theme hits as he walks towards the ring…)
Princess:Now bring out that Crazed Fool…
(Crazed Fools Theme hits as he makes his way out…)
Crazed Fool vs Lord Humongous
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well this one should not be pretty… I feel sorry for Crazed Fool…
Rhino:This is the Lords first match back since his injury… Its time to see if he can still go…
Mark:Crazed Fool runs off the ropes… But he runs right in to Lord Humongous…
Rhino:Lord Humongous is like a brick wall…
Mark:Crazed Fool runs off the ropes… Flying Clothesline…
Rhino:Still has no effect what so ever…
Mark:Crazed Fool tries again… Lord Humongous catches him… Hard body slam by Lord Humongous… Lord Humongous whips the Crazed Fool in to the ropes… Big Boot…
Rhino:He is looking mighty impressive so far has the Lord…
Mark:Lord Humongous picks Crazed Fool up… CHOKESLAM CITY…
Rhino:Crazed Fool is completely out… Look at The Princess… She is happy…
Mark:The Princess is telling the Lord to go for the Powerbomb… POWERBOMB…
Rhino:What A Powerbomb by Lord Humongous…
Mark:Lord is putting his hand on the chest of Crazed Maniac…1…………2………….3…..
PA Announcer:Here is your winner Lord Humongous…
Mark:I guess we can say that Lord Humongous is Back and good to go… We go from the Lord to Rock Paper Scissors…
Rock,Paper,Scissors EWA Television Title Match
Lone Jobber(c) vs Steve Austin
(“Glass” hits as Stone Cold Steve Austin Makes his way out… Jobber’s theme hits as he walks to the ring…)
Mark:Well this is gonna be different…
Rhino:Who would have ever thought we would have a Rock Paper Scissors Match…
Mark:The Cage is hanging above the ring if we do infact need it… Well lets get to the ring and Kent Richardson who will be conducting this Rock Paper Scissors Match…
Kent:Well Ladies and Gentlemen… In this ring right now we will be holding a Rock Paper Scissors Contest… The rules are as followed… There will be two battles… If one person wins twice… They win the belt with out competing… So Are you both ready… Well lets do it… Rock Paper Scissors Shoot… (Jobber Shows Rock while Austin shows Paper)The First one goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin who beat Jobber with paper… Which covers Rock… Ready… Rock Paper Scissors Shoot…(Austin again shows Paper… While this time Jobber shows Scissors…)The second goes to Lone Jobber… Bring down the steel cage…
Mark:I guess we got a match…(Bell Sounds as a Cage comes down) Here we go… Jobber and Austin trading fists back and forth… Jobber slides under Austin… Diving Reverse DDT on Austin… Austin back to his feet… Jobber nails Austin with a spin heel kick and down goes austin…Jobber goes for another… Austin ducks this time… Jobber to his feet but austin delivers a hard clothesline and jobber falls back down…
Rhino:Austin has Jobber by the Head and is throwing him in the side of the Steel Cage…
Mark:Austin is now rubbing Jobbers face in the cage… Austin picks Jobber up and he throws him face first in to the cage…
Rhino:Jobber is busted open…
Mark:Austin picks him up again… Jobber slides out… Frankensteiner by Jobber on Stone Cold… Austin back up and gets drop kick to the ground…
Rhino:Jobber is quickening the pace and that could be a good thing…
Mark:Austin gets whipped in to the ropes… Bulldog by Jobber… Jobber with cradle pin… Cover 1……………….2…………… Austin Kicks out… Jobber whips Austin back in to the ropes… Austin reverses… Lou Thez Press by the Rattlesnake and begins to hammer in on Jobber… Elbow drop by Stone Cold…
Rhino:Austin is trying to keep up with Jobber’s pace but that could back fire…
Mark:Austin puts Jobber on the Top Rope…
Rhino:Looks like he is going for a Superplex…
Mark:Blocked by Jobber…Austin gets pushed off the turnbuckle…
Rhino:Jobber has that look in his eye… He is climbing the Cage…
Mark:I dont think can do what I think he is going to do…
Rhino:He looks like he is…
Mark:Jobber leaps off the cage… 900 Splash off the top of the steel cage…
Rhino:Austin moved out of the way…
Mark:Austin got out of the way from the 900…
Rhino:Austin picks Jobber up…
Mark:Stone Cold Stunner on an Injured Lone Jobber… Cover 1……………..2…………..3…..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW Television Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin…
Rhino:Jobber is still World Champion… But that move he did took guts…
Mark:We are looking inside Da Playerz Locker Room… Stone Cold is back and he is celebrating with Whiplash…
Whip:Eh… Good Job against Lone Jobber… After my match… We are gonna have the FTW Title… Television Title and The Tag Team Titles… After tonight no one will fuck with us…
Rhino:With Austin winning Could Whiplash be nexted…
FTW Title Match
Triple H(c) vsWhiplash
(“The Game” hits as Triple H makes his way out towards the ring…)
HHH:Whiplash… Guess What… ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME…
(Whiplash’s theme hits was he makes his way towards the ring…)
Mark(Bell Sounds)FTW Title is on the line here tonight… And these two men hate each other…
Rhino:The Game said things will be never be the same tonight… He is right… He wont be the FTW Champion…
Mark:The Game and Whiplash staring down one another in the center of the ring…
Rhino:They are drilling a whole in one another…
Mark:Game and Whiplash trading right hands back and forth in the center of the ring… Whiplash has the advantage… The Game blocks one and knocks Whiplash down with a right hand… The Game goes off the rope… Swinging Neckbreaker on Whiplash… Whiplash on his feet… The game delivers a clothesline and Whiplash rolls to the outside…
Rhino:The game at this moment has the upper hand…
Mark:The Game goes to the outside… The Game whips Whiplash in to the steel ring steps… The Game rolls Whiplash back in to the ring… The Game sends whiplash in to the corner… Goes for a clothesline… Whiplash moves out of the way… Whiplash begins to drill the Game with a couple of right hands… Whiplash runs in with a clothesline…
Rhino:Whiplash delivers a bulldog out of the corner…
Mark:The Game is backing off… Eye Rake to Whiplash by the Game… And the game delivers a vertical suplex…
Rhino:The game pull an old trick with that eye rake…
Mark:Knee Buster by Triple H on Whiplash…
Rhino:The Game is calling for the Pedigree…
Mark:The Game hooks him… Slingshot by Whiplash and the game goes flying in to the corner… Whiplash hits a powerslam…
Rhino:Whiplash has the advantage now…
Mark:DDT by Whiplash… Cover 1………………2……………………The Game kicks out… Whiplash scoops him up and slams him hard to the mat…
Rhino:Whiplash is heading to the top rope…
Mark:He is going for a Moonsault… He connects… 1…………..2…………The Game kicks out…
Rhino:Whiplash is calling for the Sitdown Powerbomb…
Mark:He has him under…
Rhino:Some one has hoped over the guardrail…
Rhino:Whiplash does not see him…
Mark:Whiplash turns around… SUPERKICK… Whiplash has been laid out by Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:HBK has got some revenge since he lost the TV Title…
Mark:Michaels and The Game begin to beat on Whiplash…
(Glass Shatters as Stone Cold makes his way towards the ring…)
Rhino:Stone Cold is out…
Mark:I guess Whiplash has back up…
Rhino:Austin and DX are staring down one another…
Mark:Austin is about to strike HHH… Austin starts putting the boots to Whiplash…
Rhino:No this cant be… Stone Cold has joined up with Triple H…
Mark:All three of them are starting to beat up Whiplash…
Rhino:Is there anyone who will help whiplash…
(“Walk” hits as Justin Credible and Rob Van Dam make their way to the ring…)
Mark:Van Dam and Credible… The Tag Team Champs are here…
Rhino:They are now staring down Austin, HHH and HBK…
Mark:Austin HHH and HBK begin to back off…
Rhino:Finally they have put an end to this madness…
Mark:Van Dam and Justin Help Whiplash back to his feet…
Rhino:DaPlayerz vs Degeneration X and Stone Cold…
Mark:No… Double Clothesline by RVD and Justin Credible to Whiplash…
Rhino:Has this all been a set up…
Mark:The Game is hooking Whiplash… Pedigree…
Rhino:Whiplash has been destroyed…
Mark:Van Dam is setting Whiplash in the corner… HBK has got a chair…
Rhino:Oh My God…
Mark:Van Terminator by RVD…
Rhino:Is this what Triple H meant by things will be changing…
(“Break it Down” hits over the PA System)
Mark:It cant be… This is the New Degeneration X…
Rhino:Who is gonna stop them???
Mark:I have no clue but things dont look good for the EWA…
(All the Men Put DX Shirts on as the screen goes to black…)