Warpath 2001 (02-16-01)
Mark:Welcome everyone to the Air Canada Centre here in Toronto… I am the Man that they Call Mark alongside as always the Man who is so Happy that he has finally been able to eat some Hot Dogs Rhino…
Rhino:Thats right and I am glad that the man known as Purgatory has returned…
Mark:Well with that said… Tonight we have Three HUGE Title Matches… We have battle lines as the Good Old USA vs Canada deal is back on…
Rhino:USA… USA… USA…
Mark:Well tonight Shawn Michaels represents the US against Canadian Star Lance Storm for the EWA Television Championship… Also tonight, The Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Lone Jobber and Mr. Pay Per View Rob Van Dam for the World Heavyweight Championship…And what should just be a flat out Brawl it will be the Monster Omega against Justin Credible… Lets get going with WARPATH…
Canadian Strap Match
Chris Benoit vs Billy Kidman
(Benoit’s theme hits as he walks to the ring… Kidmans theme hits as he enters the arena…)
Rhino:Benoit looks ready to whip Kidman…
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well they are hooked together by the strap… Benoit with a hard right hand to the Cruiserweight Kidman…
Kidman fires back with a couple… Benoit pulls the strap and Kidman comes in… Kidman connects with a head scissors take down… Benoit is up… Kidman goes for a Dropkick… Benoit moves out of the way… Benoit begins to whip Kidman with the strap…
Rhino:The fans are cheering there Toothless hero…
Mark:Benoit whips Kidman in to the corner… Benoit runs in… Kidman moves… Bulldog of the corner on Benoit…
Kidman is not whipping Benoit with the strap… Kidman lifts him up and slams him back down and connects with a leg drop… DDT by Kidman…
Rhino:The only way to win is by Touching all four corners…
Mark:Kidman going for the kid krusher… Benoit pushes off… CROSSFACE ON KIDMAN…
Rhino:Kidman is tapping but it dont mean a damn…
Mark:Benoit is putting Kidman on his shoulder and he is going to touch all the corners… Benoit touches the first… So Does Kidman… He is going to the second… He touches that one… He is slowly going to the third… He touches that one…
Rhino:Benoit doesn’t know Kidman is touching the corners…
Mark:Benoit is almost at the fourth… Kidman flips over Benoit… KIDMAN TOUCHES THE CORNER FIRST… Kidman wins…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BILLY KIDMAN…
Mark:Well lets get moving on to the next match…
Number One Contender Match for the Television Title
Road Dogg vs Blake
Mark:Blake has already gone to the ring… We are waiting for…
(“Oh You Didn’t Know” hits as Road Dogg walks to the ring)
Dogg:Blake before we go at it… I GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA… SUCK IT…
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Well here we go…
Rhino:The D-O-Double G is going to have trouble with this luchador name Blake…
Mark:Blake runs at dogg… Dogg moves and pushes him in to the ropes… Blake springboards off the rope and connects with an Asai Moonsault… Blake picks dogg up and sends him into the ropes… Dropkick by Blake… Blake picks him up… Small Package 1………2…..Kickout… Blake back up… Frankensteiner with pin on Dogg… 1…….2………Kickout again…
Rhino:Road Doggy Dogg cant keep up with Blake…
Mark:Blake off the rope… Flying Head Scissors Take down and Dogg slides to the outside… Blake with a plancha over the top rope on to Road Dogg… Blake sends him back in… Blake is on the apron… Spring board off the ropes… Dogg steps a side and pushes him down to the canvas… Dogg putting the boots to Road Dogg… Blake back up… Left Hand, Left Hand and Another by Road Dogg…
Rhino:Road Dogg is once again Jukin and jiving on Blake…
Mark:Dogg connects with a left hand… Off the ropes… Shake Rattle and Roll knee drop… Goes for the Cover 1…..2…….KickOut by Blake… Dogg puts blake’s head on the middle rope… Dogg off the rope and jumps on the back of Blake… Dogg with a scoop slam… Dogg is going to the top turnbuckle…
Rhino:Road Dogg is trying to be a high flier like Blake…
Mark:Blake back up and nails the rope as Road Dogg crotches the rope… Blake going for a superplex… Dogg blocks and delivers a front suplex on Blake… Dogg delivers an elbow… Dogg picks him up from behind… Pumphandle Drop on Blake…
Rhino:Its over now…
Mark:Cover 1………..2……..BLAKE KICKS OUT… Dogg is aruging with the ref… Dogg Turns around… SEXY SUPER KICK… GOES FOR THE COVER 1……………2………………3……..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BLAKE…
Mark:Well we go from one DX member to another… Wait one second… There is something going on in the back stage area… There is Road Dogg and X-Pac beating up Demon Child… X-Pac sends him in to the hard concrete wall…
Rhino:The Demon Child is out… I guess X-Pac didn’t want to face Demon Child after all…
Mark:Well X-Pac is making his way out to the ring…
X-Pac:Hey Demon Child… Lets go… Get your ass out here RIGHT NOW…
Mark:I dont think he is going to make it… The ref has rung the bell and is beginning to count out Demon Child…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner as a result of a Count Out… X-Pac…
Rhino:A cheap win by a DX Member…
(“Its Time to play the Game” hits as Triple H makes his way out…)
FTW Title Match
Triple H(c) vs Kurt Angle
(Angle’s Theme hits as he walks to the ring)
Mark:(Bell Sounds)Here we go… The game starts off with a right hand and another and another… The game whips him in to the ropes… And Clotheslines him down… Angle back up but is clothesline down again… Angle ducks the third and hits a belly to belly suplex… HHH back up and gets caught with a right hand… And Another… Whips him in to the ropes and back body drop… Goes for the cover 1…..2………Kickout by the game… Angle hooks the game for a snap suplex… Goes for the cover again 1……..2…….Kickout… Angle clotheslines the game over the top rope to the outside…
Rhino:Angle is in control now…
Mark:Angle whips the game towards the steps… HHH reverse as Angle goes hard in to the steps…The game whips him in to the guardrail and throws him back in to the ring…
Rhino:Angle is in pain…
Mark:The game whips him in to the ropes… Running knee by the game… The game is putting the boots to angle in the corner… He puts him on the top turnbuckle… Going for a superplex… He connects… Angle rolls over on HHH… Cover 1……….2…….Kickout by HHH… Knee Buster by HHH… PEDIGREE… Its over 1……….2…………….3………..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL FTW Champion Triple H…
Mark:Kent Richardson is standing by with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels…
Kent:Shawn time is finally here… You and Lance Storm for the Television Title in a best of Three Falls inside the steel cage…
HBK:You something Kent… Over the last few weeks here in the EWA, everyone has been saying how Lance Storm is the Perfect Storm… Well guess what it ends tonight Right here in Canada… Storm get ready for a little bit of SWEET CHIN MUSIC… Because I will be the next TELEVISION CHAMPION… NOW HIT THE MUSIC…
(“Boy Toy” Hits as Shawn Michaels enters the ring…)
EWA Television Title Match
*Best of Three Falls Cage Match*
Lance Storm(c) vs Shawn Michaels
(The Canadian National Anthem hits as Lance Storm walks to the ring…)
Mark:The cage is lowered and here we go… Storm and Michaels face to face…
Rhino:The trash talking is beginning…
Mark:Storm connects with a right hand… Michaels gives one of his own… They are trading back and forth… Michaels blocks one of storm’s… Storm blocks HBK’s… Storm whips Michaels in to the rope… And Connects with a drop kick… Michaels back up and gets clothesline back down… And again… Michaels is in the corner… Storm charges in at him… Michaels flap jacks him on the turnbuckle… Michaels is rubbing storm’s face in to the cage…
Rhino:Michaels is setting the pace for the match…
Mark:Storm gets whip in to the ropes… And a backbody drop… Storm gets whipped hard in to the corner… Michaels is setting up for the Superkick… Michaels goes for it… Storm ducks… Backslide by Storm… 1………2…………Kickout… Michaels clotheslines him back down… Michaels goes to the turnbuckle… Going for a double axe handle… Punch to the gut by storm and Michaels is down…
Rhino:This Canadian Crowd is cheering Lance Storm on…
Mark:Both men back up… Storm hooks Michaels… Inside cradle… 1……….2…………3……….
Pa Announcer:The winner of the first fall… LANCE STORM…
Rhino:Storm is showboating…
Mark:Storm turns around… Michaels with a kick to the gut… Inside Cradle of his own… 1……………2…………3………..
Pa Announcer:The winner of the Second fall SHAWN MICHAELS…
Mark:Its all tied up… Michaels and storm face to face again… Michaels with a kick and a clothesline… Michaels runs off the rope… POWERSLAM by Storm… Storm has Michaels and he throws him in to the cage… And to the other side…
Rhino:Storm is having his way with HBK…
Mark:Storm does it a third time… Storm with a scoop slam…
Rhino:He is trying to lock in the maple leaf…
Mark:The Maple Leaf…
Rhino:Its got to be over now…
Mark:He is trying to get to the ropes…
Rhino:Michaels said storm would not be perfect… But it looks like he is…
Mark:Michaels has got to the ropes… Storm is stomping at the gut of HBK… Storm whips him in to the ropes… HBK ducks the clothesline… DOUBLE Clothesline and both men are down… The Ref begins his count… He is up to 7…
Rhino:Michaels nips up…
Mark:Michaels stomps the face of Storm… Storm up and gets scoop slammed… Michaels is on the top rope and connects with the elbow drop…
Rhino:Michaels is warming up the band…
Mark:Michaels goes for the kick… Storm ducks… Goes for the Super Kick of his own… Michaels ducks… SWEET CHIN MUSIC on Lance Storm… Cover 1…………..2……………3………….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW EWA Television Champion SHAWN MICHAELS…
Mark:Kent is standing by with Stone Cold Steve Austin
Kent:Steve, the time is now for you to defend your World Title…
Austin:Like I have said week in and week out… I am going to open up the two biggest cans of whoop ass any one has ever seen… I will walk out the EWA World Champion… Now as far as the Special Guest Referee is concerned the ref’s job is to count One Two Three… AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO…
Rhino:Who in the hell is the Special Ref going to be…
(“Ninth Wonder” Hits as Chyna walks to the ring…)
Chyna:This is going to be short and sweet… The Special Guest Referee is the REAL DEAL J. MACK…
(Real Deal walks to the ring)
Rhino:There is no way Austin will lose now… He has the real deal on his side…
EWA World Title Match
Steve Austin(c) vs Lone Jobber vs Rob Van Dam
Special Ref-Real Deal J. Mack
(“Walk” hits as Rob Van Dam walks to the ring…)
Rhino:Rob Parks is happy that RVD gets his title shot…
(Lone Jobber’s Theme hits as he enters the ring)
Mark:These two are not waiting for the Rattle Snake… Real Deal calls for the bell… We are under way… RVD and LJ trading blows back and forth… RVD whips LJ in to the ropes and clotheslines him down to the ground… RVD springboards off the ropes… And Connects with a dropkick…
(“Glass Shatters” hits as Austin makes his way out to the ring)
Mark:Here comes the Rattlesnake… RVD catches him with a springboard plancha before he can enter the ring… RVD whips him in to the guard rail…
Rhino:RVD really wants to become World Champion…
Mark:Jobber goes to the outside and is helping RVD work on stone cold… RVD rolls Austin back into the ring… Jobber stops RVD from entering the ring… Jobber whips Van Dam in to the guardrail before rolling back in to the ring… Jobber suplexs Austin down… Jobber going to the top rope…
Rhino:He is going for the 450 Splash Mark…
Mark:RVD pulls Austin out of the way… Jobber is in pain… RVD back in to the ring and is now stomping away at Jobber in the corner… Austin turns RVD around Stunner… RVD is out… Real Deal making the count 1….2……Jobber breaks it up…
Rhino:That was a fast count by the Real Deal…
Mark:Jobber is now in the face of Stone Cold…Austin delivers a right hand and another to jobber… Austin whips jobber in to the ropes… LOU THEZ Press… With right hands…. Austin off the ropes and delivers an elbow to the temple of Jobber… Austin now clotheslines the rattlesnake out of the ring… Austin turns around… Springboard Asai Moonsault by RVD on Austin… Goes for the cover 1……2…… Kick out by Austin… Jobber back in the ring… RVD shoves Jobber down… Jobber with a low blow from behind on RVD… With a roll up… 1…………….2………………Austin makes the save…
Rhino:What a match this is been so far… All three men want to be world champion…
Mark:Jobber gets whipped in by Austin… Kick to the gut… Jobber blocks the Stunner… THE GIMMICK on Austin its got to be over 1………………………….2…………………… RVD MAKES THE SAVE… Jobber is down and so is Austin… RVD to the Top Rope… FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH on Jobber…
Rhino:We could have a new champion…
Mark:Cover 1…………………………….2…………………….AUSTIN MAKES THE SAVE… Austin spins Van Dam around… STUNNER… Goes for the Cover 1…………………….2………………………..REAL DEAL STOPS…
Rhino:Why in the hell did he stop…
Mark:Austin is face to face with the Real Deal… Kick by Real Deal… REAL DEAL DRIVER ON AUSTIN… All three men are out…
Rhino:Real Deal is screwing Austin out of the title…
Mark:The Real Deal is dragging both Van Dam and Jobber on Austin… Real Deal makes the Count 1……………2……………..3………
Rhino:WHO WON… Who is World Champion…
Mark:Out comes Chyna…
Chyna:Ladies and Gentlemen… I have two Important announcements to make… Number one… Stone Cold Steve Austin is NO LONGER THE EWA World Heavyweight Champion… Number Two… The winners of this Match and NEW World Heavyweight Champion… Rob Van Dam and Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Double Champion…
Chyna:Now to determine who is the UNDISPUTED WORLD CHAMPION… Rob Van Dam will face Lone Jobber in a BARBED WIRE MATCH at The NEXT EWA EVENT…
Mark:What a Blockbuster Match that was… Lets get back to the ring for the Main Event…
(“Snap your Fingers” hits as Justin Credible walks to the ring…)
Barbed Wire Singapore Cane Match
Omega vs Justin Credible
(Omega’s theme hits as he slowly walks to the ring…)
Mark:Well here we go…
Rhino:Justin gives up size and weight to the big omega… But he aint backing down…
Mark:The Barbed Wire Singapore Cane is hanging on a poll on the ring post… Justin goes for a right hand… But has no effect on the big man… And another… And a third but no effect… Goes for a fourth… Blocked by omega and he knocks him back down… Justin off the ropes… Flying forearm and it shook the big man… Justin off again… Going for a cross body… Omega catches him and hits a falling powerslam on Justin… Omega has Justin by the throat and he tosses him over the top rope…
Rhino:Everything Justin does has no effect on this big man…
Mark:Justin back in to the ring… Slides under the legs of Omega… Goes off the ropes and clips him in the knee…
Rhino:That only brought him down to a knee…
Mark:Justin connects with a dropkick to the other… He is down on his knees… Justin is climbing the turnbuckle…
Rhino:He has got the cane…
Mark:Justin cracks it over the head of Omega…
Rhino:It had no effect…
Mark:He whacks him again… And Again…
Rhino:It is still having no effect on Omega…
Mark:The Fourth one did as omega falls to the canvas… Justin now begins to stomp away at the big man… JC with the cane again and he is whacking it across the knee of Omega… And again he whacks the knee…
Rhino:He is making sure Omega stays his size…
Mark:Justin trying for a leg lock… Omega shoves him off… Omega back up to his feet… Justin slides under his legs… Goes for the clip… Omega jumps over him… Justin off the ropes… Big Boot by Omega…
Rhino:Omega is starting to bleed from those cane shots… But it isnt effecting him…
Mark:Omega has Justin up in a military press and he drops him back down… Omega has him under… And connects with a power bomb…
Rhino:Justin Credible is out…
Mark:Omega is going for the screw driver… Justin with a small package on omega… 1……………………………2………………………Omega kicks out… Omega grabs him by the neck… TWO HAND CHOKE BOMB… Omega hits the ScrewDriver…
Rhino:It has got to be over now…
Mark:Goes for the cover 1…………….2………. Omega picks Justin up… Omega is tying Justin up in the ropes…
Rhino:He is punishing Justin Credible…
Mark:Omega has the cane… And he is smashing it over the head of Justin… Five Times already…
Rhino:Justin Credible is busted wide open… He is a total BLOODY Mess…
Mark:Justin gives a kick to lower area of Omega… THATS INCREDIBLE ON OMEGA… Cover 1…………………2…………………….OMEGA KICKS OUT…
Rhino:NO one kicks out of THATS INCREDIBLE…
Mark:Omega back up… Justin runs in… Kick by Omega… SCREWDRIVER… 1………..2…………3…….. Its over…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner OMEGA…
Mark:What a bloody war that match was… Well what a WARPATH that was here in Canada… We will see you after the EWA VS HHO…