Thursday Night Chaos 12-10-09
Mark:We are live in Detroit, Michigan as we are getting set for the final month of EWA Action here in 2009… As we are set for Thursday Night Chaos and one of our big matches tonight Rhino features Four Men who want a shot at the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:That is right Mark and only one of them will be able to move on to face the EWA World Champion at New Years Evil…
Mark:It is going to be Al Snow, J-Twisted, Raphael and Jerry Watts all battling it out tonight to see who is going to New Years Evil…
Rhino:Two new men in the EWA and two former champions…Should be really interesting…
Mark:Also here tonight we will see both the EWA World Champion and EWA Total Impact Champion in action…
Rhino:Lone Jobber takes on Eric Steel… While Troy Joseph battles Black Shadow…
Mark:We are on the road to New Years Evil… Who will step up and impress we will find out… As we get set for tonights Opening Contest here at Thursday Night Chaos…
Melissa Walker vs Alexis Laree
Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall…Introducing first…From Baltimore, Maryland… Weighing in at 124 Pounds… The EWA Womens Champion…ALEXIS LAREE!
(“Fake It” plays as Alexis Laree enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada…Weighing in at 145 Pounds… MELISSA WALKER!
(“I will not bow” plays as Melissa Walker enters the arena…)
Mark:The bell sounds and this match up is underway… As both women lock up in the center of the ring…
Rhino:Both women are trying to gain the advantage on the other one…
Mark:Melissa Walker with a side headlock in on Alexis Laree who is trying to fight her way out of the headlock as she nails Melissa Walker with elbows right to the midsection… Alexis Laree now shoots her off in to the ropes… Melissa Walker comes off the ropes and ducks underneath the clothesline…
Rhino:Here comes Melissa Walker…
Mark:Melissa Walker comes off the ropes and nails her with a Crossbody! Quick Cover 1……………2………….. Kickout by Alexis Laree…
Rhino:Alexis Laree is getting back up on to her feet in the corner…
Mark:Melissa Walker with a couple of shots to Alexis Laree in the corner and now sends her off in to the farside corner…
Rhino:Here comes Melissa Walker with a full head of steam…
Mark:Alexis Laree gets her boot up…
Rhino:Melissa Walker is now spinning around…
Mark:Alexis Laree comes out of the corner and takes her right off of her feet with a Running Headscissors…
Rhino:Melissa Walker is now staggering back up on to her feet…
Mark:Alexis Laree with a couple of shots and now sends her off in to the ropes… Thez Press! With rights and lefts from Alexis Laree…
Rhino:Alexis Laree just hammering her with shots right now…
Mark:Melissa Walker is now slow to get back up on to her feet…
Rhino:The former EWA Womens Champion is now waiting for her to turn around…
Mark:Melissa Walker turns around… CHICK KICK! NO! Ducked by Melissa Walker…
Rhino:That backfired on Alexis Laree…
Mark:Melissa Walker now hooks up Alexis Laree… Suplex! No! Alexis Laree escapes and now kicks Melissa Walker in the midsection…
Rhino:Here it comes…
Rhino:That move didn’t back fire on Alexis Laree…
Mark:Alexis Laree covers Melissa Walker 1……………………2……………….3……… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALEXIS LAREE!
Rhino:Dominant Performance from the former EWA Womens Champion…
Mark:Is the EWA Womens Championship in the future of Alexis Laree… Time will only tell as later on tonight we will be seeing the EWA Womens Champion in action… As we now get back to the ring for more action…
Shawn Michaels vs Oz vs “Ice Man” Mark Jones
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Newcastle, England… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… Ice Man MARK JONES!
(“Underdog” plays as Mark Jones enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Willmantic, Ct… Weighing in at 230 Pounds… OZ!
(Oz’s Theme Plays as he enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Their opponent…From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS!
(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels enters the arena…)
Mark:Well here we go… Both Oz and Mark Jones are staring down The Heartbreak Kid…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is coming in to this match up trying to get back on track after failing to capture the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at November 2 Dismember…
Mark:Oz goes after Shawn Michaels… Shawn Michaels ducks the clothesline and starts to nail Oz with chops across the chest and now sends him for a ride off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop!
Rhino:Oz was sent for a ride…
Mark:Oz is now staggering back up on to his feet… Shawn Michaels grabs him by the head and tosses him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring goes Oz…
Rhino:Look Out!
Mark:From behind Mark Jones nails Shawn Michaels with a clothesline…
Rhino:Mark Jones caught Shawn Michaels off guard…
Mark:Mark Jones is now putting the boots to Shawn Michaels as Shawn Michaels tries to get back up on to his feet in the corner…
Rhino:Mark Jones is just laying in to Shawn Michaels…
Mark:The Ice Man Mark Jones now sends Shawn Michaels for a ride off in to the corner…
Rhino:Mark Jones is getting his engines going…
Mark:Mark Jones charges in at Shawn Michaels… Big Splash! No! As Shawn Michaels moved out of the way…
Rhino:Mark Jones got nothing but turnbuckle right there…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now starts to nail Mark Jones and nails him with right hands and now nails him with a Swinging Neckbreaker!
Rhino:Oz is back up on to his feet and is heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:Shawn Michaels sees Oz on the top rope and stops him in his tracks…
Rhino:This isnt a good place for Oz to be in…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is now climbing up on to the top rope…Shawn Michaels hooks up Oz… Superplex! By Shawn Michaels driving Oz straight in to the mat…
Rhino:Big Time Superplex right there from the Heartbreak Kid…
Mark:Mark Jones is now back up on to his feet… Shawn Michaels turns around… Mark Jones charges with a clothesline… Shawn Michaels ducks… Atomic Drop!
Rhino:Mark Jones is spinning around…
Mark:Shawn Michaels scoops up Mark Jones and slams him straight down to the canvas…
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:The Showstopper is going to fly… Flying Elbow Drop! Connects! Right down on to Mark Jones…
Rhino:Big time Elbow drop by Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is now tuning up the band…
Rhino:Oz is back up on to his feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels lines up Oz… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!
Rhino:That kick knocked Oz out of the ring…
Mark:Mark Jones is now getting back up on to his feet as well…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now lining him up…
Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC! By Shawn Michaels as he nails Mark Jones right in the face…
Rhino:That was a knock out shot right there…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now covers Mark Jones 1………………….2………………3……… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SHAWN MICHAELS!
Rhino:Impressive victory for Shawn Michaels here tonight at Thursday Night Chaos…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is proving that he deserves to be the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… But we will be crowning a new Number One Contender later tonight when its going to a Four Way Battle between Raphel, J-Twisted, Jerry Watts and Al Snow… But now its back to the ring for more action…
Mya Parks vs Lil Kim
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Brooklyn, Ny… Weighing in at 113 Pounds… LIL KIM!
(“Fuck You” plays as Lil Kim enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Washington, D.C… Weighing in at 125 Pounds… MYA PARKS!
(“Monster” plays as Mya Parks enters the arena…)
Mark:Lil Kim and Mya Parks are in the center of the ring… Lil Kim goes right after Mya Parks and nails her with hard right hands…
Rhino:Mya Parks is coming back with shots of her own…
Mark:Both women are trading shots back and forth right now… As Mya Parks nails Lil Kim in the midsection with a knee and now starts to back her up in to the corner…
Rhino:Mya Parks continues to dry her knee in to the midsection of Lil Kim in the corner…
Mark:Mya Parks now pulls her out of the corner and hooks her up… Float Over Suplex! By Mya Parks as she goes right for the cover on Lil Kim 1……………….2………….Kickout by Lil Kim…
Rhino:Lil Kim is getting right back up on to her feet…
Mark:Mya Parks now grabs her by the hair and whips her off in to the ropes… Mya Parks ducks her head and Lil Kim puts on the breaks and kicks her right in the face…
Rhino:Mya Parks is spinning around…
Mark:Lil Kim charges and takes her right down by the throat…
Rhino:Lil Kim is choking the life out of Mya Parks right now…
Mark:Lil Kim now pulls Mya Parks up by the hair and rams her head first in to the top turnbuckle…
Rhino:Lil Kim isnt done yet…
Mark:Lil Kim drives her head again in to the top turnbuckle as she now pulls her out of the corner… Hangman’s Neckbreaker! By Lil Kim… Lil Kim goes for the cover on Mya Parks 1………………..2……………Kickout by Mya Parks…
Rhino:Mya Parks is now slow to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Lil Kim with a couple of elbows right to the side of the head of Mya Parks and now whips her off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop!
Rhino:Lil Kim is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:Mya Parks is staggering back up on to her feet…
Rhino:It looks like Lil Kim is going to fly…
Mark:Flying Crossbody! Roll Through! By Mya Parks 1………………….2……………3……..NO! Kickout by Lil Kim…
Rhino:Both women are getting back up on their feet…
Mark:Both women charge at each other… Double Clothesline!
Rhino:Both women are down at the moment…
Mark:Lil Kim is starting to get back up on to her feet…
Rhino:Mya Parks is getting back up as well…
Mark:Lil Kim goes for a couple of shots… Mya Parks blocks and starts nailing Lil Kim with shots right now…
Rhino:Lil Kim is being backed up in to the ropes…
Mark:Mya Parks now sends her off in to the ropes… Powerslam!
Rhino:Mya Parks is starting to get in to a bit of a groove…
Mark:Lil Kim staggers to her feet… Drop Toe Hold! In to the ropes…
Rhino:You know whats coming up right here and now…
Mark:Mya Parks charges… 202!
Rhino:Lil Kim looks to be out on her feet…
Mark:Mya Parks is now setting her up… IMPACT! NO! Lil Kim is blocking it…
Rhino:She fought out of her grip…
Mark:Lil Kim now sends Mya Parks off in to the ropes and nails her with a big clothesline…
Rhino:Mya Parks is getting back up on to her feet in the corner…
Mark:Lil Kim charges… Monkey Flip!
Rhino:Lil Kim sent her across the ring…
Mark:Mya Parks is staggering around… Lil Kim kicks her in the midsection… Piledriver!
Rhino:She could have Mya Parks right here and now…
Mark:Lil Kim hooks the leg 1………………….2………………3…………NO! Mya Parks gets her shoulder up…
Rhino:So close right there…
Mark:Lil Kim is now waiting for Mya Parks to get back up on to her feet…
Rhino:This could be the end of the line for Mya Parks…
Mark:Lil Kim with a kick to the midsection… T’N’T’! NO! Blocked!
Rhino:Mya Parks is nailing her with shots to the midsection…
Mark:Lil Kim is now spun around… Mya Parks hooks her up… IMPACT!
Rhino:Lil Kim has been planted…
Mark:Mya Parks hooks the leg 1………………..2……………3……… SHE GOT HER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner MYA PARKS!
Rhino:Back and forth battle that went the way of Mya Parks here tonight…
Mark:Lil Kim brought it to Mya Parks but it wasn’t enough here tonight… As still to come tonight we will be seeing the EWA World Heavyweight Champion Lone Jobber in action… As we now get set for our next contest…
Diamond Dallas Page vs The Undertaker
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Death Valley… Weighing in at 299 Pounds… Accompained to the ring by Paul Bearer… THE UNDERTAKER!
(“Graveyard” plays as The Undertaker enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From The Jersey Shore… Weighing in at 253 Pounds… DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!
(“Self High Five” plays as Diamond Dallas Page enters the arena…)
Mark:The referee calls for the bell and this one is underway…
Rhino:Its been a couple of years since we last saw Diamond Dallas Page in an EWA Ring…
Mark:DDP gets right up in the face of The Undertaker…
Rhino:Diamond Dallas Page is taunting The Undertaker…
Mark:The Undertaker grabs DDP by the throat and lifts him up in the air and drops him right to the mat…
Rhino:DDP is getting right back up on to his feet…
Mark:The Undertaker now whips DDP off in to the corner…The Undertaker charges but DDP nails him with a back elbow…
Rhino:DDP is just now nailing The Undertaker with right hands…
Mark:DDP sends The Undertaker for the ride in to the ropes… The Undertaker with a reversal… DDP comes off in the ropes and The Undertaker charges and nails him with a running DDT!
Rhino:DDP was planted with that DDT!
Mark:The Undertaker covers DDP 1……………..2………….Kickout by Diamond Dallas Page…
Rhino:DDP is staggering up on to his feet…
Mark:The Undertaker again grabs him by the throat… CHOKESLAM! NO! DDP counters out of it…Reverse DDT! By Diamond Dallas Page…
Rhino:Nice escape by Diamond Dallas Page…
Mark:The Undertaker is getting back up on to his feet… DDP lines him up… Discus Clothesline!
Rhino:Nice move right there by Diamond Dallas Page…
Mark:DDP covers The Undertaker 1……………..2…………..3…No! The Undertaker gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:DDP is now waiting for The Undertaker to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:DIAMOND CUTTER! NO! The Undertaker blocks and shoves him off in to the ropes…
Rhino:The Undertaker had that move scouted…
Mark:DDP is now coming off the ropes… The Undertaker scoops him up…
Rhino:Here it comes…
Rhino:What a counter by DDP…
Mark:DDP covers The Undertaker 1…………………2……………3……….. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!
Rhino:Diamond Dallas Page returns to the EWA and returns with a Bang…
Mark:He indeed did return to the EWA with a bang with the victory here tonight over The Undertaker… As we now get set for more EWA Action here tonight at Thursday Night Chaos…
Non Title
Hailey Wade vs Brianna Alverez
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Non Title Match set for one fall…Introducing first… From Chicago, Illinois… Weighing in at 114 Pounds… BRIANNA ALVAREZ!
(“Haunted” plays as Brianna Alvarez enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Hollywood, Ca… Weighing in at 125 Pounds…The EWA Womens Champion…HAILEY WADE!
(“Getting away with murder” plays as Hailey Wade enters the arena…)
Mark:Brianna Alvarez and Hailey Wade lock up in the center of the ring… Brianna Alvarez goes behind Hailey Wade and nails her with a couple of shots right to the back of the head and now drives her towards the ropes… Roll Up! No! Hailey Wade holds on to the ropes…
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez gets back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade charges… Clothesline! Ducked by Brianna Alvarez… Backslide by Brianna Alvarez 1……………….2……….. Kickout by the EWA Womens Champion…
Rhino:Hailey Wade gets back up on to her feet…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez kicks her in the midsection and now scoops her up… Hailey Wade gets out of the slam and now shoves her off in to the corner…
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez is staggering backwards…
Mark:Hailey Wade hooks her up… German Suplex!
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez was dropped right on her head after that Suplex…
Mark:Hailey Wade covers Brianna Alvarez 1………………..2…………..Kickout by Brianna Alvarez…
Rhino:The EWA Womens Champion now waits for Brianna Alvarez to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade now hooks up Brianna Alvarez and nails her with a Front Face Suplex!
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez is hurting now as she tries to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade now turns her over and goes for the cover 1…………………2…………..Kickout by Brianna Alvarez…
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez is now holding on to her midsection as she gets back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade with a couple of knees to Brianna Alvarez and backs her up in to the corner…
Rhino:Hailey Wade is now setting her up on to the top rope…
Mark:Hailey Wade hooks up Brianna Alvarez… Superplex! No! Brianna Alvarez blocks and shoves her off the top rope…
Rhino:The EWA Womens Champion is now staggering back up on to her feet…
Mark:Flying Clothesline! Connects by Brianna Alvarez as she came off the top rope…
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez covers Hailey Wade 1…………………2…………….Kickout by Hailey Wade…
Rhino:Hailey Wade is now staggering to her feet…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez goes for a kick… Caught… Enziguri! By Brianna Alvarez right to the back of the head of Hailey Wade…
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez covers Hailey Wade 1………………..2…………..3……..NO! The EWA Womens Champion gets her shoulder up…
Rhino:Hailey Wade is now trying to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez now hooks her up… Northern Lights Suplex! With a Bridge! 1……………………2……………..3…NO! Hailey Wade gets her shoulder up again…
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez is now waiting for the EWA Womens Champion to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade is back up… Brianna Alvarez hooks her up…LIGHTS OUT! NO! Blocked by Hailey Wade… Hailey Wade spins around Brianna Alvarez… DDT!
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez dropped right on her head…
Mark:Hailey Wade now covers Brianna Alvarez 1………………….2…………..3…….NO! Brianna Alvarez gets her shoulder up…
Rhino:Hailey Wade is now waiting for Brianna Alvarez to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Hailey Wade hooks her up… BRAINBUSTER!
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez once again dropped right on her head…
Mark:Hailey Wade is now heading up on the top rope…
Rhino:The EWA Womens Champion is looking to put her away right here and now…
Mark:HAILEYS COMET! NO! Brianna Alvarez moved out of the way…
Rhino:Hailey Wade missed with the Moonsault…
Mark:Hailey Wade staggers to her feet… Brianna Alvarez hooks her up… LIGHTS OUT!
Rhino:She could have her right here and now…
Mark:Brianna Alvarez hooks the leg 1………………2………….3………… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BRIANNA ALVAREZ!
Rhino:Brianna Alvarez just beat the EWA Womens Champion…
Mark:This has to put her in line for a future title shot…
Rhino:I would agree with you there…
Mark:We will have to see what the EWA Executive Committee decides… But right now its back to the ring for Hair vs Career…
Triple H vs Black Scorpion
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game TRIPLE H!
(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Parts Unknown… The BLACK SCORPION!
(Black Scorpion’s theme plays as he enters the arena…)
Mark:Triple H and Black Scorpion get face to face in the center of the ring…Black Scorpion nails Triple H with a couple of right hands…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is just nailing Triple H with those right hands…
Mark:Triple H is now coming back with shots of his own right now…
Rhino:They are trading shots back and forth…
Mark:Black Scorpion with a knee to the midsection of Triple H and now sends him off in to the ropes… Triple H with a reversal… Black Scorpion comes off the ropes and Triple H nails him with a clothesline…
Rhino:The Game took his head off right there…
Mark:Black Scorpion gets up on to his feet right now… Triple H backs him up in to the corner with right hands… Triple H sends Black Scorpion off in to the far side corner…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Triple H grabs him by the arm… Short Arm Clothesline! By Triple H…
Rhino:He laid out Black Scorpion with that clothesline…
Mark:Triple H covers Black Scorpion 1…………….2…………Kickout by Black Scorpion…
Rhino:Black Scorpion’s career is on the line in this match up and you know he is going to try to save his career anyway he can…
Mark:Triple H now drags Black Scorpion to the ropes…
Rhino:Triple H has him laying across the middle rope…
Mark:Triple H comes charging and drops all of his weight on the back and neck of Black Scorpion…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is rolling out of the ring…
Mark:Triple H goes out after Black Scorpion right now… Triple H grabs him by the head and goes to ram him in to the Steel Steps… Black Scorpion blocks and drives Triple H head first in to the steel steps…
Rhino:Triple H is spinning around…
Mark:Black Scorpion now whips him off in to the steel guard rail…
Rhino:Triple H is dazed…
Mark:Black Scorpion takes Triple H off of his feet with a clothesline…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is now rolling Triple H back in to the ring…
Mark:Black Scorpion is now heading up on to the top rope…
Rhino:Triple H is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Double Axe Handle! By Black Scorpion laying out Triple H… Black Scorpion covers Triple H 1…………….2……………Kickout by Triple H…
Rhino:The Game is now slowly getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Black Scorpion is now hooking up Triple H… Dragon Screw Leg Whip!
Rhino:You know what Black Scorpion is trying to setup right now…
Mark:Scorpion Death Lock! No! Triple H powers out of it…
Rhino:The Game had that move well scouted…
Mark:Black Scorpion spins around… Triple H nails him with a Knee Buster!
Rhino:Black Scorpion is dazed….
Mark:Triple H hooks him up… Side Walk Slam! By Triple H… As Triple H now covers Black Scorpion 1……………….2…………Kickout by Black Scorpion…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is getting up on to his feet…
Mark:Triple H shoots him off in to the ropes… SPINEBUSTER! NO! Countered… DDT!
Rhino:Black Scorpion could have Triple H right now…
Mark:Black Scorpion covers Triple H 1………………2……………3…………NO! The Game gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Triple H was just a half a second away from losing his hair…
Mark:Black Scorpion is now waiting for Triple H to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Triple H seems to be out of it…
Mark:Black Scorpion now goes behind Triple H… SCORPION DEATH DROP!
Rhino:Black Scorpion could have Triple H right here and now…
Mark:Black Scorpion covers Triple H 1…………………..2…………..3…………..NO! Triple H gets his shoulder up again…
Rhino:Another very close near fall right there by Black Scorpion…
Mark:Triple H is now trying to get back up on to his feet in the corner…
Rhino:Black Scorpion needs to beat Triple H tonight to save his career…
Mark:Black Scorpion is now whips Triple H off in the farside corner…
Rhino:The Game is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Running Bulldog! NO! Triple H blocks and shoves him off in to the ropes… Black Scorpion comes off the ropes… SPINEBUSTER!
Rhino:Triple H just drilled him in to the mat…
Mark:Triple H now covers Black Scorpion 1………………….2…………..3……….NO! Black Scorpion gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:So close right there…
Mark:Black Scorpion was a moment away from losing his EWA Career…
Rhino:Triple H is now waiting for Black Scorpion to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Triple H with a kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! Countered… Quick Pin! 1…………………….2……………..3………..NO! Triple H kicks out…
Rhino:So Close!
Mark:The Game is now getting back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is behind Triple H…
Mark:Black Scorpion hooks up Triple H… SCORPION DEATH DROP! NO! Triple H Holds on to the ropes…
Rhino:Black Scorpion is now staggering back up on to his feet…
Mark:Triple H now sets up Black Scorpion… PEDIGREE!
Rhino:This could be the end of Black Scorpion career…
Mark:Triple H covers Black Scorpion 1………………2…………….3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H!
Rhino:Triple H has just ended the career of Black Scorpion…
Mark:Triple H also didn’t have to lose his hair either…
Rhino:You know he is happy about that…
Mark:Triple H isnt done yet…
Rhino:What is he doing now?
Mark:Triple H is trying to find out who Black Scorpion is…
Rhino:Hes pulling off the mask…
Mark:The Mask is Off! Its CODY RHODES!
Rhino:Cody Rhodes is Black Scorpion?
Mark:I guess so…
Rhino:Im shocked by this…
Mark:So are many in the arena… Cody Rhodes is the Black Scorpion… But the career of Black Scorpion is over in the EWA… As we now are going to see the EWA Total Impact Champion in action…
Non Title Match
Troy “The Rampage” Joseph vs Black Shadow
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Non Title Match set for one fall… Introducing first…From Parts Unknown… Weighing in at 210 Pounds… BLACK SHADOW!
(Black Shadow’s theme plays as he enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Shangra-la… Weighing in at 225 Pounds… The EWA Total Impact Champion… TROY “THE RAMPAGE” Joseph…
(“Hall of Illusion” plays as Troy “The Rampage” Joseph enters the arena…)
Mark:Black Shadow attacks Troy “The Rampage” Joseph as he enters the ring…
Rhino:That’s smart to get the early jump on your opponent…
Mark:Black Shadow nails Troy “The Rampage” Joseph with shots as he sends him off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop!
Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph gets back up on to his feet…
Mark:Black Shadow now backs Troy “The Rampage” Joseph up in to the corner… Black Shadow with an irish whip… Reversal by Troy Joseph sending Black Shadow hard in to the corner…
Rhino:Black Shadow is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph charges… Flying Shoulder Block!
Rhino:Nice move right there by the EWA Total Impact Champion…
Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph now sets up Black Shadow… Powerbomb!
Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph just drove Black Shadow in to the mat…
Mark:The EWA Total Impact Champion is now heading up on to the top rope…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is going to fly…
Mark:SWANTON BOMB! CONNECTS! By the EWA Total Impact Champion…
Rhino:That was big time move by the EWA Total Impact Champion Troy Joseph…
Mark:Troy Joseph is now waiting for Black Shadow to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph has him lined up…
Rhino:Black Shadow was driven right in to the mat…
Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph hooks the leg 1………………2………….3……. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TROY “THE RAMPAGE” JOSEPH!
Rhino:A Dominant Victory for the EWA Total Impact Champion…
Mark:Who is next in line for Troy Joseph? We are going to have to wait and see… But right now its time to find out who will be the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Number One Contenders Match for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship
J-Twisted vs Raphael vs Jerry Watts vs Al Snow
Pa Announcer:This next contest is for the Number One Contendership for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first…From Washington, D.C…. Weighing in at 245 Pounds… RAPHAEL!
(“Enter Sandman” plays as Raphael enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… .From Brick City, NJ… Weighing in at 258 Pounds…J-TWISTED!
(“La La La” plays as J-Twisted enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Their opponent…From New York, Ny… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… JERRY WATTS!
(“I Stand Alone” plays as Jerry Watts enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Lima, Ohio.. Weighing in at 235 pounds.. AL SNOW!
(“What Does Everybody Want” plays as Al Snow enters the arena…)
Mark:This match up is one fall to a finish with the winner getting a shot at the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at New Years Evil…
Rhino:Only one of these men will be moving on to face Lone Jobber…
Mark:The former EWA World Champion J-Twisted is nailing Raphael with shots…
Rhino:Al Snow and Jerry Watts are trading shots right now as well…
Mark:Raphael comes back at J-Twisted and now backs him up in to the ropes… Raphael scoops up J-Twisted and nails him with a Shoulder Breaker…
Rhino:Jerry Watts just tossed Al Snow out of the ring…
Mark:Jerry Watts is going out after Al Snow… While Raphael waits for J-Twisted to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:J-Twisted is back up on to his feet in the corner…
Mark:Raphael pulls J-Twisted out of the corner and nails him with a swinging neckbreaker as he goes for the quick cover 1………….2….. J-Twisted kicks out…
Rhino:Jerry Watts just sent Al Snow in to the steel guard rail hard…
Mark:Jerry Watts is now making his way back in to the ring as he heads for the top rope…
Rhino:Watch Out!
Mark:Raphael knocks Jerry Watts off the top rope…
Rhino:Jerry Watts went crashing hard to the outside of the ring…
Mark:J-Twisted is back up on his feet… Raphael hooks him up… Side Effect! No! J-Twisted blocks… Jawbreaker! By the former EWA World Champion…
Rhino:Nice counter by J-Twisted…
Mark:Raphael is now spinning around… J-Twisted hooks him up… Facebuster! J-Twisted covers Raphael 1…………….2……. Kickout by Raphael…
Rhino:Raphael is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…
Mark:J-Twisted now climbs the ropes and starts to nail Raphael with right hands…
Rhino:Al Snow is back in the ring…
Mark:Al Snow gets underneath J-Twisted… Powerbomb! By Al Snow driving him straght in to the mat…
Rhino:J-Twisted is down…
Mark:Al Snow now pulls Raphael out of the corner… Snap Suplex! Driving Raphael right on to J-Twisted… Al Snow now covers Raphael 1…………………..2……………..Kickout by Raphael…
Rhino:Raphael is now slow to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Al Snow is now hooking up Raphael… Trapping Headbutts!
Rhino:Raphael is dazed…
Mark:Al Snow now scoops him up and slams him straight to the mat…
Rhino:Al Snow is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:J-Twisted is up and he stops Al Snow as he was climbing up the top rope…
Rhino:Al Snow is now in trouble…
Mark:J-Twisted has Al Snow tied up in the tree of woe… Running Baseball Slide! Connects! By J-Twisted…
Rhino:Al Snow is now staggering back up on to his feet…
Mark:J-Twisted hooks him up… Stunner!
Rhino:J-Twisted got him good with that Stunner…
Mark:J-Twisted now covers Al Snow 1………………….2………..3……No! Jerry Watts comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:Jerry Watts is now nailing J-Twisted with shots…
Mark:Jerry Watts gets J-Twisted up on to his shoulders… Go To Sleep!
Rhino:Big shot right there by Jerry Watts…
Mark:Jerry Watts covers J-Twisted 1……………..2……………. 3….No! Raphael comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:Raphael is now pulling Jerry Watts up on to his feet…
Mark:Raphael hooks up Jerry Watts… Belly to Belly Suplex!
Rhino:Raphael is now heading up on to the top rope…
Rhino:Raphael is about to become the Number One Contender…
Mark:Raphael covers Jerry Watts 1………………….2………………3…………. NO! Al Snow breaks it up…
Rhino:Al Snow and Raphael are trading shots right now…
Mark:Al Snow goes for a clothesline… Raphael ducks… SIDE EFFECT!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Al Snow is now staggering up on to his feet…
Rhino:Raphael is looking to put Al Snow away…
Rhino:Raphael got all of that kick…
Mark:Raphael covers Al Snow 1…………………2……………..3…………. NO! J-Twisted breaks it up…
Rhino:So very close right there…
Mark:Raphael now charges at J-Twisted… J-Twisted ducks and now spins him around… ONE HITTA QUITTA!
Rhino:Raphael was planted…
Mark:J-Twisted covers Raphael 1…………………..2……………….3………….NO! Al Snow breaks it up…
Rhino:Al Snow and J-Twisted are trading shots back and forth right now…
Mark:J-Twisted kicks Al Snow in the midsection and now scoops him up… Running Powerslam! No! Al Snow escapes and tosses J-Twisted over the top rope…
Rhino:J-Twisted hit the floor hard…
Mark:Jerry Watts has now staggered back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Al Snow is looking to put him away right now…
Mark:Al Snow hooks up Jerry Watts… SNOW PLOW!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Look Out! REALITY CHECK! NO! Al Snow ducks and back drops Raphael out of the ring… Al Snow covers Jerry Watts 1………………..2…………….3…………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner AL SNOW!
Rhino:Al Snow is now the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championshp…
Mark:It will now be Al Snow and Lone Jobber battling it out at New Years Evil for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:That should be one of hell of a match up between those two…
Mark:It should be… And we are now about to see the EWA World Champion in action as we get set for our Main Event…
Non Title Match
Lone Jobber(c) vs Eric Steel
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a Non Title Match and is set for One Fall… Introducing first… From Toronto, Canada… Weighing in at 230 Pounds… ERIC STEEL!
(Eric Steel’s theme plays as he enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From The Slaughter House now residing in the EWA Offices in Atlanta, Ga… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… The EWA World Champion…El Presidente LONE JOBBER!
(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Mark:Lone Jobber locks up with Eric Steel in the center of the ring… Lone Jobber with a couple of knees to the midsection of Eric Steel and now backs him up in to the corner…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is nailing Eric Steel with chops across the chest…
Mark:Lone Jobber now pulls Eric Steel out of the corner and hooks him up for a suplex… Blocked by Eric Steel and he takes Lone Jobber over with a suplex of his own…
Rhino:Nice counter by Eric Steel…
Mark:Eric Steel is now putting the boots to the EWA World Champion…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…
Mark:Eric Steel now with shots to the midsection of Lone Jobber and now pulls him out of the corner…Side Walk Slam! By Eric Steel… Eric Steel covers Lone Jobber 1……………2……….. Kickout by Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now slow to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber is getting back up on to his feet by the ropes… Eric Steel charges… Hot Shot! By Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Nice move by Lone Jobber as he saw Eric Steel coming…
Mark:Eric Steel is now spinning around… Lone Jobber hooks him up… Double Arm DDT!
Rhino:Nice DDT by the EWA World Champion…
Mark:Lone Jobber is now waiting for Eric Steel to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Eric Steel is getting back up…
Mark:Lone Jobber lines him up… LOW CARD KICK!
Rhino:Lone Jobber got all of that kick…
Mark:Lone Jobber covers Eric Steel 1…………………..2…………………3….No! Eric Steel gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Close near fall right there…
Mark:Lone Jobber now waits for Eric Steel to turn around… Lone Jobber hooks him up… HERTIAGE! NO! Back Body Drop!
Rhino:Nice counter by Eric Steel…
Mark:Lone Jobber is now staggering up on to his feet…
Rhino:Eric Steel is lining him up…
Mark:Lone Jobber turns around… STEEL CUTTER! NO! Lone Jobber blocks and shoves him across the ring…
Rhino:Eric Steel is now staggering up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber sets him up… THE GIMMICK!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Lone Jobber hooks the leg 1………………2……………..3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner LONE JOBBER!
Rhino:The EWA World Champion with a nice win tonight…
Mark:Lone Jobber knows what his role is this year at New Years Evil and he knows hes set to face Al Snow for the gold…But we will see you all at Seasons Beatings… Good Night Everyone!