Halloween Hellraiser 2014
Mark:We are live in Little Rock, Arkansas… This is Halloween Hellraiser!
(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H walks in to the arena…)
Rhino:I guess we are getting this started early with Triple H…
Mark:It looks like the boss has something to say…
HHH:Every single week I feel like I need to come out here and defend myself… People always question me and question my motives… But week in and week out I come out here and I do whats Best for Business…I do whats best for this company and I do whats best for each and every one of you…
HHH:You really think calling me an asshole is going to piss me off… Because its not… Because you people have a voice… You people are allowed to speak your minds… Do I agree with you… Well thats a different story… But the fact remains is that if you wanna call me an asshole… Then call me an asshole…
HHH:Keep it going… Because all it does is fuel me to do my job even better as I am the one who is giving you competitive main events… I am the one who is giving you the matches and the people you want to see… Im not the one who retires every six months… Im not the one who takes his ball and goes home because he doesnt have the passion anymore… Im not the one shouting out about abuse… Im not the one faking my own death… But those are the people you admire… But the fact remains… Im the one who gives you what you deserve and I will continue to give you people EXACTLY what you deserve and tonight in this very ring…
(“Hits From The Bong” plays as Subway walks out on to the stage…)
Mark:Looks like The Champ is about to join the party…
Subway:Hey Asshole! (Subway Laughs)
HHH:Real funny…
Subway:You did say we can all you an asshole. Should I call you Mr. Asshole? Or how about My Bitch, does that work for you?
Subway:Alright fine that was my mistake. Its Stephanie’s Bitch!
(Crowd Laughs)
Subway:Is that all it takes you get under your skin is to talk about your wife because let me tell you a few things that I would do to her, as first I would…
Subway:Ezay Pussy… I mean Easy Asshole. Im not out here to fight with you, because if I would come down to that ring right now and I would bust you open and send you to the hospital and then I would go to your hotel room and I would tell your wife all of the…
Mark:Triple H is storming up the ramp right now to get after Subway…
Rhino:He is pissed…
Mark:Security is out to keep Triple H away from Subway…
Subway:Look at your personal security keeping you away to make you look tough. Well done Asshole. Thanks though for getting out of our ring because you were just stinking it up. Because as you said you are just a smelly asshole.
(Crowd Laughs)
Subway:Also Asshole, whenever you wanna go, we can get in that ring and we can go, as I have no problem messing up your face like I would your wife’s… But lets get to the VIOLENCE!
Rhino:Subway is having a good time pissing off Triple H…
Mark:You can really tell he is… But the Champ says its time to bring the violence… Lets get to the violence… Its time for our first match up of the night…
Trick or Treat Match
Megumi Kudo vs Colt Cabana
Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall and is the Trick or Treat Match… Introducing first…From Koshigaya, Japan… Weighing in at 132 Pounds… MEGUMI KUDO!
(“Battle without Honor or Humanity” plays as Megumi Kudo enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Her opponent… From Chicago, Illinois… Weighing in at 233 Pounds… COLT CABANA!
(“Boom Boom” plays as Colt Cabana enters the arena…)
Mark:Colt Cabana is looking as though he wants no part of this match up with Megumi Kudo…
Rhino:He is telling the referee that he doesnt want to fight her…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is a former World Champion and Colt Cabana has the nerve to say he doesnt want to fight…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo seems to be taking offense to it right now…
Mark:Megumi Kudo slaps Colt Cabana right in the face…
Rhino:Maybe that will smarten him up…
Mark:Colt Cabana says he has had enough of this and he starts to leave the ring…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is trying to stop him…
Mark:Megumi Kudo pulls him back in to the ring… Colt Cabana with a Big Clothesline!
Rhino:He just took her head off with that clothesline…
Mark:Colt Cabana had a natural reaction and just laid her out with a big clothesline…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is trying to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Colt Cabana scoops her up and slams her right down to the canvas…
Rhino:Colt Cabana is now heading up to the top rope…
Mark:He is pulling on one of the boxes that is hanging above the ring on the poles…
Rhino:Whats in the box?
Mark:What appears to be in the box is a steel chair…
Rhino:Colt Cabana now has possession of the steel chair…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is trying to crawl to the ropes to get back up on to her feet…
Rhino:Colt Cabana is telling her this is what you wanted…
Mark:Colt Cabana charges in… Megumi Kudo gets her feet up and she knocks the chair back in to the face of Colt Cabana…
Rhino:Colt Cabana is now dazed…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is now picking up the chair…
Rhino:What is she going to do with the chair?
Mark:Megumi Kudo throws the chair right in to the face of Colt Cabana…
Rhino:Colt Cabana is staggering backwards…
Mark:Megumi Kudo charges in… Headscissors! No!
Rhino:Colt Cabana counters…
Mark:Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker!
Rhino:Big move right there by Colt Cabana…
Mark:Colt Cabana covers Megumi Kudo 1……………..2…………….3…No!
Rhino:Megumi Kudo got her shoulder up…
Mark:Colt Cabana is now up on the middle rope now and pulls on the string…
Rhino:Its a skeleton bone…
Mark:Colt Cabana now has the bone and now bends Megumi Kudo over and nails her in the backside with the skeleton bone…
Rhino:Save it for the bedroom!
Mark:Colt Cabana now just tosses the bone aside as well as Megumi Kudo…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is struggling to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Colt Cabana gets her up on his shoulders… Airplane Spin!
Rhino:He dumps her right on the mat after that airplane spin…
Mark:Colt Cabana is just telling her to stay down…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo continues to crawl around the ring…
Mark:Colt Cabana picks her up… Megumi Kudo grabbed a hold of the Skeleton Bone and nails him downstairs with it!
Rhino:Low Blow!
Mark:That stopped Colt Cabana in his tracks…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo now picking up the steel chair…
Mark:With all of her might she nails him right in the face with the Steel Chair!
Rhino:Megumi Kudo has gotten Colt Cabana off of his feet…
Mark:Colt Cabana is now struggling to get back up…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is up on the middle rope…
Mark:Megumi Kudo leaps… Caught!
Rhino:That backfired…
Mark:No it didnt… DDT on the Steel Chair!
Rhino:What a counter to the counter…
Mark:Megumi Kudo hooks the leg 1………………2…………..3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner MEGUMI KUDO!
Rhino:What an upset…
Mark:Megumi Kudo picks up the win here tonight over Colt Cabana…
Rhino:Colt Cabana seemed against the match up and well maybe his hesitance cost him this match up…
Mark:It must have… Right now Kent Richardson is standing by with Triple H…
Kent:Thanks guys… Triple H you asked for this time…
HHH:Yes I did… I feel like I needed to clear some things up with what happened out there earlier… I let my emotions get the best of me… And I would like to apologize to everyone… Sometimes when you get personal… Things sorta just get out of control a little bit and thats what happened… I can rest assure you… That wont happen again…
Kent:Thank you for your time…
(Triple H walks in to his office and the camera pans to see his office destroyed with the words “Hey Asshole” written on the wall…)
(Camera pans to see an Ace of Spades card taped to the wall)
HHH:That no good piece of…
(Triple H slams the door)
Rhino:Well Triple H is pissed off…
Mark:And I think we all know who did that…
Rhino:Someone probably need to figure out a way to calm Triple H down… He may give himself a heart attack…
Mark:Lets get back to the ring now though for our next contest….
Barbed Wire Ultimate X Match
Lone Jobber vs A Member of The Shield
*Winner Gets the May-Hem Rumble Briefcase
Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Barbed Wire Ultimate X Match for the May-Hem Rumble Briefcase… Introducing first… From The Slaughter House… And now residing in the EWA Offices in Atlanta,Ga… Weighing in at 235 Pounds…LONE JOBBER!
(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…
(“Special Ops” plays in the arena…)
Rhino:Here come all the members of The Shield…
Mark:This is supposed to be a one on one match…
Rhino:Which member of The Shield will it be?
Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to figure it out…
Rhino:All four men are at different points in the crowd right now…
Mark:It appears its going to be Roman Reigns…
Rhino:Well that should be…
Mark:Look Out! Dean Ambrose from behind and this match up is now underway…
Rhino:I guess its Dean Ambrose…
Mark:The other members of The Shield are heading back up in to the crowd and heading to the back as it will be Dean Ambrose representing The Shield tonight…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is putting the boots right to Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is backed up in the corner…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is choking him with his boot right now as he has him down in the corner…
Rhino:The referee cant step in and stop him because there is only one rule in this Ultimate X and thats to pull down the object… Which in this case is the May-Hem Rumble Briefcase…
Mark:Dean Ambrose pulls Lone Jobber up on to his feet…Dean Ambrose with a hard irish whip sending Lone Jobber in to the farside corner…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering around…
Mark:Dean Ambrose charges in and lays him out with a running forearm…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is going back to putting the boots to Lone Jobber…
Mark:Dean Ambrose mounts him from behind and is just laying in the right hands to Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Look at him lay in the shots…
Mark:Dean Ambrose just shoves Lone Jobber’s face right in to the mat…Big stomp right to the back of the head of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Look how aggressive Dean Ambrose is right now…
Mark:It appears he is trying to knock out Lone Jobber so it will make it easier for him to climb up and retrieve the May-Hem Rumble Briefcase… Which contains a contract for a shot at the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:Which Lone Jobber wants back since The Shield stole it from him and William McConnell…
Mark:Dean Ambrose now brings a singapore cane in to the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is making his way to his feet…
Mark:Dean Ambrose swings… Lone Jobber ducks and knocks the singapore cane out of his hand…
Rhino:The cane went flying…
Mark:Dean Ambrose now gets backed up in to the ropes by Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is laying in the right hands…
Mark:Lone Jobber now backs up and charges right at Dean Ambrose… Dean Ambrose ducks and back drops Lone Jobber over the top rope and to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber landed hard on the outside of the ring…
Mark:Dean Ambrose now with a full head of steam dives through the ropes right down on to Lone Jobber on the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is taking back control of this match up a few seconds after it looked like he had lost it…
Mark:Dean Ambrose now with Lone Jobber and tosses him in to the Guardrail…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is looking around for something…
Mark:Lone Jobber staggers back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose has a chair…
Mark:Dean Ambrose nails Lone Jobber right in the midsection with the chair and one more shot right across the back…
Rhino:He really connected with that chair shot…
Mark:You saw the pain on the face of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose isnt done…
Mark:Dean Ambrose with another big shot right across the back of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is planning something right now…
Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to get up… Dean Ambrose hooks him up… DDT on the Steel Chair!
Rhino:Lone Jobber looks to be out of it right now…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is now attempting to climb up on the Ultimate X wires…
Rhino:Its gonna be interesting to see him move across them since they are wrapped in barbed wire…
Mark:Dean Ambrose has a hardcore past so he is used to barbed wire…
Rhino:It looks like Dean Ambrose is slowly making his way across…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is getting close to the center…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber grabs Dean Ambrose by the legs and yanks him off the Ultimate X Structure…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose’s head just bounced right off the mat…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is now getting back up on to his feet after taking that big fall… Lone Jobber charges and takes him right off his feet with a clothesline…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose gets right back up…
Mark:Lone Jobber scoops him up and slams him right down to the canvas… Lone Jobber now mounts Dean Ambrose and starts laying in the right hands…
Rhino:He is opening up on Dean Ambrose now…
Mark:Lone Jobber now heads to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:He is looking for some sort of weapon underneath the ring…
Mark:It appears that Lone Jobber has found himself a singapore cane…
Rhino:Thats not a normal singapore cane…
Mark:No its not… As that singapore cane has been wrapped in barbed wire…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber lines him up and nails him right in the head with that barbed wire singapore cane!
Rhino:Big shot right there…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is staggering around on his feet right now and Lone Jobber nails him right in the ribs with the barbed wire singapore cane…
Rhino:Hes not done…
Mark:Russian Leg Sweep! With the Barbed Wire Singapore Cane!
Rhino:Lone Jobber has taken back control of this match up…
Mark:Lone Jobber is up on the middle rope…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber comes off the middle rope with the Barbed Wire Singapore Cane and nails Dean Ambrose right in the head with the cane…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose has been busted wide open…
Mark:Those shots have done a number to the Lunatic Fringe…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now looking up at the briefcase that holds the contract for the title shot and trying to figure out how hes going to be able to scale the barbed wire cables and get the briefcase…
Mark:The Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose is trying to get back up on to his feet… Lone Jobber hooks him up… HERTIAGE!
Rhino:He planted him right in to the mat…
Mark:Lone Jobber is now climbing up the structure…
Rhino:Hes going to take his chance and hes going to go after his briefcase…
Mark:Lone Jobber is up on the barbed wire and is slowly trying to get across the structure…
Rhino:Hes doing his best to avoid grabbing on to the barbed wire…
Mark:Which is extremely difficult when you look how the ropes are wrapped…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is trying to get up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber is getting close to the briefcase…
Rhino:You can see the pain on his face with every inch he moves as he grabs on to the barbed wire…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is back up and with a full head of steam he charges and yanks on the legs of Lone Jobber and he yanks him off the structure!
Rhino:The momentum from Dean Ambrose charging in at Lone Jobber flipped Lone Jobber around as he crashed in to the canvas…
Mark:Lone Jobber right now is struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is looking up at the structure and is saying screw it…
Mark:Dean Ambrose has the barbed wire singapore cane and he nails Lone Jobber right in the head with it…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now bleeding…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is now going right to the outside and he is bringing in the ladder…
Rhino:He is not even going to attempt to cross that barbed wire…
Mark:Lone Jobber is once again struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose has the ladder…
Mark:Lone Jobber turns around and Dean Ambrose runs him over with the ladder…
Rhino:He took his head off with that ladder…
Mark:That knocked Lone Jobber right on to the ring apron…
Rhino:He looks to be completely out of it…
Mark:Dean Ambrose kicks him off the side of the ring…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is now getting the ladder in position so he can retrieve the briefcase that contains the May-Hem Rumble contract for the shot at the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is making the climb but as he does he is trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes…
Rhino:He is bleeding pretty good after taking those shots with the singapore cane…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is now at the top of the ladder and he is trying to reach up for the briefcase…
Rhino:Hes having trouble getting it down off the structure…
Mark:Lone Jobber is back up on to his feet and he yanks the ladder out from underneath Dean Ambrose…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is now hanging in mid air from the briefcase…
Mark:If Dean Ambrose pulls the briefcase down hes going to take a big fall…
Rhino:How long can he hold on for…
Mark:Lone Jobber has the Ladder and nails Dean Ambrose with the ladder!
Rhino:Dean Ambrose falls down and hits the mat hard…
Mark:The briefcase is still hanging on the structure…
Rhino:Dean Ambrose is dazed as he finds his way back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber lines him up… LOW CARD KICK! NO! Dean Ambrose ducks the kick… Dean Ambrose hooks up Lone Jobber… DIRTY DEEDS! NO!
Rhino:Lone Jobber escapes out of it…
Mark:Dean Ambrose turns around… THE GIMMICK!
Rhino:Lone Jobber hit it…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is out…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now setting up the ladder as quick as he can…
Mark:He is looking to pull down the briefcase and walk out of here with the briefcase and the contract for the shot at the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is getting close to the briefcase…
Mark:Dean Ambrose is trying to climb up the other side of the ladder…
Rhino:He is a few rungs behind Lone Jobber at the moment…
Mark:Lone Jobber reaches up and pulls down the briefcase!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner LONE JOBBER!
Rhino:Lone Jobber is walking out of here tonight with the May-Hem Rumble Briefcase which contains the contract for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship Match…
Mark:Lone Jobber finally has possession of what he believed was his coming out of May-Hem and High Stakes… And thats the briefcase…
(“Special Ops” plays in the arena…)
Rhino:Lone Jobber I would get out of the ring right now…
Mark:The Shield look to be coming for him right now…
Rhino:Wait no…
Mark:The rest of the members of The Shield are on Hardcore Theatre…
Rhino:What does CM Punk have in his hands?
Mark:Wait… No…
Rhino:But I thought…
Mark:The rest of the members of The Shield are smirking as it appears the only thing that Lone Jobber has is the Briefcase as in the hands of CM Punk is the actual contract…
Rhino:They did say that they always have a Plan B…
Mark:And in this case… They did…They out smarted Lone Jobber… He won his briefcase back… But he did not win the contract…
Rhino:They swerved him…
Mark:It appears this issue is far from over between Lone Jobber and The Shield…
Rhino:It does appear so…
Mark:The next time we are on Pay Per View will be at the end of November for the annual November 2 Dismember event…
Rhino:The most interactive Pay Per View of the Year…
Mark:Indeed it is…Right now we are going to footage we received earlier this week at the EWA Offices…
(Video Begins to Play on Hardcore Theater)
Voiceover:The news has been circulating about a man who is planning to rejoin the eWa? After hearing rumors of turmoil and strife within the four walls of it’s hallowed offices, the buzz going on the Internet is that a former champion is set to finally come back to where he gained his most exposure in the US. Who is he? To know who that man is, we must go back to where he came from. That will happen after this brief timeout.
Are you tired of seeing the same old crap shoved down your throat? Than look no further than watching classic matches of professional wrestling on ewazone.com. classic matches, great moments, as well as a weekly roundtable of dignitaries from eWa’s past, present and future. Join us now, and enjoy a ghoul of a time this Halloween weekend. Now back to this exclusive of a returning champion.
(Camera pans in and see a shot of a house that fans may or may not recognize. Many quick cuts are shown between the house and moments of this man’s past. Blood, sweat, tears, victory, betrayal, defeat, and finally..death…or so it was believed. A near fatal car crash almost paralyzed and left for all rights to die on a operating table….shots of surgery and repair, had left this man healed, but at a cost.)
(Now fade from the quick edits and montage to a room, dark, nearly no light…just a voice, and an eerily red tinted wall…voice that is speaking to low to understand. Sounds of mumbling and of near lunacy. A light shines in a part of the room, but no one is there. Only pictures with blood around the pictures. The blood is fresh, as someone took a brush and painted blood on the wall! Sick! The light fades and voice is heard again, still no one seen in the room. Voice is still that of mumbling, like a seance or a chant. Camera now sees a cell on a table and around the phone is a circle of blood. The phone is clean of prints and blood. The phone has been the source of the voice being heard…as the cameraman goes to pick up the phone, an audible message is heard…)
Voice:If you as much as touch this phone, I will not be responsible for what I will do to you. Tell the eWa my message and you’ll be spared. My message is simple..steer clear of me and you’ll be saved. Cross my path and bloodshed will become a daily occurrence in not just your life, but your loved ones lives. They Took A Part Of me That I Can’t Get Back, Which Is time. What I can take is my revenge on those who showed no remorse in my near death experience. So tell the eWa and their fans that a man’s wrath is soon to return and can’t no one stop the wrath of the…….
(Phone hangs up..light goes on, and the room has phrases written in code in blood)
(Cameraman drops his camera, runs out door freaked out by all of this…just as segment is ready to end, a body walks up to the Camera but not showing his face and says…)
Voice:Remember me?
(Camera Feed Cuts Out)
Rhino:That voice sounded familiar but I cant put my finger on it…
Mark:It appears that some one from the EWA’s past is coming back… The question is… Who is it? And when will we see this person… Right now its time to get back to the ring for more action…
Smashing Caskets Match
Bray Wyatt in Action
(Horror Screech)
(Via Hardcore Theatre)
Bray Wyatt:WE’RE HERE!
(“Live In Fear” plays as The Wyatt Family enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Smashing Caskets Match… Introducing first… Already in the ring… Representing The Wyatt Family… BRAY WYATT! His opponent… From Parts Unknown…Weighing in at 240 Pounds… MANIK!
(“Coming Alive” plays as Manik enters the arena…)
Mark:Bray Wyatt just told his Harper and Rowan to get him…
Rhino:This isnt going to be good…
Mark:Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are just going right for the attack on Manik…
Rhino:It appears this is all apart of Bray Wyatt’s plan…
Mark:Erick Rowan just ran over Manik…
Rhino:Luke Harper is now directing traffic…
Mark:Erick Rowan sends Manik in to the corner… Luke Harper now with a big irish whip and he sends Erick Rowan splashing in to Manik in the corner…
Rhino:Manik is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Big Boot! By Luke Harper…
Rhino:He just took Manik’s head right off with that boot…
Mark:Bray Wyatt is now telling them to bring Manik to him…
Rhino:Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are doing what they are told…
Mark:Bray Wyatt hooks up Manik… SISTER ABIGAIL!
Rhino:Manik is out…
Mark:Luke and Erick are now dragging Manik out of the ring…
Rhino:They are dragging him to the casket that has been setup at ringside for this smashing caskets match…
Mark:Bray Wyatt is now calling the shots and is telling them to put him in the casket…
Rhino:They are doing what they are told…
Mark:Manik has been dumped in to the casket and Bray Wyatt now shuts the lid…
Rhino:He is now telling them to smash it…
Mark:They are just destroying the casket with those sledgehammers…
Rhino:The referee needs to stop this right now…
Mark:The referee just called for the bell and its over…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BRAY WYATT!
Rhino:I would say this was the Wyatt Family sending a message to the entire EWA Locker Room that if you get in their way…This could happen to you…
Mark:I would be fearful of this trio…
Rhino:Same here…
(Horror Screech)
Mark:That quickly as they came the Wyatt Family has left and we now have to get things back in order as we get set for our Main Event for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
EWA World Heavyweight Championship Hell in a Haunted Cell
Subway(c) vs Tyler Breeze
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the HELL IN A HAUNTED CELL Match and is for the EWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first…The Challenger…Now residing in his Seasonal residence in Santorini, Greece… Weighing in at 195 Pounds… TYLER BREEZE!
(“#MmmmGorgeous” plays as Tyler Breeze enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Wildwood, New Jersey… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… One Half of the EWA Tag Team Champions and the EWA World Heavyweight Champion… SUBWAY!
(“Hits From The Bong” plays as Subway enters the arena…)
Mark:The cell door has been locked and we are underway…
Rhino:So what makes this match up different than a normal hell in a cell match Mark?
Mark:Well we can see that the lights have been dimmed around the ring to give it a darker feel along with a variety of different weapons that are placed around different areas of the cell…
Mark:Subway goes right after Tyler Breeze and Tyler Breeze ducks right out of the way from the shots from Subway and ducks out of the ring…
Rhino:Subway looking to get revenge on Tyler Breeze for the brutal attack at the end of Friday Night Frenzy…
Mark:Tyler Breeze left him laying after breaking a mirror over his head…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is being chased around the ring right now…
Mark:Tyler Breeze rolls back in to the ring and catches the EWA World Heavyweight Champion with boots as he rolls back in to the ring…
Rhino:He is just stomping right on the back of Subway…
Mark:Tyler Breeze now quickly comes off the ropes and nails Subway with a baseball slide that knocks him out of the ring…
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Tyler Breeze goes right to the outside of the ring and now grabs Subway by the head and tosses him right in to the cell wall…
Rhino:Subway bounced right off of it…
Mark:Tyler Breeze one more time sends Subway in to the cell wall…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is looking to bust Subway right open…
Mark:You have to believe that the cut from last week is not completely healed at this point..
Rhino:Look at what he is doing now…
Mark:Tyler Breeze is raking the face of Subway across the cell wall using it like a cheese grater to rip open that cut…
Rhino:Hes doing a pretty good job of it right now…
Mark:Subway is bleeding and I dont think Subway minds at all that he is bleeding but it could play a big factor in this match up…
Rhino:Subway’s motto is Bleed Fresh so blood isnt an issue… But the amount of blood will be a factor the longer this match up goes…
Mark:Tyler Breeze sends the EWA World Heavyweight Champion Subway back in to the ring…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is going right back to work…
Mark:More repeated shots right to the back of Subway…
Rhino:Subway is trying to get to the ropes at this point…
Mark:Tyler Breeze pulls Subway up on to his feet and sends him in to the corner… Tyler Breeze in the corner with right hands and now big kicks right to the midsection of Subway…
Rhino:He is stomping the EWA World Heavyweight Champion down in the corner…
Mark:Tyler Breeze now comes charging… Running Low Dropkick!
Rhino:He nailed him right in the face did Tyler Breeze…
Mark:Tyler Breeze now pulls him out of the corner and goes right for the cover 1…………2……….Kickout by Subway…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is now waiting for Subway to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Subway staggers to his feet and Tyler Breeze hooks him up and drops him with a Front Face Suplex!
Rhino:He drops him right in to the mat…
Mark:Tyler Breeze with another cover 1……………2…………Kickout by Subway once again…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze now going to the outside of the ring…
Mark:Tyler Breeze is bringing a steel chair in to the ring…
Rhino:Subway is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Tyler Breeze swings… Subway ducks and now back drops Tyler Breeze out of the ring…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze came charging in with that chair shot and Subway was able to get out of the way of it and sent him to the outside of the ring…
Mark:Subway rolls to the outside and now grabs a hold of Tyler Breeze and he tosses him right in to the cell…
Rhino:He just sent him flying in to the cell wall…
Mark:Subway isnt done… Subway grabs Tyler Breeze and now with a full head of steam tosses him in to the other cell wall…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze bounced right off of it…
Mark:Subway just looked up at the top of the cell…
Rhino:He has Tyler Breeze in position for something…
Mark:Subway pulls on a string…
Mark:A bucket of blood has just been dumped on Tyler Breeze…
Rhino:Oh no! Tyler Breeze isnt happy that a bucket of blood has been dumped on him…
Mark:Subway laughs and now grabs a hold of Tyler Breeze and slams him right back in to the puddle of blood…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is slipping and sliding in that blood right now…
Mark:He cant seem to stand up right at the moment… Subway charges in and nails him with a running knee…
Rhino:The EWA World heavyweight champion has taken back control of this match up…
Mark:Subway now grabs a hold of Tyler Breeze and throws him back in to the ring…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is disgusted with all of the blood thats covering him… I bet he feels like an uggo right now… Which is terrible…
Mark:Its such a crime…
Rhino:It is… Tyler Breeze is one of the beautiful people and he shouldnt be treated like this…
Mark:Subway now charges… Swinging Neckbreaker! As Subway goes for the cover 1…………2…………Kickout by Tyler Breeze…
Rhino:Subway is now going back to the outside…
Mark:Subway has a table and he is bringing it in to the ring right now…
Rhino:This wont be good for the challenger…
Mark:Subway isnt done though…
Rhino:He just pulled out a barbed wire board as well…
Mark:Oh no…
Rhino:I think Subway is taking this up a notch right now…
Mark:Subway has the table setup and is placing the Barbed Wire Board on top of the table…
Rhino:This could really spell the end for Tyler Breeze…
Mark:Subway with a couple of right hands to Tyler Breeze and now sets him up on the top rope…
Rhino:This is a bad spot for Tyler Breeze to be in…
Mark:Subway is setting up Tyler Breeze… SUPERPLEX! NO!
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is holding on to the ropes…
Mark:Subway is trying again… Tyler Breeze blocks… FRONT FACE SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE!
Rhino:What a counter by Tyler Breeze…
Mark:He just drove Subway through the barbed wire board and table…
Rhino:That didnt go as planned for Subway…
Mark:Tyler Breeze covers Subway 1…………………2………………3………NO!
Rhino:So close right there…
Mark:Tyler Breeze thought he had him down for the count right there…
Rhino:Subway is in a tremendous amount of pain right now…
Mark:Tyler Breeze is going to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is bringing a big mirror in to the ring…
Mark:That mirror was set up in one of the corners of the Cell…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze has the mirror now setup in the corner…
Mark:The EWA World Heavyweight Champion is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is looking to put him away right here…
Mark:Big Irish Whip! Subway gets sent crashing through the mirror!
Rhino:Last week at Friday Night Frenzy a mirror got broken over his head… This time his entire body goes crashing through the mirror…
Mark:Subway’s body is completely cut up as Tyler Breeze covers Subway 1…………….2……………….3……….. ITS NOT OVER!
Rhino:Subway got his shoulder up…
Mark:I have to think he was in so much pain that it was a reflex that his body kicked out right there…
Rhino:You could be right about that one…
Mark:Look at all of that glass in that corner…
Rhino:So much damage has been done inside this cell tonight…
Mark:Blood has been spilled as the EWA World Heavyweight Champion Subway attempts to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is now waiting for him to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Subway holding on the ropes…
Rhino:I dont think he knows where he is right now…
Mark:Tyler Breeze lines him up… SUPERMODEL KICK!
Rhino:That could be the knockout shot right there…
Mark:Tyler Breeze covers the bloody and battered champion 1………………2………………..3………NO!
Rhino:Subway got his shoulder up…
Mark:Tyler Breeze thought he had him down for the count right there…
Rhino:Subway some how found a way to get his shoulder at the very last second…
Mark:Tyler Breeze is now rolling back to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:He is pulling out another mirror from underneath the ring…
Mark:Tyler Breeze looks to send Subway through another mirror would could be the end of Subway as we know it…
Rhino:Subway is really struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Tyler Breeze has the mirror setup in the corner…
Rhino:Subway has made it up on to his feet…
Mark:Tyler Breeze with an irish whip… Subway with a reversal… Tyler Breeze quickly puts on the breaks…
Rhino:He stopped himself in his tracks as fast as he could…
Mark:Tyler Breeze turns around… Incoming! No!
Rhino:Tyler Breeze moves…
Mark:Subway just launched himself at Tyler Breeze and Tyler Breeze and Subway goes crashing in to the Mirror!
Rhino:He went in like a crossbody and he is in a lot of pain right now…
Mark:Tyler Breeze turns him over and hooks the leg… 1………………2……………………3……..NO!
Rhino:Subway kicked out again…
Mark:Tyler Breeze cant believe it right now…
Rhino:He thought for sure that was it…
Mark:Subway is cut from head to toe right now…
Rhino:You can see pieces of glass sticking in to his chest…
Mark:Its caught on his gear… As Subway tries to get up on to his feet…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is lining him up…
Rhino:Subway ducked the Beauty Shot…
Mark:Tyler Breeze staggers back up on to his feet… SUBLINE!
Rhino:Thats it right there…
Mark:Subway rolls right to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Subway should have gone for the win right there…
Mark:He has something in mind right now…
Rhino:Subway is bringing a wooden casket in to the ring…
Mark:What does he have in mind right here…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Double Arm DDT!
Rhino:He dropped him right there…
Mark:Subway is now laying Tyler Breeze on to the top of the wooden casket…
Rhino:Where is Subway going now?
Mark:Subway is heading up on to the top rope…
Rhino:This could be a big mistake…
Rhino:Oh My!
Mark:Subway drives Tyler Breeze right through the wooden casket…
Rhino:Tyler Breeze looks to be out…
Mark:Subway hooks the leg 1…………….2……………3………… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL EWA World Heavyweight Champion… SUBWAY!
Rhino:Subway retains the gold here at Halloween Hellraiser…
Mark:What a brutal battle between these two men…
Rhino:It sure was…
Mark:Tremendous battle and in the end Subway once again comes out victorious… Who is next to cross paths with the X-Core World Champion? We will have to find out… Happy Halloween Everyone! Good Night!