Tuesday Night Carnage 01-22-02

Mark:Welcome everyone to the big easy… Here in New Orleans… The site of this years superbowl… And the home to eWa Tuesday Night Carnage…I am Mark as always…


Mark:You didnt need to be so loud…


Mark:Well tonight we have some great action including the eWa World Heavyweight Title Match between Jeff Jarrett and World Champ The Rock…

Rhino:That should be something to see…

Mark:And also tonight the eWa Tag Team Titles are on the line… As Tazz and Storm try to take the gold from DX… Purgatory battles RVD for the eWa X Championship… In a DEATH MATCH…

Rhino:Thats gonna be a five star match up…

Mark:Plus an Ozone Park Match as well… So lets kick it off by heading towards the ring…

Billy Kidman vs Sabu vs Prodigy

Pa Announcer:The opening match at Tuesday Night Carnage is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Allentown, Pa… Weighing in at 200 Pounds… BILLY KIDMAN…

(Kidman’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:And his opponent… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… SABU…

(Sabu’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Dallas, Texas… Weighing in at 374 Pounds… PRODIGY…

Mark:Here we go as the bell sounds… Kidman and Sabu are teaming up… Trying to take out the bigger man Prodigy… Both Kidman and Sabu both attempt a dropkick and it staggers the big man backwards…

Rhino:Yeah but barely…

Mark:Kidman and Sabu both go for a double clothesline and that has the same effect… Which was none… Kidman goes for another dropkick but Sabu nails him with a clothesline… Sabu now springs off the middle rope and Prodigy catches him and slams him straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:We all know Sabu likes to take risks… But that was a stupid one…

Mark:Prodigy picks up Sabu now and nails him with a choke bomb and a cover 1…………….2…… And Kidman breaks it up with a dropkick… Kidman attempts to send him in to the ropes… Short arm clothesline by Prodigy…

Rhino:That Clothesline almost took his head off…

Mark:Prodigy now picks him up in a military press and throws him to the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Well I guess Prodigy wants to take care of Sabu now…

Mark:Prodigy is now taking him up to the top rope… PRODICAL SUN… On to Sabu from the top rope… Cover 1…………..2…………..3…….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… PRODIGY…

Rhino:Well one half of the D&P Connection wins tonight… Will the other…

Mark:Well lets find out as we head to the ring…

Dragon vs The Undertaker vs Demon Child

Pa Announcer:This next match is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Death Valley… Weighing in at 320 Pounds… THE UNDERTAKER…

(“Rollin” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Kennewick, Wa… Weighing in at 198 Pounds… DEMON CHILD…

(Demons theme his as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Denver, Colorado… Weighing in at 333 Pounds… DRAGON…

(Dragons theme hits as he walks out…)

Mark:The bell sounds as this match up begins… The Undertaker goes right for Dragon… And these two men are trading blows back and forth…

Rhino:And look at Demon Child just sit back and watch from the corner…

Mark:The Undertaker is driving him backwards with right hands… Taker charges in… Dragon lifts him up and nails him with a samoan neckbreaker…

Rhino:Demon Child looks scared now as Dragon heads right at him…

Mark:Demon Child charges in and is able to pull off a neckbreaker… Quick cover 1…………2….. Kickout by Dragon…

Rhino:Demon Child is trying to keep the big man down with boots… It aint workin though…

Mark:Dragon back up to a vertical base and now drives a few elbows to the gut of Demon Child before sending him in to the corner…

Rhino:Taker is back up…

Mark:And Dragon sends him right in to Demon Child… And Dragon now charges in and smashes both men in the corner… Dragon now has the Undertaker… CHOKESLAM on him…

Rhino:He drilled the Undertaker straight in to the mat…

Mark:Dragon is now waiting for Demon Child to stagger near him… POWERBOMB by Dragon… And now he grabs Demon Child by the legs… Fire Ball by Dragon on to Demon Child…

Rhino:Thats his verision of the boston crap…

Mark:Demon Child taps out to the fire ball…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… DRAGON…

Rhino:Well I guess both Dragon and Prodigy have had a good night tonight…

Mark:Well I guess they did… Well…I guess its time for some gold to be taken… Or at least put on the line now…

eWa Television Title Match
Omega(c) vs X-Pac

Pa Announcer:This next match is set for one fall and is for the eWa Television Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… From Minneapolis, Minnesota… Weighing in at 212 Pounds… X-PAC…

(“X-Factor” hits as he makes his way out…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… Weighing in at over 400 Pounds… He is the eWa Television Champion… OMEGA…

(“If I die before I should wake” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Mark:Well X-Pac goes right after the big man with those kicks of his…

Rhino:Nothing doing right now…

Mark:Well that last kick did as it caught him right in the balls…


Mark:X-Pac now goes for a spinkick… Caught by Omega and now slams him straight down with a pump handle slam… Omega now sends him hard in to the corner and is now giving him a couple of kicks to the head…

Rhino:X-Pac’s head must be spinning now…

Mark:Omega grabs him now and nails him with a baldo bomb in the middle of the ring… Cover 1……………2……… Omega pulls him up…

Rhino:Omega is not done yet…

Mark:Omega now grabs him and nails him with a big powerbomb…

Rhino:X-Pac is O-U-T… OUT…

Mark:Omega now grabs him and nails him with a screwdriver… Cover 1……….2…………3…..

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… And Still eWa Television Champion… OMEGA…

Rhino:Easy work for Omega there…

Mark:Well lets go outside to a near by park… For all intensive purposes… We are gonna call it… Ozone Park…

eWa Championship Ozone Park Match
Justin Credible(c) vs Dan Hollywood

Mark:Well as we see right now Justin Credible is standing somewhere by some benchs… With his cane in hand…

Rhino:He doesnt leave home with out it…

Mark:Well once Dan shows up… We can get this match started I guess…

Rhino:Look up in the tree its Dan Hollywood…

Mark:Dan with a bulldog from behind as he came off the top of the tree…

Rhino:That surprise Justin… He never saw him and he still hasnt…

Mark:Dan now grabbing Justin and is now just stomping away at him as he tries to get up… Dan now has a metal trash can and as Justin gets up… He gets hit right in the head with it…

Rhino:Dan wants to take him to school now…

Mark:Dan now is dragging him by his legs over near a tree and slingshots the eWa Champ… Right in to the tree… Swinging Bulldog by Dan and he takes down Justin Credible again…

Rhino:Dan has dominated thus far…

Mark:He really wants to be eWa Champ… Justin Credible though gives him a low blow now and is now just threw him down a hill…

Rhino:A Sandbox…

Mark:Well those kicks just got chased a way by this action… Justin Credible is now rubbing Dan’s face in to the sand…

Rhino:That probably doesnt taste very well…

Mark:Justin Credible now grabs a toy bucket and nails him in the head… Justin now pulls a branch off a near by tree and nails Dan right in the head…

Rhino:Now where is he taking him…

Mark:Dan though now with a thumb to the eye and now rams Justins head right in to the wood post…

Rhino:Is he going to send Justin for a ride on the swings…

Mark:Who knows… But I guess it is a yes and he straps him in on the swings… Dan with a big push and he un did the belt as the same time… And Justin flew right back to the sandbox…

Rhino:Dan now grabs another Trash can…

Mark:Low blow by Justin Credible and now grabs the Trashcan and smashes Dans head… Justin now dragging him near the sliding board and they are both heading to the top of it…

Rhino:What is he going to do with him…

Mark:Justin Credible with a suplex on to the slide and Dan slides right down… Baseball slide by Justin Credible as he slides down the slide…

Rhino:This has been one interesting match…

Mark:Justin Credible now grabs him and looks like he is gonna tombstone him in to the ground…

Rhino:Dan with a headbutt to the groin… Nice counter…

Mark:Dan is now scooping him up… Blocked by Justin… THATS INCREDIBLE on to the hard concrete… Covers him 1………………2……………3…..

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… JUSTIN CREDIBLE…

Rhino:It only took one pin in the match to end it… But what a match it was…

Mark:And we still have plenty more to go…

eWa X Championship Death Match
Rob Van Dam vs Purgatory

Pa Announcer:This next match is set a DEATH MATCH… And is for the eWa X Championship… Introducing first… From Battle Creek, Michigan… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… ROB VAN DAM…

(“Walk” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… PURGATORY…

(Purgatory’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Mark:Well this ring has been enforced totally by Purgatory himself and the setup or actually laid out by Puragtory…

Rhino:Which basically means that this is going to be something special…

Mark:Purgatory and RVD are looking down at one another… As they are surrounded by barbed wire and other goodies…

Rhino:Which mean the five letter word… BLOOD…

Mark:RVD goes to Purgatory with forearms… RVD now nails him with a stiff kick to the gut of Purgatory… RVD attempts to send Purgatory towards the barbed wire ropes… RVD gets reversed but he flips over them and lands on the other side…

Rhino:Yeah he didnt want to hit the barbed wire…

Mark:Purgatory with a dropkick and it sends RVD flying off the apron of the ring…

Rhino:He smacked the guardrail… Real hard…

Mark:RVD just throw a chair in to the ring… Purgatory uses the chair and nails him with a blancha as he went straight over the barbed wire and nailed RVD…

Rhino:Purgatory is crazy…

Mark:Purgatory rolls RVD back in to the ring as he slides back in there as well…

Rhino:Hes pulling out something out of the corner…

Mark:Purgatory is setting up some type of thing… Purgatory scoops up RVD and slams him on to the wood… Purgatory now grabs another piece of wood…

Rhino:This one is in some barbed wire…

Mark:And he lays it out on to RVD… Purgatory heads to the top rope… Goes for a 450 Splash… RVD rolls out of the way… But Purgatory lands chest first on to the barbed wire…

Rhino:That aint good for your insides… Unless you are Purgatory…

Mark:RVD now slides out side and has brought in a barbed wire chair…

Rhino:A Barbed Wire Chair…

Mark:Yes a barbed wire chair…


Mark:RVD throws Purgatory the chair… Goes for the VanDaminator… Ducked by Purgatory… Who now throws the chair at RVD… Purginator…

Rhino:A Purginwhat…

Mark:Never minded… But that shot busted the former X Champ… Open… Now Purgatory picks him up and drops him face first on to the barbed wire…

Rhino:Purgatory loves the site of blood… Especially his own… But thats a whole other story…

Mark:Purgatory now sends him in to the corner… Monkey Flip on to the exploding plank…

Rhino:Thats gotta… Um… Hurt…

Mark:Yes you can say that… RVD needs to rebound… After these moves…

Rhino:Remember though… You either have to be knocked out… Or you have to give up… Will either man do that…

Mark:RVD with a low blow… And he grabs the barbed wire chair and nails him with a VANDAMINATOR…

Rhino:That could knock someone out…

Mark:Yeah but it didnt… All it did was bust him open…

Rhino:Purgatory enjoyed that…

Mark:RVD now grabs the 2×4 wrapped in barbed wire… A symbol of the legend Mick Foley… And he cracks the skull of Purgatory… More blood continue to the flow from both men…

Rhino:RVD just pulled out the other exploding plank setup thing…

Mark:Purgatory is laid out on it… FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH… On to the Plank and that has got to hurt…

Rhino:But Purgatory is still moving though…

Mark:RVD now goes for rolling thunder… Purgatory moves out the way of it and RVD just hits what is left of the exploding plank… Which just happened to be just barbed wire…

Rhino:Both men seem to be trying to pull out everything to knock the other out…

Mark:Purgatory goes behind RVD… Goes for Happy Place… Blocked by RVD who flips over and nails him with a spinkick to the back of the head…

Rhino:Stiff shot that was…

Mark:RVD heads to the outside… And he grabs a Barbed Wire Sledgehammer…

Rhino:Now I have seen everything…

Mark:RVD charges Purgatory… Ducked by Purgatory… Purgatory grabs the Sledge and nails RVD right in the head…

Rhino:The Ref calls it… Its over… RVD is Out…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… And NEW eWa X Champion… PURGATORY…

Rhino:What a bloody and strange match that was…

Mark:Well its time to see who the tag team champions will be going in to the match…

eWa Tag Team Title Match
Triple H & Shawn Michaels(c) vs Tazz & Lance Storm

Pa Announcer:This next match is set for one fall and is for the eWa Tag Team Championship… Introducing first… The Challengers… Weighing in at 470 Pounds… The Team of LANCE STORM and TAZZ…

(“Survive” hits as they walk out…)

Pa Announcer:Their opponents… Representing Degeneration X… Weighing in at 497 Pounds… The eWa Tag Team Champions… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS and The Game TRIPLE H…

(“Break it down” hits as they make their way out to the ring…)

Mark:Storm and Michaels will start things out for this match up… Michaels and Storm lock up and as now Storm gets an advantage with the side headlock… Michaels pushes him off in to the ropes… But Storm comes off with a shoulder block…Storm comes back off… Goes for a clothesline… Ducked by Michaels who ends up nailing him with a clothesline of his own…

Rhino:They are trying to get a feel for one another so far in this match up…

Mark:Michaels picks up storm and sends him in to the ropes… Hiptoss by Michaels… Michaels goes over to him… Rollup by Storm… 1……………2…… Michaels kicks out…

Rhino:Close call there… We could have just had new Tag Team Champions…

Mark:Michaels knocks him back down with a back elbow…

Rhino:Michaels tags in The Game…

Mark:Michaels and Triple H double team him in the corner…As they stomp away at Lance Storm… Triple H now by himself is nailing him with boots… As the focus is to keep Tazz out of the ring…

Rhino:If and when the Human Suplex Machine gets in the ring… I would look out…

Mark:Triple H now sends him in to the ropes and nails him with a running knee lift… Triple H sends him back in to the ropes… Neckbreaker by Triple H… Cover 1………………..2……. Tazz comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:Tazz wants to make sure that this match doesnt end yet…

Mark:Triple H tags in Shawn and Shawn goes to the top rope… Triple H hooks Storm… Spike Piledriver on Lance Storm… Cover by Michaels 1……………2………… And Tazz comes in and breaks it up again…

Rhino:Lance needs to get in to this match… And it has to be soon…

Mark:Michaels climbs the top rope and goes for an elbow drop… Lance moves out of the way…

Rhino:Now he has his chance…

Mark:Michaels makes the quick tag to Triple H and Tazz gets the tag… Tazz with a clothesline to Triple H… And Michaels gets nailed with a quick T-Bone Tazzplex… Tazz now grabs Triple H and nails him with another Tazzplex..

Rhino:Tazz is being the Human Suplex Machine at the moment…

Mark:Michaels back up and he gets clotheslined over the top rope… Tazz nails Triple H and gives him a T-Bone Tazzplex… Cover 1………………2……….. Triple H kicks out… Tazz puts the boots to Triple H and now he sends him in to the ropes… Catches him… Blocks the suplex does Triple H and nails him with a knee buster…

Rhino:Tazz was on a roll… But now it has been stopped…

Mark:Triple H goes for the pedigree now… Blocked by Tazz… TAZZMISSION…

Rhino:He is gonna make him tap…

Mark:Michaels is back in and breaks it up…

Rhino:Michaels just saved the Tag Team Titles…

Mark:Lance Storm is still out though… Which is not good for Tazz… Michaels though gets sent in to the ropes… Ducks the Clothesline… SUPERKICK by HBK on to Tazz… PEDIGREE…

Rhino:What a double threat move that was… Two finishers… That has got to be all…

Mark:Cover by The Game 1……………2…………..3……

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… And Still eWa Tag Team Champions… TRIPLE H and SHAWN MICHAELS…

Rhino:Damn DX still has the gold…

Mark:Well its main event time… So lets head back to the ring…

eWa World Title Match
The Rock(c) vs Jeff Jarrett

Pa Announcer:This next match is set for one fall and is for the eWa World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… From Music City, USA… Weighing in at 234 Pounds… The Chosen One… JEFF JARRETT…

(“Chosen One” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… The eWa World Heavyweight Champion… THE ROCK…

(“Cookin” hits as The Rock makes his way out…)

Mark:Here we go… The Chosen One and The Rock facing off in the center of the ring… Both men trading right hands back and forth… The Rock now in control as he sends The Chosen One in to the ropes… Spinebuster on Jeff Jarrett…

Rhino:The Rock has the look in his eye like he wants to end the match now…

Mark:Jarrett rolls out quickly to the outside…

Rhino:Smart Idea by Jarrett… As The Rock wanted to do the Most Electrifying Move In Sports Entertainment…

Mark:Jarrett comes back inside The Ring and gives a quick thumb to the eye of The Rock and is now hammering him with right hands before sending him in to the ropes and nails him with a back body drop… Jarrett now is grabbing the leg of The Rock and is dragging him to the steel ring post…

Rhino:The Rocks leg just got smashed in to the post…

Mark:Jarrett now dragging The Rock back in to the middle of the ring and is now putting The Rock in a half boston crap… The Rock is in pain as he attempts to get to the rope and he gets there… Jarrett thought drops all of his weight right on the left leg of The Rock…

Rhino:Jarrett has come in to this match up with a game plan and is following through with it…

Mark:Jarrett now puts The Rock in the figure four… The Rock is in pain and Jarrett continues to apply the pressure to the legs of The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock seems so far away from The Ropes…

Mark:But The Rock is turning him over… The Chosen One is in pain now…

Rhino:Actually it looks like both men are in pain Mark…

Mark:The Chosen One grabs the ropes and the hold is broken… Both men are back up in a standing position… Jarrett goes for a right hand… Blocked… The Rock nails him… Jarrett goes again… Blocked and now The Rock is nailing him with right hands…

Rhino:The Rock is laying the smackdown…

Mark:The Rock nails him with a Samoan Drop… Cover by The Rock 1………..2………. Jarrett kicks out… The Rock stomping away at Jarrett before he sends him off in to the corner… The Rock charges in… Jarrett puts his foot up… THE STROKE… Cover 1………………….2…………

Rhino:Jarretts feet are on the ropes…

Mark:The Ref sees and stops his count…

Rhino:Jarrett is pissed now…

Mark:He sets him back up for The Stroke… Blocked by The Rock who is now hammering with right hands… Jarrett ducks… Goes for a clothesline… The Rock moves… ROCK BOTTOM… Cover 1……….2…………..3……

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and Still eWa World Champion… THE ROCK…

Rhino:What A Match…

Mark:Well something tells me our next event… Should be something interesting… So long everyone…

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