Seasons Beatings 2011
Mark:Ladies and Gentlemen we are live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and this is Seasons Beatings… I am Mark… He is Rhino..
Mark:This is going to be a night of exciting action… Including our Main Event for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… But as mentioned on the website and twitter earlier this evening… W.T. Riker said he would be addressing the EWA Locker Room… Well… W.T. Riker is in the ring and he has something he would like to say to the locker room… So lets send it down to W. T. Riker in the ring…
W.T.Riker:Hello Everyone, before I begin I would like to wish everyone on behalf of the EWA Executive Committee we would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays… With that out of the way, I need to address what has been going on as of late, mainly in regards to all of the chaos that has been taking place and how many of the EWA Superstars of getting a little bit out of control, which is worrying the EWA Executive Committee. As of a result, the EWA Executive Committee has decided to take some actions, which is why…
(“Break it Down” plays as Triple H and Shawn Michaels enter the arena and walk down to the ring…)
HBK:Merry Christmas…
HHH:So whats going on Riker… Did you get all your Christmas Shopping Done?
W.T.Riker:Yes I did.
HHH:Shawn, you owe me twenty bucks…
HBK:Gosh Darn It… I should have just played Dreidel instead of betting whether or not he did his Christmas Shopping… Stupid…Stupid…Stupid!
HHH:Now as you were saying…
W.T.Riker:I am glad you guys are out here, as you are two of the men who have been involved in some of the chaos that has been going on around here as of late.
HBK:Who us? We havent done anything…
W.T.Riker:Guys, listen, the EWA Executive Committee knows all your tricks by now, so you guys arent innocent in all of this, but I would like to ask you guys to exit the ring and stand over on that side of the ring…
HHH:Which side?
W.T Riker:That side right there…
HHH:I rather stand on this side…
W.T.Riker:Then stand over there…
HBK:But Hunter, I would rather stand right there, not over there…
W.T.Riker:Guys, just please exit the ring and stand on one side of the ring, as I need to ask other gentlemen to join us out here…
(Triple H and Shawn Michaels exit the ring.)
W.T.Riker:As I was saying, I would like to call out right now the former EWA Total Impact Champion… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph…
(“Hall of Illusion” plays as Troy Joseph enters the arena…)
W.T Riker:Would the EWA World Champion Lone Jobber please come down to the ring…
(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
W.T.Riker:Now I would like to ask the members of the Horsemen to come to the ring…
(“This Fire Burns” as CM Punk, Mr. Anderson, Alan Matthews and James Farrell enter the arena…)
W.T.Riker:Thank you guys please just stand over there… With that said, I would like to ask the members of the Wolfpac to come to the ring…
(“Wolfpac” plays as Dante Daevain, The Phantom, Gregory Davidson and Steele enter the arena…)
W.T.Riker:And Finally would the Trilogy please come down to the ring…
(“End Of Heartache” plays as the Trilogy enters the arena…)
W.T. Riker:With all of you out here, I would like to inform you that the EWA Executive Committee is not happy with you actions and they have instructed me to inform you that you need to reign in the chaos or you will suffer Extreme Consequences… With that said, I am here to announce the Main Event of New Years Evil will be a Four Team Battle, which will feature the teams of The Wolfpac, The Horsemen, The Trilogy and Team Rampage, which is Troy Joseph, Lone Jobber and Degeneration X.
Rhino:Thats a Huge Main Event Right There!
Mark:It sure is.
W.T.Riker:With that said, Trilogy, I know you guys only have three members to your team, which is why you will…
(“Giving In” hits over the PA System as William McConnell makes his way down to the ring)
McConnell:Before you continue on, I need to hand you this.
W.T.Riker:What is this?
McConnell:Its a contract and it states that since the Trilogy needs a partner, that I will be their partner.
W.T.Riker:How did you get this contract?
McConnell:Dont worry about it. As you can clearly see it is signed and dated and I will now be apart of the this Main Event at New Years Evil as apart of Team Trilogy…
W.T.Riker:This contract is official, so the match up is signed.
Rhino:Well there you go… William McConnell returns to action at New Years Evil!
HHH:So can we fight now?
W.T.Riker:No you can not fight now…
HHH:Too Bad!
Mark:And the brawl is on…
Rhino:Everyone is going after everyone…
Mark:William McConnell has ducked out of the ring and has escape to the top of the ramp….
Rhino:Meanwhile DX is going after the Trilogy…
Mark:The Pac are going after the Horsemen…
Rhino:Its a four way brawl…
Rhino:They are trying to break this up is security…
Mark:You can see William McConnell smirking at the top of the ramp…
Rhino:Security is breaking them up..
W.T.Riker:Get The Wolfpac and The Horsemen out of here… Get Kevin Steen, Lone Jobber and Troy Joseph out of here as well…DX… Super Dragon.. Dave McGavin… Stay right there…
Rhino:Security has gotten most of them out of the arena…
W.T.Riker:You guys wanna fight, lets have the tag team title match up right now!
Mark:Guess we are going to start things out with a title match!
EWA Tag Team Championship Match
Degeneration X vs Dave McGavin & Super Dragon
Pa Announcer:This opening contest is for the EWA Tag Team Titles!
Rhino:They arent waiting…
Mark:No they arent… As Triple H and Dave McGavin are squaring off in the center of the ring…
Rhino:They got Shawn Michaels and Super Dragon in to their corners…
Mark:Triple H whips Dave McGavin off in to the ropes… Dave McGavin with a reversal… Triple H comes off the ropes… Back Body Drop!
Rhino:The Game is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Dave McGavin nails Triple H with a dropkick… Dave McGavin goes for the quick cover 1……………2……..Kickout by Triple H…
Rhino:Dave McGavin is bringing Triple H over to the corner…
Mark:Dave McGavin tags in Super Dragon… Super Dragon comes off the ropes and nails Triple H in the chest with a dropkick…
Rhino:Dave McGavin held him wide open for that dropkick…
Mark:Super Dragon covers Triple H 1…………2………Kickout by The Game…
Rhino:Super Dragon is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:Triple H gets back up on to his feet… Flying Crossbody!
Rhino:He caught him right there…
Mark:Super Dragon with the cover 1……………….2…………Kickout again by Triple H…
Rhino:The Game is now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Super Dragon sends Triple H off in to the ropes… Spin Heel Kick! No!
Rhino:Triple H ducked the kick…
Mark:Triple H is now making it to his corner…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels gets the tag…
Mark:Shawn Michaels hits the ring and nails Super Dragon with chops across the chest…
Mark:Shawn Michaels whips Super Dragon in to the ropes… Atomic Drop!
Rhino:Super Dragon is spinning around…
Mark:Shawn Michaels with a big right hand to Super Dragon knocking him off of his feet…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now heading up the top rope…
Mark:Super Dragon gets back up… Double Axe Handle! By Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:He laid out Super Dragon…
Mark:Shawn Michaels covers Super Dragon 1…………..2………Kickout by Super Dragon…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now waiting for Super Dragon to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels with a couple of more chops to the chest of Super Dragon…
Rhino:He is laying in the chops…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now whips Super Dragon off in to the ropes… Reversal by Super Dragon…
Rhino:Dave McGavin just nailed Shawn Michaels with a knee to the back of Shawn Michaels…
Mark:The referee didn’t see that cheap shot…
Rhino:No he didn’t…
Mark:Running Bulldog!
Rhino:Super Dragon drove him right in to the mat…
Mark:Super Dragon now tags in Dave McGavin…
Rhino:Dave McGavin and Super Dragon are looking to double team Shawn Michaels..
Mark:Super Dragon and Dave McGavin hook up Shawn Michaels… Double Brainbuster!
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid was dropped on his head…
Mark:We could have new tag team champions… As Dave McGavin covers Shawn Michaels 1………………..2……….3…..NO!
Rhino:Shawn Michaels barely gets his shoulder up…
Mark:That was a really close nearfall right there…
Rhino:Dave McGavin is tagging Super Dragon back in to the ring…
Mark:Dave McGavin just slammed Shawn Michaels down to the canvas…
Rhino:Super Dragon is up on to the top rope…
Mark:Diving Senton!
Rhino:He got all of that…
Mark:Super Dragon covers Shawn Michaels 1…………………..2………………3……..NO!
Rhino:So very close right there…
Mark:Shawn Michaels needs to make a tag right now…
Rhino:I dont think he can get to his corner…
Mark:Super Dragon just tagged in Dave McGavin…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is slow to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Dave McGavin is lining up Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Here it comes…
Mark:Running Lariat! No!
Rhino:Shawn Michaels ducks…
Mark:Double Clothesline!
Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas right now…
Mark:Dave McGavin makes the tag…
Rhino:So does Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Triple H with right hands to Super Dragon… Triple H sends Super Dragon off in to the ropes… Big Clothesline!
Rhino:Super Dragon gets right back up…
Mark:Triple H whips Super Dragon back in to the ropes… Knee Buster!
Rhino:Super Dragon is staggering around…
Mark:Another Big Clothesline by Triple H!
Rhino:Dave McGavin is back in the ring…
Mark:Lariat! From behind!
Rhino:Dave McGavin just took Triple H out with that lariat…
Mark:Super Dragon covers Triple H 1…………….2…………3………NO!
Rhino:Close one…
Mark:Dave McGavin isnt leaving the ring…
Rhino:Here comes HBK…
Mark:Shawn Michaels and Dave McGavin are trading shots…
Rhino:Look at them go…
Mark:Dave McGavin goes for a lariat… Shawn Michaels ducks and back drops Dave McGavin out of the ring…
Rhino:Dave McGavin hits the floor hard…
Mark:Super Dragon turns around… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!
Rhino:What a kick by Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Triple H grabs him before he could fall… PEDIGREE!
Rhino:Two big moves…
Mark:Triple H covers Super Dragon 1…………………2…………3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here are your winners and STILL EWA Tag Team Champions… DEGENERATION X!
Rhino:Big win for DX as we head in to New Years Evil…
Mark:They are looking to build momentum as they are going to team with…
Rhino:Look Out!
Mark:The Horsemen have just jumped DX in the ring…
Rhino:They attacked them from behind…
Mark:James Farrell and CM Punk just grabbed Shawn Michaels and tossed him out of the ring…
Rhino:What in the world are they doing?
Mark:James Farrell and CM Punk are handcuffing Shawn Michaels to the guard rail…
Rhino:This is not going to be good…
Mark:Mr. Anderson just brought a table in to the ring…
Rhino:Alan Matthews is directing traffic…
Mark:The table has been opened up…
Rhino:CM Punk and James Farrell have steel chairs…
Mark:Triple H is slow to get back to his feet…
Rhino:Look out…
Rhino:That just knocked Triple H out…
Mark:The horsemen arent done…
Rhino:No they arent…
Mark:CM Punk is driving the chair in to the ribs of Triple H…
Rhino:They are now positioning the table…
Mark:There is nothing Shawn Michaels can do as hes been handcuffed…
Rhino:Oh no…
Mark:Powerbomb Through the Table!
Rhino:The Game is not moving…
Mark:We need help out here…
Rhino:Here comes Troy Joseph and the Horsemen bail…
Mark:The Horsemen have taken out Triple H…
Rhino:Medical Officials are coming out to help Triple H…
Mark:The chaos continues here in the EWA as the Horsemen send a message to DX and all the other teams in the New Years Evil huge main event…
Rhino:Will Triple H be even able to compete?
Mark:That’s a good question as hes being helped out of the arena…As we now get set for our next contest…
Alexis Laree vs AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first….From Elizabeth, New Jersey… Weighing in at 225 Pounds… JAY LETHAL!
(“Pomp and Circumstance Remix” plays as Jay Lethal enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Richmond, Virginia… Weighing in at 124 Pounds…ALEXIS LAREE!
(“All I do is Win” plays as Alexis Laree enters the arena…)
Mark:Well here we go… This was listed as a Triple Threat Match but because AJ Styles refused to wrestle Alexis Laree… The EWA Executive Committee just ruled and informed AJ Styles that he was taken out of this match up…
Rhino:He claims its because he will never hit a woman…
Mark:Some could say he is afraid of Alexis Laree…
Rhino:She is one of the most talented women we have ever had…
Mark:Alexis Laree and Jay Lethal lock up in the center of the ring… Jay Lethal with a side headlock…
Rhino:He is grinding it in…
Mark:Alexis Laree tries to fight out of it but Jay Lethal locks it harder in…
Rhino:She is trying to figure out an escape…
Mark:Alexis Laree stomps on the foot and nails him right in the face with a forearm shot…
Rhino:That’s one way to get out of it…
Mark:Alexis Laree with forearm shots to Jay Lethal… Alexis Laree backs Jay Lethal up in to the ropes… Alexis Laree with a couple of more shots and now whips Jay Lethal off in to the ropes… Back Elbow!
Rhino:That staggers Jay Lethal back in to the ropes…
Mark:Alexis Laree charges in and Jay Lethal gets his boots up…
Rhion:Alexis Laree is now spinning around…
Mark:Bulldog! By Jay Lethal driving Alexis Laree in to the mat… Jay Lethal covers Alexis Laree 1…………..2…….Kickout by Alexis Laree…
Rhino:Alexis Laree is trying to get back up…
Mark:Jay Lethal charges… Swinging Neckbreaker!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Jay Lethal covers Alexis Laree 1………………….2……………..Kickout by Alexis Laree…
Rhino:A close one right there…
Mark:Alexis Laree is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Jay Lethal is waiting for her to turn around…
Mark:Alexis Laree is up and gets slammed down to the canvas…
Rhino:Jay Lethal is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:It looks like Jay Lethal is going to fly…
Rhino:This could be it right here…
Mark:Flying Elbow Drop! NO!
Rhino:Alexis Laree rolled out of the way…
Mark:Jay Lethal is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Alexis Laree gets back up…
Mark:Alexis Laree lines him up… CHICK KICK!
Rhino:She got all of that kick…
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Alexis Laree covers Jay Lethal 1……………….2………………..3……… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALEXIS LAREE!
Rhino:Big win for Alexis Laree…
Mark:You have to wonder what the outcome would have been if AJ Styles would have agreed to fight Alexis Laree…
Rhino:That’s a good question for sure…
Mark:Lets get back to the ring for more action…
Alan Matthews vs The Rock
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… THE ROCK!
(“Is Cookin” plays as The Rock enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Grand Rapids, Michigan… Weighing in at 248 Pounds…Representing The Horsemen… ALAN MATTHEWS!
(“David De La Hoz” plays as Alan Matthews enters the arena…)
Mark:The Rock and Alan Matthews are ready to go…
Rhino:Alan Matthews is looking to make an example out of The Rock…
Mark:The Rock though strikes with right hands…
Rhino:He is laying them in…
Mark:The Rock reaches back and nails Alan Matthews with a big right hand knocking him off of his feet…
Rhino:Alan Matthews gets right back up…
Mark:The Rock charges and nails Alan Matthews with a clothesline… The Rock goes for a cover 1…………2……….Kickout by Alan Matthews…
Rhino:Alan Matthews is getting back up…
Mark:The Rock with a couple of more right hands and Alan Matthews gets backed up in to the corner… The Rock whips Alan Matthews in to the farside corner…
Rhino:Here he comes…
Mark:The Rock charges in.. Alan Matthews gets his boots up…
Rhino:The Rock is spinning around…
Mark:Alan Matthews with a couple of hard uppercuts to The Rock…
Rhino:He is laying them in…
Mark:Alan Matthews hooks up The Rock… Gutwrench Suplex!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Alan Matthews covers The Rock 1……………..2……..Kickout by The Rock…
Rhino:Alan Matthews now putting the boots to The Rock…
Mark:We saw Alan Matthews a little earlier on help take out Triple H…
Rhino:Any word on his condition?
Mark:Not that I am aware of at this moment… Alan Matthews hooks up The Rock… Northern Lights Suplex! With a Bridge! 1…………….2………….Kickout By The Rock…
Rhino:The Rock is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Alan Matthews now with a couple of more shots to The Rock…
Rhino:He is really laying in the stiff shots…
Mark:Alan Matthews is now backing The Rock up in to the corner…
Rhino:He is hitting him hard in the corner…
Mark:Alan Matthews hooks up The Rock… Suplex! No!
Rhino:The Rock escapes…
Mark:The Rock spins Alan Matthews around.. DDT!
Rhino:The Rock planted him with a DDT…
Mark:The Rock gets his arm on Alan Matthews as the referee makes the count 1………………….2………..3..No! Alan Matthews gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:The Rock is now waiting for Alan Matthews to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Alan Matthews is slow to get back up…
Rhino:The Rock has him lined up…
Rhino:Alan Matthews is fighting right out of it..
Mark:Alan Matthews with a kick to the midsection…DIRECT HIT!
Rhino:The Rock has been planted…
Mark:Alan Matthews isnt done…
Rhino:He isnt wasting any time…
Mark:Alan Matthews picks The Rock back up… DEADLY DRIVER!
Rhino:The Rock is out cold…
Mark:Alan Matthews covers The Rock 1……………..2………..3…….. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALAN MATTHEWS!
Rhino:Impressive Victory by the former EWA World & Total Impact Champion…
Mark:Alan Matthews looks strong as he leads his team in to battle at New Years Evil… As we now get set for more action…
Stocking Stuffers Match
Kevin Steen vs The Phantom
Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Stocking Stuffers Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first…From New Orleans, Louisiana… Weighing in at 275…Representing the Wolfpac… THE PHANTOM!
(“Nothing Else Matters” plays as The Phantom enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Marieville, Quebec, Canada… Weighing in at 238 Pounds… Representing the Trilogy… KEVIN STEEN!
(“Unsetting Differences” plays as Kevin Steen enters the arena…)
Mark:Kevin Steen strikes first and starts to nail Phantom with right hands…
Rhino:He is laying in the shots…
Mark:Kevin Steen whips The Phantom off in to the ropes… The Phantom with the reversal… Standing Spin Kick! By The Phantom taking Kevin Steen off of his feet…
Rhino:Kevin Steen gets back up on to his feet…
Mark:The Phantom with a couple of stiff kicks to the midsection… DDT!
Rhino:He dropped him with that DDT…
Mark:The Phantom covers Kevin Steen 1…………..2………Kickout by Kevin Steen…
Rhino:Kevin Steen makes his way back up on to his feet…
Mark:The Phantom nails Kevin Steen with a couple of shots and backs him up in to the corner…
Rhino:He continues to lay in the shots…
Mark:The Phantom whips Kevin Steen off in to far side corner…
Rhino:Kevin Steen is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Running Enziguri! No!
Rhino:Kevin Steen saw it coming and ducked out of the way…
Mark:The Phantom staggers to his feet… Kevin Steen lays in right hands and now whips The Phantom off in to the ropes… Powerslam!
Rhino:Phantom driven right in to the mat with that powerslam…
Mark:Kevin Steen covers The Phantom 1…………2……….Kickout by The Phantom…
Rhino:The Phantom now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Kevin Steen scoops him up and slams him down to the canvas… Kevin Steen charges… Somesault Leg Drop!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Kevin Steen covers The Phantom 1…………2………Kickout by The Phantom…
Rhino:Look who is joining us…
Mark:William McConnell, what are you doing out here?
Will:Im here to lend some support to one of my tag team partners coming up at New Years Evil…As you can see, I told the other two members of the team to be out here as well as you can see they are heading to ringside…
Mark:Are you trying to lead this team?
Will:Well, wouldn’t be the first time I had to carry someone on my back..
Mark:Meanwhile Kevin Steen just sent The Phantom in to the ropes… Spinning Side Walk Slam!
Rhino:The Phantom driven in to the mat…
Mark:Kevin Steen covers The Phantom 1………….2………3….No!
Rhino:Close one right there…
Will:Finish him Steen..
Mark:Kevin Steen is climbing up the ropes and pulling something out of the stocking…
Rhino:Looks like he got himself a chair…
Will:End it Steen, End It…
Mark:Kevin Steen is lining up The Phantom… Kevin Steen Swings! The Phantom Ducks!
Will:God Damn It!
Mark:The Phantom grabs the chair and he nails Kevin Steen right in the back with the Steel Chair…
Rhino:That didn’t go as planned…
Will:No, it didn’t…
Mark:The Phantom drops the chair and now hooks up Kevin Steen… Russian Leg Sweep!
Rhino:Drops him head first in to the back of the head in to the chair…
Mark:The Phantom covers Kevin Steen 1………………2…………3..No!
Rhino:Kevin Steen was able to get his shoulder up…
Mark:Close one right there…
Rhino:Kevin Steen is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:The Phantom charges… Clothesline! No! Ducked by Kevin Steen and the Phantom hits the referee…
Rhino:The referee is down…
Will:This is where these guys should attack…
Mark:And that’s exactly what they are doing… Its a Three on One Attack!
Will:Looks like they are following direction well…
Mark:Its a three on one assault!
Rhino:The Phantom is getting beaten down…
Will:If you want to be considered the best, you need to take the steps to do that..
Rhino:So you approve of this?
Will:Wouldn’t you?
Mark:Well here comes some back up!
Rhino:Steele and Gregory Davidson are coming out!
Mark:Steele and Gregory are getting Dave McGavin and Super Dragon out of the ring…
Rhino:They are making this a fair fight again…
Mark:They are brawling to the back…
Rhino:Chaos continues to erupt!
Mark:Both Kevin Steen and The Phantom are staggering back up on to their feet…
Rhino:Kevin Steen is looking to attack…
Mark:Kevin Steen kicks The Phantom in the midsection… PACKAGE PILEDRIVER! NO!
Rhino:The Phantom fights out of it…
Mark:The Phantom grabs the chair and he nails Kevin Steen right in the head!
Rhino:Kevin Steen is dazed…
Rhino:Big time move right there…
Mark:The Phantom covers Kevin Steen 1…………….2…………3……… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner THE PHANTOM!
Rhino:The Phantom builds momentum for his team as they head in to New Years Evil…
Mark:New Years Evil is shaping up to be a hell of a night and right now we are going backstage as they are still brawling in the back…
Rhino:Alan Matthews and CM Punk have gotten involved in this brawl as well…
Mark:W.T. Riker is trying to get this to stop… CM Punk goes for a kick… CM Punk missed and he just kicked W.T. Riker right in the head!
Rhino:Im not sure if that was a good idea…
Mark:CM Punk went to hit Super Dragon and he moved and he hit W.T. Riker…
Rhino:Officials are trying to break this all up…
Mark:Dave McGavin charges…
Rhino:W.T. Riker is trying to get back up…
Mark:Steele moves and Dave McGavin just speared W.T.Riker!
Rhino:W.T. Riker is hurt!
Mark:Security is trying to break this up…
Rhino:They have been really busy all night long…
Mark:Officials are trying to help W.T.Riker right now…
Rhino:He doesn’t look to be in good shape right now…
Mark:Security has separated the teams…
Rhino:They can not wait until New Years Evil..
Mark:No one can… But we gotta get back to the ring for more action…
CM Punk & James Farrell vs New Age Outlaws
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… Team Number One… Representing the Horsemen.. Weighing in at 480 Pounds… The Team of CM PUNK and JAMES FARRELL!
(“This Fire Burns” plays as CM Punk and James Farrell enter the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Their Opponents…Weighing in at combined weight of 529 Pounds… The Road Dogg and Badd Ass Billy Gunn.. The NEW AGE OUTLAWS!
(“Oh You Didn’t Know” plays as The New Age Outlaws enter the arena…)
Mark:The bell sounds and here we go it will be James Farrell and Billy Gunn starting things out… James Farrell goes for a right hand… Billy Gunn blocks and nails James Farrell with hard shots…
Rhino:He is laying them in…
Mark:Billy Gunn whips James Farrell off in to the ropes… Billy Gunn lifts him up high in to the air…
Rhino:Where will he drop him?
Mark:Press Slam! As he drops James Farrell straight in to the mat…
Rhino:That will knock the air right out of you…
Mark:James Farrell now staggers up on to his feet…Billy Gunn charges and takes him right off of his feet with a clothesline…
Rhino:James Farrell tries to get back up…
Mark:Billy Gunn grabs him and brings him in to the corner and tags in the Road Dogg… Billy Gunn and Road Dogg whip James Farrell in to the ropes… Double Shoulder Block!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Road Dogg covers James Farrell 1…………..2……….Kickout by James Farrell…
Rhino:Road Dogg now waits for James Farrell to get back up…
Mark:Road Dogg scoops up and slams him back down to the canvas…
Rhino:Here comes Road Dogg…
Mark:Road Dogg comes off the ropes… Knee Drop! Road Dogg covers James Farrell again 1………………2………..Kickout by James Farrell…
Rhino:Road Dogg is bringing James Farrell back in to the corner…
Mark:Billy Gunn gets tagged back in… Road Dogg and Billy Gunn hook up James Farrell and nail him with a double suplex…
Rhino:Things arent looking good for James Farrell at the moment…
Mark:Is he showing that he is the weak link in the Horsemen?
Rhino:He might just be…
Mark:Billy Gunn hooks up James Farrell… Stalling Vertical Suplex!
Rhino:Nice suplex right there…
Mark:Billy Gunn covers James Farrell 1……………….2…………Kickout by James Farrell once again…
Rhino:Billy Gunn is now pulling James Farrell back up on to his feet…
Mark:Billy Gunn whips James Farrell in to the corner…
Rhino:Here comes Billy Gunn…
Mark:Running Splash! No!
Rhino:James Farrell moved out of the way…
Mark:Billy Gunn staggers around…
Rhino:James Farrell makes the tag…
Mark:CM Punk springboards in to the ring and connects with a clothesline…
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Road Dogg is in the ring and he gets nailed with a dropkick…
Rhino:Road Dogg is rolling back to the outside after that dropkick…
Mark:Billy Gunn gets back up on to his feet… CM Punk nails him with kicks right to the side of the ribs and knocks him back in to the corner…
Rhino:CM Punk is setting him up…
Mark:Running Knee! No!
Rhino:Billy Gunn moved out of the way…
Mark:CM Punk spins around… Billy Gunn hooks him up… Jackhammer!
Rhino:CM Punk gets driven in to the mat with that Jackhammer…
Mark:Billy Gunn covers CM Punk 1……………….2…………3…….No!
Rhino:James Farrell came in and broke it up…
Mark:Road Dogg is in the ring and he clotheslines James Farrell out of the ring…
Rhino:Road Dogg is going out after James Farrell…
Mark:Billy Gunn is waiting for CM Punk to get back up on to his feet…FAMEASSER! NO!
Rhino:CM Punk moved…
Mark:James Farrell just sent Road Dogg in to the steps… Billy Gunn spins around…
Rhino:CM Punk has him up…
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:CM Punk covers Billy Gunn 1……………..2………….3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here are your winners CM PUNK & JAMES FARRELL!
Rhino:Nice victory for this team…
Mark:The Horsemen continue to build momentum as they try to be the strong team heading in to New Years Evil…
(“Santa Claus is coming to town” plays as Santa Claus enters the arena…)
Rhino:Its Santa!
Mark:Santa Claus is making his way down to the ring and it looks like he has a bag full of presents…
Rhino:CM Punk and James Farrell seem to be waiting for Santa Claus in the ring…
Mark:Looks like Santa Claus has some presents for CM Punk and James Farrell…
Santa Claus:Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
(Crowd Cheers Loudly)
Santa Claus:Mr. Farrell… Mr. Punk… Have you two been naughty or have you been nice…
Mark:I think we all know the answer to that one…
Santa Claus:Before you guys answer that one, lets ask the people..
Rhino:That voice sounds familiar…
Santa Claus:Have these two young men been Naughty?
(Crowd Cheers Loudly)
Santa Claus:Or have they been Nice?
(Crowd Boos)
Santa Claus:Well, it seems like you two have been Naughty..
CM Punk:Are you seriously going to believe these idiots?
(crowd boos)
CM Punk:Everyone knows that James and I have been nothing but good Boys this year.
Santa Claus:Well these people dont think so…
CM Punk:Like I said, who cares?
Santa Claus:Well I care, I care about the people and I am going to give the people what they want!
(crowd cheers loudly)
CM Punk:I Dont think so!
Mark:CM Punk and James Farrell are attacking Santa Claus!
Rhino:How dare they attack Santa!
Mark:CM Punk and James Farrell whip Santa in to the ropes… Santa ducks the double clothesline… Santa comes off the ropes… Double Clothesline by Santa!
Rhino:Go Santa!
Mark:Santa grabs his bag full of presents and he hits James Farrell in the head and knocks him out of the ring..
Rhino:CM Punk is getting back up…
Mark:Santa nails CM Punk with the bag as well and CM Punk rolls out of the ring…
Rhino:Santa is standing tall!
Mark:Santa takes off his hat…
Rhino:Its Rampage!
Mark:Troy Joseph spreads some Holiday Cheer and he takes out CM Punk and James Farrell…
Rhino:The Chaos continues!
Mark:It sure does! Our cameras are once again backstage…
Road Agent: Will, Will!
McConnell :..What do you want?
Agent: It’s the committee. They wanna talk to you.
McConnell: To me?
(The agent holds up a phone)
McConnell: Put it on speaker.
Agent: But..
McConnell: Do it.
Committee: Will, it’s the committee. Riker’s out, Jobber’s probably enjoying this, but it’s out of control. We need you to handle things.
McConnell: Excuse me?
Committee: We want to offer you your position as commissioner back for the night. We need someone there who can get things calmed down before someone else gets hurt.
McConnell: Really? You want me to run the company.. After everything I’ve told you and your mouthpiece, after all I’ve done.. You want me to “Control the situation”?
Committee: That’s exactly what we want.
McConnell: And I want nothing to do with it. You know, I told you all what was going to happen if you let things continue like they were. I told the world what was coming if you let your little system run it’s course.. And when it all spirals out of control, you want to try and reinstate the one guy who wants to see it more than anybody? I don’t think so. You want this place ran? Show up and run it yourselves.
Committee: But..!
(McConnell hangs up the phone)
McConnell: I’ve got better things to do.
Mark: Wait a minute, that’s Jobber’s office..
(McConnell opens the door without hesitation, walking in)
McConnell: I hope you’re enjoying all of this.
Jobber: The fans seem to enjoy it
McConnell: (sitting down and kicking his feet up on Jobber’s desk) And what about you? The place is just coming apart at the seams and you’re hiding in your office. Makes you look kinda.. Oh, what’s the word.. Bad?
Jobber: You want to be beat down by a bunch of Johnny Come Latelies? I don’t. Just waiting until the right time to strike is all.
McConnell: You know, I’ve been thinking.. Do you remember how easy it was for you to just.. Take your spot from Purgatory? It makes you wonder.. If you could take it that easily, what are they going to do to a president who isn’t doing his job?
Jobber: You know, I’ve been thinking.. shut the fuck up. Way I see it Psy, this shit is interesting, and I’m at the head of the company, ergo, I make shit interesting. Seems all we needed to do was to get rid of your ass.
McConnell: See, I think you got it backwards.. Without me, there would be none of this. You won’t admit it, of course. Wouldn’t wanna hurt your pride at this time of the year after all. (McConnell gets up) I mean, you’ve only lost every holiday bowl to date. But that’s why you’re the best, Jobbs. Inflating win/loss records like nobody else in the business. (McConnell walks towards the door)
Jobber: I know how you think Will, I made you what you are after all. I don’t know exactly what you are planning, but rest assured, you will reap what you sow.
Mark: McConnell is leaving with a smirk. What does this all mean? Lets get back to the ring…
Candy Canning Match
Troy Joseph vs Gregory Davidson
Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Candy Canning Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Shangra-la… Weighing in at 252 Pounds…TROY “THE RAMPAGE” JOSEPH!
(“Hall of Illusion” plays as Troy Joseph enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent..From Sacramento, California… Weighing in at 295 Pounds… Representing the Wolfpac…GREGORY DAVIDSON!
(“Nightmare” plays as Gregory Davidson enters the arena…)
Mark:We have big candy canes at ringside…
Rhino:The fight is on…
Mark:Troy Joseph nails Gregory Davidson with right hands…
Rhino:He is going right for it…
Mark:Troy Joseph backs him up in to the ropes…Gregory Davidson with a reversal sending Troy Joseph in to the ropes… Back Elbow!
Rhino:He nailed him right in the head…
Mark:Troy Joseph gets back up on his feet… Gregory Davidson scoops up Troy Joseph… Shoulder Breaker!
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Gregory Davidson covers Troy Joseph 1………..2……..Kickout by Troy Joseph…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Gregory Davidson whips Troy Joseph off in to the corner… Gregory Davidson charges in… Running Clothesline!
Rhino:He caught him good in the corner right there…
Mark:Troy Joseph is now staggering out of the corner… Side Walk Slam by Gregory Davidson…
Rhino:Drove him right in to the mat…
Mark:Gregory Davidson covers Troy Joseph 1………………2…………..Kickout by Troy Joseph once again…
Rhino:Gregory Davidson is now waiting for Troy Joseph to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Gregory Davidson hooks up Troy Joseph… Gutwrench Suplex! No!
Rhino:Troy Joseph escaped…
Mark:Reverse DDT by Troy Joseph…
Rhino:Nice counter right there by Troy Joseph…
Mark:Troy Joseph covers Gregory Davidson 1…………….2………..Kickout by Gregory Davidson..
Rhino:Troy Joseph is shaking off the attack and is waiting for Gregory Davidson to get back up…
Mark:Troy Joseph lays in with right hands to Gregory Davidson…
Rhino:He is connecting with those shots…
Mark:Troy Joseph backs him up in the corner and just drives his shoudler right in to the midsection of Gregory Davidson…
Rhino:Gregory Davidson is now staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Troy Joseph with a kick to the midsection… Stunner!
Rhino:He caught him with that Stunner…
Mark:Troy Joseph covers Gregory Davidson 1…………….2……………Kickout by Gregory Davidson…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:Troy Joseph comes off the top rope… Swanton Bomb Connects!
Rhino:He got him with that Swanton…
Mark:Troy Joseph covers Gregory Davidson 1…………….2……………3…….No!
Rhino:The big man was able to get his shoulder up…
Mark:Troy Joseph just threw the big candy canes in to the ring…
Rhino:He is looking to do some damage…
Mark:Gregory Davidson is slowly trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Troy Joseph has the cane in hand…
Mark:Gregory Davidson is back up… Troy Joseph lines him up… Troy Joseph swings… Gregory Davidson ducks and grabs Troy Joseph… Chokeslam!
Rhino:He drove him right in to the mat with that chokeslam…
Mark:Gregory Davidson covers Troy Joseph 1…………….2………….3……NO!
Rhino:Another close nearfall in this match up….
Mark:Gregory Davidson is now waiting for Troy Joseph to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is staggering to his feet really slowly…
Mark:Gregory Davidson has him setup…LAST GASP!
Rhino:That could be it right there…
Mark:Gregory Davidson covers Troy Joseph 1………………..2…………..3………..NO!
Rhino:So very close right there…
Mark:Gregory Davidson is now looking to put Troy Joseph away…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is using the ropes to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Gregory Davidson is ready to put him away…
Rhino:Troy Joseph is out on his feet…
Mark:Gregory Davidson hooks him up… GRAVESMASH! NO!
Rhino:Troy Joseph fights out of it…
Mark:Both men charge… Double Clothesline!
Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas…
Mark:They both are now trying to get back up…
Rhino:Here comes CM Punk and James Farrell…
Mark:They are going right for Troy Joseph…
Rhino:They are seeking revenge for earlier tonight…
Mark:Its two on one assault right now…
Rhino:There is No DQ in this match up…
Mark:Gregory Davidson has one of the candy canes…
Rhino:He is going for James Farrell and CM Punk…
Mark:Cane shot right to Farrell and one to CM Punk…
Rhino:He is fighting them off…
Mark:Troy Joseph is getting back up and he has a Cane…
Rhino:Another shot by Gregory Davidson to James Farrell with that cane…
Mark:Troy Joseph knocks CM Punk out of the ring with a cane shot…
Rhino:They just got rid of the Horsemen…
Mark:Both men turn around and they are fighting with the canes…
Rhino:Its like a sword fight right now…
Mark:Look at them go right now…
Rhino:A Cane goes flying…
Mark:Gregory Davidson knocked the cane out of Troy Joseph’s hand…
Rhino:Look out…
Mark:Gregory Davidson swings…
Rhino:Troy Joseph ducks…
Mark:Troy Joseph charges… RUNNING RAMPAGE RUFFLE!
Rhino:He got it…
Mark:Troy Joseph covers Gregory Davidson 1………………2…………..3………… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TROY JOSEPH!
Rhino:Big win for Troy Joseph…
Mark:An exciting match up and despite the interference we had a clean result with Troy Joseph getting the victory…
Rhino:Its been a wild night so far…
Mark:We are told that W.T.Riker has been taken to the hospital…
Rhino:You know that only means we can expect more chaos…
Mark:Like we havent seen enough already… As we now get set for our Main Event…
EWA World Heavyweight Championship Holiday Bowl
Lone Jobber(c) vs Dante Daevain vs Mr. Anderson
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the Holiday Bowl and is for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger…From Green Bay, Wisconsin… Weighing in at 242 Pounds… Representing the Horsemen…MISTER ANDERSON!
(“Feedback” plays as Mr. Anderson enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From the First Heaven… Weighing in at 295 Pounds… Representing the Wolfpac…DANTE DAEVAIN!
(“Painting” plays as Dante Daevain enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponent…From The Slaughter House now residing in the EWA Offices in Atlanta, Ga… Weighing in at 235 Pounds….The EWA World Heavyweight Champion…El Presidente LONE JOBBER!
(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Mark:Three Men… Three Holidays… One Championship…
Rhino:I guess that’s the way to put it…
Mark:Lone Jobber and Mr. Anderson are going right for one another…
Rhino:They are just tearing in to one another…
Mark:Mr. Anderson starts to take control and hammer Lone Jobber back in to the corner…
Rhino:He is just laying in to him…
Mark:Mr. Anderson charges and clothesline Lone Jobber over the top rope…
Rhino:Lone Jobber falls to the outside of the ring…
Mark:Dante Daevain spins Mr. Anderson around… Big Boot!
Rhino:That stops his momentum with that big boot…
Mark:Dante Daevain gets on top of Mr. Anderson and just lays in the right hands to Mr. Anderson…
Rhino:He is just laying the shots in…
Mark:Dante Daevain grabs Mr. Anderson and tosses him in to the corner… Dante Daevain with lefts and rights to the midsection of Mr. Anderson in the corner…
Rhino:He is laying them in…
Mark:Mr. Anderson staggers out of the corner… Side Walk Slam! By Dante Daevain and he goes right for the cover 1…………….2…………Kickout by Mr. Anderson…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now up on the apron…
Mark:Dante Daevain charges at Lone Jobber and knocks him off the ring apron…
Rhino:Lone Jobber falls back in to the guardrail…
Mark:That’s a bad spot for the EWA World Champion to be in on the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Dante Daevain now hooks up Mr. Anderson… Back Breaker!
Rhino:He is really doing some damage to Mr. Anderson…
Mark:Dante Daevain covers Mr. Anderson 1…………………2…………..Kickout again by Mr. Anderson…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Dante Daevain now whips Mr .Anderson off in to the corner…
Rhino:Here he comes…
Mark:Dante Daevain charges in and Mr. Anderson got his boots up…
Rhino:Dante Daevain is now spinning around…
Mark:Mr. Anderson comes out of the corner and nails Dante Daevain with a clothesline…
Rhino:He caught him good with that clothesline…
Mark:Dante Daevain is now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is trying to shake off his attack…
Mark:Mr. Anderson charges at Dante Daevain and nails him with a running knee as he tries to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now putting the boots to Dante Daevain…
Mark:He is just stomping away at him…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now mounting Dante Daevain…
Mark:He is now laying in the right hands…
Rhino:Hes just beating up Dante Daevain…
Mark:Dante Daevain is now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson has him lined up…
Mark:Swinging Neckbreaker! By Mr. Anderson…Mr. Andeson covers Dante Daevain 1………………..2…………Kickout by Dante Daevain…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now trying to get Dante Daevain setup in the corner…
Mark:Mr. Anderson drags Dante Daevain in to the corner… Running Boot! Right to the side of the head of Dante Daevain…
Rhino:He really laid in that shot right there…
Mark:Mr. Anderson goes for the cover 1……………….2……………….3..No! Lone Jobber pulls Mr. Anderson out of the ring…
Rhino:Well we forgot about the champ…
Mark:Lone Jobber has a Kwanzaa Candle Stick and he nails Mr. Anderson right in the head!
Rhino:Welcome to the Holiday Bowl Mr. Anderson…
Mark:Lone Jobber now whips Mr. Anderson right in to the steel guard rail…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is staggering around…
Mark:Lone Jobber is looking for something…
Rhino:He has a mini christmas tree…
Mark:Lone Jobber nails Mr. Anderson right in the head with the christmas tree…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is really dazed on his feet…
Mark:DDT! By Lone Jobber dropping Mr. Anderson on the outside…
Rhino:Dante Daevain is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber just grabbed a big jar…
Rhino:Whats in the jar?
Mark:Lone Jobber dumps the jar out and hes dumping Pennies in the ring?
Rhino:Did he just really dump pennies in the ring?
Mark:He did…And Dante Daevain slips on the rolling Pennies…
Rhino:Now that’s a first…
Mark:Lone Jobber is really bringing out the festiveness in this match up…
Rhino:He sure is…
Mark:Dante Daevain is now trying to get back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is up on the top rope…
Mark:Flying Crossbody! No!
Rhino:He was caught in mid air…
Mark:Big Slam Right down in to the Pennies!
Rhino:I never thought I would say it… But Lone Jobber just went crashing in to Pennies!
Mark:Dante Daevain covers Lone Jobber 1…………………2………….3……No!
Rhino:Lone Jobber was able to get his shoulder up…
Mark:Dante Daevain is now pulling Lone Jobber back up on to his feet and now sends him hard in to the farside corner…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Big Boot!
Rhino:He caught him good with the boot…
Mark:Dante Daevain covers Lone Jobber again 1……………..2………..3……No!
Rhino:Lone Jobber got his shoulder up again…
Mark:Dante Daevain is now going to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Hes bringing a table in to the ring…
Mark:That’s the table the stuff was sitting on…
Rhino:Hes looking to put Lone Jobber away for good…
Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to get back up…
Rhino:He looks to be out on his feet…
Mark:Dante Daevain hooks him up… POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it right there…
Mark:Dante Daevain covers Lone Jobber 1………………..2……………3……….NO! Mr. Anderson breaks it up…
Rhino:We were a half a second away from crowning a new EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Mark:Mr. Anderson grabs Lone Jobber and tosses him out of the ring…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now waiting for Dante Daevain to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Here it comes… MIC CHECK!
Rhino:Mr. Anderson hit it…
Mark:Mr. Anderson covers Dante Daevain 1………………..2………………3………..NO!
Rhino:Dante Daevain barely got his shoulder up…
Mark:Mr. Anderson cant believe that Dante Daevain kicked out…
Rhino:He talked all week that no one kicks out the Mic Check and Dante Daevain just did…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is now heading to the top rope…
Rhino:It looks like he is going to take a chance right here and now…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is up on the top rope…
Rhino:Lone Jobber has a giant dreidel…
Mark:Lone Jobber hits Mr. Anderson right in the head with the Dreidel and Mr. Anderson goes crashing in to the canvas…
Rhino:That was a hard fall for Mr. Anderson…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is now trying to get back up…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is lining him up..
Rhino:Lone Jobber got all of that kick…
Mark:Lone Jobber covers Mr. Anderson 1………………..2……………3…………NO!
Rhino:Mr. Anderson got his shoulder up at the last second…
Mark:Lone Jobber is now waiting for Mr. Anderson to get back up…
Rhino:He is going to put him away once and for all…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is up… THE GIMMICK!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Dante Daeavin is up and he spins Lone Jobber around… FALL OF MAN!
Rhino:We are going to have a new champion…
Mark:Dante Daevain covers Lone Jobber 1…………………2………………3………NO!
Rhino:Lone Jobber got his foot on the bottom rope…
Mark:Dante Daevain thought he had him beat…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is struggling to his feet…
Mark:Dante Daevain hooks up Mr. Anderson… FALL OF MAN! NO!
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is fighting out of it…
Mark:Mr. Anderson grabs the Dreidel and hits Dante Daevain right in the head…
Rhino:Down goes Dante after that shot…
Mark:We are being told something is happening backstage…
Rhino:Its Trilogy and Shawn Michaels and Troy Joseph are fighting…
Mark:The Horsemen and the Wolfpac are fighting as well…
Rhino:All Chaos is breaking loose backstage…
Mark:Mr. Anderson covers Dante Daevain 1…………………2…………….3……..NO!
Rhino:So very close right there…
Mark:We are being told security is doing their best to break them apart…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Mr. Anderson hooks up Lone Jobber… MIC CHECK!
Rhino:Lone Jobber has been taken out…
Mark:Mr. Anderson covers Lone Jobber 1………………..2………………..3…………NO!
Rhino:Dante Daevain was able to break it up…
Mark:Mr. Anderson was so close to becoming the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson is now heading up on to the top rope…
Mark:He is going to fly… Kenton Bomb! Missed!
Rhino:Lone Jobber moved out of the way…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is now staggering around…
Rhino:Dante Daevain is back up on to his feet…
Mark:Mr. Anderson turns around… Dante Daevain hooks him up… LOW CARD KICK!
Rhino:Lone Jobber out of no where hit the Low Card Kick to Mr. Anderson…
Mark:Low Card Kick! This time to Dante Daevain…
Rhino:Both men have been knocked out…
Mark:Look at screen Rhino you can see EWA Officials are seperating everyone backstage…
Rhino:That’s just insane…
Mark:We have had to call extra security to break them up…
Rhino:This is what happens when no one is in charge…
Mark:Lone Jobber covers Mr. Anderson 1………………….2……………..3………….NO! Mr. Anderson gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Dante Daevain is now trying to get back up…
Mark:Lone Jobber kicks him in the midsection… HERTIAGE! NO!
Rhino:Dante Daevain counters with a back body drop…
Mark:Mr. Anderson staggers to his feet… Mr. Anderson charges at Dante Daevain.. Dante Daevain and he back drops Mr. Anderson out of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is back up…
Mark:Dante Daevain turns around… THE GIMMICK!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Lone Jobber covers Dante Daevain 1……………….2……………3……….. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL EWA World Heavyweight Champion LONE JOBBER!
Rhino:Lone Jobber survives…
Mark:Some how Lone Jobber is walking out of this Holiday Bowl as the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:You can see the shock on his face as he is leaving the ring as champion…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is pissed and he just destroyed a christmas tree… Mr. Anderson jumps in the ring and is attacking Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Look at him go…
Mark:Mr. Anderson is laying in the right hands to Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Mr. Anderson now picks up the belt…
Mark:He lays it to the ground… MIC CHECK! Right on to the belt…
Rhino:The last of our security is getting Mr. Anderson out of the ring…
Mark:Mr. Anderson didn’t leave with the belt but he left his mark…
Rhino:Things are going to heat up as we head in to New Years Evil..
(“Giving In” plays William McConnell enters the arena…)
Mark:It looks like we arent done here at Seasons Beatings…
Rhino:I guess not…
McConnell: Last week, I told Chris Loesch that if he wanted his answers, all he had to do was show up tonight. So, Chris.. Where are you at?
(“The Bottom” hits over the P.A. as the fans explode for Big Daddy Ace as he makes his way from the back. Staring at Will before walking up the steel steps and getting into the ring, he grabs a mic from the ring announcer.)
Mark: McConnell just knocked that microphone out of Ace’s hand!
McConnell: No, no, no. You wanted answers? You’re here to listen. You’re gonna stand there and you’re gonna listen to everything I have to say and if you don’t like it, you can go ahead and leave now.
Mark: You can tell Ace is already annoyed, but I think he wants to hear what McConnell has to say.
McConnell: Let’s take a trip back, Chris. Let’s go back to 2009. The last time we really saw each other was Christmas and New Years. You invited me to spend time with you and yours because we were on the road and I couldn’t get back to Evansville. Sure, we would see each other in the hallways every so often when I came to the shows, but I was too busy working the offices because Lone Jobber needed to placate his ego and Shane McMahon was too busy dealing with you and your alliance. You just had to fuck with him, didn’t you? You just had to get your way and do things the hardest way you could. You had to “overcome the odds”. And I supported you, man. I couldn’t be there in person, but I was pulling every string I could from the offices to make sure Shane didn’t bury you. Because you were my friend, and god damn it, you had the talent. So finally, despite everything I had going on in the offices because neither of those two would do their damn jobs, I got myself involved. When you needed me most, I evened things out. I put myself as the referee for your match with Shane where everything was on the line and I made sure you got your chance to do it right. And you did. You beat Shane McMahon, you ran him out of the company.. And you didn’t even give me a second look. I went out there to give you your moment because I was watching the back of a guy I thought was my friend and you couldn’t even have the damn decency to say thank you! You didn’t say it in the ring, you didn’t find me in the back, you didn’t even pick up the damn phone! You got what you wanted and that’s all that mattered! So I sat there, and I let it stew, man. You were all ego. It was all about you. You didn’t even thank the people who were thrown in Shane’s path because of you just so you could get your world title shot. Do you think anyone even remembers the names of the guys who were in your little Alliance? What happened to Steele? What happened to Jericho and Stewart? You left them in the dust so you could get your moment in the sun! That’s when I knew what kind of man you are, Chris.. That’s when I realized what a selfish prick you really were. And the thing is, it shoud’ve hit me earlier. It really should have! But I ignored it. I ignored every sign that should have told me what you were because we had a friendship.. A real friendship. Not just two tag partners. Not two guys who watch each others backs. You hear the Kliq talk about how having someone you can really count on is rare in this business.. And backstage, man, we were those guys. We didn’t show it on camera, but when the lights were off and it was time to pack up and move on, you and I piled into whatever piece of shit we had rented that week and we made our way to the next stop. Our families know each other, man. How many holidays did our families get together? I can’t even count them. And when I was made Commissioner of this god forsaken company and got stuck being the guy who did all the work and signed all the papers, you were the guy who pulled me out. You know.. You KNOW how damn absorbed I get into my work. You knew how damn hard it was to pull myself away when I was trying to get something done. Back in 2008, when there was another guy needed for the chamber match, it was you who gave me the call. You knew I had the itch and you talked me into putting myself in that match because you knew I had to get away from the bullshit. You had my back and I had yours. So what changed, man? Where were you when I needed someone to pull me out in 2009?! You were out here, feeding your damn ego just like every other asshole in this company! You left me behind because the only damn person who has ever mattered to Chris Loesch is Chris Loesch! I did everything I could to get you through that glass ceiling and you spit in my damn face! Hey, HEY! Don’t you look at them. They have nothing to do with this. You look at me. You look at the guy you betrayed. You wanted your answer but the thing is, Chris, every time you look in the mirror, you’ve been looking at it! Have I changed? You’re damn right I’ve changed. I’ve changed because I realized there is not a god damn person in this company that is worth trusting. You think my judgement is clouded, that I’m bitter, that I don’t have my head on straight.. But that’s the thing, Chris. My head is the clearest it’s been in years and every time I even hear your name, even catch a glimpse of you, I realise something.. (McConnell moves close to Ace, putting his finger into Ace’s chest) I hate you. I hate every thing about you. I hate who you are. I hate what you represent. (McConnell walks away, rubbing his mouth before pointing back at Ace) You used me. You used me to get your spot here in the EWA and you used me to keep it! You used me just like Jobber used me! Just like Shawn used me! Just like Shane, Rob and this entire damn company used me! I have given everything to this company! Not just my blood, not just my pride, not just my tears, but I have given MY LIFE! And damn it, you know that! You, more than anyone, knows what I have given up just so I could work for this company! And you took advantage of that. They took advantage of that. And you know what the worst part about all this is, Chris? I didn’t want it to be like this. You know what I wanted more than anything in the world? I wanted.. I wanted you to prove me wrong. That’s all I wanted, man. I wanted you to walk into Glory 2010 and put me down and show me that you still wanted to be here. I wanted to be wrong! And you let me down. I still had some sort of misplaced faith in you and you let me down. After Glory, I thought I was done with you. I thought I had gotten rid of you.. But you just can’t stay away. You had to keep getting involved, so when you brought your band here last month? I took that guitar, Chris.. And broke it over Miller’s head.. Because I had to know if there’s a person on this world who actually means something to you and not just a tool for you to achieve something. I wanted to see your face when someone you cared about got put into a situation caused by you. And after seeing it with my own eyes, Chris.. I hate you even more. And I will not stop until I am able to ta-
Mark: Ace just ripped the microphone from Will’s hand!
Rhino: I guess he’s heard enough!
Ace: Hold on.. So let me get this straight.. All of this happened, because you claim I never thanked you?! Maybe your phone bill wasn’t paid for, or my phone never sent the text, but okay, we’ll go with that. Every thing you mentioned, that got under your skin, yeah, I was trying to climb and scratch my way back to the top of the mountain, and there were times where I would do whatever it took. The Alliance? No, that wasn’t for that purpose at all. Hell, if I remember correctly, Stewie was the World Champ at one point when we made The Alliance. Jericho? Honestly, I don’t remember. But back to us, Will.. it should have gone without saying. Did my attitude or my demeanor change towards you at all? Did it? Did I ever act like I was better than you, that I was a better man than you? HELL NO. You’re right, all the holidays and everything we shared together.. it all was real. When I went out and found you? It’s because I wanted my friend back. This place was never the same without you, and I didn’t want to see you go out the way you did. I saw you in trouble, Will, and I came to your aid. Now, did you ever thank me for pulling you out of the slums, the depression, the black hole you lived in where you were drowning your sorrows as this company went to shit? No, you didn’t, Will. But, did I think anything of it? No. See, it went unsaid. I knew you thanked me, because of the brotherhood bond we have formed throughout the years. You gave me my big break, you and I became the closest friends in this company. To hell with the whole “Kliq”. Forget about HBK and HHH, forget about any other tag team, alliance, or brothers in the world of professional wrestling. Just like you said, it didn’t matter if we were at each other’s throats on camera, but after we went out to the back, just like you said, we got into whatever piece of shit rental we got that week and we headed towards the next stop. All the conversations, the jokes, the reminiscing, the plotting, the planning, the countless hours of time we shared on the road, when everyone else traveled alone. We were thankful to be where we were and it didn’t matter if we were going to beat the shit out of each other at the next event, we made sure we were on the same page and were going to give the fans their money’s worth. Yeah, I may have taken a few steps in a different direction at times, but you never thanked me, either. And did I complain? Did I throw a hissy fit? Did I start crying like a little girl? NO. I knew it was there, Will. And maybe that’s the difference between you and me. I have more faith in people, in my FRIENDS, than you clearly do. And while we’re on that subject, you could have called, texted, brought it up when we got in the car, whatever. But you didn’t. No, instead you decided to sit there and let your mind race with these thoughts, you decided to sit there and let it boil up inside, eating you alive, as you kept thinking the worst. You always have, Will. You always have thought the worst. And then you go and not only attack me, but attack Miller too? Just to “see my reaction when you beat down a friend of mine” Like, really? And you have the audacity to sit there and claim to be the righteous one. And using the word Hate? You hate me, Will? And after seeing me flipping out after you hit Miller over the head with the guitar, you hated me even more? You’re sick.. You need help. And, we’ll get you your help, right after I kick your fucking ass!
Mark: Here we go!
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is trying to get after William McConnell!
Mark:Security has hit the ring…
Rhino:They have been busy all night…
Mark:Security is holding these two men apart…
Rhino:Remember BIg Daddy Ace isnt an active member of this company…
Mark:Listen to the crowd..
Crowd:Let Them Fight… Let Them Fight… Let Them Fight!
Mark:The EWA Executive Committee is getting their wish and Security is trying to control the chaos and after what we have seen with the Horsemen getting Triple H stretcher out…And all the attacks all night long.. This is what has to be done…
Rhino:But I am with the crowd… Let Them Fight!
Mark:Security is having a hard time keeping them apart…
(“Here Comes The Money” starts the play in the arena…)
Rhino:Wait? Whats that…
Mark:That cant be… Can it?
Rhino:Oh My God!
Mark:Its Shane McMahon!
Rhino:This is the first time we have seen him live in over two years…
Mark:William McConnell and Big Daddy Ace are stunned…
Rhino:The fans are stunned…
Mark:I am stunned too…
Shane:Look what we have here… Two men looking to get at one another… Two men who want to just beat the hell out of each other and we have 19,000 people right here tonight that are looking forward to seeing that happen…
(crowd cheers loudly)
Shane:But when I look around… The EWA Executive Committee representative W.T. Riker is no where to be found… So what in the world are we going to do? If there is only someone who could make this sort of thing happen… Lone Jobb… Wait no..Not him… Oh that’s right… Im the Boss… I can make it happen! But there is only one problem with that… Big Daddy Ace isnt a member of the EWA… Big Daddy Ace doesn’t have a contract… Big Daddy Ace can not actually fight in an EWA Ring… Oh wait… That was something that would be said last week… Not this week…
Rhino:What is he talking about?
Shane:Will, everyone knows you are part of the Four Team Elimination Match when you team with the Trilogy… But after tonight we are one man short… Which means we need another man to team up with Shawn Michaels, Lone Jobber and Troy Joseph and that man is BIG DADDY ACE!
Shane:Oh by the way… Since I am back and all and since this company wants to go to war with each other… Well… Our Main Event at New Years Evil… Is not just a Four Team Tag Team Match… Oh no… It my friends… IS WARGAMES!
Mark:Oh My God!
Rhino:Wargames is Back!
Shane:Now as the people are saying… I can clearly say by the power vested in me by the EWA… I say… LET THEM FIGHT!
Mark:Here they go…Big Daddy Ace goes after William McConnell…
Rhino:He has William McConnell caught…
Rhino:William McConnell is laid out…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace stands tall over William McConnell…
Rhino:What a night…
Mark:Shane McMahon is back… Big Daddy Ace is going to get back in the ring… Holy.. We will see you at New Years Evil… GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!