Extreme Bowl 2001 (1-28-01)
Mark:Welcome everyone to EWA Extreme Bowl 2001… Tonight is the superbowl where the Giants meet the Ravens…
Rhino:Who cares about the Superbowl… When you have the EWA Extreme Bowl…
Mark:You make a good point there… Tonight is the Extreme Bowl… Where 8 of the Top EWA Superstars will meet inside a Triple Tier cage… With the winner becoming the Number One contender for the World Heavyweight Title…
Rhino:I cannot wait for that match… It should be awesome…
Mark:Also tonight we have a return match of sorts as Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Shawn Michaels for the World Title… This is the first match between these two since WWF’s Wrestlemania 14… Which took place in the fleet center here in Boston…
Rhino:Hopefully the same result will happen here tonight when Stone Cold takes the belt away from HBK…
Mark:Lets get started with an FTW Title Match…
FTW Title Match
Kevin Nash(c) Vs Triple H
(“Its time to play the game” hits as Triple H makes his way to the ring)
HHH:Big Sexy…Lets get this over with… Because its time for you to play the game…
(“Wolfpac” music hits as Kevin Nash walks to the ring…)
Mark:The bell sounds as these two are jaw jacking in the ring… Nash with a huge right that knocks down the game… The game is back up… But gets knocked down again… and again he is up … and he gets knocked down again… The game near the ropes and Nash delivers a huge clothesline that sends the game to the outside…
Rhino:Nash is in control and the game is mad…
Mark:The game back in the ring… Nash goes for a right… The game blocks and nails the big man with a clothesline but Nash is still up… He goes of the ropes and he nails Nash again with a clothesline but Nash is still on his feet… The game trying again… But this time is caught with a huge boot by Nash… Nash whips the game into the corner… And is delivering back elbows to the game… Nash is now beginning to choke the game with his boot…
Rhino:Nash is in complete control…
Mark:Nash whips the game into the ropes… He catches the game… Going for the chokeslam… The Game with a kick… And delivers a running knee to the face and takes down Nash…The game stomping a mudhole in on Nash… Knee buster by HHH… He is going for the Pedigree… Back body drop by Nash… Nash picks him up… Chokeslam… Goes for the cover 1…..2…….. Kick out by HHH… HHH ducks his head… Nash is calling for the Powerbomb… Nash has him up… HHH gets out… PEDIGREE… Cover 1………….2…………………3……..
Pa Announcer:Here is your Winner and NEW FTW Champion Triple H…
Rhino:Damn Dx wins one tonight…
Mark:Well we have been told that something is going on in the back…
(Footage is shown of the backstage)
Mark:Theres Angle and the Undertaker… Beating the hell out of one another…
Rhino:Theres Chyna as well…
Mark:She has a ref and has said that this match is starting now… I guess its an anywhere falls match… Taker and Angle are just beating the hell out of each other… Taker whips angle hard into the wall…
Rhino:Its True Its True… Our Olympic hero is in pain…
Mark:The Undertaker has him by the throat… Chokeslam city… Taker covers him 1……2………3….. Undertaker wins this match…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner The Undertaker…
Rhino:A Quick battle… But I dont think the war between these two is over yet…
Mark:The cell is being lowered so I guess it means that it is time for the Hell in a Cell Match…
Hell in a cell Television Title Match
Razor Ramon(c) Vs Lance Storm
(Lance Storms Theme hits as he makes his way to the ring)
Storm:Tonight Razor Ramon… You will not need to blame Canada… You will need to Blame yourself… Now all rise for the playing of the Canadian National Anthem…
(The Canadian Anthem plays but gets interrupted by Razors theme as The TV Champ walks in to the cell…)
Mark:The cage is down… The men are inside and here we go… Storm and Ramon face to face… Ramon throws the toothpick in the eye of Storm and laughs… Storm connects with a right hand… And another and another… Storm whips him into the ropes… And lands a nice dropkick to Ramon… Ramon back up but is clothesline down to the ground… Storm applies a side headlock… Ramon pushes him off… In to the ropes… Ramon drops down… Ramon leap frogs him … but Storm doesn’t go under… Ramon turns around… And gets caught with a clothesline… Storm is walking out of the cage…
Rhino:Is storm going back to Canada…
Mark:Storm has walk out of the cage… And he is heading to the top of the cage…
Rhino:He said he wanted to fight on the top and he wanted it to be legal and guess what it is…
Mark:Ramon is going up after him… So is the ref… Ramon then decides not to… Storm climbs down the cage to beat on Ramon… Ramon catches him coming back into the cage with a right hand… Ramon whips him in to the ropes… Storm ducks a clothesline… Goes for a flying body press… Ramon catches him and delivers a Fall A Way slam… Ramon is now putting the boots to Storm… Ramon puts him up on the turnbuckle… Superback drop off the turnbuckle… Ramon saying thats it…
Rhino:Ramon is now going to the top of the cage as Storm is hurt in the ring…
Mark:Storm is slowing moving… But he sees Ramon at the top of the cage… Storm decides to go up…
Rhino:Storm I would stay down in the ring…
Mark:Storm is telling Ramon to run to him… Ramon runs at Storm… Storm pulls Ramon in… MAPLE LEAF… He has the Maple leaf applied on the cage and there is no where for Ramon to go…
Rhino:Da Bad Guy has to tap…
Mark:Ramon Taps… We have a new TV Champion…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW Television Champion LANCE STORM…
Rhino:Tonight Lance Storm was the Perfect Storm…
Mark:We are not wasting anytime here… Lets get back to the ring for a Triple Threat Tables Match…
Triple Threat Table Match
Raven Vs Chris Jericho Vs Tommy Dreamer
(Dreamer’s Music plays as he walks to the ring… Then Y2J’s Theme hits as he makes his way towards the ring…)
Y2J:Welcome to… EWA IS JERICHO…
(Raven’s theme hits as he walks to the ring)
MarkThese Three men are ready to go at it…
Rhino:All three men are making there EWA debut and they want to make this night memorable…
Mark:My question is will any one try to make an alliance in this match…
Rhino:We are about to find out…
Mark:Jericho and Dreamer going at it… Raven is just watching as these two men trade blows back and forth… Dreamer whips Jericho off the ropes… Raven with a nice leg take down of Jericho… Dreamer delivers and elbow to Jericho…
Rhino:Raven and Dreamer seem to have formed a bond here in the early going…
Mark:Dreamer slingshots Y2J over the ropes and to the outside… Raven spins Dreamer around… Kick to the gut… Tries for the DDT… Dreamer lifts him up…. Raven brings himself back down and connects with the EVENFLOW DDT on Dreamer… Jericho back up… And delivers a springboard dropkick to Raven… Jericho picks raven up and slams him down to the ground… Dreamer rolls to the outside and he is going to get a table…Dreamer slides two tables into the ring… Raven and Jericho are battling… Jericho connects with a bulldog… Jericho turns around… DDT by Dreamer… Dreamer is setting up both of the tables… Dreamer and Raven fighting on the tables… Jericho is up… Both men hook Jericho… Double DDT through the table…
Rhino:Did they both win… Since they both put Jericho through the table…
Mark:The ref has just said that Jericho has lost but now Raven and Dreamer must continue… Raven runs at dreamer… Dreamer connects with a powerslam… Dreamer puts raven on the turnbuckle… Dreamer has a table Set up… Dreamer is trying to put Raven through… Raven blocks… Kick to the gut… JUMPING DDT THROUGH THE TABLE… RAVEN WINS…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner RAVEN…
Rhino:That was a good match…
Mark:Well the officials are taking down the ring ropes so that must mean that we are having the Barbed Wire Match… It was supposed to be an electrified Barbed Wire match but The State’s Althetic commission ruled against it so it is going to just be a Barbed Wire Match…
Barbed Wire Match
Rob Parks Vs Demon Child
(Graveyard theme plays as the Demon Child enters the ring)
(“Sober” by tool hits as Rob Parks makes his way to the ring)
Rhino:Rob Parks is making his return to the ring to take care of some business…
Mark:Thats right and Rob looks ready for a fight…The bell sounds as we are under way… Demon Child runs at Parks… Parks ducks and connects with a stinging left jab and another… Rob clotheslines DC down to the ground… Parks with a hip toss followed by another hip toss…
Rhino:Rob is actually putting on a wrestling match for us tonight… Not a backyard street fight type of match…
Mark:Rob whips DC into the barbed wire… DC is in some pain…
Rhino:Forget what I just said…
Mark:He must have heard you… Rob with a scoop slam followed by a leg drop… Goes for the cover 1….2……..and a kick out by DC… DC back up… Charges at Rob… Rob steps a side and pushes him into the barbed wire… DC is busted open… Rob has a piece of the barbed wire and is wrapping it on his hand… Right hand by Rob and another and another…
Rhino:Rob is making Demon Child suffer and he is loving every minute of it…
Mark:Rob continuing to pound on the head of DC… Rob picks him up and snake eyes him on the barbed wire… Rob scoops him up… In a tombstone position… Tombstone Piledriver on Demon Child… Cover 1…………..2………… ROB PULLS HIM UP… He picks him up again and connects with another one… Goes for the pin 1……..2…………3………. Rob Parks beats the Demon Child…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ROB PARKS…
Rhino:Rob Parks took care of some business tonight…
Mark:Well as they clear the ring and get the ropes back on… It is now time for the EXTREME BOWL… Lets clear up the match… There will be 9 men in this match and the way to win is to get to the third cage and exit the cage door at the top… The winner will be the Number One Contender for the World Title and will face the Winner of the Shawn Michaels/Stone Cold match later tonight…
Rhino:As all the men begin to enter the ring… The cage is now lowering…
Mark:Seven men are in… And they begin to fight…
Rhino:Where is that coward Triple H… He has to be out here…
Participants-Triple H, Justin Credible, Tazz, X-Pac, Matt Hardy, Kevin Nash, Razor Ramon, Lone Jobber and Road Dogg
(“Its time to play the game” Hits as Triple H slowly walks to the ring)
Mark:The battle lines have are dawn as it looks like it is DX Vs EWA… Credible and the Game begin to fight… Dogg fighting with Matt Hardy… Tazz fighting with Kevin Nash… X-Pac and Ramon battling as well… Credible and The game have already climbed up and have moved in to the second cage as everyone else fight at the bottom… JC with a DDT to the New FTW Champ… JC is stomping away at the game…Tazz with a Belly to Back suplex on Matt Hardy… Razor Ramon has made his way to the second cage and Road Dogg is up there as well…
Rhino:DX Vs EWA… That is the way it always will be…
Mark:Dogg and Ramon battling and JC and HHH battling in the second Cage… Dogg scoops up Ramon and slams him down and he falls through the door and he falls back into the ring… Dogg and HHH double teaming Justin… Pedigree by the Game on JC… Nash and Ramon making there way up into the second cage… Ramon and Nash are battling…
Rhino:The outsiders are no more as these two are battling in the cage…Have you noticed that the Lone Jobber isnt in the match yet…
Mark:The game trying to make his way into the third cage…Tazz has made it to the second cage… He is pulling the game down… Matt Hardy and X-Pac are still on the first level…Nash nails Tazz… Ramon is starting to climb the cage… Ramon is in the third cage…
Rhino:THERES LONE JOBBER… He is outside of the Third Cage…
Mark:He has to get in to the cage and leave the cage to win… He cant win just staying out there…
Rhino:I guess this was his plan all along…
Mark:Jobber has enter the third cage and Ramon and Jobber are fighting… SIX FEET UNDER by Jobber…
Rhino:He just needs to go through the door to win…
Mark:The game pulls Jobber through the Cage door that leads from the second to third cage…
Rhino:Ramon is crawling…
Mark:Razor is out of the cage… Razor has won the Extreme Bowl…
Pa Announcer:The winner of the EWA Extreme Bowl RAZOR RAMON…
Rhino:Da Bad Guy is going to Tuesday Night Carnage to face the EWA World Champion…
Mark:It is now time for the World Title Match… Kent Richardson is standing by with the Challenger Stone Cold Steve Austin…
Kent:In just a few moments, you will step in to the ring with Shawn Michaels for the Biggest Prize in the EWA and thats the World Title… What are your thoughts on that…
Austin:Tonight… Stone Cold is bringing the EWA World Title back to Victoria Texas… Shawn Michaels tonight… Austin 3:16 says hes going to Stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry… After that I am taking your belt and THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO…
(Glass Shatters as Stone cold makes his way to the ring…)
Mark:We know the challenger is ready… Lets hear from the Champion…
HBK:Kent before you say anything… Tonight Steve… I have to say to you this… The Band is HERE TOGETHER… The Band is tuned and your ass is going to hear the BAND… AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE… BECAUSE SHAWN MICHAELS SAID SO…
(HBK’s theme hits as HBK makes his way to the ring…)
Mark:The bell sounds as these two men are staring a hole in one another… And here we go… They are trading blows back and forth… Austin backing michaels up into the corner… Michaels ducks the clothesline… And is now hammering Austin into the corner… Michaels goes for a right… Austin ducks… Austin is stomping a mudhole on HBK in the corner… Michaels back up and is getting clotheslined to the outside…
Rhino:Michaels is pissed off… His plan aint working…
Mark:HBK gets back into the ring… Austin goes for another right… Michaels ducks… SUPERKICK ON AUSTIN… But it sends him to the outside… Michaels goes to the outside… He rolls Austin back into the ring…Goes for the cover 1…..2…….Kickout by Austin… Michaels is Pissed… Michaels on the top rope… Double axe handle… Cover 1……2…….Kickout by Austin… Michaels connects with a clothesline… Michaels climbing the turnbuckle again…Goes for an axehandle… Austin nails michaels…
Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas…
Mark:The ref has begun his ten count…
Rhino:Get up Stone Cold…
Mark:Both men up… Michaels goes for a right hand… Blocked by Austin… Austin connects… Michaels gets blocked… Austin connects… And another… Michaels gets whip in to the ropes… LOU THEZ PRESS… With fist of fury… Austin with a kick… Going for the stunner… Michaels pushes him off… Michaels goes for the kick… Austin catches his foot… Spins him around… STUNNER… COVER 1………2……………3……….. We have a NEW World Champion…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW EWA World Champion STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN…
Mark:Triple H and the rest of DX are out… They are in the face of Stone Cold…
Rhino:This could explode any minute…
Rhino:The Outsider I guess have patched everything up and they are standing up for the EWA…
Mark:Austin and the Outsiders are Staring Down DX… Austin goes after the Game… NASH and Ramon Stop him…Double clothesline by the Outsiders on Austin…
Mark:The outsiders and DX are Stomping on Austin…
Rhino:Austin doesn’t look like a winner…
Mark:Razor puts Austin up… RAZOR’s EDGE On Austin…
Rhino:DX is Standing over the Rattlesnake…
Mark:This was a setup all along… Whether they won or lost… They were going to attack austin…
Rhino:I guess what they have been saying is True…
(Show goes off the Air…)