May-Hem 2005
Mark:Welcome everyone to eWa May-Hem… Sponsored tonight by the eWa Zone… The eWa Zone is the official website of the Extreme Wrestling Alliance, which features DPOV #50… So check that out today at… And right now we are live here in Toronto, Ontario… And tonight we are live with great action and there has been stuff brewing all night long Rhino…
Rhino:Yes indeed… Big news coming in to May-Hem…
Mark:The big news is that Big Daddy Ace is no longer the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion…As he vacated the title and we will crown a new champion here tonight…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels and Christian now get bumped up in to a title match and one of those two will be champion…
Mark:Also here tonight in our main event it will be five men and one title… In the King of the Mountain Match…
Rhino:Its been four years since the last King of the Mountain… And now we are going to crown a new one here tonight…
Mark:Its a wild night and lets get started with our first contest…
Aaron Marx vs Payne Killer
Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From New York City… Weighing in at 232 Pounds…Sports Entertainment’s Only Sure Thing… AARON MARX…
(“Make a move” plays as Aaron Marx enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Selma, Ca… Weighing in at 265 Pounds… Part of the Third World Empire and the Church of Pain… PAYNE KILLER…
(“Thou Shall” plays as Payne Killer enters the arena…)
Mark:The bell sounds and this match up is underway… Both men lock up in the center of the ring… Collar and Elbow Tie up… Both men are trying to battle for position… Aaron Marx backs Payne Killer in to the ropes… The referee steps in between the two… As they move back in to the center of the ring…
Rhino:They are trying to feel one another out right now…
Mark:Headlock by Payne Killer… Aaron Marx tries to fight out of the headlock… Elbows to the midsection as he pushes Payne Killer in to the ropes… Payne Killer comes off the ropes and knocks down Aaron Marx with a hard shoulder block…
Rhino:Aaron Marx gets back up…
Mark:Payne Killer now takes Aaron Marx over with an arm drag take over… Payne Killer is now working over the arm of Aaron Marx…
Rhino:We are seeing some good wrestling here in the early going…
Mark:Aaron Marx gets back to a vertical base…Aaron Marx with an irish whip sending Payne Killer in to the ropes… Dropkick by Aaron Marx nailing him right in the face with the dropkick…
Rhino:Payne Killer gets right back up…
Mark:Aaron Marx with a hip toss… Payne Killer gets back up again and one more hip toss by Aaron Marx…
Rhino:This has been some good wrestling right now…
Mark:Aaron Marx now takes Payne Killer over with a side headlock… Marx grinds away with the side headlock… Payne Killer is now fighting his way back to his feet nailing Aaron Marx with elbows to the midsection and now he fires back with straight right hands…
Rhino:Those are straight rights and he is connecting right to the jaw of Aaron Marx…
Mark:Payne Killer kicks Aaron Marx in the midsection and he nails him with a hangmans neckbreaker… Payne Killer drops a quick elbow… As Payne Killer goes for a quick cover 1………………………..2…………… Kickout by Aaron Marx…
Rhino:Payne Killer is backing Aaron Marx in to the ropes now…
Mark:Irish whip by Payne Killer and he nails Aaron Marx with a high back body drop…
Rhino:Aaron Marx was high in the air after that back drop…
Mark:Aaron Marx staggers to his feet… Payne Killer charges… Marx ducks and back drops him over the top rope and to the floor goes Payne Killer…
Rhino:That was smart thinking by Aaron Marx…
Mark:Slingshot Plancha by Aaron Marx landing right on top Payne Killer…
Rhino:That was a hell of a move by Aaron Marx…
Mark:Marx rolls Payne Killer back in to the ring… Aaron Marx connects with a slingshot leg drop… As he now goes for a cover on Payne Killer 1………………………2…………….. Kickout by Payne Killer…
Rhino:Aaron Marx is now taking control of this contest…
Mark:Aaron Marx now hooks up Payne Killer… Vertical Suplex straight in to a neckbreaker by Aaron Marx…
Rhino:Great innovative move by Aaron Marx…
Mark:Aaron Marx goes for a cover 1………………………………..2………………… Payne Killer gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Payne Killer is in some trouble right now…
Mark:Aaron Marx now hooks up Payne Killer… Tiltawhirl sideslam driving Payne Killer straight in to the mat…
Rhino:Things are gong Aaron Marx’s way at the moment…
Mark:Aaron Marx goes for another cover 1……………………….2……………………Kickout again by Payne Killer…
Rhino:Aaron Marx has just slammed Payne Killer down to the mat and is now heading to the top rope…
Mark:Aaron Marx is up on to the top rope…
Rhino:Payne Killer just got up and shook the rope…
Mark:Payne Killer now heads to the top rope… He has Aaron hooked… Superplex connects… As Aaron Marx goes crashing in to the mat after that move…
Rhino:That is a momentum changing move right there…
Mark:Payne Killer now rolls on to Aaron Marx… Cover 1………………………2……………………….3……NO! Aaron Marx got his shoulder up…
Rhino:That was a close one right there…
Mark:Payne Killer now connects with a couple of straight right hands… As he backs him in to the ropes… Irish whip by Payne Killer… Spinebuster by Payne Killer driving Aaron Marx straight in to the canvas…
Rhino:Aaron Marx’s head just bounced right off the mat after that shot…
Mark:Payne Killer with another cover 1……………………………2………………….3…..NO! Aaron Marx kicks out again…
Rhino:Aaron Marx is now staggering to his feet…
Mark:Payne Killer picks him up…PAYNE RELIEVER!
Rhino:That’s it… Payne Killer has just won this match up…
Mark:Payne Killer hooks the leg 1……………………………….2………………………3……..NO! AARON MARX GOT HIS SHOULDER UP!
Rhino:How in the hell did he do that?
Mark:I don’t know but he did it some how…
Rhino:Payne Killer is dumbfounded after that one…
Mark:Payne Killer is now putting Aaron Marx on the top rope…
Rhino:Could this be a Payne Reliever from the top rope…
Mark:Aaron Marx counters and fights off Payne Killer knocking him from the top rope…
Rhino:Aaron Marx is now regaining his balance…
Mark:X MARX!
Rhino:He got all of that one…
Mark:Aaron Marx hooks the leg 1…………………….2……………………………3…….. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner AARON MARX!
Rhino:A big win for Aaron Marx here in his return to the Extreme Wrestling Alliance…
Mark:Payne Killer is now back up and is right in Aaron Marx’s face…
Rhino:This is going to get real interesting…
Mark:That’s something you don’t see every day… Payne Killer extended the hand to Aaron Marx and they both shake hands in a sign of respect…
Rhino:Those two just battled tooth and nail and that’s the respect they have for one another…
Mark:Well we are now getting set for what should be an interesting match up as Shane McMahon returns to the ring to face Darien…
Street Fight
Shane McMahon vs Darien
Pa Anouncer:This next contest is set for one fall and is a Street Fight… Introducing first… From Greenwich, Ct… The eWa Commissioner SHANE McMAHON…
(“No Chance” Plays as Shane McMahon enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Glen Burnie,Md… Weighing in at 239 Pounds… Representing The Church of Pain…DARIEN…
(“insaneology” plays as Darien enters the arena…)
Mark:The bell sounds and this match up is underway… Darien gets right up in the face of Shane McMahon…
Rhino:They are talking a little bit back and forth…
Mark:Shane McMahon slaps Darien across the face…
Rhino:I don’t think that was a smart idea…
Mark:Darien goes for a right hand… Shane McMahon ducks out of the way and he slides out of the ring…
Rhino:Darien is going out after him…
Mark:Shane McMahon runs around the ring and rolls back in… Darien follows him back in and Shane McMahon begins to stomp away at the back of Darien…
Rhino:Shane McMahon got him to chase him around the ring and he is now taking advantage… He must have learned that trick from Shawn Michaels and Triple H…
Mark:Right hands by Shane McMahon backing Darien in to the ropes… Irish whip by Shane McMahon… Reversal by Darien and Shane McMahon goes hard in to the corner… Shane McMahon comes out and Darien nails him with a standing spin kick…
Rhino:Darien almost took Shane McMahon’s head off with that shot…
Mark:A couple of forearm shots by Darien backing him in to the corner and he follows it up with stiff kicks to the midsection… Darien witth another hard irish whip… Shane McMahon staggers out of the corner… Running Spin Heel Kick…
Rhino:That was a great move by Darien…
Mark:Darien hooks the leg of Shane McMahon 1…………………………2…………………….Shane McMahon gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Darien is now on the outside of the ring and just threw a chair in to the ring…
Mark:He also has a singapore cane…
Rhino:That might not be good for Shane McMahon…
Mark:Cane shot across the back of Shane McMahon… One more time by Darien nailing Shane McMahon across the back with the singapore cane…
Rhino:Those are stiff shots by Darien…
Mark:Darien with a cover on Shane McMahon 1…………………………..2…………….. Kickout by Shane McMahon…
Rhino:Darien is now taking his time with Shane McMahon…
Mark:Darien hooks up Shane McMahon and drops him with a front face suplex…
Rhino:Shane McMahon said he was going to take a beating and he is right now…
Mark:Darien with another cover 1…………………………..2…………………… Kickout by Shane McMahon again…
Rhino:Shane McMahon is hurting as he staggers back to his feet…
Mark:Darien now hooks up Shane McMahon…
Rhino:This could be it right here…
Mark:EMBRACE THE DARK!NO! Shane McMahon slides out…
Rhino:If Darien hit that it would have been it…
Mark:Shane McMahon whips Darien in to the ropes… Flying Forearm Shot by Shane McMahon…
Rhino:Shane McMahon is starting to get fired up…
Mark:Shane now mounts Darien and nails him with straight rights and lefts…
Rhino:Darien is trying to cover up…
Mark:Shane McMahon now picked up the Steel Chair…
Rhino:Darien is back up on his feet…
Mark:Steel Chair Shot to the skull of Darien by Shane McMahon…
Rhino:That was one hell of a chair shot…
Mark:Shane McMahon covers Darien 1………………………….2……………… Kickout by Darien…
Rhino:Shane McMahon is now heading to the top rope with steel chair in hand…
Mark:Darien is back up and nails Shane McMahon on the top rope…
Rhino:Darien now sticks the steel chair in between the middle rope as he climbs the top rope…
Mark:Darien has Shane McMahon hooked… Shane McMahon blocks and delivers a low blow punch to Darien…
Rhino:That’s gotta hurt…
Mark:Darien is down… Shane McMahon now lays a chair out on top of Darien…
Rhino:Shane McMahon makes his way back to the top rope…
Mark:FLYING LEG DROP! Connects by Shane McMahon…
Rhino:Shane dropped his leg across the chair that was on the face of Darien…
Mark:Shane McMahon covers Darien 1………………………………2………………………..3…… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SHANE McMAHON…
Rhino:Surprisingly Shane McMahon was able to pick up the win here tonight…
Mark:Darien came up short tonight… But the eWa Commissioner got the job done here tonight… As we now get set for our next contest…
eWa Television Championship Toronto Lightning Chain Match
Heidenreich(c) vs Kurt Angle
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Toronto Lightning Chain Match and is for the eWa Television Championship… You’re Referee Terry Funk… Now introducing first… The Challenger… From Pittsburgh,Pa… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… A member of Degeneration X… KURT ANGLE…
(“Medal” plays as Kurt Angle enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From New Orleans,La… Weighing in 275 Pounds… The eWa Television Champion… HEIDENREICH…
(“Dangerous Politics” plays as Heidenreich enters the arena…)
Mark:Well as you can see at home this is not your normal looking ring… Instead the ropes have been turned in to chains…
Rhino:That explains it… I knew something was different…
Mark:There are also chains on the outside of the ring as well to be used as weapons… Right now in the center of the ring Kurt Angle and Heidenreich are face to face…
Rhino:This is a rematch of a few months ago when Kurt Angle beat Heidenreich for the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship…
Mark:Kurt Angle strikes Heidenreich with straight right hands…
Rhino:Look at Kurt just open up on him…
Mark:Angle now backs Heidenreich in to the chains… Irish whip by Kurt Angle… Heidenreich hits the chains…
Rhino:I don’t think we will be seeing people flying off the ropes in this one as once you hit the chains you are kinda just stopped in your tracks…
Mark:Kurt Angle now hooks up Heidenreich… Snap Suplex by the Challenger… Kurt Angle picks him back up again and nails him with another vertical suplex…
Rhino:Kurt has come out real aggressive in this match up here in the early going…
Mark:Angle now slides out of the ring and slides back in with a chain…
Rhino:He is looking to do some damage with that…
Mark:Kurt Angle is swinging the chain at Heidenreich… Heidenreich catches the chain and pulls Kurt Angle towards him and he nails him with a clothesline…
Rhino:That was some strength by Heidenreich…
Mark:Heidenreich now has the chain and whips Kurt Angle right across the back… One more time Heidenreich nails Kurt Angle across the back…
Rhino:Kurt Angle’s upper back is starting to turn red…
Mark:Heidenreich now picks up Kurt Angle and he drops him face first across the top rope of chain…
Rhino:Kurt Angle is just staggering around right now and I don’t think he knows where he is…
Mark:Big Boot by Heidenreich…
Rhino:That boot just laid out Kurt Angle…
Mark:Heidenreich covers Kurt Angle… Funk with the count 1…………………………2……………Kickout by Kurt Angle…
Rhino:Angle is in some trouble as he makes his way back up to his feet in the corner…
Mark:Heidenreich opens up and nails him with shots to the midsection…
Rhino:He is just pounding away at Kurt Angle…
Mark:Heidenreich now goes back to get the chain… From behind Kurt Angle clips Heidenreich…
Rhino:You don’t turn your back on an Olympic Gold Medallist…
Mark:Kurt Angle now picks up the chain and now whips Heidenreich across the back…
Rhino:Now Heidenreich’s back is turning read…
Mark:Kurt Angle now grabs the chain and is choking the life out of the eWa Television Champion…
Rhino:Its all Kurt Angle right now…
Mark:Angle now picks up Heidenreich… Quick go behind by Angle… German Release Suplex by Kurt Angle…
Rhino:That was a nice suplex…
Mark:Indeed it was…
Rhino:What the hell was that?
Mark:It looked like a huge lightning bolt just struck the chains surrounding the ring…
Rhino:That was weird…
Mark:I wouldn’t want to touch the chains around the ring if I were Kurt or Heidenreich…
Rhino:Kurt Angle is looking around and is wondering what happened…
Mark:Kurt Angle now whips Heidenreich in to the chains…
Rhino:Ouch… That’s gotta hurt…
Mark:The look on Heidenreich’s face tells the story as he is in some pain after that…
Rhino:He sure is Mark…
Rhino:Kurt just hit the Angle Slam and I think we could have a new champion right now…
Mark:Kurt Angle hooks the leg 1………………………….2…………………….3……NO! Heidenreich got his shoulder up…
Rhino:That was so close… So very close…
Mark:Kurt Angle pulls the straps down and now hammers Heidenreich with straight right hands… Heidenreich blocks on and now opens up on Kurt Angle…
Rhino:Angle is now being backed up close to the chains…
Mark:Quickly Angle ducks out of the way and moves towards the center of the ring…
Rhino:That was smart…
Mark:Heidenreich with a hard kick to the gut of Kurt Angle and he now picks him up in a press slam…
Rhino:What power by Heidenreich…
Mark:Heidenreich just lets Kurt Angle drop straight to the mat…
Rhino:That knocked the wind right out of Kurt Angle…
Mark:Angle gets back up to his feet…POWER DUNK!
Rhino:That could be it…
Mark:Heidenreich covers Kurt Angle… Funk makes the count 1…………………………..2…………………3…..NO! Funk says Angle got his shoulder up…
Rhino:Heidenreich thought he had him…
Mark:Kurt Angle now staggers to his feet…
Rhino:Heidenreich is looking to set him up for a power bomb…
Rhino:Another lightning bolt just struck the chains…
Mark:Its getting dangerous now…
Rhino:The explosion has stopped Heidenreich for a second…
Mark:Low Blow by Kurt Angle…
Rhino:This is Angle chance to get back in to this thing…
Rhino:A second Angle Slam…
Mark:Angle covers him 1………………………….2…………………………..3……NO! Terry Funk says the shoulder came up…
Rhino:Kurt Angle can not believe it…
Mark:Angle now goes after Heidenreich… ANKLE LOCK!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Kurt Angle has it locked it on Heidenreich…
Rhino:Will he tap out?
Mark:Heidenreich pushes him out…Angle hits the chains…
Rhino:Kurt Angle was just stunned by the chains…
Mark:Kurt Angle spins around… POWER DUNK!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Heidenreich with the cover… Funk with the count 1……………………………2………………..3………. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL eWa Television Champion HEIDENREICH…
Rhino:Heidenreich pulled it out here tonight…
Mark:This one was a battle… As we now get back to the ring for what should be a great ladder match…
eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship
“Ticket to the Top” Ladder Match
Shawn Michaels vs Christian
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Ticket to the Top Ladder Match and is for the Vacant eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… From Toronto, Ontario, Canada… Weighing in at 215 Pounds… CHRISTIAN…
(“Just Close Your Eyes” plays as Christian enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds…Representing Degeneration X… One Half of the eWa Tag Team Champions… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS…
(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels enters the arena…)
Mark:Here we go… Both men are looking up at the championship that is hanging above them…
Rhino:These two men were preparing to fight for a contract… Because of what happened, they are now fighting for the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship…
Mark:Christian slaps Shawn Michaels across the face…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now smiling…
Mark:Shawn Michaels slaps Christian right across the face…
Rhino:Christian is now smiling…
Mark:Right hand by HBK and a right hand by Christian… Both men are hammering one another back and forth…
Rhino:They are slugging it out…
Mark:Christian with a kick to the midsection of Shawn Michaels and nails him with a swinging neckbreaker…Christian now picks up Shawn Michaels by the hair and knocks him back in to the ropes… Hard chop to the chest by Christian… Irish whip by Christian… HBK comes off the ropes… Tilt a whirl slam by Christian…
Rhino:That was a nice move by Captain Charisma…
Mark:Christian now poses for the peeps…
Rhino:They are really behind him tonight…
Mark:Christian now goes to the outside of the ring and is going after the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is looking to make an impact early in this contest…
Mark:Christian has the ladder… Running Baseball Slide by Shawn Michaels knocking the ladder back in the face of Christian…
Rhino:That was a veteran move by Shawn Michaels…
Mark:HBK now whips Christian hard in to the steel steps…
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid is looking to take back control of this contest…
Mark:Shawn Michaels scoops up Christian and drops him face first across the steel guardrail…
Rhino:Christian was just rolled back in to this ring and now the Showstopper is in control…
Mark:HBK now gets up on the top rope… Christian is up and Shawn Michaels nails him with a double axe handle…
Rhino:That was old school Shawn Michaels with that move…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now brings the ladder in to the ring himself and lays the ladder down in the ring…
Rhino:What is he going to do to Christian?
Mark:Vertical Suplex by Shawn Michaels dropping back first across the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is in some trouble…
Mark:Shawn Michaels stands the ladder up in the corner… Christian is now up in the corner… Shawn Michaels with an irish whip… Reversal by Christian and Shawn Michaels goes hard in to the ladder…
Rhino:That one backfired on Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Christian now scoops up and slams Shawn Michaels down to the canvas…
Rhino:Captain Charisma is now heading to the top rope…
Mark:Christian rides the ladder straight down on to Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Christian pounds his chest as the peeps cheer…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is back up and Christian picks up the ladder and drives it in to the midsection of Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:That’s gotta hurt…
Mark:Yeah I think it would… As right now Christian stands on top of Shawn Michaels and drives the ladder right in to the midsection of Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:You can tell that Shawn Michaels is in a lot of pain…
Mark:Christian now waits for Shawn Michaels to get to his feet…
Rhino:This cant be good…
Mark:Christian runs Shawn Michaels over with the ladder…
Rhino:HBK looks to be out of it right now after that shot…
Mark:Christian now opens up the ladder and begins to climb up to get the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Title…
Rhino:Christian is getting close…
Mark:HBK is back up and he pushes the ladder over and Christian crashes in to the top rope…
Rhino:Christian’s head bounced right off the top rope…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now holding on to his ribs tries to regroup as he now nails Christian with chops to the chest…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now scoops up Christian and slams him straight down to the canvas…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now standing the ladder up in to the corner…
Mark:HBK now grabs Christian by the legs… Slingshot in to the ladder…
Rhino:Christian went face first in to the ladder…
Mark:DDT by The Heartbreak Kid laying him out…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now getting back in to a little bit of a groove right now and that might not be good for Christian…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now opens up the ladder near the corner…
Rhino:Christian is back up on his feet…
Mark:Body Slam by Shawn Michaels… HBK is now climbing up the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is in some trouble…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is now standing on top of the ladder…
Rhino:The Showstopper is gonna fly…
Mark:Flying Splash From the top of the ladder…
Rhino:That was a hell of a move by Shawn Michaels…
Mark:HBK is now holding on to his ribs as it took its toll on him…
Rhino:Christian worked on his ribs earlier and that is slowing down Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now opens up the ladder and begins his slow climb up the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is slowly moving around…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is almost up to the gold…
Rhino:Christian is up…
Mark:Christian nails HBK with shots to the back of Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Christian is now climbing up behind Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:What a move by Christian…
Mark:The momentum has definitely changed in this match up as both men are down on the canvas…
Rhino:Christian is now back up on to his feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is staggering around… Straight right hand by Christian… HBK swings at Christian… Christian blocks… And he continues to hammer him with a couple of right hands…
Rhino:Christian is really opening up on him…
Mark:Christian whips Shawn Michaels in to the ropes and he nails him with a high back body drop…
Rhino:Christian now picks up the ladder…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is staggering back up to his feet… Christian charges with the ladder… HBK sides steps him and he drop toe holds Christian and Christian goes face first in to the ladder…
Rhino:That backfired on Christian…
Mark:Christian now staggers around… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!
Rhino:HBK has laid out Christian…
Mark:The Heartbreak Kid now picks up the ladder and slowly opens it up…
Rhino:Christian is starting to roll around…
Mark:HBK is slowly climbing up the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is now pulling himself up on the other side…
Mark:Shawn Michaels almost has the title…Christian nails Shawn Michaels right in the ribs…
Rhino:That stopped HBK in his tracks…
Mark:Shawn Michaels and Christian are now slugging it out on the top of the ladder…Christian with poke to the eye of Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:The fans liked that…
Mark:Christian now hooks up Shawn Michaels… HBK blocks the suplex and drives Christian’s head in to the ladder…
Rhino:The ladder is shaking…
Mark:Christian just dropped a couple of rungs…
Rhino:Shawn is reaching up again for the belt…
Mark:Christian is shaking the ladder…
Rhino:Look out below…
Mark:Christian just rocked the ladder and both men go crashing down to the canvas…
Rhino:That was an interesting move by Christian…
Mark:That took a lot out of Christian as well…
Rhino:Both men are struggling to their feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels and Christian are trading right hands back and forth again…
Rhino:They are just giving it everything they have inside of them just to become the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion..
Mark:Shawn Michaels now whips Christian in to the ropes… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! NO! Christian blocks the super kick…
Rhino:If Shawn Michaels hit that it would have been over…
Mark:Christian now hooks up Shawn Michaels… UNPRETTIER!
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is out of it…
Mark:Christian now sets the ladder back up…
Rhino:There is no movement from Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Christian reaches up for the belt…
Rhino:He is a couple of rung short…
Mark:Christian moves up… HBK PUSHES THE LADDER OVER!
Mark:Christian hits the top rope and his leg is tangled up in the ropes…
Rhino:The fans dont like what they are seeing…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now slowly climbs up the ladder…
Rhino:Christian is trying to get free…
Mark:Shawn Michaels reaches up…
Rhino:Hes close…
Mark:Christian gets unhooked… HBK GRABS THE GOLD! NEW CHAMPION!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion SHAWN MICHAELS…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels got his ticket to the top and is now the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion…
Mark:We are now getting set for… Wait a second… The Lights have gone out…
Rhino:What the hell is going on now…
(“I Came to Bring the Pain” plays in the arena…)
Mark:Look at Hardcore Theater…
Rhino:That’s a picture of Shawn Michaels…
Mark:The picture of Shawn Michaels is going up in flames… A message appears that is saying Frank “The Great” Saint… New eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:He is sending a message to Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Things are getting interesting as we now get set for our main event…
FTW Championship King of the Mountain
Participants-Subway(c), Triple H, Lone Jobber, Demon Child & Raven
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the KING OF THE MOUNTAIN MATCH and is for the FTW Championship… Once all five men have entered the cell… The first man to leave the cell will become the FTW Champion…Every Three Minutes a person will enter the cell… Introducing first… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game TRIPLE H…
(“The Game” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From The Slaughter House… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… LONE JOBBER…
(“Survivial of the Sickest” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Mark:Well it is two old rivals starting this one out…
Rhino:Triple H is yelling at Lone Jobber…
Mark:Straight right hand by Lone Jobber…
Rhino:That will shut Triple H up for a moment…
Mark:A couple of more right hands by Lone Jobber knocking Triple H back in to the ropes… Irish whip by Lone Jobber… Reversal by Triple H…Lone Jobber comes off the ropes and Triple H nails him with a hard clothesline…
Rhino:Lone Jobber’s head bounced right off of the mat after that clothesline…
Mark:Triple H now picks up Lone Jobber and nails him with a couple of right hands…Followed by a couple of shots to the midsection… Scoop up and a slam by Triple H…
Rhino:Triple H is now dragging Lone Jobber out of the ring and this might now be good for Lone Jobber…
Mark:Triple H now rams Lone Jobber’s head in to the side of the ring… Triple H now whips Lone Jobber… Reversal by Lone Jobber and Triple H goes hard in to the cell…
Rhino:We are thirty seconds away from the next man to come in to this match up…
Mark:Lone Jobber now grabs Triple H by the hair and now rams him face first in to the cell…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now looking underneath the ring for some sort of weapon…
Mark:Lone Jobber picks up a cooking sheet and cracks Triple H across the skull…
(“Devil without a cause” plays as Demon Child enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:From Seattle, Washington… DEMON CHILD…
Rhino:Demon Child is now waiting in the ring letting Lone Jobber work over Triple H…
Mark:Lone Jobber sees Demon Child in the ring and he throws the cooking sheet at him…
Rhino:That is distracting Demon Child for a moment…
Mark:Jobber rolls back in to the ring and nails Demon Child with uppercuts… Demon Child is backed up in to the ropes… Irish whip by Lone Jobber… Lone Jobber goes for a dropkick…Demon Child puts on the breaks and he holds on to the ropes…
Rhino:Demon Child now has the cooking sheet…
Mark:Cooking Sheet to the skull by Demon Child…
Rhino:I don’t think anyone will be cooking with that tonight…
Mark:Demon Child now picks up Lone Jobber and nails him with a vertical suplex…
Rhino:Triple H just rolled back in to the ring…
Mark:From behind Triple H nails Demon Child with a choplock…
Rhino:That’s illegal in the NFL…But here in the eWa… Its legal…
Mark:Triple H now mounts Demon Child and opens up on him with straight right hands… Triple H picks him up by the hair and throws him out of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now regrouping in the ring…
Mark:Triple H now whips Demon Child in to the steel steps…
Rhino:Thirty Seconds until the next competitor…
Mark:Triple H now picks up the steel steps…
Rhino:This is not going to be good for Demon Child…
Mark:Demon Child turns around… Triple H lays him out with the steel steps…
Rhino:You heard that thud…
(“Nevermore” Plays as Raven enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:From the Bowery… RAVEN…
Mark:Raven now comes in to the cell… Lone Jobber leaps out of the ring and lands right on top of Raven…
Rhino:Lone Jobber was waiting for the next person to get in to the ring…And he laid out Raven…
Mark:Lone Jobber now rolls Raven back in to the ring and is looking for something underneath the ring as well…
Rhino:Triple H just picked up Demon Child…
Mark:Demon Child gets launched head first in to the cell…
Rhino:Demon Child is now bleeding…
Mark:The Game now rolls back in to the ring and he sees Raven…
Rhino:They have a history together…
Mark:Lone Jobber just got up on the apron and Triple H ran in to the ropes knocking him off the apron…
Rhino:Raven is now up in the corner…
Mark:Triple H now charges at Raven… Raven gets the boot up…Triple H turns back around… And Raven lays him out with a clothesline…
Rhino:That was a hard clothesline from Raven and now Raven is opening up on Triple H with right hands…
Mark:Triple H is back up on his feet… Short Arm Clothesline by Raven…
Rhino:Raven slides out of the ring and pulls a steel chair out from underneath the ring…
Mark:Raven now opens up the steel chair in the ring… Irish whip to Triple H… Drop Toe Hold on to the steel chair…
Rhino:That’s vintage Raven right there…
Mark:Lone Jobber is up on the top rope…
Rhino:Raven doesn’t see him…
Mark:Jabroni Drop from the top rope connecting on Raven…
Rhino:We haven’t seen Lone Jobber do that in a while…
Mark:As the clock counts down Ten for the next man to enter… A bloody Demon Child just rolled back in to the ring…
Rhino:Here comes the FTW Champion…
(“Hits From The Bong” Plays as Subway enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:From Wildwood, Nj… The FTW Champion… SUBWAY…
Mark:Subway is coming in to the cell carrying a 2×4 wrapped in barbed wire…
Rhino:It looks like the FTW Champion means business…
Mark:Subway slides in to the ring and he lays out Demon Child with the 2×4…
Rhino:Look out Lone Jobber…
Mark:Lone Jobber now takes a shot from the 2×4… Raven charges and he gets laid out with the 2×4…
Rhino:Triple H is turning around…
Mark:Triple H gets laid out with the 2×4…
Rhino:The FTW Champion is on fire right now…
Mark:Speaking of fire… Subway just lit the barbed wire 2×4 on fire…
Rhino:The FTW Champion is standing tall and is carrying a flaming barbed wire 2×4…
Mark:Raven is now staggering back up to his feet and Subway nails him right in the face…
Rhino:Subway dropped the 2×4 and is now going to work on Triple H in the corner…
Mark:The referee stepped in and put the 2×4 out… Subway now climbs on top of Triple H and he hammers him with straight right hands…
Rhino:The fans are counting along as he hammers Triple H…
Mark:The Game staggers out of the corner…And he falls flat on his face…
Rhino:Lone Jobber just gave the FTW Champion a low blow…
Mark:Lone Jobber spins Subway around… The Gimmick!
Rhino:That stopped any momentum Subway had…
Mark:Lone Jobber now is going to the corner for the barbed wire 2×4…
Rhino:Demon Child just splashed Lone Jobber from behind…
Mark:Demon Child now turns Lone Jobber around… Car Crash!
Rhino:Lone Jobber has been taking out by Demon Child…
Mark:Triple H just pulled a sledgehammer out from underneath the ring…
Rhino:Raven now is waiting for Demon Child to turn around…
Mark:EVENFLOW! Raven has laid out Demon Child…
Rhino:Triple H is coming after Raven with the Sledgehammer…
Mark:SUBLINE! Out of no where Subway nailed Triple H with the Subline…
Rhino:Triple H didn’t see Subway coming…
Mark:Raven and Subway are now face to face in the center of the ring…
Rhino:They have a history together…
Mark:Triple H is staggering back up to his feet… Raven and Subway both react and nail Triple H with a right hand…
Rhino:Subway and Raven worked together to go after Triple H… Is that Hatred or an alliance?
Mark:I don’t know…Lone Jobber is now going after Raven while Subway picks up Demon Child and drops him face first across the top turnbuckle…
Rhino:Demon Child is staggering around the ring…
Rhino:Subway has laid two people out with the Subline…
Mark:Lone Jobber just countered the Evenflow and drove him back in to the corner…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now opening up Raven…
Mark:Raven is now staggering out of the corner…
Rhino:Raven looks to be out of it…
Mark:2×4 to the face of Raven by Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Subway is now heading out of the ring…
Mark:Lone Jobber is following him out…
Rhino:Both men are right near the door and they are fighting with one another…
Mark:Lone Jobber with an irish whip… Reversal by Subway and Lone Jobber goes in to the cell…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering around now…
Mark:Subway just picked up a steel chair…
Rhino:Lone Jobber turns around…
Mark:Chair Shot to the skull of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:The FTW Champion is on top of the world…
Mark:Subway is now carrying the chair and he is heading to the door of the cell…
Rhino:Subway is going to be the King of the Mountain…
Mark:SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE SKULL! Triple H laid out Subway with that Sledgehammer…
Rhino:Where the hell did he come from?
Mark:Subway is now bleeding after that shot…
Rhino:Subway is out cold after being laid out by Triple H…
Mark:Lone Jobber turns around… Sledgehammer to the skull of Lone Jobber by Triple H…
Rhino:The Game is standing tall and is now walking out of the cell…
Mark:The Door is open… Triple H walks out of the cell…
Rhino:Subway crawled out of the cell as well…
Mark:Both men are out of the cell…
Pa Announcer:The winner of this contest and FTW Champion… TRIPLE H… And SUBWAY!
Rhino:Is that what we have now?
Mark:Triple H and Subway both left the cage at the same time… Both men are FTW Champion… Good Night Everyone…