Tuesday Night Carnage 03-15-16

Mark:We are live in Charlotte, North Carolina… This is Tuesday Night Carnage as we venture on towards Sabotage… Tonight the FTW Championship is on the line in our Main Event…

Rhino:Damien Sandow will be defending his newly won championship against Finn Balor…

Mark:Before the Extreme Bowl it was a couple of months since we last saw Finn Balor and tonight hes in the ring and gets his chance to walk out with the FTW Championship…

Rhino:Damien Sandow doesn’t want to be a one and done champion…

Mark:That may set the gWo back if he were to lose his championship in his first championship title defense…

Rhino:So it is up to Damien Sandow to continue the roll that the gWo has been on in the last few months…

Mark:We will see if he can get the job done here tonight or if Finn Balor will recreate the magic he had a few months ago and walk out of here as the FTW Championship…

Rhino:Should be a fun Main Event…

Mark:Also tonight Triple H will be taking on two members of the Wyatt Family… Luke Harper and Erick Rowan…

Rhino:Triple H wants Bray Wyatt and he believes if he is able to take out Rowan and Harper he will be one step closer to getting his hands on the leader of the Wyatt Family… Bray Wyatt…

Mark:Triple H has been on a warpath for a few weeks now and hopefully tonight he gets the little bit of revenge he is looking for…

Rhino:We shall see…

Mark:Also we will be crowning a new Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship when Lone Jobber battles the former EWA World Heavyweight Champion… The Rock…

Rhino:The twist is that Tyler Breeze will be the special guest referee…

Mark:He basically controls who he wants to face at Sabotage…

Rhino:Question is, who does he want to face?

Mark:It will be interesting to find out… As now get set to head to the ring for our opening contest here at Tuesday Night Carnage…

Subway vs Alex Bankmanship

Pa Announcer:Tonight’s Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Spokane, Washington… Weighing in at 180 Pounds… ALEX BANKMANSHIP!

(“Remember The Name” plays as Alex Bankmanship enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Wildwood, New Jersey… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… The X-Core Soldier SUBWAY!

(“Hits From The Bong” plays as Subway enters the arena…)

Mark:The bell sounds and we are underway… Subway nails Alex Bankmanship with right hands…

Rhino:He is laying them in…

Mark:Subway now follows them up with forearms right to the face backing Alex Bankmanship back up in to the ropes… Subway comes charging in… Alex Bankmanship ducks and back drops Subway over the top rope…

Rhino:Subway lands on the apron…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship turns around and knocks Subway off the side of the ring with a back elbow…

Rhino:Subway fell hard to the floor…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship is now picking up a full head of steam… Flip Dive! Over the top rope right down on to Subway on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:That was a big dive that just paid off for Alex Bankmanship…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship is now rolling back in to to the ring…

Rhino:Subway is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship heads to the top rope… Leaping Dive! Off the top rope down on to Subway on the outside…

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship is two for two when it comes to high risk chances paying off for him in to this match up thus far…

Mark:Subway is being rolled back in to the ring…

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship is standing on the ring apron…

Mark:Subway staggers back up on to his feet… Dropkick!

Rhino:He caught him right there…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship now covers Subway 1……………….2………….Kickout by Subway…

Rhino:Subway is now trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship has him lined up… Running Enziguri! Right to the back of the head of the X-Core Soldier…

Rhino:Subway is in trouble…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship with the cover 1……………..2…….. Kickout again by Subway…

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship is heading back up on to the top rope…

Mark:Subway is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Here comes Alex Bankmanship…

Mark:Flying Crossbody! DUCKED!

Rhino:Subway saw it coming and ducked out of the way…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship is now staggering back up on to his feet after that missed dive from the top rope… Subway nails Alex Bankmanship with forearm shots and now whips him in to the ropes… Alex Bankmanship comes off the top rope… Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship staggers right back up…

Mark:Subway kicks him in the midsection… Swinging Neckbreaker!

Rhino:Nice move right there…

Mark:Subway covers Alex Bankmanship 1……………2………… Kickout by Alex Bankmanship…

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship staggers back up in to the corner…

Mark:Subway with hard shots to Alex Bankmanship in the corner… Subway scoops him up and is now tying him up in the Tree of Woe…

Rhino:There is no place for Alex Bankmanship to go right now…

Mark:Running Dropkick!

Rhino:He caught him right in the face with that dropkick did Subway…

Mark:Subway now unties him from the corner and drags him in to the middle of the ring… Subway covers Alex Bankmanship 1……………….2………….. Kickout again by Alex Bankmanship…

Rhino:Right now Alex Bankmanship is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Subway kicks him in the midsection… DOUBLE ARM DDT!

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship planted right there…

Mark:Subway with the cover 1…………2…………3……… NO! Alex Bankmanship gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That one was close….

Mark:Subway is now waiting for him to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Alex Bankmanship is up on to his feet slowly…

Mark:Subway kicks him in the midsection… PILEDRIVER! NO! Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Nice escape by Alex Bankmanship…

Mark:Subway staggers back up on to his feet… Dropkick!

Rhino:Nice dropkick…

Mark:Subway gets back up on to his feet again… Alex Bankmanship takes him off of his feet with a second dropkick…

Rhino:Subway is slowly getting back up after that dropkick…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship lines him up again… DROPKICK! NO!

Rhino:Subway swipes him away…

Mark:Alex Bankmanship is now slowly getting back up on to his feet after that missed dropkick…

Rhino:Subway has him lined up…


Rhino:Thats it!

Mark:Subway covers Alex Bankmanship 1…………………..2…………3……. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SUBWAY!

Rhino:Nice win for Subway here tonight at Tuesday Night Carnage…

Mark:Subway is looking to go on a bit of a winning streak as he wants championship gold in his future…

Rhino:We know he has a goal of once again becoming the FTW Champion…

Mark:This has at least moved him in that direction…Still to come tonight the FTW Championship will be on the line when Finn Balor Challenges Damien Sandow for the title… As we now get back to the ring for more action…

Roman Reigns vs Adam Blake

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall…From Pensacola, Florida… Weighing in at 265 Pounds… ROMAN REIGNS!

(“The Truth Reigns” plays as Roman Reigns enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Toronto, Ontario, Canada… Weighing in 185 Pounds… ADAM BLAKE!

(“Watchtower” plays as Adam Blake enters the arena…)


Rhino:Adam Blake was up on the ring apron and Roman Reigns nailed him with a Superman Punch…

Mark:This match up hasnt even officially started as Adam Blake is down on the outside of the ring…

Mark:Roman Reigns is now going out after Adam Blake…

Rhino:Roman Reigns is on a mission tonight…

Mark:Roman Reigns tosses Adam Blake right in to the steel steps…

Rhino:He just went shoulder first in to the steps…

Mark:Roman Reigns is now tossing him in to the ring…

Rhino:Adam Blake is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Adam Blake is up on his feet…

Rhino:The referee is checking on him…

Mark:The referee calls for the bell and the match up is officially underway… SUPERMAN PUNCH!

Rhino:Thats a knockout punch right there…

Mark:Roman Reigns isnt done…

Rhino:He is calling for the Spear…

Mark:Roman Reigns has him lined up…

Rhino:Adam Blake is trying to get back up…

Mark:Roman Reigns charges… SPEAR!

Rhino:Thats it…

Mark:Roman Reigns covers Adam Blake 1………………..2……………3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ROMAN REIGNS!

Rhino:Roman Reigns sends a message here tonight that is a force to be dealt with here in the EWA as he quickly destroyed Adam Blake here tonight…

Mark:Who will stop the momentum of Roman Reigns? We will find out… As we now get back to the ring and see two former allies of Roman Reigns in action…

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Cincinnati, Ohio… Weighing in at 225 Pounds… DEAN AMBROSE!

(“Retaliation” plays as Dean Ambrose enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Davenport, Iowa… Weighing in at 217 Pounds… SETH ROLLINS!

(“The Second Coming” plays as Seth Rollins enters the arena…)

Mark:The bell sounds and we are underway… Dean Ambrose goes after Seth Rollins and nails him with right hands…

Rhino:He is laying in the shots…

Mark:Dean Ambrose has Seth Rollins backed up in to the corner and he is trying to cover up…

Rhino:He is doing his best to cover up…

Mark:Seth Rollins ducks his head in between the ropes and now the referee is stepping in…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is telling the referee to back Dean Ambrose up…

Mark:The referee backs Dean Ambrose up and Seth Rollins comes out of the corner and takes him off of his feet with a clothesline…

Rhino:Seth Rollins just used the referee to his advantage…

Mark:Seth Rollins is now stomping away at Dean Ambrose…

Rhino:He is keeping him on the canvas…

Mark:Seth Rollins is now choking his former Shield running mate…

Rhino:He broke it before the referee got to the count of five…

Mark:Seth Rollins now pulls Dean Ambrose back up on to his feet and nails him with a couple of hard shots and now backs him up in the corner… Chops to the chest of Dean Ambrose in the corner by Seth Rollins…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is lighting up his chest…

Mark:Dean Ambrose now turns it around on Seth Rollins and starts nailing him with left and right hands…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is just laying those shots in…

Mark:Dean Ambrose with an irish whip sending Seth Rollins in to the farside corner…

Rhino:Here comes Dean Ambrose…

Mark:Dean Ambrose charges and nails him with a clothesline…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Running Bulldog! By Dean Ambrose… Dean Ambrose covers Seth Rollins 1………………2…………… Kickout by Seth Rollins…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is rolling out of the ring…

Mark:Seth Rollins needs a breather…

Rhino:He is trying to catch his breath…

Mark:Incoming! Dean Ambrose dives through the ropes catching Seth Rollins off guard…

Rhino:Seth Rollins was trying to regroup and Dean Ambrose was having none of that…

Mark:Dean Ambrose now tosses Seth Rollins back in to the ring…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dean Ambrose hooks him up… Headlock Driver!

Rhino:Seth Rollins is in a bad spot now…

Mark:Dean Ambrose with the cover 1……………..2……….. Kickout by Seth Rollins…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dean Ambrose hooks him up and drops him with a Front Face Suplex!

Rhino:Nice suplex planting Seth Rollins in to the canvas…

Mark:Dean Ambrose is now heading to the top rope…

Rhino:Seth Rollins is now staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:Dean Ambrose dives off the top rope with an Elbow Drop!

Rhino:He caught him with that diving elbow drop…

Mark:Dean Ambrose covers Seth Rollins 1……………….2……….3…….No!

Rhino:Seth Rollins was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Seth Rollins is now slow to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is looking to finish him off right now…


Rhino:Seth Rollins escapes…

Mark:Seth Rollins quickly rolls out of the ring to the outside of the ring…

Rhino:He quickly got out of the ring so he wouldnt get hurt with Dirty Deeds…

Mark:Here comes Dean Ambrose… Big Dive! NO!

Rhino:Seth Rollins moved and Dean Ambrose went crashing in to the guardrail on that big dive…

Mark:That time the big dive didnt pay off for the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is now being tossed in to the ring by Seth Rollins…

Mark:Seth Rollins now hooks up Dean Ambrose… Brainbuster!

Rhino:Seth Rollins is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:Seth Rollins is going to fly… FROG SPLASH!

Rhino:Seth Rollins got all of that splash…

Mark:Seth Rollins covers Dean Ambrose 1……………….2………….3……..NO!

Rhino:Dean Ambrose was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Dean Ambrose is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Seth Rollins has him lined up…

Mark:Float Over Suplex! 1……………..2………3…….No! Another kick out by Dean Ambrose…

Rhino:That was a nice floatover Suplex by Seth Rollins…

Mark:Seth Rollins is now looking to finish off Dean Ambrose…

Rhino:The Lunatic Fringe is slowly moving around right now,,,

Mark:Dean Ambrose is up on to his feet…

Rhino:Seth Rollins has him setup…


Rhino:Thats it…

Mark:Dean Ambrose is down and out as Seth Rollins goes for the cover 1………………..2…………….3………..NO!

Rhino:So very close right there…

Mark:Seth Rollins thought he had him down for the count right there…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is struggling to move right now…

Mark:Seth Rollins is lining him up…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:Dean Ambrose moved out of the way…

Mark:Dean Ambrose is back up on to his feet and is just nailing him with right and left hands right now…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is going crazy with those shots…

Mark:Swinging Neckbreaker!

Rhino:Seth Rollins is getting right back up…

Mark;Running High Knee in to a Neckbreaker!

Rhino:Nice combination by Dean Ambrose…

Mark:Dean Ambrose covers Seth Rollins 1…………….2……….3……NO!

Rhino:Seth Rollins was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Seth Rollins is staggering back up on to his feet… DIRTY DEEDS! NO!

Rhino:Seth Rollins fights out of it…

Mark:Seth Rollins with a big right hand knocking Dean Ambrose backwards… REBOUND CLOTHESLINE!

Rhino:Dean Ambrose caught him with that clothesline…

Mark:Dean Ambrose covers Seth Rollins 1……………..2……………3……….NO!

Rhino:Seth Rollins gets his shoulder up…

Mark:Seth Rollins tries to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose has him in position…

Mark:Here it comes… DIRTY DEEDS! NO! Seth Rollins counters… PEDIGREE!

Rhino:Seth Rollins hit it…

Mark:Seth Rollins is down and is now about to crawl on top of Dean Ambrose… CM PUNK!

Rhino:CM Punk just pulled Dean Ambrose out of the ring…

Mark:CM Punk grabs Dean Ambrose and just tossed him in to the steel steps…

Rhino:Why did CM Punk do that?

Mark:The referee just called for the bell and has just disqualified Seth Rollins it seems…

Rhino:Dean Ambrose is getting back up…

Mark:Roundhouse Kick! By CM Punk to Dean Ambrose laying him out on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Officials are trying to get CM Punk away from ringside right now…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner as a result of a Disqualification… DEAN AMBROSE!

Rhino:Dean Ambrose gets the win thanks to CM Punk and right now Seth Rollins is pissed at the actions of CM Punk…

Mark:Seth Rollins looked to have had this match up won after the Pedigree…

Rhino:Instead Seth Rollins walks out of here on the losing end of things thanks to the trouble making CM Punk…

Mark:We will wait to hear the response from CM Punk on why he did what he did and how Seth Rollins plans on responding… As we now get a little personal as Triple H is ready to take on the Wyatt Family…

Handicap Match
Triple H vs Luke Harper & Erick Rowan

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Handicap Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds…The Game…TRIPLE H!

(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponents…

(Wyatt Screech)

(Lights Go Out)

Rhino:Where are they?

(Lights Go On)

Mark:They’re here now… Luke Harper and Erick Rowan have hit the ring surrounding Triple H right now…

Rhino:Triple H has an uphill battle to climb right now…

Mark:Triple H goes right after Erick Rowan as the referee calls for the bell… Triple H nails Rowan with right hands…

Rhino:Here comes Harper…

Mark:Luke Harper attacks Triple H from behind and now the two big brutes of the Wyatt Family are putting the boots to Triple H…

Rhino:The referee needs to get one of them out of the ring…

Mark:You get in between the Wyatt Family and then live to talk about it…

Rhino:Good point…

Mark:Luke Harper is now leaving the ring and Erick Rowan now taking charge of Triple H…

Rhino:Triple H just got yanked up on to his feet by Erick Rowan…

Mark:Erick Rowan lifts up Triple H by the neck and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:This Erick Rowan is a big and powerful man…

Mark:Erick Rowan grabs Triple H and now tosses him in to the corner…

Rhino:Here comes Rowan…

Mark:Big running splash in the corner by Erick Rowan…

Rhino:Triple H is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Erick Rowan nails him with a big clothesline!

Rhino:Erick Rowan is now dragging Triple H to the Wyatt Family Corner…

Mark:Luke Harper gets tagged in…

Rhino:Harper and Rowan are now double teaming Triple H…

Mark:Luke Harper and Erick Rowan whip Triple H in to the ropes… Double Big Boot!

Rhino:Triple H is down…

Mark:Luke Harper covers Triple H 1………….2………… Triple H kicks out…

Rhino:Luke Harper just picked Triple H up and tossed him in to the corner…

Mark:Luke Harper is now using his boot and chokes Triple H in the corner…

Rhino:He is trying to choke the life out of The Game…

Mark:The Game just fell out of the corner…

Rhino:Where is Bray Wyatt by the way?

Mark:It is weird not to see him out here with his family…

Rhino:Erick Rowan just got tagged back in to the ring…

Mark:Erick Rowan is waiting for Triple H to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Triple H is up…

Mark:Erick Rowan lifts Triple H up in the air… Press Slam! No!

Rhino:Triple H escapes…

Mark:Triple H raked the eyes of Erick Rowan to get out of the press slam… Triple H shoves Erick Rowan right in to Luke Harper in the corner…

Rhino:Luke Harper just hit the floor hard…

Mark:Erick Rowan staggers around and Triple H nails him with a Knee Buster!

Rhino:That staggered Erick Rowan…

Mark:Triple H with right hands to Erick Rowan…

Rhino:He is opening up on Rowan right now…

Mark:Triple H with another Knee Buster!

Rhino:Erick Rowan seems really dazed right now…

Mark:Triple H kicks him in the midsection… DDT!

Rhino:Erick Rowan planted with that DDT!

Mark:Triple H covers Erick Rowan 1……………2………. Luke Harper comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:The referee is trying to get Luke Harper out of the ring…

Mark:Triple H charges at Luke Harper and nails him with a couple of right hands and knocks him off the apron…

Rhino:Triple H is fighting for his life right now against the Wyatt Family…

Mark:Erick Rowan is getting back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Triple H has him set up…

Mark:Another Knee Buster! Right in to a SPINEBUSTER!

Rhino:Triple H could have Erick Rowan down and out…

Mark:Triple H covers Erick Rowan 1………………2……………3…….NO! Luke Harper breaks it up again…

Rhino:Close one there before Luke Harper came in and broke it up…

Mark:Triple H and Luke Harper brawling right now… Triple H whips Luke Harper in to the ropes… Triple H goes for a Spinebuster… No!

Rhino:Erick Rowan attacked him from behind…

Mark:The numbers too much for Triple H right there…

Rhino:Luke Harper now back out on the apron…

Mark:Erick Rowan tags in Luke Harper…

Rhino:Triple H is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Luke Harper charges… BIG BOOT!

Rhino:Triple H’s head just got taken off with that big boot…

Mark:Luke Harper covers Triple H 1………………2………….3……….. NO!

Rhino:Triple H got his shoulder up…

Mark:Luke Harper is now waiting for Triple H to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Luke Harper is ready to finish of The Game…

Mark:The Game is slowly getting back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:Triple H ducks…

Mark:Luke Harper turns around… SPINEBUSTER!

Rhino:Triple H just planted him with that Spinebuster…

Mark:Triple H charges at Erick Rowan and knocks him off the ring apron with a Running High Knee…

Rhino:This is Triple H’s chance right now…

Mark:Erick Rowan is down and you are right this is his chance…

Rhino:Triple H is waiting for Luke Harper to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Luke Harper staggers up…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:Thats It!

Mark:Triple H goes for the cover 1…………………2…………….

(Wyatt Screech)

Rhino:Whats going on now?

Mark:Im not sure… But I get the feeling its not going to end well for Triple H…

(Wyatt Screech)

Rhino:Where is he?


Rhino:Bray Wyatt… I thought he would be here…

(Womans Scream)

Rhino:Did you hear that?

Mark:It sounded like a woman’s scream…

Rhino:But where did it come…Oh no… Look on the screen…


(Video Feed begins airing on Hardcore Theatre)

Bray Wyatt:If it isn’t the Almighty King’s queen.

Stephanie:HELP! HELP!

Bray Wyatt:Don’t you worry, you will be safe with me.


(Wyatt Screech)

Rhino:Bray Wyatt has Triple H’s wife…

Mark:Triple H just witnessed it all… DISCUS CLOTHESLINE!

Rhino:Luke Harper just laid out Triple H with that clothesline…

Mark:The Wyatt Family isnt done…

Rhino:Erick Rowan gets tagged in…

Mark:Erick Rowan and Luke Harper pick up Triple H… DOUBLE CHOKESLAM!

Rhino:The Game is out…

Mark:Erick Rowan covers Triple H 1………….2………3……………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners The WYATT FAMILY!

Rhino:The Wyatt Family win but thats not the story Mark…

Mark:No it isnt… Bray Wyatt has Stephanie McMahon… The Wife of Triple H…

Rhino:Bray Wyatt just made this extremely personal with Triple H…

Mark:But why is this becoming so personal… Why is Bray Wyatt coming after Triple H the way he is?

Rhino:I have no idea…

Mark:Triple H is going to be livid once he is able to gather himself…

Rhino:I wouldnt want to be any member of the Wyatt Family…

Mark:I agree with you there… Switching gears its time to determine a Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Number One Contendership for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship
Special Referee-Tyler Breeze
Lone Jobber vs The Rock

Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Number One Contenders match for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship and is set for one fall… Introducing first… The Special Guest Referee… Representing the gWo… The EWA World Heavyweight Champion… TYLER BREEZE!

(“#MmmGorgeous” plays as Tyler Breeze enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Now introducing the participants… First… From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… THE ROCK!

(“Is Cookin” plays as The Rock enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From The Slaughter House… And now residing in the EWA Offices in Atlanta,Ga… Weighing in at 235 Pounds….LONE JOBBER!

(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go as Tyler Breeze calls for the bell… The Rock and Lone Jobber face to face in the center of the ring… The Rock strikes first with a couple of right hands…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is firing right back…

Mark:The Rock takes back control with a couple of big shots backing Lone Jobber in to the ropes… The Rock goes for a big right hand… Lone Jobber ducks… Lone Jobber spins The Rock around and now clotheslines him over the top rope and to the floor goes The Rock…

Rhino:Here comes Lone Jobber…

Mark:Baseball slide by the former EWA Tag Team Champion Lone Jobber…

Rhino:He caught The Rock right in the face with that baseball slide…

Mark:Lone Jobber now on the outside rams The Rock’s head in to the side of the ring…

Rhino:The Rock is spinning around dazed…

Mark:Lone Jobber nails him with a running back elbow taking The Rock off of his feet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber rolls back in to the ring and now back out on the apron…

Mark:Running Elbow Drop Off The Apron! By Lone Jobber…

Rhino:He drove his elbow right in to the chest of the Peoples Champion…

Mark:Lone Jobber now rolls the former EWA World Heavyweight Champion The Rock back in to the ring…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now up on the top rope…

Mark:The Rock staggers to his feet… Flying Clothesline! By El Presidente…

Rhino:Nice move there by Lone Jobber…

Mark:Lone Jobber covers The Rock as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1…………….2……….. Kickout by The Rock…

Rhino:Fair count by Tyler Breeze…

Mark:Lone Jobber now puts the boots to The Rock as The Rock tries to pull himself back up on to his feet by the ropes…

Rhino:Lone Jobber with chops across the chest of The Rock…

Mark:Lone Jobber whips The Rock in to the ropes and nails him with another back elbow… Lone Jobber with another cover as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1……………2………… Kickout again by The Rock…

Rhino:Lone Jobber continues to lay in shots to The Rock…

Mark:The Rock is trying to get back up on to his feet in the corner…

Rhino:Here comes Lone Jobber…

Mark:Lone Jobber charges in and The Rock gets his boots up…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering around…

Mark:The Rock comes out of the corner… Big Clothesline!

Rhino:He took Lone Jobber’s head off with that clothesline…

Mark:The Rock covers Lone Jobber as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1…………..2……. Kickout by Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Fair count again by Tyler Breeze who is calling this match up down the middle…

Mark:It appears Tyler Breeze has no preference who he defends the EWA World Heavyweight Championship against at Sabotage…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock hooks him up… Belly to Belly Suplex by The Rock… The Rock goes right for another cover as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1…………….2………… Kickout by Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is slower to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock with an irish whip sending Lone Jobber in to the ropes… Samoan Drop!

Rhino:He planted him with that samoan drop…

Mark:The Rock was going to go for a cover by Lone Jobber rolled out of the ring…

Rhino:That was a smart veteran move by Lone Jobber rolling out of the ring like that…

Mark:He took the punishment but had the smarts to get out of the ring so The Rock couldnt make the cover…

Rhino:The Rock now rolls out of the ring after Lone Jobber…

Mark:The Rock picks up Lone Jobber and slams him straight down right on to the mats here at ringside…

Rhino:The Rock just rolled in and out of the ring to break up Tyler Breeze’s count…

Mark:Smart move…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to get back up…

Mark:The Rock just pulled up the protective mat here at ringside…

Rhino:What is he going to do here?

Mark:Lone Jobber gets to his feet… DDT! Right in to the concrete…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is out…

Mark:The Rock rolls back in to the ring and Tyler Breeze is counting out Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Tyler Breeze is up to four…

Mark:Five… Six…

Rhino:Lone Jobber isnt moving… The Rock is going to win by countout…

Mark:Seven… Eight….

Rhino:Hes going to be counted out…

Mark:Nine… TE… NO! Lone Jobber gets back in to the ring at the last second…

Rhino:The Rock thought Lone Jobber was done after that DDT on the outside of the ring…

Mark:The Rock is now waiting for Lone Jobber to get back up on to is feet…

Rhino:The Rock is looking to finish off Lone Jobber…

Mark:Lone Jobber staggers to his feet… ROCK BOTTOM!

Rhino:Thats it!

Mark:The Rock makes the cover as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1………………..2………….3……… NO!

Rhino:Lone Jobber was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:The Rock thought he had him…

Rhino:Tyler Breeze is telling him that he kicked out…

Mark:The Rock is now once again waiting for Lone Jobber to get up on to his feet…

Rhino:This wont be good for Lone Jobber…

Mark:Lone Jobber staggers to his feet… SPINEBUSTER!

Rhino:You know what comes next…

Mark:The Elbow pad comes off… The Rock comes off the ropes… PEOPLES ELBOW! NO!

Rhino:Lone Jobber rolled out of the way…

Mark:Lone Jobber has The Peoples Elbow well scouted…

Rhino:The Rock is staggering back up on to his feet right now…

Mark:Lone Jobber lines him up… LOW CARD KICK!

Rhino:Lone Jobber got all of that one…

Mark:Lone Jobber covers The Rock as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1…………………2……………3…………. NO!

Rhino:So very close right there was The Rock was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Tyler Breeze is calling this match up fair and down the middle…

Rhino:We have two men fighting for the chance to challenge the man that was just mentioned Tyler Breeze for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at Sabotage…

Mark:The Rock is slowly getting back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is looking to end it right now…

Mark:Lone Jobber kicks him in the midsection… HERTIAGE!

Rhino:Thats gonna be it right here and now… Lone Jobber is headed to Sabotage…

Mark:Lone Jobber with the cover as Tyler Breeze makes the count 1………………….2……………3…….. NO!

Rhino:Another close nearfall…

Mark:Lone Jobber thought it was three…

Rhino:At the last second Tyler Breeze is telling Lone Jobber that The Rock got his shoulder up…

Mark:Lone Jobber is now looking to end it as he has The Rock in position…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:The Rock ducked…

Mark:Lone Jobber staggers back up on to his feet…

Rhino:The Rock has him lined up…


Rhino:Thats It!

Mark:The Rock is headed to Sabotage… Tyler Breeze makes the count 1…………………2…………………………..

Rhino:Tyler Breeze stopped counting…

Mark:Tyler Breeze went to the corner and just grabbed his phone…

Rhino:The EWA World Heavyweight Champion is taking a selfie…

Mark:Tyler Breeze is telling The Rock to hold on a second…

Rhino:He just said this is a very important selfie…

Mark:The Rock just spun Tyler Breeze around and now they are face to face…

Rhino:Tyler Breeze is reminding The Rock that he is the referee and if he touches him again he can disqualify him…

Mark:The Rock is pissed…

Rhino:He is now going back to Lone Jobber…

Mark:Tyler Breeze spins The Rock around… BEAUTY SHOT!

Rhino:Tyler Breeze just laid out The Rock…

Mark:Lone Jobber just needs to crawl on top of The Rock and he is headed to Sabotage…

Rhino:Tyler Breeze is helping Lone Jobber up…

Mark:He is trying to bring him over to The Rock… BEAUTY SHOT!

Rhino:Tyler Breeze has just laid out both men…

Mark:The Rock and Lone Jobber are both down… Tyler Breeze takes off his referee shirt and he is leaving…

Rhino:He doesnt seem to care who wins this match up…

Mark:He just grabbed his phone and his championship and he is leaving the ring right now…

Rhino:The Rock and Lone Jobber are now both trying to get back up on to their feet…

Mark:The Rock is back up…

Rhino:So is Lone Jobber…

Mark:The Rock connects with a couple of right hands… The Rock hooks up Lone Jobber… ROCK BOTTOM! NO!

Rhino:Lone Jobber blocks it…

Mark:Lone Jobber now spins The Rock around… THE GIMMICK! NO!

Rhino:The Rock ducked it again…

Mark:Lone Jobber staggers to his feet… ROCK BOTTOM!

Rhino:Here comes another referee…

Mark:The Rock covers Lone Jobber 1……………2…………..3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner THE ROCK!

Rhino:The Rock is the Number One Contender for the EWA…


Rhino:Tyler Breeze just ran back in to the ring and laid out The Rock with the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Mark:He blindsided The Rock with that championship…

Rhino:Tyler Breeze is standing over the Number One Contender right now…

Mark:Tyler Breeze is standing tall right now… But will he be standing tall with the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at Sabotage…

Rhino:Thats a very good question…

Mark:The rematch is on… The Rock vs Tyler Breeze for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at Sabotage… Its now Main Event Time for the FTW Championship…

FTW Championship Extreme Rules Match
Damien Sandow (c) vs Finn Balor

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the EXTREME RULES MATCH for the FTW CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first… The Challenger… From Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland… Weiging in at 190 Pounds… FINN BALOR!

(“Catch Your Breath” plays as Finn Balor enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And his opponent…From Palo Alto, California… Weighing in at 247 Pounds… Representing The gWo… One Half of the EWA Tag Team Champions… Accompanied to the ring by Cuban Pete… DAMIEN SANDOW!

(“Hallelujah” plays as Damien Sandow enters the arena…)

Mark:Damien Sandow locks up with Finn Balor… Damien Sandow with a side headlock on Finn Balor…

Rhino:Finn Balor is fighting right out of it…

Mark:Finn Balor shoots Damien Sandow in to the ropes… Finn Balor goes for a clothesline… Damien Sandow ducks underneath… Damien Sandow comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline of his own…

Rhino:Finn Balor ducked that clothesline…

Mark:Damien Sandow turns around… PELE KICK!

Rhino:That just knocked the FTW Champion backwards…

Mark:Damien Sandow staggers back in to the ropes… Dropkick!

Rhino:Finn Balor knocks the FTW Champion over the top rope and to the floor goes Damien Sandow…

Mark:Finn Balor is quickly up on the top rope…

Rhino:Finn Balor is going to fly…

Mark:Finn Balor leaps off the top rope and right down on to the FTW Champion here at ringside…

Rhino:Cuban Pete is trying to help Damien Sandow back up on to his feet…

Mark:Finn Balor is now getting up in the face of Cuban Pete and Cuban Pete backs away…

Rhino:Finn Balor just tossed Damien Sandow back in to the ring…

Mark:Finn Balor is bringing a chair in to the ring with him…

Rhino:Damien Sandow is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Finn Balor throws the chair at Damien Sandow…

Rhino:Damien Sandow catches the chair…

Mark:Running Dropkick!

Rhino:The chair got knocked back in to the face of Damien Sandow…

Mark:The FTW Champion is down and rolls out of the ring…

Rhino:Damien Sandow is trying to regroup right now…

Mark:Flip Dive!

Rhino:Finn Balor just dove right down on to both Damien Sandow and Cuban Pete at ringside…

Mark:The FTW Champion is in trouble as he gets rolled back in to the ring… Finn Balor covers Damien Sandow 1…………….2………….. Kickout by Damien Sandow…

Rhino:Damien Sandow is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Finn Balor charges… Running Dropkick!

Rhino:That dropkick knocked Damien Sandow back in to the corner…

Mark:Finn Balor is lining him up… Running Dropkick! No!

Rhino:Damien Sandow moved out of the way…

Mark:Finn Balor ate all turnbuckle right there…

Rhino:Finn Balor is now staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Damien Sandow hooks up Finn Balor… Russian Leg Sweep back in to the corner!

Rhino:Finn Balor’s head just bounced off the turnbuckles…

Mark:Damien Sandow is now putting the boots to Finn Balor in the corner…

Rhino:Damien Sandow now picks up the steel chair that was used earlier…

Mark:Damien Sandow has the chair wedged underneath the throat of Finn Balor…

Rhino:The life is being choked out of Finn Balor right now in the corner…

Mark:Damien Sandow now removes the chair and kicks Finn Balor right in the face…

Rhino:Damien Sandow just asked for a singapore cane from Cuban Pete…

Mark:Finn Balor is staggering back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Damien Sandow is lining him up…

Mark:Singapore Cane Shot! Right to the midsection of Finn Balor…

Rhino:Damien Sandow isnt done…

Mark:One more shot right across the back by the FTW Champion to Finn Balor…

Rhino;The Challenger is in trouble right now…

Mark:Damien Sandow covers Finn Balor 1……………2………….. Kickout by Finn Balor…

Rhino:Finn Balor is struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Damien Sandow has the chair laid out in the middle of the ring… Damien Sandow whips Finn Balor in to the ropes… Tilt a Whirl Slam! Right down in to the Steel Chair!

Rhino:He just drove him hard right in to the chair…

Mark:Damien Sandow covers Finn Balor 1……………2……….3…….. No!

Rhino:Close nearfall right there…

Mark:Damien Sandow is looking to put Finn Balor away right now…

Rhino:Finn Balor is staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:Finn Balor back up on to his feet… TERMINIUS! NO! Small Package! 1……………..2…………3……….. NO!

Rhino:Finn Balor almost stole the FTW Championship away from Damien Sandow…

Mark:Damien Sandow is back up on to his feet… Finn Balor is back up and nails Damien Sandow with forearms…

Rhino:Finn Balor is firing back in to this match up…

Mark:Finn Balor charges at Damien Sandow… SLINGBLADE!

Rhino:The FTW Champion is in trouble…

Mark:Finn Balor covers Damien Sandow 1………….2………3…… NO!

Rhino:Damien Sandow gets his shoulder up…

Mark:Finn Balor now has the singapore cane…

Rhino:Damien Sandow is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Damien Sandow charges and now gets hit in the midsection with the singapore cane!

Rhino:The FTW Champion is dazed…


Rhino:Finn Balor has the FTW Champion down and out on the canvas…

Mark:Finn Balor is heading to the top rope…

Rhino:This is going to be the end of the reign of the FTW Champion Damien Sandow…

Mark:Cuban Pete is up on the apron…

Rhino:Finn Balor just kicked him off…

Mark:Finn Balor is going to fly…



Rhino:Damien Sandow moved out of the way…

Mark:Finn Balor crashed and burned…

Rhino:The Challenger is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Damien Sandow has the steel chair…

Rhino:Look Out!

Mark:Steel Chair Shot!

Rhino:Down goes Finn Balor!

Mark:Damien Sandow now has the chair laid out…

Rhino:Finn Balor is trying to get back up on to his feet…


Rhino:Finn Balor is out…

Mark:Damien Sandow hooks the leg 1……………….2……………3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL FTW CHAMPION… DAMIEN SANDOW!

Rhino:Damien Sandow is walking out of Tuesday Night Carnage as still the FTW Champion…

Mark:Big win for Damien Sandow as the reign of the gWo rolls on… Will it continue past Sabotage? We will find out… Good Night Everyone!

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