Seasons Beatings 2003

Mark:Seasons Beatings… I mean Greatings… And welcome to eWa Seasons Beatings 2003 live from Philadelphia, Pa… As you all know I am Mark… My partner is Rhino… And we have one hell of a line up for everyone here tonight right Rhino?

Rhino:I would agree… The Philly Street Fight is gonna be something special as Chris Jericho puts his title on the line against Subway…

Mark:You cant forget about PYB as the special guest referee…

Rhino:Will he call it down the middle?

Mark:Who knows…Also here tonight… We will see John Stevens defend the Television Championship against The Hitman… In what is looking to be one hell of a Smashing Caskets Match…

Rhino:I would totally agree…

Mark:Also here tonight… Purgatory challenges Big Daddy Ace for the FTW Championship… Plus a lot more… As we get to the ring for our opening contest…

Chimpman vs Demon Child

Pa Announcer:Tonights opening contest is set for one fall.. Introducing first… From The Jungle…Weighing in at 290 Pounds… THE CHIMPMAN…

(Chimpman’s theme plays as he enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Seattle, Wa… Weighing in at 255 Pounds…DEMON CHILD…

(“Whatever it takes” as Demon Child walks in to the arena wearing a long dress with big skirt…)

Rhino:Man, Demon Child doesnt look happy wearing that thing…

Mark:No he doesnt… But these fans are getting a good laugh out of it…

Rhino:He wanted to get away with wearing a kilt…But the eWa Officials are making sure that when he wrestles he will be wearing that dress…

Mark:There is the bell…Chimpman and Demon Child get right in to each others face…

Rhino:Chimpman is just laughing right in the face of Demon Child…

Mark:Demon Child slaps Chimpman and now they are trading right hands… Chimpman sends Demon Child for a ride and connects with a samoan drop…

Rhino:Demon Child is right back up…

Mark:Chimpman with a kick to the midsection and scores with a swinging neckbreaker to Demon Child…

Rhino:Chimpman has come out fighting here tonight in Philly Mark…

Mark:Yes he has as he picks up Demon Child and slams him down to the canvas… More boots from Chimpman as he is keeping Demon Child down on the canvas…

Rhino:Chimpman is on the top rope…

Mark:Splash from the top rope misses as Demon Child rolled out of the way from the splash from Chimpman…

Rhino:Chimpman took a risk and it looks like it has backfired…

Mark:Demon Child with a couple of right hands to Chimpman as he sends him in to the corner…

Rhino:Demon Child is charging in at Chimpman…

Mark:Demon Child trips over the dress…

Rhino:HA HA!

Mark:Demon Child was running so fast he tripped over the skirt of the dress and fell straight down…

Rhino:Thats embarrassing…

Mark:Demon Child is back up but gets caught with a couple of right hands from Chimpman…

Rhino:Demon Child had some momentum building… But he tripped up over the dress…

Mark:Chimpman now hooks up Demon Child for a suplex… Demon Child blocks and is able to connect with a suplex…

Rhino:Demon Child is drops an elbow on Chimpman…

Mark:Demon Child picks up Chimpman and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:Demon Child is heading to the top rope…

Mark:Demon Child going for an elbow drop… Not again…

Rhino:He slipped and crashed hard on to the canvas…

Mark:This whole dress thing isnt working for Demon Child…

Rhino:He tripped over it and now trying to jump off the top rope he stepped on his dress… Things are not good for Demon Child…

Mark:Chimpman connects with a piledriver and goes for a cover 1………….2…………. Demon Child gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Chimpman is setting up Demon Child for The Monkey’s Uncle…

Mark:Demon Child blocks… HEART STOPPER… Cover 1……………….2…………………….3……….

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… DEMON CHILD…

Rhino:Demon Child barely pulls out the win…

Mark:The dress totally messed up his game plan in this match up… But one block and one heart stopper got him the win… We have to get right back to the ring… For our next match…

Steve Austin vs 3-Fold

Pa Announcer:This next match up is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Evansville, In… Weighing in at 250 Pounds… 3-FOLD…

(“The End is here” plays as 3-Fold enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Victoria, Texas… Weighing in at 252 Pounds… STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN…

(“I dont do what you tell me” plays as Steve Austin enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Tonight marks the debut here in the eWa… As he locks up with the Texas Rattlesnake in the center of the ring…

Rhino:3-Fold looks like an impressive person…

Mark:3-Fold sends Steve Austin to the ropes… 3-Fold kicks Stone Cold in the midsection and connects with a swinging neckbreaker… As 3-Fold now putting the boots to the rattlesnake…

Rhino:Steve Austin is back up to his feet…

Mark:3-Fold hooks up Stone Cold for a DVD… Stone Cold blocks and comes back with right hands… Stone Cold sends 3-Fold in to the ropes… Lou Thez Press from Stone Cold…

Rhino:Stone Cold is firing with right hands on to 3-Fold on the canvas…

Mark:Stone Cold whips 3-Fold in to the ropes… And he connects with a back body drop…

Rhino:Stone Cold is firing on all cylinders…

Mark:3-Fold is back up to his feet and Stone Cold picks up 3-Fold… 3-Fold slides off the back of Stone Cold… And goes behind Stone Cold and connects with a german suplex…

Rhino:Nice German Suplex from 3-Fold…

Mark:3-Fold hooks up Stone Cold… And connects with a Death Valley Driver… Here is a cover by 3-Fold… 1…………….2………… Stone Cold gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:3-Fold is going for a DDT…

Mark:Stone Cold blocks the DDT from 3-Fold… Austin goes for a stunner… No…3-Fold blocks the Stunner… And now 3-Fold connects with a DDT…

Rhino:3-Fold is putting Stone Cold up on the top rope…

Mark:THIRD FOLD by 3-Fold…

Rhino:Top Rope Neckbreaker…And it was a very impactful move…

Mark:3-Fold goes for a cover 1…………2……….3……… Its over…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner 3-Fold…

Rhino:Impressive Debut from 3-Fold here in the eWa…

Mark:3-Fold makes his debut and he gets his first win… We are getting back to the ring now for the debut of La Resistance…

La Resistance vs Dragon and Prodigy

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is for the Number One Contendership for the eWa Tag Team Championship… Introducing first… Weighing in at 707 Pounds… DRAGON and PRODIGY…

(“Are you ready for this” plays as Dragon and Prodigy enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Their opponents… Weighing in at 480 Pounds… Rene Dupree and Rob Conway… LA RESISTANCE…

(La Resistance’s theme plays as they enter the arena…)

Mark:It will be Rob Conway and Dragon starting things out in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Dragon and Prodigy havent teamed up in a while… And it seems like they have different agendas…

Mark:Conway with a couple of right hands to Dragon but Dragon comes back with a couple of right hands of his own…As Dragon now whips Conway in to the ropes and Conway gets nailed with a samoan drop…

Rhino:Nice Samoan Drop…

Mark:Conway is back up on his feet and Dragon scoops him up and slams him down to the canvas… Dragon comes off the ropes and drops the leg on Conway… Here is the cover 1…………2……….. And Conway gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Prodigy gets the tag from Dragon… As they are now double teaming Conway…

Mark:Double flap jack from Dragon and Prodigy on to Conway…

Rhino:Dupree wants to get in to the ring…

Mark:Prodigy is working over Conway now in the corner… As Conway gets nailed with a powerslam from Prodigy… Here is the cover from Prodigy 1……………..2……….. Dupree breaks it up…

Rhino:Dragon gets the tag from Prodigy…

Mark:Dragon now with more right hands to Conway… As he whips him in to the ropes…

Rhino:Dragon ducks his head…

Mark:DDT from Rob Conway to Dragon… As both men are down on the canvas…

Rhino:Both men need to make a tag… Conway more than Dragon… But both men do need to make a tag…

Mark:Dupree gets the tag from Conway… And Prodigy gets tagged in as well… As Prodigy gets nailed with right hands from Dupree who whips Prodigy in to the ropes…

Rhino:Flying Clothesline from Dupree to Prodigy and it takes Prodigy off of his feet…

Mark:Conway is back in the ring and Dupree and Conway go for a double suplex…

Rhino:Can they do it?

Mark:Double Suplex from La Resistance… And Dupree goes for a cover 1………………2…………….. Dragon breaks it up…

Rhino:Dupree makes a tag to Conway now…

Mark:Conway whips Prodigy in to the corner… Conway charges in but Prodigy puts the boot up…

Rhino:Conway is staggering around…

Mark:Prodigy sends him hard in to the corner and makes a tag to Dragon… Conway gets sent in to the corner hard on the other side…

Rhino:Prodigy whips Dragon in to Conway…

Mark:Conway moves out of the way and Dragon hits the corner hard…

Rhino:Dupree clotheslines Prodigy over the top rope and to the floor…

Mark:Conway with a bulldog to Dragon…

Rhino:But Dragon is back up to his feet…

Mark:Dupree is distracting the referee…

Rhino:Conway has the french flag…

Mark:Conway cracks the flag over the back of Dragon… Cover 1………….2…..3……….. Its over…

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners LA RESISTANCE…

Rhino:La Resistance have become the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship…

Mark:La Resistance have a title shot down the line against the tag team champs… Which Subway has a title shot later tonight against Chris Jericho… But now we head back down to the ring for our next match…

Johnny Legeon vs Payne Killer

Pa Announcer:This next match up is set for one fall… Introducing first… From The Bronx, Ny… Weighing in at 280 Pounds… JOHNNY LEGEON…

(“Bite to Break” plays as Johnny Legeon enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Selma, Ca… Weighing in at 267 Pounds… PAYNE KILLER…

(“Till I collapse” plays as Payne Killer enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Payne Killer nails Legeon in the midsection with a kick followed by a right hand as he whips him off in to the ropes… Legeon ducks the clotheslines… And comes back with a cross body block 1…………………..2………….. Payne Killer kicks out…

Rhino:Payne Killer is back up on his feet…

Mark:Legeon whips Payne Killer in to the ropes… Legeon ducks his head… Payne Killer sees it and Payne Killer hooks up Legeon and connects with a pulling piledriver…

Rhino:What a piledriver from Payne Killer…

Mark:Payne Killer goes for a cover 1………2…………. Legeon gets his shoulder up… As Payne Killer is putting the boots to Johnny Legeon… Keeping him down on the canvas…

Rhino:Payne Killer is starting to take it to Johnny Legeon as he has him set up in the corner…

Mark:Payne Killer is driving his shoulder right in to the midsection of Johnny Legeon… As Payne Killer now sends Johnny Legeon hard in to the farside corner…

Rhino:Johnny Legeon comes out of the corner staggering around…

Mark:And Payne Killer nails Johnny Legeon with a spinebuster… Payne Killer goes for another cover 1……………..2………………….. And Johnny Legeon gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Payne Killer is dominating this match up right now…

Mark:Payne Killer hooks up Johnny Legeon and nails him with a brainbuster… Here is a cover 1……..2……………Kickout by Johnny Legeon again…

Rhino:Johnny Legeon is in some trouble…

Mark:Johnny Legeon is back up on his feet and Payne Killer with a kick to the midsection… And Payne Killer nails Johnny Legeon with an Implant DDT…

Rhino:I believe Johnny Legeon is done…

Mark:Payne Killer goes for a cover 1………………….2……………. Johnny Legeon gets his shoulder up again…

Rhino:Payne Killer is looking to end this match up right now…

Mark:PAYNE RELIEVER… No… Johnny Legeon blocks the Payne Reliever from Payne Killer… As Johnny Legeon is firing back with right hands…

Rhino:Johnny Legeon is trying to come back as much as he can…

Mark:Johnny Legeon sends Payne Killer in to the ropes… Reversal by Payne Killer… Legeon ducks the clothesline and comes back off the ropes and both men collide with a double clothesline…

Rhino:Both men are down and out on the canvas…

Mark:The referee is starting his count…

Rhino:The Referee is at 7…

Mark:Both men have made their way back up to their feet and are trading right hands back and forth…

Rhino:Both men using whatever they have left in them to nail each other with those right hands…

Mark:Johnny Legeon sends Payne Killer in to the ropes… Powerslam by Johnny Legeon and goes for a cover 1……….2……….. Kickout by Payne Killer…

Rhino:Payne Killer is back up to his feet…

Mark:Johnny Legeon whips Payne Killer in to the ropes…

Rhino:SPEAR from LEGEON…

Mark:Legeon hit a big time spear and goes for a cover 1………….2…………………..3…… NO…. Payne Killer gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was a close one…

Mark:Johnny Legeon now picks up Payne Killer and has him up on his shoulders… MACH 10!… NO… ROLL UP… 1……………….2……………3…. NO… Johnny Legeon barely kicked out there…

Rhino:That was also a close one as Payne Killer reversed the finisher of Johnny Legeon…

Mark:Legeon with a kick to the midsection… Powerbomb… No… Payne Killer nails him with a back drop…

Rhino:Legeon gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:Payne Killer stuns Legeon… PAYNE RELIEVER… And here is the cover 1………………2…………3………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner PAYNE KILLER…

Rhino:What a match up that one was…

Mark:Payne Killer gets the win… But Johnny Legeon was very impressive here tonight… The poll has been set up… So lets get back to the ring for our next match up…

Contract on a Poll Match
Winner Recieves a FTW Title Shot
Rey Mysterio vs Mark Dash

Pa Announcer:This next match up is a Contract on a Poll Match with the winner receiving a shot at the FTW Championship… Introducing first… From San Diego, Ca… Weighing in at 165 Pounds… REY MYSTERIO…

(“619” plays as Rey Mysterio enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Valley Cottage, New York… Weighing in at 183 Pounds… MARK DASH…

(“See you in the shallows” plays as Mark Dash walks in to the arena…)

Mark:Mark Dash and Rey Mysterio face to face as Mysterio whips Dash in to the ropes… Dash leap frogs over mysterio and comes off the ropes and gets nailed with a monkey flip from Rey Mysterio…

Rhino:Mysterio nips back up as Mark Dash got back up on to his feet…

Mark:Mysterio with a head scissors take down on to Mark Dash…

Rhino:Dash staggers back up near the ropes…

Mark:Mysterio charges in at Mark Dash… Dash ducks and back body drops Rey Mysterio over the top rope and to th floor goes Mysterio…

Rhino:Mysterio went flying over the top rope and he hit the floor hard…

Mark:Dash runs off the ropes and now planchas over the top rope and lands right on top of Rey Mysterio…

Rhino:Dash took a chance and he connected on the outside…

Mark:Mark Dash scoops up Rey Mysterio and drops him face first on ring apron before rolling him back in to the ring…

Rhino:Mark Dash has taken control of this match up…

Mark:Dash sends Mysterio in to the corner… Dash charges in but Mysterio puts his feet up and catches Dash right in the face with a boot…

Rhino:Mysterio is up on the middle rope…

Mark:Dash turns around and gets taken down with a hurricanranna from Rey Mysterio from the middle rope…

Rhino:There are no pinfalls… No DQ’s… Just one way to win this match up and thats to get the contract from the poll…

Mark:Mysterio is climbing up the turnbuckle now to go after the contract…

Rhino:They are going to have to do some work to get that contract…

Mark:Mark Dash is back up and just nails Mysterio right in the leg taken his legs right out from underneath them…

Rhino:That was a smart move by Mark Dash…

Mark:Mark Dash now with a razors edge to Mysterio who was on the top rope…

Rhino:Dash has laid Mysterio out in the center of the ring…

Mark:Dash now leaps up on to the top rope and connects with a swanton bomb on to Rey Mysterio…

Rhino:What a move by Mark Dash… I have a feeling he would get the one two three if he had to pin Mysterio after that move…

Mark:Dash now is going up to get the contract now as he regains his composure…

Rhino:Dash is now starting to climb up the poll…

Mark:Mysterio is back up and pulls Dash’s leg and he falls right on to the top rope…

Rhino:Mark Dash will be singing a different tune after that move…

Mark:Mysterio now whips Mark Dash in to the ropes… Drop toe hold by Mysterio and he drops Dash right on to the middle rope…

Rhino:Get those cell phones ready… Because its 619 Time…

Mark:Mysterio connects with the 619 to Mark Dash…

Rhino:Now he is looking to hit the West Coast Pop…

Mark:Mark Dash staggers back up to his feet…WEST COAST POP! NO! Counter in to a powerbomb from Mark Dash and Rey Mysterio goes crashing down hard on to the canvas…

Rhino:Both men are down right now…

Mark:Its taking both men a few seconds to get back on to their feet… Dash scores with a couple of forearm shots as he now sends Mysterio in to the ropes… And connects with a dropkick…

Rhino:He caught him right in the chin with that dropkick…

Mark:Mysterio is staggering back up…As Mark Dash hooks him up…Twist of Fate by Mark Dash…

Rhino:Mysterio is down and out right now…

Mark:Mark Dash is now heading over to the poll to get the contract…

Rhino:Mark Dash wants to get his shot at the FTW Championship…

Mark:Mark Dash is getting closer to his dream…

Rhino:Mysterio is up and is up on the turnbuckle as well…

Mark:Mysterio and Dash are fighting on the top rope…

Rhino:This is a dangerous position…

Mark:Mysterio knocks Dash’s head in to the poll…

Rhino:Mark Dash falls on the ropes…

Mark:Rey Mysterio now has the chance to get the contract…

Rhino:Mark Dash’s foot as gotten tied up in the ropes… He cant get up…

Mark:Mysterio grabs the contract and this match is now over…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner REY MYSTERIO…

Rhino:Rey Mysterio has now a contract for a shot at the FTW Championship…

Mark:Mark Dash was so close but he ended up getting taken out and getting all tied up…

Rhino:Yes he did and thats how Rey Mysterio was able to win this match up…

Mark:We have to head back to the ring… So lets head there now…

Triple H vs Raven

Pa Announcer:This next match up is set for one fall… Introducing first… From the Bowlery… Weighing in at 237 pounds… RAVEN…

(“Nevermore” plays as Raven enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game… TRIPLE H…

(“The Game” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Mark:Triple H is getting right in to the face of Raven…

Rhino:But Raven isnt backing down from The Game…

Mark:Triple H is laughing in the face of Raven…

Rhino:Thats a sign of disrespect…

Mark:Raven slaps Triple H…

Rhino:You can see Raven isnt backing down…

Mark:Triple H laughs it off and backs away from Raven… Raven spins Triple H around but Triple H nails Raven with a straight right hand… More right hands from The Game as he whips him in to the ropes… And a big high knee from Triple H as he takes down Raven…

Rhino:You can see that Triple H doesnt respect anything that Raven has done in this business nor does he respect him as a wrestler in general…

Mark:Raven is back up on his feet as Triple H whips him in to the ropes… Kick in the midsection and he connects with a hang mans neckbreaker… As Triple H mounts on top of Raven and connects with right hands…

Rhino:These fans are trying to get behind Raven here in the early going as Triple H has pretty much dominated the early going…

Mark:Raven is back up and Triple H hooks him up and nails him with a suplex… As Triple H now going with a chinlock on Raven grinding him down and keeping him down on the canvas…

Rhino:Triple H it seems wants to keep Raven on the ground… So he isnt on the offensive…

Mark:Triple H continues to grind it on Raven… As Raven is trying to fight out of it…

Rhino:The fans are trying to get Raven back in to the match up…

Mark:You can hear the fans Chant ECW… ECW…

Rhino:And it is starting to put a fire under Raven right now…

Mark:Elbows by Raven as he is fighting off the chinlock… Raven pushes Triple H off in to the ropes… Triple H comes back with a shoulder tackle knocking Raven back on his back…

Rhino:Raven tried to get back in it… But Triple H using his power to his advantage…

Mark:Triple H picks up Raven and slams him down to the canvas… Triple H drops the knee on Raven and goes for a cover 1………2………………… Raven kicks out…

Rhino:Triple H is going right back to the chinlock… Trying to wear him down…

Mark:And Triple H is doing a good job at it…

Rhino:Now a Raven chant is starting up… Trying to get Raven back in to this match up…

Mark:Raven is starting to move again… As he driving the elbow back in to the midsection… Belly to Back Suplex by Raven…

Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas right now…

Mark:Raven now needs to regroup… And is trying to get back in to it…

Rhino:Triple H is back up to his feet…

Mark:Raven blocks the right hands from Triple H and now Raven connects with a few of his own…

Rhino:You can see the fire in the right hands of Raven…

Mark:Discus Punch… And he takes down the game…

Rhino:That was a big time punch from Raven…

Mark:Triple H is back up on his feet… Atomic Drop from Raven and comes back around with a spinning clothesline… Cover by Raven 1…………..2…….. Triple H gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:The Game is in some trouble…

Mark:Raven whips Triple H in to the corner and Raven connects with a running clothesline…

Rhino:Triple H is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Running Bulldog by Raven and heres another cover 1………….2………………… Triple H gets his shoulder up again…

Rhino:The ECW Chant has started again… As Triple H is in some trouble..

Mark:Raven hooking up for the Raven Effect but Triple H runs him in to the corner…

Rhino:If Raven hit it… It would have been over…

Mark:Triple H is now driving his shoulder in to Raven in the corner…

Rhino:Triple H is trying to knock the wind out of Raven now…

Mark:The Game whips Raven hard in to the corner… Triple H charges in… Raven ducks the clothesline…

Rhino:Raven turns Triple H around…

Mark:RAVEN EFFECT… Here is the cover 1…………..2…………….3……….. NO! Triple H got his foot on the rope…

Rhino:Raven couldnt believe it… And neither can I…

Mark:Raven pulling Triple H in to the middle of the ring…

Rhino:He is hooking up Triple H for the Raven Effect…

Mark:No… Triple H blocks… And now spins Raven around… Kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE… NO… Raven blocks and slingshots Triple H in to the corner…

Rhino:That saved Raven…

Mark:Triple H turns around… Raven has him hooked… LOW BLOW by The Game…

Rhino:What a tide turing move…

Mark:Triple H has him hooked… PEDIGREE! Here is a cover 1…………….2……………….3……….. ITS OVER…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H…

Rhino:The Game somehow pulled this one out from somewhere…

Mark:I dont know where he pulled it out from but he did…

Rhino:What the hell…

Mark:The Rock is in the ring… The Rock turns Triple H around… ROCK BOTTOM TO TRIPLE H…

Rhino:The Rock has attacked Triple H… But Why?

Mark:That is a good question… Why did The Rock attack Triple H? We should find out sooner of later…

Rhino:Triple H got the win… But he still hasnt had a good night in a long time…

Mark:No he hasnt… As we get set for our first Title Match of the evening…

FTW Championship TLCC Match
Big Daddy Ace(c) vs Purgatory

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Tables… Ladders… Chairs and Canes Match…And it is for the FTW Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… PURGATORY…

(“Movies” by Alien Ant Farm plays as Purgatory walks in to the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Staten Island, Ny… Weighing in at 273… Representing BTP…The FTW Champion… BIG DADDY ACE…

(Playing Live on the stage Linkin Park performs “Lying From You” as Big Daddy Ace enters the arena)

Rhino:Purgatory has brought a whole bunch of goodies down to the ring…

Mark:Purgatory and Big Daddy Ace lock up in the center of the ring… Big Daddy Ace with a thumb to the eye and now sends Purgatory in to the ropes and Big Daddy Ace connects with a clothesline on Purgatory…

Rhino:Purgatory is going to give it all he has tonight…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace hooks up Purgatory and nails him with a suplex…

Rhino:Big Dady Ace is rolling to the outside and is going to get something out of the barrel that Purgatory brought down to the ring…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace has thrown a couple chairs in the ring…

Rhino:Purgatory grabs one of those chairs…

Mark:He just nailed Big Daddy Ace as he got up on the apron…

Rhino:Purgatory cracked his skull with that shot…

Mark:Purgatory now goes to the outside and whips Big Daddy Ace in to the steel guard rail… As Purgatory now goes over to the barrel and pulls out a walking cane…

Rhino:He is waiting for Big Daddy Ace to turn around…

Mark:Ace turns around and Purgatory nails him right in the midsection with the cane… And one time across the back…

Rhino:What other types of goodies does Purgatory have in that barrel?

Mark:Purgatory now sends Big Daddy Ace back in to the ring as he now puts a couple of ladders in to the ring…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is back up on his feet…

Mark:But he just gotten taken out with a clothesline from Purgatory… As Purgatory is now setting up a ladder up in the corner…

Rhino:Purgatory is dragging Ace over to the corner…

Mark:Purgatory with a slingshot and Big Daddy Ace goes right in to the ladder…

Rhino:Purgatory is showing that he still has it… And is putting out quite an effort here tonight…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets back up to his feet as Purgatory is on the outside and is setting up a table on the outside and has slid one in to the ring…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace has a chair but is playing possum as Purgatory rolls back in to the ring…

Mark:Purgatory walks over to Big Daddy Ace and as Big Daddy Ace gets back up he nails Purgatory right in the face with the steel chair…

Rhino:Did you hear the sound from that chair shot…

Mark:I sure did… He hit him pretty good… As Big Daddy Ace now lays the ladder down on the canvas and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is climbing up the middle rope…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace drops a leg drop right on to Purgatory who was laid out on the ladder… As Big Daddy Ace is now working over Purgatory now…

Rhino:There is definitely something going through the head of Big Daddy Ace right now…

Mark:Purgatory gets back up on to his feet as Big Daddy Ace kicks him in the midsection and hooks him for a face first suplex right on to the ladder…

Rhino:The insides of Purgatory must be in all different places right now…

Mark:I would agree with you…As Big Daddy Ace is setting up the table in the ring right now… As he is laying Purgatory out on the table…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is setting up a ladder as well…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is thinking high risk…

Rhino:The rungs on the ladder broke… As he was walking up the ladder…

Mark:Purgatory did say Rhino that there would be trick ladders…

Rhino:Yep that is true…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is pissed off…

Rhino:This has given Purgatory some time to regroup…

Mark:Good point… Big Daddy Ace now though hooks up Purgatory and he connects with a piledriver…

Rhino:Ace has bought himself more time and is going under the ring for another ladder…

Mark:He has thrown a singapore cane in the ring… And he cracks the cane over the back of Purgatory now that he is back in the ring…

Rhino:Purgatory is in some pain… As Big Daddy Ace has taken control of this match up..

Mark:Big Daddy Ace has set Purgatory back on to the table…

Rhino:He is now heading up to the top rope…

Mark:Flying Elbow from the ladder misses as Purgatory moved off the table and Big Daddy Ace has crashed hard through the table…

Rhino:He took a chance and he paid the price…

Mark:He paid a big price and it could have cost him the FTW Championship…

Rhino:Purgatory has rolled to the outside and has brought another table in to the ring…

Mark:Purgatory sets up a table and now he nails Big Daddy Ace with right hands…

Rhino:Purgatory is a risk taker and he is bringing Big Daddy Ace up the ladder with him… as he has Big Daddy Ace standing on the table…

Mark:Purgatory has something in mind that he wants to pull off right now…

Rhino:Purgatory has Big Daddy Ace up for for a styles clash…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace blocks and nails him with a low blow…

Rhino:Purgatory was about to drive him face first from the ladder threw the table…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace has Purgatory setup at the top of the ladder and has him setup…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace has him hooked…

Mark:Suplex off the ladder and Purgatory goes crashing threw the table…

Rhino:What a move from Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is still on the ladder and grabs the FTW Championship…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL FTW Champion… BIG DADDY ACE…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace pulls out the victory here tonight at Seasons Beatings…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is starting to prove himself here in the eWa… As we get set for our next championship match…
eWa Television Championship Smashing Caskets Match
John Stevens vs The Hitman

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Smashing Caskets Match and is for the eWa Television Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger…From New York City, Ny… Weighing in at 234 Pounds… Representing BTP…THE HITMAN…

(The Hitman’s theme plays as he enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Boston, Mass… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… The eWa Television Champion… JOHN STEVENS…

(“My December,Instrumental Verision” plays as John Stevens enters the arena…)

Mark:The Hitman and John Stevens get right up in each others face…

Rhino:There is some trash talking going on between these two men…

Mark:They have been getting in to it all week…

Rhino:Yes they sure have… And now its time to put up or shut up…

Mark:John Stevens and The Hitman are trading right hands back and forth… As Stevens and Hitman are just going back and forth…

Rhino:Neither man are giving an inch…

Mark:John Stevens ducks the right hand from The Hitman… And now goes behind The Hitman and scores with a neckbreaker… As Stevens puts the boots to The Hitman on the canvas…

Rhino:John Stevens is taking it to The Hitman…

Mark:The Hitman is back up to his feet but gets slammed down to the canvas by John Stevens…John Stevens whips The Hitman in to the corner… And is now driving The Hitman in to the corner…

Rhino:John Stevens puts The Hitman on the top rope…

Mark:John Stevens is going up for a superplex… The Hitman is blocking the superplex and gets pushed off the top rope…

Rhino:John Stevens is back up on his feet…

Mark:The Hitman nails John Stevens with a double axe handle from the top rope… As The Hitman gets back on the offense here in this match…

Rhino:The Hitman is starting to take over…

Mark:As The HItman now whips John Stevens in to the ropes and nails him a dropkick… As he puts the boots to him on the canvas…

Rhino:John Stevens is really taken a beating right now…

Mark:The Hitman hooks up John Stevens and takes him over with a Jackhammer…

Rhino:There are no pinfalls here in this match up… As The Hitman started to go for a pinfall…

Mark:John Stevens is back up on his feet but gets nailed with a couple of forearm shots from The Hitman as he sends him off in the corner…

Rhino:John Stevens staggers out of the corner…

Mark:The Hitman connects with a spin heel kick…

Rhino:He took John Stevens Head off with that spin heel kick…

Mark:John Stevens is staggering back up to his feet… As The Hitman hooks up John Stevens… And connects with a Death Valley Driver…

Rhino:John Stevens is in some big time trouble right now…

Mark:The Hitman is in control and now is rolling John Stevens towards the casket…

Rhino:The referee has opened up the lid…

Mark:John Stevens is in the casket…

Rhino:The Hitman is trying to shut the lid…

Mark:John Stevens isnt letting it happen as he is now fighting his way out of the casket and is nailing The Hitman with right hands…

Rhino:The Hitman almost had him secured in the casket but John Stevens wouldnt allow it to happen…

Mark:Stevens is back in the ring… And connects with a jaw breaker to The Hitman as John Stevens comes back off the ropes and scores with a bulldog…

Rhino:John Stevens is building some momentum…

Mark:John Stevens sends The Hitman for a ride in to the corner… The Hitman staggers out and John Stevens nails him with a spinebuster…

Rhino:Some Impactful moves by John Stevens to the Hitman right now Mark…

Mark:John Stevens now hooks up The Hitman and connects with a brainbuster…

Rhino:He just drove the Hitman down hard in to the canvas…

Mark:John Stevens is now in control…

Rhino:Stevens is telling the official now to open up the casket…

Mark:Stevens has The Hitman up on his shoulder and is trying to throw him over the top in to the canvas…

Rhino:The Hitman is fighting out of it…

Mark:The Hitman pushes John Stevens in to the ropes and connects with a reverse DDT…

Rhino:Both men are down… As The Hitman is trying to buy some time to regroup…

Mark:The Hitman is the first one back up on his feet…

Rhino:These two men are slugging it out trying to find out who will be the eWa Television Champion…

Mark:The Hitman sends John Stevens for a ride in to the ropes… Stevens with a reversal… The Hitman ducks the clothesline and they both hit each other with a clothesline and they are back down on the canvas…

Rhino:The question is now who has enough left to win this match up…

Mark:That is a good question Rhino… And we will find it out soon enough…

Rhino:Both men are back up on their feet…

Mark:John Stevens with a right hand… The Hitman scores with a right hand…

Rhino:Both men are just giving each other everything they have left and you can see that with the right hands…

Mark:John Stevens blocks the right hand of The Hitman… Scores with a couple of his own… Stevens with a kick to the midsection…

Rhino:Here comes the Awakener…

Mark:No… The Hitman pushes him off to block the move…As The Hitman now goes to set him up… For the Eliminator…

Rhino:John Stevens isnt letting that one happen…

Mark:John Stevens duck a clothesline… AWAKENER by John Stevens…

Rhino:The Hitman is out and John Stevens has begun rolling him towards the casket…

Mark:The Hitman is out and isnt putting up a fight as he is now inside the casket…

Rhino:All John Stevens has to do is shut the lid and beat the hell out of the casket…

Mark:The lid is shut as John Stevens now is on the outside and has the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:This isnt good…

Mark:Shot after shot to the top and side of the casket…

Rhino:Its the referee’s call when to stop the match up…

Mark:And thats what he has just done… This match is over…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL eWa Television Champion… JOHN STEVENS…

Rhino:John Stevens battled in one hell of a Smashing Caskets Match and is able to hold on to his eWa Television Championship…

Mark:Its been one hell of a night so far… As we now send it down to ringside for the introductions of our Main Event…

eWa Undisputed World Championship Philly Street Fight
Special Referee-PYB
Chris Jericho(c) vs Subway

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a PHILLY STREET FIGHT(crowd cheers) and is for the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… The Special Guest Referee… The first ever eWa Undisputed Champion… P-Y-B…

(“Bad Days” plays as PYB enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Now introducing The Challenger… From Wildwood, Nj… Weighing in at 200 Pounds… One half of the eWa Tag Team Champions… SUBWAY…

(“Hits from the bong” plays as Subway enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And his opponent… From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada… Weighing in at 231 Pounds… The eWa Undisputed World Champion… Y2J… CHRIS JERICHO…

(“Break Down The Walls” plays as Chris Jericho enters the arena…)

Mark:PYB has called for the bell… And this match up is under way…

Rhino:There is one big question right now… How will PYB call this match up? Will he call it down the middle or will he favor someone?

Mark:I have no idea and neither do Subway or Chris Jericho… Jericho now slaps Subway but Subway comes back with a couple of right hands…

Rhino:Subway is just nailing him with those right hands…

Mark:Subway sends him in to the ropes… Jericho comes off and gets nailed with an arm drag take down from Subway… Jericho gets back up on to his feet and gets hit with a hiptoss…

Rhino:Subway is showing his wrestling side here in the early going…

Mark:Jericho has been caught off guard with this… But is back up and gets clotheslined over the top rope and he hits the floor…

Rhino:Jericho is not liking how this match up is going…

Mark:Subway has gone out after Chris Jericho… As Jericho is leading him up the ramp…

Rhino:Jericho I believe is setting Subway up for something…

Mark:Jericho with a thumb to the eye as Subway got close enough… As Jericho now scoops up Subway and slams him down on the ramp…

Rhino:Jericho is starting to get the cocky attitude back…

Mark:Jericho now putting the boots to Subway as he plans out his next move… Jericho now is dragging Subway down the entrance ramp back towards the ringside area…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is looking under the ring for something…

Mark:Jericho has a trash can… And he cracks it over the head of Subway…

Rhino:That was one hell of a shot…

Mark:Jericho now climbs up on the top of the guardrail… Moonsault off the guard rail on to Subway…

Rhino:It is falls count anywhere…

Mark:PYB makes his way over and makes the count 1………………2……………….. Subway gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That count was a little slow dont you think…

Mark:It might have been a little… As Jericho now continues to pound Subway on the ground with right hands…

Rhino:Jericho used to wrestle in Philadelphia back when he was in ECW… So he has some hardcore roots…

Mark:Jericho now whips Subway hard in to the guardrail… As Jericho is back under the ring looking for something…

Rhino:He is pulling out a table and has set it up between the ring and the guardrail…

Mark:Subway is back up… Jericho misses with a right hand and Subway comes back with a couple of forearm shots…

Rhino:Subway grabs the trash can…

Mark:And nails Jericho right over the head with the trash can… As Subway now taking over control of this match up…

Rhino:Jericho now is in some trouble…

Mark:Subway grabs frying pan from under the ring…

Rhino:What the hell is a frying pan doing under the ring…

Mark:Dont ask me… As Subway now cracks it over the head of the Undisputed Champion…

Rhino:Jericho now is in trouble…

Mark:Subway now rolls Jericho back in to the ring… As he throws a couple of weapons in to the ring…

Rhino:One looked to be a stop sign…

Mark:Jericho gets sent for the ride by Subway in to the ropes… And Subway comes off the other side and comes flying with the stop sign and nails Jericho right in the head…

Rhino:Things arent looking good for Jericho…

Mark:Subway now goes for a cover 1………..2……… Jericho barely kicks out…

Rhino:Now that was a fast count from PYB…

Mark:Yes it was a fast a count… And I dont think PYB cares…

Rhino:No I dont think he does…

Mark:Chris Jericho is back up on his feet… Subway connects with an atomic drop on Jericho… Jericho spins around and gets hit the head with a singapore cane…

Rhino:He hit him straight on top of the head did Subway…

Mark:Subway goes for a cover… 1…………….2………….. Jericho kicks out before three…

Rhino:Now that count was a lot slower than the first one he made for Subway…

Mark:I told you PYB doesnt care…

Rhino:Subway is slowy climbing the top rope…

Mark:Jericho is back up… And pushes Subway off the top rope…

Rhino:Subway just crashed right though that table Jericho had set up on the outside…

Mark:That just helped Jericho out… As he has bought some time to regroup…

Rhino:Jericho has rolled to the outside…

Mark:Jericho is up on the apron and drives an elbow right in to Subway as he covers him again 1……2……………………………………………………………… Subway kicks out…

Rhino:That was a strange count…

Mark:I would agree with you… That was a strange count… As Jericho now rolls Subway back in to the ring…

Rhino:Chris Jericho wants to end this in the ring…

Mark:Jericho is setting up Subway for the lionsault… LIONSAULT… NO… Subway got his knees up…

Rhino:How did he do that…

Mark:Jericho has crashed and burned… As Subway now is trying to get back up…

Rhino:Subway staggers up and so does Jericho…

Mark:Forearms from Subway… As he whips Jericho in to the ropes… Subway ducks his head a little too early… As Jericho connects with a powerbomb…

Rhino:No… Its a Double Powerbomb by Chris Jericho…

Mark:Who holds the pin 1…..2…………… Subway barely is able to kick out…

Rhino:Chris Jericho can not believe it…

Mark:Jericho is up in the face of PYB…

Rhino:I dont think that is a smart move…

Mark:Subway is back up…

Rhino:He has the singapore cane…

Mark:Jericho turns around… Subway nails him in the midsection with the cane… Once in the back…

Rhino:Subway drops the cane and comes off the ropes…

Mark:SUBLINE… Ducked by Jericho… Jericho with a low kick… Going for the Walls of Jericho…

Rhino:Subway is able to block it and push him in to the corner…

Mark:Jericho staggers around… SUBLINE TO JERICHO…Heres the count 1………..2…………3………… NEW CHAMPION!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW eWa Undisputed World Champion… SUBWAY…

Rhino:Subway is holding two piece of eWa Gold…

Mark:The second Undisputed Title reign for Subway has begun here in the eWa…

Rhino:The tides have definitely turned here in the Extreme Wrestling Alliance…

Mark:Good Night everyone… Seasons Greetings… Happy Holidays… And we will see you at NEW YEARS EVIL…

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