Wednesday Night Xtreme 10-20-04

Mark:Welcome everyone to Wednesday Night Xtreme… Live from Hartford, Ct… And what a night we got instore for everyone… As our main event is going to be a Battle of Champions…As Payne Killer, Shawn Michaels and Prodigy…

Rhino:I am putting my money on Payne Killer in this one… He seems like he really wants it tonight…

Mark:Can Payne Killer out do the Showstopper… We will find out tonight… But also tonight Triple H and Randy Orton meet in a rematch from Hardcore Evolution…

Rhino:This time its No Holds Barred and its Falls Count Anywhere…Can Randy Orton kill off the Legend known as Triple H…

Mark:There is so much to get to here tonight… And one more thing… Can Payne Killer leave as FTW Champion? So much to get to… So lets head to the ring for our opening match up…

Kid Money vs Arron Marx

Pa Announcer:Tonight’s Opening Contest is set for one fall… From Brooklyn, Ny…Weighing in at 239 Pounds… KID MONEY…

(“Lean Back” plays as Kid Money enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Manhattan, Ny… Weighing in at 239 Pounds… One Half of the eWa Tag Team Champions… ARRON MARX…

(“Make a Move” by the Lost Prophets plays as Arron Marx walks in to the arena…)

Mark:The bell sounds and this match up is underway… Arron Marx and Kid Money are locking horns with a collar and elbow tie up…

Rhino:Both men are battling for position…

Mark:Kid Money backs up Arron Marx in to the ropes…

Rhino:The referee is asking for a clean break…

Mark:Kid Money breaks the collar and elbow… Kid Money right away though goes after Arron Marx with a right forearm shot…

Rhino:Marx ducked the forearm shot…

Mark:Arron Marx now opens up on Kid Money and nails him with right hands… Arron Marx whips Kid Money in to the ropes… Back Body Drop by Arron Marx…

Rhino:Kid Money is staggering back up to his feet…

Mark:Arron Marx now hooks up Kid Money and nails him with a vertical suplex…

Rhino:Arron Marx is taking control of this match up…

Mark:Gutwrench suplex by one half of the eWa Tag Team Champions… And goes for a cover on Kid Money 1………………………………2…………………… Kid Money kicks out before the three count…

Rhino:Kid Money is slowly making his way back up to his feet by the corner…

Mark:Arron Marx charges Kid Money… Kid Money catches Arron Marx and drops him face first on to the top turnbuckle…

Rhino:Arron Marx is staggering around…

Mark:Powerslam by Kid Money driving him straight in to the canvas…

Rhino:Kid Money is now taking control of this match up… After Arron Marx was dominating from the early moments of this match up…

Mark:Kid Money goes for a cover 1……….2………… Arron Marx gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Arron Marx is back up on his feet now…

Mark:Kid Money hooks up Arron Marx…

Rhino:He is holding up Arron Marx in a stalling vertical suplex…

Mark:Brainbuster by Kid Money driving Arron Marx head first in to the canvas…

Rhino:Kid Money has laid out one half of the eWa Tag Team Champions…

Mark:Kid Money covers Arron Marx 1……….2…………3…NO Arron Marx gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That one was very very close…

Mark:Arron Marx is using the ropes to pull himself back up to his feet… Kid Money whips Arron Marx in to the ropes…Flapjack by Kid Money driving Arron Marx back in to the canvas…

Rhino:Kid Money is dominating Arron Marx right now…

Mark:Kid Money covers Arron Marx again 1………2………..3… NO! Arron Marx kicks out again…

Rhino:Kid Money needs to end this right here and now…

Mark:Kid Money is now heading to the top rope…

Rhino:Arron Marx is back up on his feet…

Mark:Arron Marx knocks down Kid Money on the top rope…

Rhino:Marx is now climbing up to the top rope…

Mark:Superplex by Arron Marx driving Kid Money straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:Both men are down in the middle of the ring…

Mark:Both men stagger back up to their feet…

Rhino:They are slugging it out in the middle of the ring…

Mark:Kid Money takes control with right hands as he whips Arron Marx in to the ropes… Money ducks his head… DDT by Arron Marx…

Rhino:Arron Marx is now trying to end this right here and now…

Mark:Kid Money is back up on his feet… Reverse DDT By Arron Marx laying out Kid Money…

Rhino:Arron Marx is heading up to the top rope…

Mark:X MARX! By Arron Marx landing right on top of Kid Money…

Rhino:This has to be it right here and now…

Mark:Arron Marx covers Kid Money 1…………..2………..3…. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ARRON MARX…

Rhino:Arron Marx continues to win here in the eWa…

Mark:Yes he is…And who knows what could be in his future… As we now get set for our next match up…

Joe Mazaranno vs Demon Child

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Beech Grove, Indiana… Weighing in at 286 Pounds… JOE MAZARANNO…

(“The Beautiful People” plays as Joe Mazaranno enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Seattle, Wa… Weighing in at 255 Pounds… DEMON CHILD…

(“Devil without a Cause” plays as Demon Child enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Demon Child goes right after Joe Mazaranno with right hands…

Rhino:He is really opening up on Joe…

Mark:Mazaranno is backed up in to the ropes by Demon Child… Demon Child charges with a clothesline… Joe Mazaranno ducks and back drops Demon Child to the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Joe saw it coming and he was able to back drop Demon Child to the outside of the ring…

Mark:On the outside of the ring Joe Mazaranno rams Demon Child’s back in to the side of the ring…

Rhino:He drove him back first right in to the side of the ring… That’s gotta hurt…

Mark:Joe Mazaranno now rolls Demon Child back in to the ring… Mazaranno scoops up Demon Child and slams him back down to the canvas…

Rhino:Joe is heading to the middle rope now…

Mark:Elbow drop from the middle rope by Joe Mazaranno… As he now goes for a cover 1……………………………2………………………… Demon Child kicks out…

Rhino:Joe Mazaranno is now bringing Demon Child to the corner…

Mark:Right hands by Joe Mazaranno to the midsection of Demon Child…

Rhino:Demon is trying to cover up but is having no luck at the moment…

Mark:Joe Mazaranno now lifts up Demon Child and puts Demon Child up on the top rope…

Rhino:This is not going to be good for Demon Child…

Mark:Superplex by Joe Mazaranno… Blocked by Demon Child…

Rhino:Demon Child is fighting back on the top rope…

Mark:Joe Mazaranno gets knocked off the top rope by Demon Child…

Rhino:Demon Child is now standing on the top rope…

Mark:Big Splash by Demon Child landing right on top of Joe Mazaranno…

Rhino:What a move by Demon Child…

Mark:Demon Child covers Joe Mazaranno 1…………………………………2………………………… Joe Mazaranno kicks out…

Rhino:The match up was favoring Joe Mazaranno for a while… But Demon Child is now taking over…

Mark:Demon Child now whips Joe Mazaranno in to the ropes… Spear by Demon Child taking out Joe Mazaranno…

Rhino:Mazaranno is in some trouble right here and now…

Mark:Demon Child covers Joe Mazaranno 1………………………………2………………………… Joe Mazaranno once again kicks out…

Rhino:Demon Child is dominating Joe Mazaranno at the moment…

Mark:Demon Child now hooks up Joe Mazaranno for the Heart Stopper…

Rhino:Mazaranno is blocking…

Mark:DDT by Joe Mazaranno laying out Demon Child…

Rhino:Demon Child was in control for the moment, but the tide has turned now…

Mark:Demon Child gets hammered with right hands now by Joe Mazaranno…

Rhino:He is just opening up on Demon Child again…

Mark:Mazaranno whips Demon Child in to the ropes… Demon Child comes off the ropes… Ducks the clothesline…

Rhino:Mazaranno is in some trouble now…

Mark:Demon Child spins him around… HEART STOPPER!

Rhino:Joe Mazaranno has been laid out…

Mark:Demon Child covers Joe Mazaranno 1…………………………………2…………………………3……… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner DEMON CHILD…

Rhino:Demon Child picks up the win here tonight over Joe Mazaranno…

Mark:Its been an interesting night so far… But we are now getting set for our next match up…

(“The Answer” hits over the PA System as he makes his way down to the
ring in his business suit)

Mark: Looks like our Co-VP has something to say tonight.

Rhino: Will it be about the match he’s officiating tonight?

McConnell: As you know.. Last week, I brought back the man you all
know as Stone Cold Steve Austin (crowd cheers).. The problem though..
Austin took it upon himself to Stone Cold Stun me right in the middle
of this ring (crowd gives mixed reactions)..

Mark: This is true.

Rhino: Stone Cold’s never been one for authority.

McConnell: So right now.. I’d like to call that man.. Stone Cold Steve
Austin.. Down to this ring.

(“Glass Shatters” hits as Stone Cold makes his way down to the ring)

Mark: Austin doing his signature corner taunting.

Rhino: The two making eye contact as Austin looks back at McConnell..
Austin grabbing a mic, now.

McConnell: Now, Steve.. I brought you back because you wanted to come
back. I could’ve left you waiting for Vince to pick your ass up again,
considering their doctors ever cleared you to wrestle again.

Austin: What’s your point?

McConnell: My point is..

Austin: What?

McConnell: My point is..

Austin: What?

Mark: Austin already getting under McConnell’s skin.

McConnell: (grits his teeth) My point is..

Austin: Wh-

Rhino: McConnell just grabbed that mic away from Austin..

McConnell: Shut your damn mouth. My point is I didn’t have to do a
damn thing for you, Steve. You should be thanking me for getting you
back into the ring, not Stunning me. I have half a mind to suspend
your ass right now. But I’m not going to do that, Steve.. I’m goi-

Mark: And now Steve just grabbed his mic back.

Austin: Did you just interupt me? (Crowd: What?) Are you lecturing me?
(Crowd: What?) Are you trying to treat me like a kid? (Crowd: What?)
Look, Will.. The fact of the matter is, Stone Cold stunned your ass
because you didn’t deliver on your word, and I’ll Stone Cold Stun you
ass again if I have to.

McConnell: (rubs his face and sighs) Alright.. You know what, Steve..
Let’s just settle this the Stone Cold way.

Austin: Are you saying you wanna fight?

McConnell: No, Austin. I’m saying it’s best we just put things aside
and settle this over a cold one.

Austin: You wanna drink a beer with Stone Cold? Am I hearing you right?

McConnell: Exactly.

Austin: If that’s the case.. If you wanna see William McConnell drink
a beer with Stone Cold.. Give me a Hell yeah!

Crowd: HELL YEAH..

Mark: Austin motioning for the ringside crew to toss him a few beers.
Austing catches them and tosses one to McConnell.

Rhino: It looks like things may be settled.

Mark: The two toast. Austin drinking two beers like he alw-WOAH!

Rhino: What the hell?!

Mark: McConnell just superkicked Stone Cold right in the jaw! Stone Cold is out!

Rhino: McConnell just got his payback.

Mark: McConnell has a mic and he’s standing over Austin..

McConnell: And THAT’s The Bottom Line.. Because The Answer Said So..

Mark: It looks like this thing between Austin and McConnell is just
heating up. How’s Austin gonna retaliate?

Rhino: There’s no telling.

Mark:Well now its time to find get set for our next match up…

Eric Stryker vs La Amenasa

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 303 Pounds… LA AMENASA…

(“The Beautiful People” plays as La Amenasa enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And his opponent…From…

Rhino:Its Subway…

Mark:The Leader of the Subway Network… Subway has hit the ring carrying a barbed wire 2×4… And is going right after La Amenasa…

Rhino:La Amenasa charges right at Subway…

Mark:Subway nails La Amenasa right in the midsection with the barbed wire 2×4… One more shot to the head of La Amenasa…

Rhino:Subway has laid out La Amenasa…

Mark:Subway has a microphone…

Subway:Im tired of waiting around… Get the barbed wire strapped the ropes and lets do this match up right here and right now…

Mark:Well the ring crew is bringing out the barbed wire… So I guess the Eric Stryker vs La Amenasa wont be happening here tonight…

Rhino:Subway is the Co-Vp…He can fight when he wants and he wants to fight here and now…

Mark:Looks like it… As the ring has been setup with the barbed wire ropes…

Vinny Lucchese vs Subway

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Barbed Wire Ropes Match… Introducing first… Currently in the ring… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… SUBWAY… His opponent… From Brooklyn, New York… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… VINNY LUCCHESE…

(“Where Do Gangsters Go?” by Lordz of Brooklyn plays as Vinny Lucchese enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Both men are looking to do some damage to the other one…

Rhino:I like Subway’s intensity lately… He has a true mean streak in him now…

Mark:Subway nails Vinny Lucchese with a couple of right hands…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese hammers Subway right back with right hands…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now backs up Subway in to the corner… Lucchese goes for a right hand… Subway ducks and turns Vinny Lucchese around and opens up on him…

Rhino:Subway is just hammering Vinny Lucchese…

Mark:Subway with an irish whip sending Vinny Lucchese hard in to the farside corner…Subway charges at Vinny Lucchese… Lucchese puts up the boots and nails Subway right in the face…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese is now taking over this match up…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese scoops up Subway and slams him straight down to the mat…

Rhino:Lucchese just looked over in to the corner and saw Subway’s Barbed Wire 2×4…

Mark:Subway is now back up on his feet… Lucchese hammers him with a couple of more right hands… Lucchese hooks him up and drops him down to the canvas with a vertical suplex… Vinny Lucchese picks up Subway and drops him face first on to the top rope of the barbed wire…

Rhino:Subway took one hell of a shot from the barbed wire…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now grabs Subway by the hair and is rubbing his forehead on the top rope full of barbed wire…

Rhino:Subway has been busted open from the barbed wire…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese mounts on Subway and is opening up on him with right hands…

Rhino:He is just is working over the cut on Subway’s forehead…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now drives the point of the elbow right in to the forehead of Subway… Lucchese goes for the cover 1………………………………2………………………………Subway kicks out before the referee’s hand hit the mat for the three…

Rhino:Subway is in a lot of trouble at the moment…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now whips Subway in to the ropes and Subway goes back first in to the barbed wire…

Rhino:Subway is holding his back as he came off the ropes…

Mark:Swinging neckbreaker by Vinny Lucchese taking Subway off of his feet…

Rhino:Lucchese is now grabbing the barbed wire 2×4…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now is lining up Subway…

Rhino:A Bloody Subway is staggering back up to his feet…

Mark:Subway turns around… Vinny Lucchese swings the barbed wire 2×4… And he nails Subway right in the head with the 2×4…

Rhino:That was one hell of a 2×4 shot right to Subway’s head…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese covers Subway again 1……………………………………2…………………………………..3…… NO! Subway gets his shoulder up some how…

Rhino:Subway is in a lot of trouble…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese scoops up and slams Subway straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:Lucchese once again has the barbed wire 2×4…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese is driving the barbed wire in to Subway’s open wound…

Rhino:Subway is really bleeding…

Mark:He has lost a tremendous amount of blood in this match up… Subway staggers back up to his feet as Vinny Lucchese picks him up again and drops him face first across the barbed wire rope…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese has returned and is really dominating Subway at the moment…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese covers Subway 1…………2……………………………3….. NO! One more time Subway gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:A Bloody Subway some how finds away to kick out again…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now slides out of the ring…

Rhino:He has a steel chair now…

Mark:Subway is back up on his feet…

Rhino:Lucchese has him lined up…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese swings… Subway ducks the chair shot…

Rhino:Subway grabs the chair from Vinny Lucchese…

Mark:Steel Chair Shot to the head of Vinny Lucchese…

Rhino:Subway has laid out Vinny Lucchese with a chair shot…

Mark:This is Subway’s chance to get back in to this match up…

Rhino:I agree with you completely Mark… This is Subway’s chance to get back in to this contest…

Mark:A Bloody Subway is back up on his feet… Vinny Lucchese is up as well… Right hands by Subway…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese is taking the right hands from Subway…

Mark:Subway now kicks Vinny Lucchese in the midsection…

Rhino:Subway slides the chair over…

Mark:Double Arm DDT by Subway driving Vinny Lucchese face first on to the steel chair…

Rhino:That was a nice move by Subway…

Mark:Subway covers Vinny Lucchese 1………..2………. Vinny Lucchese kicks out…

Rhino:Slowly Subway is making his way back up to his feet…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese is back up on his feet… And Subway flap jacks Vinny Lucchese on to the top rope…

Rhino:Lucchese is now tasting the barbed wire…

Mark:Subway is now grabbing Vinny Lucchese by the head and is putting him on the middle rope…

Rhino:Subway is choking Vinny Lucchese with the barbed wire…

Mark:Subway is now digging the barbed wire in to the forehead of the former FTW Champion…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese is now busted open…

Mark:This is turning in to a bloody bloody match up between these two men…

Rhino:Subway now grabs the barbed wire 2×4…

Mark:Lucchese turns around and takes one hell of a 2×4 shot from Subway…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese has been laid out after that 2×4 shot…

Mark:Subway with the cover on Vinny Lucchese 1……..2……….. Lucchese finds away to get his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese now staggers back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Subway has the steel chair…

Mark:Subway swings… Vinny Lucchese ducks the chair from Subway… And Vinny Lucchese spears Subway right out of his boots…

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese with one hell of a move to change the course of this match up…

Mark:Subway is now staggering back up to his feet…

Rhino:Lucchese is ready to end this thing right here and now…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese hooks up Subway… GREETINGS FROM THE NO! Subway blocks the Greetings from the family… And he is hammering Vinny with a couple of straight right hands…

Rhino:Subway grabs the barbed wire 2×4…

Mark:Vinny Lucchese turns around and Subway nails him right in the head with the 2×4…

Rhino:Subway has laid out Vinny Lucchese…

Mark:Subway is now waiting for Vinny Lucchese to get back up to his feet…Subway charges… SUBLINE!

Rhino:Vinny Lucchese has been laid out…

Mark:Subway covers Vinny Lucchese 1………..2………3……. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SUBWAY…

Rhino:After one hell of a bloody brawl Subway pulled this one out…

Mark:Both men gave it their all… But Subway was able to pull this one out…We now have to get set for what could be one hell of a No Holds Barred Match…
No Holds Barred
Falls Count Anywhere
Triple H vs Randy Orton

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is a NO HOLDS BARRED… FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH… Introducing first…From St. Louis, Missouri… Weighing in at 245 Pounds… Accompanied to the ring by Trish Stratus… RANDY ORTON…

(“Take Whats Mine” by Mercy Drive plays as Randy Orton and Trish Stratus enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Greenwich,Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game… TRIPLE H…

(“The Game” plays as Triple H walks in to the arena…)

Mark:Randy Orton is not allowing Triple H to walk down the isle… As these two men are brawling on the entrance way right now…

Rhino:Randy Orton thought he was robbed last week at Hardcore Evolution… And he wants his revenge…

Mark:Triple H firing back with right hands to Randy Orton…

Rhino:They are just slugging it out…

Mark:Randy Orton blocks the right hand of Triple H and is nailing him with uppercuts… Randy Orton scoops up Triple H and slams him on the entrance way…

Rhino:Randy Orton is now walking down to the ring and is looking underneath the ring for something…

Mark:Triple H is back up on his feet and is walking down to the ring…

Rhino:Randy Orton has a cooking sheet…

Mark:Orton turns around and nails Triple H in the head with the cooking sheet…

Rhino:Triple H didn’t see it coming…

Mark:Randy Orton is now on top of Triple H and is hammering him with right hands…

Rhino:The Game is taking a beating here in the early going from Randy Orton…

Mark:Orton now gets up on to the ring apron…

Rhino:He is allowing Triple H to get back up on his feet…

Mark:Trish hands him the cooking sheet… Triple H turns around and he nails The Game one more time with the cooking sheet as he came off the apron…Randy Orton covers Triple H 1…………………………………2……………………………The Game kicks out…

Rhino:Triple H is in some trouble now…

Mark:Randy Orton now is asking Trish Stratus for a steel chair…

Rhino:The Legend Killer is looking to do some damage…

Mark:Triple H turns around… Randy Orton goes to swing the steel chair… But Triple H kicks him in the midsection stopping the chair shot…

Rhino:The Game is now going to try to take back control of this match up…

Mark:The Game opens up on Randy Orton and he nails him with a couple of right hands… Swinging Neckbreaker by The Game…

Rhino:Triple H is now grabbing the steel chair…

Mark:Trish is trying to stop him from grabbing the steel chair…

Rhino:That’s not a smart move by Trish…

Mark:The Game shoves Trish down as he now grabs the steel chair…

Rhino:Randy Orton is back up on his feet…

Mark:Steel Chair Shot right to the head of Randy Orton…

Rhino:The Legend Killer has been laid out with the steel chair…

Mark:The Game covers Randy Orton 1……..2…………Randy Orton kicks out…

Rhino:Triple H has the smug look on his feet… Saying he knows he has things going his way at the moment…

Mark:He does right now… Triple H now is bringing Randy Orton up the entrance ramp… The Game hooks him up and drops him straight down on the entrance ramp with a vertical suplex…

Rhino:Orton is holding on to his back after landing hard on to the steel…

Mark:Triple H covers Randy Orton 1……………………2……………………. Orton gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:The Game now has the steel chair in hand…

Mark:Randy Orton staggers back up to his feet… The Game swings the chair… Orton ducks… RKO!

Rhino:That was out of no where… Randy Orton hit the RKO…

Mark:The Game is down as Randy Orton gets his arm on top of Triple H 1………2……….3…… NO! The Game got his shoulder up…

Rhino:If Randy Orton could have hooked the leg and got more weight on top of Triple H it would have been over… But there is still fight in Triple H…

Mark:Randy Orton now grabs Triple H by the hair and is by the stage area…

Rhino:Why is Randy Orton looking over at us?

Mark:I have no idea…Randy Orton nails Triple H with a DDT on to the entrance ramp…

Rhino:Face to steel…Not a good combination for Triple H…

Mark:No it is not… Randy Orton grabs Triple H by the hair and is walking over towards us…

Rhino:Uh Oh… This is not going to be good…

Mark:Randy Orton has thrown Triple H on to our announce table…

Rhino:I am getting out of here…

Mark:Randy Orton is standing on our announce table… And has Triple H set up for what looks to be a piledriver… LOW BLOW by The Game… Stopping Randy Orton from driving him in to the table with the piledriver… I am without Rhino for the moment as he has dropped his head set and move to the entrance ramp…Triple H now is standing up right and has Randy Orton hooked up… DDT THROUGH THE TABLE! That was on hell of a move by The Game as he has laid out Randy Orton… The referee is making his way over here as Triple H now turns Randy Orton over 1…………………………………2…………………………………3……… NO! Randy Orton gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Mark… That was one hell of a fight that just happened on our table…

Mark:Im surprised you saw it as you ran away from the action…

Rhino:Well I didn’t want to get hurt… But like we just saw Randy Orton just was driven through the table…

Mark:Triple H could not believe he didn’t get the three count as he is now dragging Randy Orton by the legs down the entrance ramp and back down to the ringside area…

Rhno:I don’t think these two men have even gotten in to the ring…

Mark:The closest they have been to the ring was Randy Orton on the apron of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H now is looking underneath the ring for some weapon…

Mark:The Game has the sledgehammer…

Rhino:That’s not going to be good for Randy Orton…

Mark:Triple H though drops the Sledgehammer and picks up the steel steps…

Rhino:Randy Orton is staggering back up to his feet…

Mark:Triple H waits for Randy Orton to turn around and he nails Randy Orton right in the face with the steel steps…

Rhino:Oh My God… I think Randy Orton has been knocked out cold after getting hit in the head with the steps…

Mark:There is blood starting to trickle out of the forehead of Randy Orton…

Rhino:The Game is satisfy with the damage he has done to Randy Orton right now…

Mark:Triple H covers Randy Orton 1……….2………3… NO! Randy Orton once again gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Another close pinfall on the outside of the ring…

Mark:The Game now grabs the sledgehammer…

Rhino:He has that evil look in his face right now… As he knows he has a chance to end this thing with Randy Orton right here and right now…

Mark:The Game stands over Randy Orton…

Rhino:What is Trish Stratus doing…

Mark:Trish Stratus has jumped on the back of Triple H…

Rhino:She is trying to save her man Randy Orton…

Mark:The Game flips here over and she lands hard on the entrance ramp…

Rhino:That was just wrong… Triple H has no business throwing her down like he did…

Mark:This has bought Randy Orton some time as he is back up on his knees and he gives Triple H a low blow from behind…

Rhino:I guess Trish did what she had to do to allow Randy Orton to get back in to this contest…

Mark:Randy Orton now back up on his feet after losing some blood…

Rhino:Orton has the chair…

Mark:Steel Chair shot to the head of The Game… Laying him out on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:That was one hell of a chair shot…

Mark:Randy Orton falls on top of Triple H 1……….2….. Triple H kicks out…

Rhino:Randy Orton now has control over the Sledgehammer…

Mark:Triple H is staggering around… Randy Orton charges at Triple H with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:The Game ducks out of the way…

Mark:Randy Orton just nailed the referee with the sledgehammer…

Rhino:The Game now is back up…

Mark:Orton gets spun around… PEDIGREE by The Game…

Rhino:Randy Orton is out cold…

Mark:There is no referee thanks to Randy Orton taking him out with the sledgehammer…

Rhino:Here comes another referee…

Mark:Cover 1………..2……..3………. NO!


Mark:Randy Orton kicked out before the referee’s hand hit the mat for the three count…

Rhino:That was so close… Triple H can not believe it…

Mark:Orton is staggering back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Triple H is picking up the sledgehammer…

Mark:The Game swings… Randy Orton ducks… R-K-NO! Triple H pushes Randy Orton off and he runs right in to the ring post…

Rhino:We almost saw the RKO for a second time…

Mark:Triple H now kicks Randy Orton in the midsection… PEDI-NO! Randy Orton counters…Slingshot in to the ring post goes Triple H…

Rhino:He took the referee with him in to the ring post…

Mark:Triple H staggers around… RKO!

Rhino:The Game has been laid out by Randy Orton…

Mark:The second referee is down after going in to the ring post with Triple H…

Rhino:Orton has him down and out…

Mark:The first referee starts to move 1………2…….3…. NO! Triple H got his shoulder up…

Rhino:If the referee wasn’t so slow he would have had him beat…

Mark:Randy Orton wipes the blood out of his face and now grabs the steel chair…

Rhino:Triple H is staggering to his feet…

Mark:Orton swings… The Game ducks and kicks Randy Orton in the midsection… PEDIGREE ON TO THE STEEL CHAIR!

Rhino:Randy Orton is out…

Mark:The Game covers Randy Orton 1……….2……..3…… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H…

Rhino:What a match up between these two men…

Mark:Both men gave it everything they had… Back and forth they went and in the end Triple H found a way to come out on top…

Rhino:Randy Orton came so close to beating Triple H but it wasn’t his night tonight…

Mark:It is now time for our Main Event… And if it is anything like our last two matches… Who knows what we can expect…

Battle of Champions
FTW Championship on the Line
Special Referee-William McConnell
Prodigy vs Payne Killer vs Shawn Michaels

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a Battle of Champions… And is for the FTW Championship…Introducing first… The Special Guest Referee… The Co-VP of the eWa… WILLIAM McCONNELL…

(“The Answer” plays as William McConnell enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Now introducing first… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The eWa X Champion… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS…

(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels walks in to the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His Opponent… From Dallas, Texas… Weighing in at 375 Pounds… The eWa Television Champion… PRODIGY…

(“Are you Ready for this” plays as Prodigy walks in to the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Selma, Ca… Weighing in at 265 Pounds… A Member of the Church of Pain… The FTW Champion… PAYNE KILLER…

(“Jesus Walks” plays as Payne Killer enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Three Champions… One match… This should be very interesting…

Rhino:I agree with you there Mark… It will be very interesting… As only one man will leave with their hand raised when this thing is all set and done…

Mark:All three men are looking at one another…

Rhino:They want to really tear in to one another…

Mark:Payne Killer goes after Prodigy nailing him with a couple of right hands… Shawn Michaels jumps in on the action as well as both Payne Killer and Shawn Michaels are nailing the big man known as Prodigy with right hands…

Rhino:They have backed him up in to the ropes…

Mark:HBK and Payne Killer irish whip Prodigy in to the ropes… Double clothesline by HBK and Payne Killer ducked by Prodigy…Michaels and Payne Killer turn around and get nailed with a double clothesline from Prodigy…

Rhino:That double team backfired…

Mark:Prodigy now opens up on HBK nailing him with right hands to the midsection… Backing him up in to the corner… Hard Irish whip by Prodigy sending Shawn Michaels hard in to the farside corner…

Rhino:HBK is staggering around of the corner…

Mark:Spear by Payne Killer taking Shawn Michaels off of his feet…

Rhino:I didn’t see Payne Killer… I thought Prodigy was going to take out Shawn Michaels…

Mark:That was not the case as Payne Killer beat Prodigy to the punch…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels has rolled to the outside of the ring…

Mark:Payne Killer and Prodigy are now slugging it out in the center of the ring…Payne Killer has Prodigy staggering as he now comes off the ropes and nails Prodigy with a clothesline…

Rhino:Prodigy is still standing…

Mark:Flying Clothesline by Payne Killer taking Prodigy off of his feet… Payne Killer covers him as McConnell makes the count 1…………………………2………………… Prodigy kicks out right away…

Rhino:You gotta do more than that to keep Prodigy grounded…

Mark:Shawn Michaels has rolled back in to the ring… From behind Shawn Michaels clips Payne Killer’s left leg…

Rhino:Payne Killer had no idea Shawn Michaels was back in the ring…

Mark:Shawn is now dragging Payne Killer to the ropes and lays his left leg on the ropes… HBK drops all of his weight right down on the left leg on Payne Killer…

Rhino:That’s going to do some damage to Payne Killer…

Mark:One more time Shawn Michaels drops his weight right down on to the left leg of Payne Killer…

Rhino:Shawn is setting his leg up one more time…

Mark:This time it backfires as Payne Killer uses his other leg and pushes Shawn Michaels over the top rope and to the floor…

Rhino:That backfired on Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Payne Killer pulls himself back up… Prodigy whips him in to the ropes… Side Slam by Prodigy…

Rhino:Shades of the Big Boss Man…

Mark:Prodigy covers Payne Killer as McConnell makes the count…1……….2……….Kick out by Payne Killer…

Rhino:Prodigy is now looking to do some more damage to the FTW Champion…

Mark:Payne Killer is back up as Prodigy picks him up in the air and drops him straight down to the canvas with a gorilla press slam…

Rhino:What power by Prodigy…

Mark:Prodigy goes for the cover as McConnell once again makes the count 1……….2…….. Kickout by Payne Killer…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is taking his time to get back in to this match up…

Mark:Prodigy now whips Payne Killer in to the ropes…Powerslam by the eWa Television Champion…

Rhino:Prodigy is just dominating Payne Killer at the moment…

Mark:Prodigy now turns around… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!

Rhino:Prodigy did not see that coming at all…

Mark:HBK covers Prodigy as McConnell makes the count 1………..2………..3…… Prodigy is out of this match up…

Pa Announcer:Prodigy has been eliminated…

Rhino:We are down to two…

Mark:Can Shawn Michaels take out Payne Killer and win the FTW Championship?

Rhino:Im still going with Payne Killer…

Mark:Payne Killer is back up on his feet… Shawn Michaels nails Payne Killer with right hands… As he backs Payne Killer in to the ropes… Irish whip by HBK… Reversal by Payne Killer… HBK comes off the ropes… Cross Body… No… Payne Killer catches Shawn Michaels in mid air…

Rhino:Payne Killer caught Shawn Michaels in mid air and is now looking to do something with the Showstopper…

Mark:Fallaway Slam by the FTW Champion… Sending Shawn Michaels half way across the ring…

Rhino:The FTW Champion Payne Killer is looking to take control of this match up…

Mark:Right hands by Payne Killer as he backs him up in to the corner…

Rhino:He is looking to work him over in the corner…

Mark:Payne Killer drives his shoulder in to the midsection of the Heartbreak Kid…Hard Irish Whip by Payne Killer sending Shawn Michaels hard in to the corner…

Rhino:HBK just flipped over the turnbuckle and is standing on the apron…

Mark:Payne Killer runs in to Shawn Michaels and knocks him off the apron and to the floor goes Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Shawn hit his head on the steel guard rail…

Mark:Payne Killer now picks up Shawn Michaels and rolls him back in to the ring…

Rhino:The FTW Champion is looking to go in for the kill right now…

Mark:Payne Killer now hooks up Shawn Michaels… Implant DDT by the FTW Champion… Payne Killer covers HBK as McConnell makes the count 1……………………………2………………………… Shawn Michaels got his shoulder up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is in a lot of trouble…

Mark:Shawn Michaels staggers backs up to his feet… Payne Killer goes for a clothesline… Ducked by Shawn Michaels… Payne Killer turns around and Shawn Michaels dropkicks the leg knee right out of Payne Killer…

Rhino:That was a smart move by Shawn Michaels…

Mark:HBK now brings Payne Killer in to the middle of the ring…

Rhino:It’s the Figure Four…

Mark:Shawn Michaels has the figure four leg lock on Payne Killer and it is in the middle of the ring…

Rhino:McConnell is checking on Payne Killer…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is yelling at William to keep asking Payne Killer to give it up…

Rhino:Payne Killer is trying to fight his way to the ropes…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is trying to stop him from getting to the ropes… But Payne Killer is able to get to the ropes to break up the hold…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is up in the face of William McConnell…

Mark:William is telling Shawn Michaels if he hits him he will be disqualified…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels now goes back to work on Payne Killer…

Mark:Shawn Michaels scoops up and slams Payne Killer straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:HBK is heading to the top rope…

Mark:Flying Elbow drop off the top rope connects on to Payne Killer…

Rhino:That’s vintage Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Shawn Michaels covers Payne Killer 1…….2……… 3…. NO! Payne Killer gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is up in William McConnell’s face… He thought it was a three…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now going to the outside of the ring…

Rhino:What is he doing now…

Mark:HBK is bringing a steel chair in to the ring…

Rhino:William doesn’t like that Shawn just brought a steel chair in to the ring…

Mark:HBK is lining up Payne Killer…

Rhino:McConnell just grabbed the chair out of Shawn Michaels hand…

Mark:It’s a tug of war between HBK and William McConnell over the steel chair… Shawn Michaels pushes William McConnell down with the steel chair…

Rhino:McConnell didn’t like that at all…

Mark:HBK now picks up Payne Killer…

Rhino:McConnell has the steel chair…

Mark:William McConnell swings the chair right at Shawn Michaels… Michaels ducks and William McConnell knocks out Payne Killer with the steel chair…

Rhino:That backfired for William… He wanted to hit Shawn Michaels but he hit Payne Killer…

Mark:Shawn Michaels covers Payne Killer…

Rhino:We are going to have a new FTW Champion…

Mark:McConnell makes the count 1………….2…………3……. NO! PAYNE KILLER KICKS OUT!

Rhino:WOW! I don’t believe that Payne Killer kicked out…

Mark:William McConnell is thankful that Payne Killer kicked out…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now tuning up the band for some Sweet Chin Music…

Mark:SWEET CHIN NO! Payne Killer ducks the superkick… As he now hooks up Shawn Michaels… PAYNE RELIEVER!

Rhino:HBK is out…

Mark:McConnell begins the count 1………..2…….3………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL FTW Champion… PAYNE KILLER…

Rhino:Payne Killer had some words for William McConnell as he left the ring… But he is leaving as the FTW Champion…

Mark:William McConnell is standing over Shawn Michaels laughing…

Rhino:McConnell just grabbed the eWa X Championship…

Mark:McConnell stands on Shawn Michaels and holds up the eWa X Championship…As McConnell has some words for Shawn Michaels now as he grabs a microphone from the PA Announcer…

McConnell:Hey Shawn, I just thought I would inform you of your match up at Halloween Hellraiser… Its going to be you and me… One on One… In a TRICK LADDER MATCH… And Shawn, It will be for your eWa X Championship…

Rhino:HBK… PYB… One more time at Halloween Hellraiser… I cant wait…

McConnell:One last thing Shawn… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Mark:It will be Shawn Michaels… William McConnell at Halloween Hellraiser… Many more matches… Including Doug Kinsella vs Vertigo for the eWa Championship… The Worlds Collide at Halloween Hellraiser… We will see you all then… For Rhino… Im Mark… Good Night Everyone…

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