ReAlliance 2005

Mark:Welcome everyone to eWa ReAlliance presented by the eWa Zone, Experience The Excitement… And here tonight we have Two Huge Main Event Matches…

Rhino:We sure do… Marx and Michaels should be one hell of match…

Mark:As you mentioned it will be Shawn Michaels vs Aaron Marx for the eWa World Heavyweight Championship… With eWa Superstars surrounding the ring as Lumberjacks…

Rhino:I am wondering who will be the Lumberjacks…

Mark:Also here tonight we will see the eWa Television and FTW Championships on the line in a Two Fall Ladder Match… As Christian puts up the gold on the line against William McConnell and Megumi Kudo…

Rhino:Christian says he wont show but we will have to see…

Mark:There is so much to get to… Lets not waste anytime and lets get to our first match…

Muhammad Hassan vs Hulk Hogan

Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Detroit, Mi… Weighing in at 230 Pounds… Accompined to the ring by Divari… MUHAMMAD HASSAN…

(Muhammad Hassan’s theme plays as Hassan and Divari enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Venice Beach, California…The Immortal HULK HOGAN…

(“Real American” plays as Hulk Hogan enters the arena…)

Rhino:Did you hear the people as Hulk Hogan enter the arena… They were loud…

Mark:Yes they were… Hogan gets in the ring and Hassan goes right after him…

Rhino:Hassan didnt let him get in to take off his shirt…

Mark:Muhammad Hassan hammers Hulk Hogan with boots to the back keeping Hogan on the ground… Hassan now backs Hogan up in to the corner…

Rhino:Hassan is looking to really take down Hulk Hogan…

Mark:Hassan drives his shoulder in to the midsection to Hulk Hogan… Hassan follows up the shoulder shots with kicks to the midsection…

Rhino:Muhammad Hassan has bummed the fans out as he has taken them out of this match…

Mark:Muhammad Hassan now whips Hulk Hogan in to the ropes… Dropkick by Muhammad Hassan catching Hulk Hogan right in the jaw…

Rhino:That was a nice dropkick…

Mark:Hassan goes for a cover on Hogan 1……………………..2………………..Hogan gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:This match up has been all Muhammad Hassan…

Mark:Reverse Chinlock applied by Muhammad Hassan on Hulk Hogan…

Rhino:The fans are now trying to fire up Hulk Hogan…

Mark:Hogan fighting his way back up to his feet… Shots to the ribs of Hassan… Hogan pushes Muhammad Hassan in to the ropes… Hassan comes off the ropes… Hogan goes for a clothesline… Hassan ducks the clothesline… Hogan turns around… DDT by Muhammad Hassan…

Rhino:The fans are booing Muhammad Hassan right now and he is loving it…

Mark:Muhammad Hassan goes for a cover 1…………………………………….2………………………………. Hogan gets his shoulder up again…

Rhino:Hassan is now telling the fans it is over…

Mark:Camel Clutch by Muhammad Hassan…

Rhino:This could be it…

Mark:Hogan is really in trouble as he is starting to fade away…

Rhino:The fans are trying to will him back in to this match up…

Mark:The referee checks on Hulk Hogan… Hogan is still alive and he is firing back..

Rhino:Look at the power of Hogan…

Mark:Hassan is trapped on Hogans back as Hulk Hogan makes his way up to his feet… Hogan falls backwards and Hassan goes crashing to the canvas…

Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas…

Mark:Muhammad Hassan is the first one back up to his feet…

Rhino:Hassan is stomping away at Hogan…

Mark:Hogan is getting back up to his feet…

Rhino:The kicks arent having an effect on Hulk Hogan…

Mark:Hogan is back up…

Rhino:Hulk Hogan is hulking up…

Mark:Right hands by Muhammad Hassan…They are having no effect… Hogan sticks out the finger and is saying NOOOO! to Muhammad Hassan…

Rhino:The fans are getting back in to this match…

Mark:Right hands by Hogan to Hassan backing him up in to the ropes… Irish whip by Hogan… Hassan comes off the ropes… Big Clothesline by Hogan…

Rhino:Hassan gets back up…

Mark:Big Clothesline by Hulk Hogan to Muhammad Hassan again…

Rhino:Muhammad Hassan is in trouble…

Mark:Hassan gets sent in to the ropes… BIG BOOT!

Rhino:Here comes the Leg Drop…

Mark:Divari is up on the apron…

Rhino:Divari has the referee’s attention…

Mark:Someone is coming down the isle…


Mark:Jimmy Hart just pulled Divari off the apron and is chasing him around the ring…

Rhino:Divari just rolled in to the ring…

Mark:Divari just bumped in to Hogan…

Rhino:Divari has a scared look on his face…

Mark:Jimmy Hart has the Megaphone… Divari turns right around and Jimmy Hart lays him out with the Megaphone…

Rhino:Divari interfered and he just paid the price…

Mark:Hassan is back up and he nails Hogan from behind…Muhammad Hassan whips Hogan in to the ropes… Reversal by Hogan… Muhammad Hassan comes off the ropes… BIG BOOT!

Rhino:Here comes the Leg Drop…

Mark:Hogan DROPS THE LEG! Heres the cover 1………………………………..2……………………….3….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner HULK HOGAN…

Rhino:Hulkamania lives on here tonight…

Mark:Hogan poses for a minute before walking to the back…As we now get set for our next match…

Lenny & Lodi vs John Bradshaw Layfield

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a handicap match set for one fall… Introducing first… From New York City… Weighing in at 290 Pounds… JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD…

(“Longhorn” plays as JBL enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponents…

Mark:Lenny and Lodi have just crawled out from underneath the ring and have attacked JBL before he could enter the ring…

Rhino:Look at them just go right after JBL…

Mark:Lenny whips JBL in to the steps… Reversal by JBL and Lenny goes in to the steps hard…

Rhino:Lodi gets caught from behind…

Mark:Right hands by JBL as he rolls Lodi back in to the ring…

Rhino:JBL didnt like being attacked like that…

Mark:Right hands by JBL as he backs Lodi un in to the ropes… Irish whip by JBL… Lodi comes off the ropes and gets taken down with a big boot…

Rhino:The big boot rocked Lodi as he is back up in the corner…

Mark:JBL now with right hands to the midsection of Lodi in the corner…

Rhino:Lenny is back in the ring…

Mark:Lenny jumps on the back of JBL trying to choke him out with a sleeper…

Rhino:JBL is in some trouble now…

Mark:No he isnt as he drops backwards and lands rigt on top of Lenny…

Rhino:The L&L Express is having a tough time here so far…

Mark:JBL now goes back to Lodi in the corner… Thumb to the eye by Lodi…

Rhino:JBL cant see…

Mark:Lodi now hooks up JBL… Brainbuster by Lodi as JBL was dropped right on his head…

Rhino:First he couldnt see now his brain is scrambled…

Mark:Lenny and Lodi now stomping away at JBL…

Rhino:Lenny is setting up JBL for something…


Rhino:That could be it for JBL…

Mark:Lodi is telling Lenny that they should give him a Makeover…

Rhino:A Makeover?

Mark:Thats what he said…

Rhino:Thats um… Strange for a wrestling match…

Mark:Lenny and Lodi hook up JBL… THE MAKEOVER!

Rhino:Oh thats the Makeover…

Mark:Lodi covers JBL 1…………………………………2…………………3…… This one is over…

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners LENNY AND LODI…

Rhino:Lenny and Lodi return with a victory here tonight over JBL…

Mark:Indeed they have returned… We have to return to the ring for more action…

Kurt Angle vs Big Daddy Ace

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Boston, Mass… Weighing in at 273 Pounds… BIG DADDY ACE…

(“Hit The Floor” by Linkin Park plays as Big Daddy Ace enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Pittsburgh, Pa…Weighing in at 220 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… KURT ANGLE…

(“Medal” plays as Kurt Angle enters the arena…)

Mark:Well here we go… Kurt Angle locks up with Big Daddy Ace… Angle backs Big Daddy Ace up in to the ropes… Angle goes for a clothesline… Ducked by Big Daddy Ace… Ace turns Angle around and nails him with straight right hands…

Rhino:Ace is really opening up on Kurt Angle…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace whips Kurt Angle in to the ropes… Hard Clothesline by Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Angle bounced right off the canvas after that clothesline…

Mark:Angle is back up and walks right in to a big right hand from Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Kurt is staggering around on his feet…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace now hooks up Kurt Angle… Angle blocks the suplex and turns it in to a suplex of his own… Kurt Angle is now starting to stomp away at the back of Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Angle is now trying to regain his composure and get back in to this match up…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is back up… Angle goes behind… Release German Suplex by Kurt Angle… Angle goes for a cover 1………………………2………………. Ace gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Ace is up on his feet…

Mark:Right hands by Kurt Angle as he backs Big Daddy Ace up in to the corner… Hard Irish Whip by Kurt Angle… Angle charges in after Big Daddy Ace… Hard Running Clothesline…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Over the Head Belly to Belly Suplex by Kurt Angle sending Big Daddy Ace half way across the ring…

Rhino:That was one hell of a suplex by Kurt Angle…

Mark:Angle goes for a cover on Big Daddy Ace 1…………………………………2…………………Kickout by Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:This match up has turned in favor of Kurt Angle and he is dominating Big Daddy Ace at the moment…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace staggers back up to his feet… Angle goes behind Ace… Crossface ChickenWing applied by Kurt Angle…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is in some trouble…

Mark:The move made famous by Bob Backuland is being used by Kurt Angle right now…

Rhino:Ace is trying to get close to the ropes…

Mark:Angle is trying to get his legs wrapped around the body of Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:If he wraps his legs it could be all over…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets his foot on the rope and the referee needs Kurt Angle to break the hold…

Rhino:Angle is now taunting the fans right now as he is in complete control of the situation…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets back up to his feet… Angle goes behind… ANGLE SLAM! NO! Big Daddy Ace lands on his feet… Big Daddy Ace spins Kurt Angle around and he nails him with a clothesline…

Rhino:Both men are down and this is where Big Daddy Ace needs to regroup and take back this match up…

Mark:Kurt Angle is back up…

Rhino:So is Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Right hands by Kurt Angle…

Rhino:Angle is opening up on Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Irish whip by Kurt Angle… Big Daddy Ace with a reversal… Kurt Angle comes off the ropes… SPEAR!

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace just speared Kurt Angle out of his boots…

Mark:Ace covers Kurt Angle 1………………………………….2…………………………3…….NO! Kurt Angle was able to kick out before the three…

Rhino:Ace thought he had the three but it was not to be…

Mark:Kurt Angle is back up on his feet… Big Daddy Ace whips Kurt Angle in to the ropes… POWERSLAM!

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:This is a high risk move for Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:This could be dangerous…

Mark:Angle is quick to his feet… Belly to Belly Superplex by Kurt Angle…

Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas now…

Mark:Kurt Angle pulls the straps down…

Rhino:Could be Ankle Lock Time?


Rhino:This could be it…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace pushes him off and gets back up to his feet… Kurt Angle turns around… Ace hooks him up… ACE CRUSHER! NO! Angle lands on his feet…

Rhino:Angle clips the leg of Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Kurt Angle now goes in for the kill… ANKLE LOCK!

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is trapped in the middle of the ring…

Mark:The leg has been hooked…

Rhino:There is no place for Big Daddy Ace to go…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace Taps Out!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner by Submission KURT ANGLE…

Rhino:This was a big win for Kurt Angle…

Mark:Angle went in for the kill and made him tap out… Lets get set for our next contest…

Dog Collar Match
Raven vs Mikey Whipwreck

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Dog Collar Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first… From The Bowerly… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… RAVEN…

(“Nevermore” plays as Raven enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Buffalo,Ny… Weighing in at 187 Pounds…Accompined to the ring by Sinister Father… MIKEY WHIPWRECK…

(Mikey Whipwreck’s theme plays as Mikey Whipwreck enters the arena…)

Mark:Both men are now locked in the Dog Collar…

Rhino:This is going to be real interesting…

Mark:There they go… Collar and Elbow Tie up in the center of the ring… Raven goes behind Mikey Whipwreck… Mikey goes behind Raven… Whipwreck trips up Raven and now slaps Raven across the back of the head…

Rhino:Raven didnt like that…

Mark:Raven gets back up on to his feet…Raven goes for a clothesline… Mikey Whipwreck ducks the clothesline… Mikey scores with a couple of hard uppercuts… Whipwreck now hooks up Raven and drills him with a vertical suplex…

Rhino:Raven gets back up and is backing up in to the corner…

Mark:Mikey Whipwreck goes for a right hand… Raven blocks and puts Mikey in the corner… Raven nails Mikey with straight right hands…

Rhino:Raven is opening up on Mikey…

Mark:Raven whips Mikey Whipwreck in to the corner… Raven follows him in and nails him with a running clothesline…

Rhino:Mikey Whipwreck is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Running Bulldog by Raven to Mikey Whipwreck…

Rhino:Raven has taken control of this match up…

Mark:Raven now grabs the chain and whips Mikey across the back with the steel chain…

Rhino:That has to hurt…

Mark:More shots with the chain whipping Raven across the back…

Rhino:You can see the pain on Mikey’s face everytime Raven hits him with the chain…

Mark:Raven now wraps the chain around Mikey’s neck… Russian Leg Sweep by Raven to Mikey Whipwreck… Raven goes for the cover now 1……………………………………..2……………………Mikey gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Raven is in total control right now…

Mark:Raven now with an evil smile on his face grabs Mikey by the hair and is looking to throw him over the top rope… Mikey puts on the breaks and nails Raven with shots to the midsection…

Rhino:There is still some fight left in Mikey Whipwreck…

Mark:Sinister Father looks on as Mikey whips Raven in to the ropes… Clothesline by Mikey Whipwreck…

Rhino:Raven is backing up in to the corner…

Mark:Shots to the midsection by Mikey Whipwreck…

Rhino:Mikey is now putting Raven up on the top rope…


Rhino:That was a great move from Mikey Whipwreck…

Mark:Whipwreck goes for the cover 1………………………………..2………………………..3…….NO! Raven gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close…

Mark:Mikey now picks up the steel chain and whips Raven right across the back…

Rhino:Raven is now the one in the pain…

Mark:More shots to the back by Mikey Whipwreck with the steel chain…

Rhino:Raven is in some trouble…

Mark:Kick to the midsection.. WHIPPERSNAPPER! NO! Raven pushes Mikey Off… Raven spins Mikey Around… EVEN FLOW!

Rhino:Thats it…

Mark:Raven covers Mikey Whipwreck 1……………………………..2…………………….3…….. This one is over…

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner RAVEN…

Rhino:Raven picks up the win… But he isnt done…

Mark:Raven picks up Mikey Whipwreck and throws him over the top rope and is choking out Mikey Whipwreck…

Rhino:Raven is pulling on the chain and Mikey is hung out to dry…

Mark:Officials have stepped in and have broken it up…

Rhino:This is now getting real interesting between Sinister Father and Raven…

Mark:Things will continue as we now get set for our next contest…

“We All Fall Down” Scaffold Match
Triple H vs Subway vs Heidenreich vs Lone Jobber…

Pa Announcer:This next contest is the WE ALL FALL DOWN SCAFFOLD MATCH… Introducing first… From New Orleans, La… Weighing in at pounds… HEIDENREICH…

(“Dangerous Politics” plays as Heidenreich enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Wildwood, Nj… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… The eWa Vice President… SUBWAY…

(“Hits From the Bong” plays as Subway enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game TRIPLE H…

(“The Game” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From The Slaughter House… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… LONE JOBBER…

(“Survival of the Sickest” plays in the arena…)

Mark:No sighting of Lone Jobber so it is will be just three people… Triple H and Subway are fighting on the entrance ramp right now…

Rhino:Triple H is angry for what happened at Tournament of Champions…

Mark:Triple H grabs Subway by the hair and rams him right in to the set…

Rhino:Heidenreich just attacked Triple H from behind…

Mark:Heidenreich now picks up Triple H and slams Triple H right down the entrance ramp…Heidenreich now goes after Subway…

Rhino:Subway is back up on his feet…

Mark:Heidenreich scoops up Subway and puts him up on his shoulder… Subway slides off of Heidenreich shoulder and pushes Heidenreich in to the pole of the scaffold…

Rhino:The three of them need to make their way up the scaffold at some point in time…

Mark:Triple H just went underneath the ring for something…

Rhino:The Game has the sledgehammer…

Mark:Subway is now turning around… Triple H swings at Subway with the Sledgehammer… Subway ducks out of the way and begins opening up on Triple H with right hands… Subway kicks Triple H in the midsection… Swinging neckbreaker by Subway to Triple H…

Rhino:Heidenreich sees the Sledgehammer…

Mark:Heidenreich picks up the Sledgehammer and just laid out Subway with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:Subway is holding on to his head in pain after that shot…

Mark:Triple H is now making his way up the scaffold as he saw Heidenreich with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:Heidenreich is climbing up the other side of the Scaffolding…

Mark:Triple H is now waiting for Heidenreich to get up and is looking for a fight…

Rhino:Triple H has that evil smile on his face like he wants to inflict some pain right now…

Mark:Triple H goes right after Heidenreich and is nailing him with right hands…

Rhino:He is really opening up on Heidenreich at the moment…

Mark:Triple H grabs Heidenreich by the head and rams him head first on the railing…

Rhino:Subway is bleeding after the Sledgehammer shot but is climbing up the scaffold with the same Sledgehammer…

Mark:Triple H Is now trying to throw Heidenreich off the Scaffold… Heidenreich nails The Game in the midsection with an elbow…

Rhino:Heidenreich is not going over that easy…

Mark:Heidenreich picks up Triple H in a body press and drops him straight down on the scaffold…

Rhino:Triple H is hurting and is staggering back up to his feet…

Mark:Subway nails Triple H right in the head with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:The Game is laid out…

Mark:Subway is now up in the face of Heidenreich… Subway drops the Sledgehammer and just nails Heidenreich with right hands…

Rhino:Heidenreich is fighting back…

Mark:Heidenreich shoves Subway down…

Rhino:Subway gets right back…

Mark:Heidenreich goes for a clothesline… Subway ducks out of the way… Subway goes behind Heidenreich and nails him with a reverse DDT…

Rhino:The scaffold is shaking as it is not the most stable thing in the world…

Mark:Triple H is bleeding as he is pulling himself back up… A bloody Subway nails a bloody Triple H with hard uppercuts as he is now leaning Triple H over the railing…

Rhino:Triple H is about to take a big fall…

Mark:Triple H with a low blow to Subway…

Rhino:That saved him for the moment…

Mark:Triple H is now going after Heidenreich… Knee buster by Triple H to Heidenreich…

Rhino:Heidenreich is staggering around…

Mark:Triple H charges… Heidenreich ducks and Triple H is close to the edge…Heidenreich is now nailing Triple H with right hands trying to knock him off…

Rhino:The Game is in trouble…

Mark:Triple H is now fighting back and is saving himself from being thrown off the scaffold…Kick to the midsection… DDT by The Game to Heidenreich…

Rhino:Subway is back up…


Rhino:Subway just laid out Triple H…

Mark:Subway just picked up the Sledgehammer and has a smile on his face…

Rhino:Heidenreich is back up on his feet…

Mark:Subway charges and lays out Heidenreich with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:Everyone has taken a shot from the Sledgehammer in this match…

Mark:Triple H is pulling himself up with the railing…

Rhino:The Scaffold is still shaking…

Mark:Subway charges with the Sledgehammer… Triple H ducks and SUBWAY GOES FLYING OFF THE SCAFFOLD!

Rhino:OH MY GOD!

Mark:Subway just got backed dropped off the scaffold and went crashing through the tables…

Rhino:We are now down to two…

Mark:A bloody Heidenreich now nails Triple H from behind nailing him with shots to the back…

Rhino:Heidenreich is hammering The Game with just hard shots to the back…

Mark:Heidenreich picks up Triple H and slams him on the scaffold…

Rhino:Heidenreich has taken control of this fight…

Mark:Triple H is now staggering up to his feet…

Rhino:The Game is a bloody mess right now…

Mark:Heidenreich picks up Triple H and puts him up on his shoulder…

Rhino:Heidenreich is trying to throw Triple H off the scaffold…

Mark:Triple H slides off of Heidenreich’s shoulder… The Game nails Heidenreich with right hands…

Rhino:The Game is just opening up on Heidenreich…

Mark:Heidenreich is tidering at the edge… Triple H reaches back… Heidenreich ducks… Now Heidenreich is opening up on Triple H with right hands…

Rhino:The Game is very close to going over…

Mark:Heidenreich goes for a clothesline… Triple H ducked…

Rhino:The Game picked up the Sledgehammer…

Mark:Triple H nails Heidenreich in the head with the Sledgehammer…

Rhino:Heidenreich is very close to going over…


Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H…

Rhino:The Game is the last man standing here tonight…

Mark:Triple H has now earned himself a title shot at any title of his choice… We are now set for our next contest…

Total Ladder Chaos
eWa Television & FTW Championship Match
Christian(c) vs William McConnell vs Megumi Kudo

Pa Announcer:This next contest is TOTAL LADDER CHAOS and is for the eWa Television and FTW Championships… Introducing first… The Challengers… First From Koshigaya, Japan… Weighing in at 132 Pounds… The Last eWa Womens Champion… Accompined to the ring by Scott Norton…MEGUMI KUDO…

(“It Came From Japan” by The Von Bondies plays as Megumi Kudo enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Here Opponent… From Evansville, Indiana… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… THE ANSWER WILLIAM McCONNELL…

(“The Answer” plays as William McConnell enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Toronto, Canada…Weighing in at 215 Pounds… The eWa Television and FTW Champion… CHRISTIAN…

(“Just Close Your Eyes” plays in the arena…)

Rhino:There is no sign of Christian…

Mark:I guess he is not showing up…

Rhino:What are you doing here…

Shane:(sits down) I am out here to see a good match…

Mark:Well you wont be seeing Christian as he is not here…

Shane:Yeah I can see that…Looks like he really does have a yellow streak down his back…

Mark:Anyway back in the ring… McConnell and Kudo are looking up at the two championships that are hanging above the ring…

Rhino:Without Christian this changes the way these two approach this match…

Mark:Megumi Kudo slaps William McConnell right across the face…

Rhino:McConnell didnt like that…

Mark:Kudo whips McConnell in to the ropes… Reversal by William McConnell… Megumi Kudo comes off the ropes… Lou Thez Press by Megumi Kudo…Kudo hammers with right hands…

Rhino:McConnell pushes her right off…

Mark:McConnell gets back up to his feet… Megumi Kudo is back up as well.. McConnell slaps her right across the face…

Rhino:Thats just disrespectful…

Mark:McConnell now scoops up Megumi Kudo and goes to snake eye her on the top turnbuckle… Kudo slides off of McConnell’s shoulder and pushes him in to the corner…
McConnell turns around and Megumi Kudo nails him with a spin heel kick…

Rhino:Kudo is yelling to Scott Norton to bring her a ladder…

Shane:Guys I just recieved a phone call and after this match up we are going to get an update on Christian’s status…

Rhino:Really? How?

Shane:Im working out the details… Sorry I must leave you now…

Mark:As Shane takes care of some business we come back to the match up that is going on in the ring right now… Megumi Kudo now has a ladder that Scott Norton gave her…

Rhino:The ladder is setup in the corner…

Mark:William McConnell gets whipped hard in to the ladder…

Rhino:McConnell is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Megumi Kudo now kicks McConnell in the midsection… DDT by Megumi Kudo…

Rhino:Kudo is now opening up the ladder and has it setup underneath the two title belts…

Mark:Megumi Kudo climbs up the ladder… McConnell is back up and hammers Megumi Kudo in the back…

Rhino:McConnell is climbing up behind Megumi Kudo…


Rhino:Both Kudo and McConnell just crashed right down on the canvas…

Mark:McConnell rolls to the outside of the ring and is bringing another ladder in to the ring…

Rhino:Watch out for Norton…

Mark:Running Clothesline by Scott Norton laying out William McConnell…

Rhino:The referee saw what Norton did…

Mark:Scott Norton has been tossed out of the arena by the referee…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo is upset at this…

Mark:She is screaming at the referee… Megumi Kudo now leaps over the top rope… McConnell moves out of the way and Megumi Kudo hits the floor hard…

Rhino:That moved backfired on Megumi Kudo…

Mark:McConnell now picks up Megumi Kudo and drops her throat first across the steel guard

Rhino:McConnell now pushes the second ladder in to the ring…

Mark:Kudo has been rolled in to the ring as well…

Rhino:McConnell has something in store for Kudo…

Mark:William McConnell scoops up Megumi Kudo and slams her right on to the ladder…

Rhino:The Answer is now heading to the top rope…


Rhino:Kudo is in a lot of pain after that move…

Mark:McConnell is hurting as well after landing the moonsault…

Rhino:The Answer is now setting up the ladder…

Mark:William McConnell now begins his climb to the gold… McConnell reaches up for the FTW Championship… Kudo Dropkicks the ladder and McConnell goes flying off the ladder…

Rhino:William hit the top rope and is down on the canvas…

Mark:Megumi Kudo now picks up the ladder…

Rhino:McConnell is back up on his feet…

Mark:Megumi Kudo runs The Answer over with the ladder…Megumi Kudo now opens the ladder up near the corner…

Rhino:Kudo is now climbing up the ladder…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is standing on the top of the ladder…

Rhino:McConnell is back up on his feet…


Rhino:What a move by Megumi Kudo…

Mark:McConnell has rolled to the outside of the ring in pain… Megumi Kudo now begins to setup the ladder underneath the two title belts…

Rhino:McConnell is trying to get back in to the ring…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is almost to the top of the ladder and is trying to reach up for the gold…

Rhino:McConnell has just climbed up the other side of the ladder…

Mark:Megumi Kudo reaches up for the Television Champions… McConnell nailed her right in the face with a straight right hand…McConnell grabs Kudo by the hair and rams her head first in to the top of the ladder…

Rhino:McConnell is now reaching up for the gold…

Mark:Kudo nails McConnell in the midsection…Kudo now grabs McConnell by the hair… McConnell with a thumb to the eye and continues to ram her head in to the top of the ladder…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo just fell off the ladder and hit the canvas hard…

Mark:McConnell looks up at the gold and looks down at Megumi Kudo…

Rhino:McConnell has a smile on his face…


Rhino:Oh My God!

Mark:Megumi Kudo is rolling around in pain right now…

Rhino:McConnell is trying to recover after delivering the 10.0 Frog Splash…

Mark:William McConnell now sets up the ladder underneath the belts…

Rhino:Out from the back comes Snitsky…

Mark:Snitsky is in the ring and he stops William McConnell in his tracks on the ladder…

Rhino:This is buying Megumi Kudo time to recover…

Mark:Snitsky now has William McConnell up on his shoulders… TORNADO DDT By The Answer…

Rhino:That is one way to get rid of Snitsky…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is climbing up the ladder… Clothesline by William McConnell sending Gene Snitsky out of the ring…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo is close to the gold…

Mark:McConnell climbs up the other side and quickly stops Megumi Kudo from grabbing the gold…

Rhino:McConnell just got his right hand blocked by Megumi Kudo…

Mark:Kudo reaches up for the FTW Championship… Big right hand by William McConnell…

Rhino:Kudo just struck back with a hard forearm shot…

Mark:They are fighting it out on the top of the ladder…

Rhino:The ladder is shaking…

Mark:McConnell reaches up for the TV Title…

Rhino:Kudo reaches for the FTW Championship…

Mark:Neither one could get the title down…

Rhino:The ladder is starting to fall…

Mark:Both Megumi Kudo and William McConnell are now hanging on to the championship belts…

Rhino:They are hanging there trying to pull the gold down…

Mark:Megumi Kudo falls down and she has the FTW Championship… McConnell falls with the TV Title… This Match up is over…

Pa Announcer:The result of this contest is the NEW FTW Champion MEGUMI KUDO and NEW eWa Television Champion WILLIAM MCCONNELL…

Rhino:We have two new champions crowned here tonight…

Mark:McConnell broke his TV Title curse and Megumi Kudo is the first women FTW Champion… History has been made… Shane McMahon is standing in the ring and has something to say…

Shane McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen of Los Angeles, California . . . (Crowd Cheers) Let me take this oppurtunity to introduce to you . . . The man who recently walked away from the eWa . . . (Crowd Boos) The man who recently retired two eWa titles . . . (Crowd Boos) The man who was too coward to show up for his match tonight . . . (Crowd Boos) Captain Charisma himself, live from Orlando, Florida . . .

(Christian appears live via satalite on the hardcore theater. The crowd boos upon the display.)

Christian: Shane Shane Shane . . . Do you really think you’re getting anywhere interviewing me here on your little ‘new eWa-era’ event?

Shane McMahon: Well let me ask you something Christian, are you getting anywhere sitting at home doing nothing?

Christian: YEAH! I’m doing stuff Shane. A lot of stuff, sitting by the pool, sipping on drinks, getting a tan, I’m a high profile celebrity Shane, I need a little downtime before I go on Peep Tour 2005.

Shane McMahon: Yeah, sure you do Christian. You know there’s a question I’d like to get off my chest right away. And I’m just going to go with it, and that is . . . Christian, why did you attack me from behind approximately two months ago?

Christian: Because you were already starting to annoy me Shane. I simply did what the peeps and the rest of the eWa wanted. (Crowd Boos) Everybody was sick of seeing you Shane, you and your struggles with holding the company together, I simply made a decision for you. Get out. What’s so hard to understand Shane? I don’t like how you run things.

Shane McMahon: You don’t like how I run things? Well let me ask yo–

Christian: No Shane, let me ask you something. Do you know how it feels to come so close to something, only to have it ridiculed and stolen from you?

Shane McMahon: Yes I do Christian, if you didn’t notice, I did about every week from Omega. I put my heart into my work, into making this company comfortable for everyone, only to have that comfort taken away week in and week out.

Christian: Comfortable? You think this place is comfortable? This place is terrible now that you’re back! (Crowd Boos) I should come down there and take you out again just for saying that, except this time, I’m really in Florida. You know Shane, you simply just don’t get it. I came this close to being a triple champion, to making my mark, and what happens when I get there, this big explosion of eWa drama spews everywhere. And who does it all fall on Shane? Me.

Shane McMahon: That has to be the biggest excuse I’ve ever heard of in my life.

Christian: YEAH SHANE? YEAH?! Well I don’t care what you think, the fact of the matter Shane is that when I came close to becoming this company’s . . . God. (Crowd Boos) You had to come back and ruin everything.

Shane McMahon: Then what do you want Christian? Huh? What’s it going to take to for you quit acting like a little girl and come back and fight? (Crowd Cheers)

Christian: You know what I want Shane, I want a fair chance at the eWa World Heavyweight Championship. No bull, no distractions, just me and the one man I cannot stand in this business, Shawn Michaels. (Crowd Cheers)

Shane McMahon: What you think I’m just going to let you walk in and get a shot at revenge? You think I’m just going to let you come right in right where you left off? I’m afraid not Christian. This my good friend, is how it’s going to go down. Next week, at the next event, it will be you Christian . . . going one on one . . . in a street fight . . . with me. (Crowd Cheers)

Christian: What? With you?! You’ve got to be kidding me Shane, I’m a superstar, and I’m sorr-

Shane McMahon: Woah woah woah who’s got authority here? Me. That’s right. And let me tell you that if you don’t cooperate, you can kiss your eWa ass goodbye for good! (Crowd Cheers) Oh but there’s a catch to our match Christian, you see if you beat me, you get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship . . . but . . . but . . . if I beat you Christian . . . you can’t challenge for the title for two whole months! (Crowd Cheers)

Christian: You’re crazy! Two whole months?! What am I supposed to do?

Shane McMahon: What’s a matter Christian, you scared?

Christian: Well of course not, why would I be afraid of you Shane, Chyna can wrestle better than you can. Even Kent Richardson can. You want to go one on one with me next event? That’s fine, but know this Shane. I could care less about the World Heavyweight title, just know that you made the biggest mistake of your life, giving me the shot to beat the living hell out of the man who screwed me in the first place. Shane, NEXT EVENT, YOU GO ONE ON ONE, WITH THE CHARISMATIC ONE, SIMPLY BECAUSE THAT’S HOW I ROLL.

Mark:It looks like we will see Christian and Shane McMahon next week… As we get set for our main event…

eWa World Heavyweight Championship Lumberjack Match
Shawn Michaels(c) vs Aaron Marx

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a Lumberjack Match and is for the eWa World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… From New York City… Weighing in at 232 Pounds… Sports Entertainments Only Sure Thing… AARON MARX…

(“Make a Move” plays as Aaron Marx enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS…

(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels enters the arena…)

Mark:The two participants have enter the ring… The lumberjacks have surrounded the ring which include Camera Chaos… Kurt Angle…Big Daddy Ace… Megumi Kudo… The Outsiders…

Rhino:Is that Baka Kami?

Mark:Yes Baka Kami is out there as well…

Rhino:There is even a guy in a mask…I wonder who that is…

Mark:The bell now sounds and this match up is underway… Both Shawn Michaels and Aaron Marx are in the center of the ring…

Rhino:There is a little bit of trash talking going on…

Mark:Shawn Michaels goes in for a headlock… Shawn Michaels begins to grind away with it… Aaron Marx pushes him off in to the ropes… HBK comes off the ropes and Aaron Marx knocks him down with a shoulder block…

Rhino:Shawn’s head bounced right off the canvas…

Mark:HBK gets back up on to his feet… Aaron Marx connects with a hip toss… HBK Gets back up again and gets taken over one more time with a hiptoss from Aaron Marx…

Rhino:Marx is one step quicker than Shawn Michaels here in the early going…

Mark:Shawn is near the ropes… Running Clothesline by Aaron Marx knocking Shawn Michaels over the top rope and to the floor goes Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Shawn landed right near Camera Chaos…

Mark:Ned and Jay start nailing Shawn Michaels with boots…

Rhino:Here comes the Outsiders…

Mark:Nash and Hall scare off Camera Chaos as now Shawn Michaels rolls back in to the ring… Marx delivers a running elbow to Shawn Michaels as he rolled back in to the ring… Quick cover 1…………………..2……… Shawn gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:The point of that cover was for Shawn to expend more energy… Not to get the win…

Mark:Aaron Marx whips Shawn Michaels in to the ropes…Standing Spin Kick by Aaron Marx…

Rhino:He took Shawns head off with that shot…

Mark:Another cover by Aaron Marx 1……………………….2……….. Shawn Michaels gets his shoulder up again…

Rhino:Subway has just made his way down to the ring after taking the fall earlier on in the night…

Mark:Aaron Marx now whips Shawn Michaels in to the corner… Running Shoulder Tackle driving Shawn Michaels hard back in to the corner…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is in some trouble…

Mark:Shawn Michaels staggers out… DDT by Aaron Marx…

Rhino:Shawn looks to be out of it…

Mark:Aaron Marx goes for the cover on Shawn Michaels 1……………………………….2……………………… Shawn Michaels kicks out again…

Rhino:Aaron just threw Shawn Michaels to the outside…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is now taunting Shawn Michaels as she is holding up the FTW Championship in front of his face…

Rhino:Subway just came over and rolled Shawn Michaels back in to the ring…

Mark:Subway got a right hand in as he threw him in to the ring… Aaron Marx now puts Shawn Michaels up on the top rope…

Rhino:Aaron Marx has something in mind for Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Aaron Marx hooks up Shawn Michaels… SUPERPLEX!

Rhino:This could be it right here…

Mark:Marx hooks the leg on Shawn Michaels 1…………………………..2…………………………3…..NO! HBK got his shoulder up…

Rhino:That one was close…

Mark:Aaron Marx now slams Shawn Michaels down near the corner…

Rhino:Marx is heading up to the top rope… We could be looking at a new World Champion if he hits the X Marx…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is up and he shakes the ropes…

Rhino:Marx fell off the ropes and fell to the outside of the ring and that was a nasty fall…

Mark:Behind the referee’s back Kurt Angle is now stomping away at Aaron Marx…

Rhino:Thats DX helping out DX right there…

Mark:Angle now rolls Aaron Marx back in to the ring… Shawn gets an arm on him 1……………………………2………………… Kickout by Aaron Marx…

Rhino:Aaron Marx has a glazed look on his face as it looks like he doesnt know where he is right now after taking that fall…

Mark:Sleeper Hold by Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Thats a veteran move by Shawn Michaels knowing that his opponent doesnt seem to be in the best shape he begins to wear him down with the sleeper…

Mark:Marx is starting to fade away in the center of the ring…

Rhino:The referee checks on Aaron Marx…

Mark:The arm drops once… The arm drops a second time…

Rhino:One more time and this one is over…

Mark:The referee picks up the arm and there is still fight left in Aaron Marx… Marx makes his way back to a vertical base… Belly to Back Suplex breaks up the sleeper and now both men are down on the canvas…

Rhino:This is the turning point of this match up…

Mark:Shawn is the first one back up to his feet…

Rhino:Aaron is now up as well…

Mark:Michaels goes for right hands… Marx blocks and hammers Shawn Michaels with a couple of his own… Aaron Marx with an irish whip… HBK comes off the ropes and ducks the clothesline… HBK comes off the other side… Flying Forearm by HBK…

Rhino:Vintage Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Both men are down again… HBK nips up…

Rhino:The Showstopper is kicking it in to second gear…

Mark:Aaron Marx is back up… Atomic Drop by Shawn Michaels… HBK follows it up with chops to the chest as he backs him up in to the ropes… Irish whip by Shawn Michaels… Marx comes off the ropes… High back body drop…

Rhino:The momentum is clearly in favor of Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Shawn Michaels scoops up and slams Aaron Marx straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:The Showstopper is heading to the top rope…

Mark:Flying Elbow Drop Connects by Shawn Michaels… HBK goes for the cover 1………………………………2………………………..3……..NO! Aaron Marx gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels thought he had him… But it was not to be…

Mark:Shawn is now tuning up the band for some Sweet Chin Music…

Rhino:Aaron Marx is staggering up to his feet…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace just tripped up Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Why did he do that?

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now looking at Big Daddy Ace… Running Splash by Aaron Marx nailing Shawn Michaels from behind and driving him in to the corner…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace distracted Shawn Michaels and Aaron Marx took advantage…

Mark:Aaron Marx now hooks up Shawn Michaels… THE FREEFALL!

Rhino:That was a vertical suplex turned in to a neckbreaker… Very devastating move…

Mark:Aaron Marx hooks the leg 1…………………………………2………………………..3…….NO! Shawn Michaels got his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was very close…

Mark:Aaron Marx brings Shawn Michaels to the corner and slams him down…

Rhino:Shawn looks to be out of…

Mark:Marx heads for the top rope… X MARX!

Rhino:Thats gotta be it…

Mark:The 360 Leg Drop connects… Marx now covers Shawn Michaels 1……………………………………2……………………………3……………..NO! SHAWN MICHAELS GOT HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE!

Rhino:Aaron Marx thinks he has won but he hasnt…

Mark:That was so close…

Rhino:Marx is pissed off now… What more does he have to do to beat Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:The Answer has come down to ringside now to get a closer look at what is going on…

Mark:Aaron Marx whips Shawn Michaels in to the ropes… Flying Discuss Clothesline… HBK ducks and Marx nails the referee…

Rhino:The referee is knocked out…

Mark:The Outsiders are now distracting Aaron Marx…

Rhino:They are buying Shawn Michaels some time…

Mark:Marx turns around… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!

Rhino:Thats it… Aaron Marx is knocked out…

Mark:Shawn Michaels covers Aaron Marx…

Rhino:There is no referee…

Mark:The lumberjacks are now brawling on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:There was a fight in the ring and now the fight is on the outside of the ring…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now trying to wake the referee up…

Rhino:William McConnell has just enter the ring…

Mark:McConnell goes to pick up Aaron Marx… The Masked Man has just hit the ring and he nails McConnell with a dropkick sending him back to the outside…

Rhino:The masked man is now waiting for Shawn Michaels to turn around…

Mark:Marx is back up on his feet… T-BONE SUPLEX! To Aaron Marx…

Rhino:What the hell…

Mark:The Masked Man just T-Boned Aaron Marx for what reason…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels has a stunned look on his face as the Masked Man leaves the ring…

Mark:The referee is back up… Shawn Michaels covers Aaron Marx 1………………………………..2………………………..3………..NO! MARX KICKED OUT!

Rhino:The Masked Man can not believe it…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now once again tuning up the band…

Rhino:Marx is staggering to his feet…

Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Marx has been laid out again… Shawn Michaels hooks the leg 1……………………………2……………………..3…. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL eWa World Heavyweight Champion SHAWN MICHAELS…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels pulled it out and is still the World Heavyweight Champion…

Mark:The Masked Man is back in the ring as Shawn Michaels has gone to the back…

Rhino:The Masked Man is standing over Aaron Marx…



Mark:Doug Kinsella just cost Aaron Marx the World Heavyweight Championship… We have to go… GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!

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