Wednesday Night Xtreme 03-22-06

Mark:We are live here in Grand Rapids, Michigan for EWA Wednesday Night Xtreme… Sponsored by the EWA Superstar of the Month, which you can find on the EWA Zone at… I am Mark and I am alongside with Rhino and Rhino are you excited about what we are going to see here tonight

Rhino: If I can get that plug you threw at me asside, I’m nowhere near as exited as all the fans here tonight. We’re in the home of The Griffins and The Rampage! HA! My plug is bigger than yours!

Mark:Nice job of getting the fans behind you tonight Rhino… But tonight the EWA is buzzing about whether Lady Violet is really the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…Omega let his thoughts be known on the EWA Zone earlier tonight… We have yet to hear from Shane or Kurt Angle… So right now… Will it be Lady Violet of Lone Jobber Fighting Megumi Kudo for the World Heavyweight Title… One way or another… There could be history made…

Rhino: For my money, it’s Kudo who’s got a buzz around her too. Is “The Real Deal” Jason Mack back? Will he come back as her second here tonight? I think Shane and Angle will make Jobber defend. Vacating the title is a no go and they advertised Jobber versus Kudo. I don’t think they want to be accused of false advertisement.

Mark:That situation is going to heat up later tonight and I know Kent Richardson will try to get us the scoop as the night goes on… But the other big match up tonight is Taz defending the FTW Championship against Big Daddy Ace… But will Heidenreich show up again and try to take home the gold?

Rhino: Heidenreich is gonna keep butting in. He’s gonna try double duty again because he’s got Animal and he’s teaming with him to face The Products Of Society. Mark, we’re only talking titles. How about the return of Darien? And Shawn? And Doug? Do we have time to talk about it all?

Mark:I dont think we do… Because im starting to hear something in the background… Yes it is ‘Suffering Cerberus’ which means Jason Cain is on his way down to the ring…Which means Our First Match up is about to begin here tonight… How would you size up this match up Rhino… Jason Cain vs Christian…

Rhino: I’m not trying to be a walking ad for it here but TARGET. Christian is a thinking man’s wrestler as much as anyone and he KNOWS about Cain’s injuries. His back. His neck. His knee. He’s saying hit me here and that’s what Captain Charisma is going to do.

Mark:Rhino… Close Your Eyes… As Here Comes Captain Charisma Christian on the way down to the ring… The question in my mind for Christian is this…Is the rust knocked off? Tonight we will find out after coming up short against Triple H last week at Friday Night Frenzy…

Rhino: Christian rusty? Never! He’s a Waterproof Blonde just like his songwriters! He doesn’t look like it. He’s got an ear to ear smile at least.

Mark:The referee has checked out both men and now is calling for the bell… Right now Christian and Jason Cain are starting to feel one another out as they try to gain position…Jason Cain has a side headlock in on Christian who is trying to fight his way out of it by pulling on the hair of Jason Cain…Looks like he has it locked in real good at the moment…

Rhino: Captain Charisma looking for a way out. Cain really just grinding into Christian here. Christian droping to a knee. He must be really squeezing him!

Mark:It looks like he has found away out as he is back up to a vertical base as he hammers him with elbows to the ribs and the hold is broken…Christian now whips him in to the ropes… Jason Cain comes off and drops him with a hard shoulder block… Did you see Christian’s head bounce of the canvas…

Rhino: The crowd saw it because they all said “oooooooohhhhh.” Christian is getting up! From “ooooohhh” to “WOOO!” Cain chops him back down!

Mark:Christian is up on his feet again and this time takes leather to the jaw after that dropkick from Jason Cain… It seems like Captain Charisma is off his game here in the early going… Christian gets back up and Jason Cain takes him over with an arm drag as he now works over the arm of Christian…

Rhino: Christian looking hurt and frustrated in a keylock here. Cain taking Christian to the ground and trying to stretch him early.

Mark:Jason Cain continues to stretch out Christian as he applies a Modified Surfboard… Looks like a painful move as he pulls back on the neck and back…Christian trying to break the grip of Jason Cain and he did… But Rhino the damage was indeed done to Christian as Jason Cain looks to follow up…

Rhino: Jason Cain going for a take over. Christian reverses. Drop kick right on the chin and I mean right on the money!

Mark:Christian trying to shake off the early attack by whipping Jason Cain in to the ropes… Tilt a whirl backbreaker and just like you pointed out earlier…Christian begins to work on the back of Jason Cain as he drives his knee right in to the lower back…

Rhino: I told you he was a target! Oh man! A Longbow Backbreaker by Christian! Stretching his hurt knee and neck too! Ouch!

Mark:Jason Cain is able to grab on to a rope and that was the only mistake by Christian hooking the move on close to the ropes…Christian with a scoop slam to Jason Cain as he locks in a STF Submission on Jason Cain in the center of the ring…

Rhino: The ref is asking and Cain saying no. Christian starting to work on Cain’s injuries. How long can Cain hold on with Christian stretching him like that? The body doesn’t bend that way!

Mark:He is doing his best to crawl to the ropes… Its looks like a struggle but he is able to get his hand on the bottom rope and Christian breaks up the hold..Christian takes a moment and gets the peeps excited as he pounds his chest… Jason Cain pulls himself back up in the corner… Running Clothesline… MISSED!

Rhino: And all Christian had to do was reach back and nail that neckbreaker there. Cover? A one and like the crowd said, TWO! Cain kicked out of that one. What’s with the sloppy cover, Christian?

Mark:It seems like Christian is getting a little bit frustrated with the referee… But now Christian has Jason Cain setup on the top rope… This is not good for Cain…Superplex coming up… Blocked by Jason Cain as he knocks Christian off the top rope… Cain is standing up…

Rhino: Cain flies! No! Jeff Hardy style Senton and cain just hit his injured back and neck on nothing but hard mat! Christian got hit but I think Cain got hurt right there, Mark.

Mark:Jason Cain starts to favor his knee as he limps around the ring… Jason Cain goes behind Christian… German Suplex… No… Christian lands on his feet…

Rhino: And he hit that unique backbreaker he’s known for that is as close to the Happy Place finisher as you can get. Christian going surfing now and Cain’s the surfboard. So far, it’s been wrestling 101, Mark. Someone grab a chair!

Mark:It is pure wrestling as Christain has the surfboard locked in… Will Jason Cain Tap Out… He is close… Whats he doing… He is biting Christian’s fingers…Thats a strange way to break up a hold but he did it Rhino…

Rhino: Christian’s screaming like crazy and Cain’s eating Finger Sandwiches! Right hand by Cain! Another! Third one! Christian’s on dream street!

Mark:Big right hand by Jason Cain knocking down Christian… Jason Cain starting to get himself together… Atomic Drop by Jason Cain… Christian doesnt look to good right now… Kick to the midsection… OUTLAW DRIVER! NO! Countered by Christian with a backdrop… It seems like Christian knew what was coming…

Rhino: Cain gave too much away and Chriatian nailed a reverse DDT for his troubles. Where’s he going? Christian out right over here. Goes under the ring. One chair! Two chairs! A ladder! Now we see things get intersting!

Mark:Jason Cain is back up and he forgets about his problems as he launches himself over the top rope on to Christian… Jason Cain rolled Christian back in to the ring…Jason Cain now whips Christian in to the ropes… Powerslam… It seems like Jason Cain has built up some momentum…Christian back up… Cain kicks him in the midsection… Christian grabs the leg of Jason Cain… Christian spins him around and they both knock heads…

Rhino: Did you hear that clunk, Mark? Man, talk about….uh-oh. WE GOT BLOOD and we got it from both guys!

Mark:Both are staggering to their feet and the right hands start flying… Christian looks to have the better of him… As he has Jason Cain backed in to the ropes…Irish whip by Christian… Jason Cain comes off… High Back Body Drop… Did you see how high he went?

Rhino: I saw his sudden stop! Come on, Christian! Stop blowing kisses! Christian another cover. TTTWWWOO! Chrisitan’s a bit frustrated, Mark.

Mark:Christian now waits for Jason Cain to get up… Here it comes… Unprettier… NO! Jason Cain counters out of it…Jason Cain with a double underhook…Outlaw Driver countered again… Christian with shot to the lower back of Jason Cain as he has him setup… UNPRE!

(lights go out)

Rhino: IT’S DARK! Mark, what the hell? How come we always have stadium problems?

Mark:Someone must have hit something…

(lights come back on)

Mark:OH MY GOD! ITS… ITS… NO… IT CANT BE… ITS DEMON CHILD! I can not believe it…

Rhino: Demon Child? Seriously? Demon Child?

Mark:Demon Child just threw a chair down at the body of Christian… Jason Cain is no where to be seen… Demon Child doesnt have an EWA Contract…He has somewhat of a past history with him as he cost him the EWA TV Title back in 2004… Demon Child is being led out by a mystery man… Can you believe that Demon Child has returned Rhino?

Rhino: I can’t believe it’s not butter! Demon Child? I mean he’s the last guy I thought we’d see. Expect the unexpected. Man, I keep forgetting.

Mark:It looks like we are going to need to get some answers from Demon Child and this mystery man… But now I think its time to get back to more EWA Action…

Anarchiah vs Darien

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From The Land of Chaos… Weighing in at 335 Pounds… ANARCHIAH…

(“Fear” Plays as Anarchiah enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Tijuana, Mexico… Weighing in at 231 Pounds… DARIEN HACAGA…

(“My Pleasant Torture” plays as Darien enters the arena…)

Mark:The bell has sounded and this match up is under way…

Rhino:Darien is giving up height and weight to Anarchiah…

Mark:Darien charges at Anarchiah… Anarchiah goes for a clothesline which Darien ducks underneath the clothesline… Anarchiah turns around and Darien hits a spin kick…

Rhino:Anarchiah got backed up in to the ropes…

Mark:Darien charges with a spin heel kick and Anarchiah goes over the top rope and to the floor he goes…

Rhino:Anarchiah was never knocked off of his feet but is on the outside of the ring…

Mark:Baseball slide by Darien knocking back Anarchiah…

Rhino:Darien is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:Darien leaps off the top rope… Anarchiah catches him in mid air and drops him straight down to the floor…

Rhino:Anarchiah has Darien up on his shoulder… This is not going to be good…

Mark:Anarchiah with all of his weight slams Darien on to the ground…

Rhino:Darien looks to be hurting now as Anarchiah brings him back in to the ring…

Mark:Anarchiah whips Darien in to the ropes… High back body drop by Anarchiah and Darien went flying high in the air… Anarchiah goes for the cover on Darien 1……………………2…………….. Darien gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Anarchiah is taking his time with Darien…

Mark:Darien gets put up on Anarchiah’s shoulder and Anarchiah drops him across the top rope…

Rhino:Darien is staggering around…

Mark:Anarchiah goes for a big boot… Darien moves and Anarchiah gets his foot caught on the top rope…

Rhino:Looks like the momentum could be turning now…

Mark:Reverse DDT by Darien and Anarchiah has been finally taken off of his feet…Darien goes for a cover 1………………………….2…………… Anarchiah gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Anarchiah is getting up on to his feet…

Mark:Running Dropkick to the knee of Anarchiah by Darien…

Rhino:Smart move going after the knee of the bigger man…

Mark:Darien grabs Anarchiah by the head and brings him over to the corner… Tornado DDT from the corner by Darien… Darien covers Anarchiah 1……………………….2……………………….. Anarchiah gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Darien is starting to take control of this match up…

Mark:Darien now whips Anarchiah in to the ropes… Reversal by Anarchiah… Darien comes off the ropes… Powerslam by Anarchiah…

Rhino:Darien was just driven to the canvas and now Anarchiah is back in control…

Mark:Anarchiah is signaling for the end…

Rhino:Darien is in trouble…

Mark:SEEDS OF ANARCHY! NO! Darien counters out… SPIC KICK!

Rhino:Anarchiah is staggering on his feet….

Mark:Darien is lining him up…TWIST OF SPIC!

Rhino:Thats gonna be it…

Mark:Darien with a cover 1………………………….2……………….3….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner DARIEN HACAGA…

Rhino:Darien returns to the EWA and picks up his first win…

Mark:Its time for more EWA Action so lets send it back down to the ring for introductions…

Triple H vs Payne Killer

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Selma, Ca… Weighing in at 265 Pounds…PAYNE KILLER…

(“Thou Shall” plays as Payne Killer enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Greenwich,Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… The Game TRIPLE H…

(“The Game” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Mark:The Game and Payne Killer are eye to eye in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is doing his usual trash talking to the opponent and Payne Killer just slapped him right across the face…

Mark:The Game smiles after being slapped… Triple H goes for a right hand… Payne Killer blocks and nails Triple H with right hands… The Game gets backed up in to the ropes…Payne Killer whips Triple H in to the ropes… Back elbow to the head of Triple H and he goes down to the canvas…

Rhino:Triple H gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:Payne Killer takes him over with a hip toss… Triple H gets back up and gets taken over with another hip toss…

Rhino:Payne Killer is out wrestling Triple H here in the early going…

Mark:Payne Killer now with an irish whip… Triple H comes off the ropes… Flying Back Elbow to the face of Triple H…

Rhino:Triple H seems to be off of his game here in the early going…

Mark:Payne Killer now hooks up Triple H… Front Face Suplex by Payne Killer… Payne Killer goes for a cover 1…………………………2………………. The Game gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Triple H is trying to shake something off as he gets back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:Payne Killer with a hard irish whip.. The Game with a reversal… And Payne Killer goes chest first in to the corner…

Rhino:Payne Killer is now staggering around after taking that hard shot…

Mark:Triple H lifts him up and drops him right on to the top rope…

Rhino:Payne Killer is hanging on the top rope…

Mark:Triple H slides out of the ring and Triple H grabs him by the neck and drops him across the top rope… And Triple H pulls him over the top rope and Payne Killer hits his back on the side of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is starting to get back in to a little bit of a groove…

Mark:Payne Killer stands back up and Triple H drives him hard in to the ring post…

Rhino:The Game is now starting to pick apart Payne Killer…

Mark:The Game rolls him back in to the ring… Triple H hooks him up and drops him with a backbreaker… Heres the cover by Triple H on Payne Killer 1……………………….2…………………Payne Killer kicks out…

Rhino:Payne Killer is in a little bit of pain as you can see it on his face…

Mark:Triple H has him laid out in the ring… The Game gets a running start and drops the knee right across the back of Payne Killer…

Rhino:Payne Killer is trying to pull himself back up in the corner…

Mark:Triple H charges at Payne Killer… Payne Killer moves and Triple H goes shoulder first in to the ring post…

Rhino:Triple H now looks to be in pain…

Mark:Triple H turns around… Single Arm DDT by Payne Killer… Payne Killer now with a hammerlock and he slams Triple H right down on his own arm…

Rhino:It looks like Payne Killer is picking apart Triple H…

Mark:Payne Killer grabs the arm… Crossface! Is being locked in by Payne Killer on The Game…

Rhino:Triple H looks to be in a lot of pain…

Mark:Triple H is trying to get to the ropes…

Rhino:Will Triple H Tap Out?

Mark:The Game struggling and is seconds away from tapping out to Payne Killer…

Rhino:Triple H is close to the ropes…

Mark:The Game grabs the ropes and the referee makes him break it up…

Rhino:The Game now is holding on to his left arm as he was in the crossface…

Mark:Payne Killer now hooks up Triple H for another crossface… The Game is blocking it and is now hammering him with right hands…

Rhino:Triple H is trying to fight off the pain…

Mark:The Game whips Payne Killer in to the ropes… SPINEBUSTER By The Game…

Rhino:Payne Killer was driven right in to the canvas and you know its only a matter of time til he hits the Pedigree…

Mark:Triple H waits for Payne Killer to get back up… Kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! Payne Killer blocks it and now goes behind Triple H… Release German Suplex by Payne Killer…

Rhino:Triple H is holding on to his head as he gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:Payne Killer now hooks up The Game… PAYNE RELIEVER!

Rhino:Thats gonna be it right here…

Mark:Payne Killer hooks the leg 1………………………………2…………………….3……….. NO! The Game gets his foot on the rope…

Rhino:Payne Killer can not believe it…

Mark:Triple H is staggering up to his feet…

Rhino:Payne Killer is looking to hit it again…

Mark:Payne Killer has him up… PAYNE RELIEVER! NO! The Game gets out… Triple H spins him around… Knee Buster…

Rhino:Payne Killer is staggering around…


Rhino:That could be it…

Mark:Some fan just jumped the rail…

Rhino:The fan is jumping in the ring…

Mark:Security is pulling the guy out of the ring…Triple H is shoving the guy out of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H has a strange look on his face…

Mark:Who was that person? Triple H seems to be confused about that person…

Rhino:I dont think that was any normal fan…

Mark:Neither do I… School Boy… Hook of tights 1………………………….2…………………..3………HE GOT HIM!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner PAYNE KILLER…

Rhino:Payne Killer took advantage of the distraction and picked up the win over Triple H…

Mark:Its time for some Pick Your Partner Action…

Shawn Michaels & Kevin Nash vs Doug Kinsella & William McConnell

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Pick Your Partner Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first… Team Number One… Weighing in at a combined weight of 547 Pounds… Big Daddy Cool KEVIN NASH and The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS…

(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels & Kevin Nash enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Their opponents… Weighing in at a combined weight of 467 Pounds… DOUG KINSELLA and The Answer WILLIAM McCONNELL…

(“Pieces” plays as Doug Kinsella enters the arena… “The Answer” plays as William McConnell enters behind him…)

Mark:Shawn Michaels dives through the ropes right after William McConnell…

Rhino:Shawn didnt even wait for the bell or even William McConnell to get set…

Mark:Shawn Michaels on top of William McConnell on the outside and nails him with right hands…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella is pulling Shawn Michaels off of William McConnell…

Mark:Big Right hand by Shawn Michaels laying out Doug Kinsella… Shawn Michaels rolls Doug Kinsella back in to the ring…

Rhino:Look who is standing in the ring… But Kevin Nash…

Mark:The referee comes out of the ring and separates Shawn Michaels away from William McConnell… In the ring Doug Kinsella turns around and Kevin Nash nails him with a hard forearm shot…

Rhino:Nash is just opening up on Doug Kinsella…

Mark:Kevin Nash has Doug Kinsella back up in to the corner… Kevin Nash is lining up Doug Kinsella and he drives elbows right to the side of the head… Knees to the midsection by Kevin Nash…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella seems dazed in the corner…

Mark:Kevin Nash scoops up and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels gets the tag from Kevin Nash and Shawn is on the top rope…

Mark:Doug Kinsella is back up and Shawn Michaels connects with a double axe handle… Shawn Michaels goes for a cover 1………………………..2…………………….Doug Kinsella kicks out…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have been in control of this match up from the beginning…

Mark:Shawn Michaels hooks up Doug Kinsella for a vertical suplex… Doug Kinsella flips over and goes behind Shawn Michaels… Kinsella rams Shawn Michaels in to the corner…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella is now hammering Shawn Michaels in to the back with forearms…

Mark:Doug Kinsella is able to connect with a snap suplex…

Rhino:McConnell is asking for the tag and Doug Kinsella tags him in…

Mark:McConnell and Kinsella whip Shawn Michaels in to the ropes… Double Flapjack and Shawn Michaels goes crashing in to the canvas…

Rhino:William McConnell has a smile on his face as he goes to work on Shawn Michaels…

Mark:McConnell has HBK in the corner and he hammers him with rights and lefts to the face and midsection…

Rhino:He is just beating the hell out of him…

Mark:McConnell now puts Shawn Michaels up on the top rope…

Rhino:This is not going to be good for Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Belly to back superplex… HBK counters in to a crossbody…

Rhino:What a counter…

Mark:Heres the cover 1………………….2…………. Doug Kinsella comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels reaches out and tags in Kevin Nash…

Mark:Nash comes in and lays out William McConnell with a clothesline…

Rhino:Kevin Nash just charged at Doug Kinsella and he hops off the apron…

Mark:Kevin Nash turns around and William McConnell nails him with a dropkick…

Rhino:That has staggered the big man…

Mark:DDT by The Answer and Kevin Nash’s head was driven right in to the canvas…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella is asking to be tagged in… William McConnell tags him in…

Mark:Doug Kinsella has Kevin Nash hooked up and connects with a hangman’s neckbreaker…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella is putting the boots to Kevin Nash…

Mark:Doug Kinsella now whips Kevin Nash in to the corner… Running Clothesline and Kevin Nash is staggering out of the corner…SPEAR!

Rhino:Kevin Nash was laid out…

Mark:Doug Kinsella goes for a cover 1………………………………2……………….. Shawn Michaels comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:That was close with is why Shawn Michaels had to come in and break it up…

Mark:Shawn Michaels wants to get back in to this match up…

Rhino:William McConnell has been tagged back in…

Mark:Doug Kinsella and William McConnell are hooking up Kevin Nash…

Rhino:Can they get him up?

Mark:Double Vertical Suplex by The Answer and Kinsella…

Rhino:That was impressive…

Mark:Heres the cover 1……………………………2……………… Shawn Michaels once again comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:William McConnell is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:Here it comes… 10.0 FROG SPLASH! NO! Kevin Nash rolled out of the way…

Rhino:That was a big move that didnt pay off…

Mark:Both men trying to make the tag…

Rhino:Doug Kinsella gets the tag…

Mark:Kevin Nash tags out and here comes the Heartbreak Kid…

Rhino:And look at him go Mark… He is just firing away with right hands…

Mark:Atomic Drop to Doug Kinsella…

Rhino:Here comes William McConnell…

Mark:Atomic Drop to The Answer… McConnell staggers near the rope… Running Clothesline by Shawn Michaels sending William McConnell over the top rope…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels skins the cat back in to the ring…

Mark:Doug Kinsella turns him around… FINAL TOUCH! NO! Shawn Michaels pushes him off in to the ropes… Flying Forearm by Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Here comes the nip up…

Mark:And there it was…

Rhino:Called it now wheres my five bucks…

Mark:Shawn is now heading to the top rope…

Rhino:This not going to be good for Doug Kinsella…

Mark:The Answer shoves Shawn Michaels off the top rope…

Rhino:William McConnell is doing everything he can to keep this match up going…

Mark:Doug Kinsella is staggering back up…

Rhino:Shawn is up as well…


Rhino:Nash is in the ring…

Mark:Shawn Michaels pushed Doug Kinsella right in to a big boot from Kevin Nash…

Rhino:Nash is now setting him up…

Mark:Shawn Michaels knocks William McConnell off the apron with a dropkick and is now heading to the top rope… JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB!

Rhino:Doug Kinsella is laid out…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now standing on the shoulders of Kevin Nash…

Rhino:This is how they used to win matches back in the day…

Mark:Flying Splash off the shoulders of Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels lands right on Doug Kinsella… Heres the cover 1…………………………….2………………………..3…….. HE GOT HIM!

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners KEVIN NASH AND SHAWN MICHAELS…

Rhino:The Two Dudes with Attitudes have gotten the job done…

Mark:McConnell is back in the ring and is aruging with Doug Kinsella…

Rhino:Doug just shoved McConnell…


Rhino:Doug was laid out by William McConnelll

Mark:Two men just jumped the guardrail…

Rhino:Thats Jason Cain and someone…

Mark:Chairshots to the backs of Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:It looks like a three on two assault…

Mark:I think thats Eric Angel…

Rhino:You mean that Indy Guy that was signed a few weeks ago…

Mark:I think so… Steel Chair Shot to the skull of Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Shawn is bleeding…

Mark:Jason Cain and Eric Angel are handcuffing Shawn Michaels to the ropes…

Rhino:Kevin Nash is trying to fight back…


Rhino:Kevin Nash is laid out…

Mark:It is now turned out to a three on one assault by McConnell, Cain and Angel on Kevin Nash and all Shawn Michaels can do is watch…

Rhino:Cain and Angel are holding Kevin Nash up…

Mark:Angel has a chair by his face… FIVE STAR SUPERKICK IN TO THE CHAIR!

Rhino:Officials are coming out to get these three men out of the ring…

Mark:This looks to be another chapter in the Shawn Michaels and William McConnell feud… As we now get set for the Tag Team Title Match up…

EWA Tag Team Championship Last Team Standing Match
Products of Society(c) vs Legion of Doom

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Last Team Standing Match and is for the EWA Tag Team Championship… Introducing first… The Challengers… Weighing in at a combined weight of 565 Pounds… Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich… THE LEGION OF DOOM…

(“What A Rush” plays as LOD Enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponents…Weighing at 475 Pounds… The EWA Tag Team Champions… Jay Sabre… James Davis… THE PRODUCTS OF SOCIETY…

(“Papercut” plays as the Products of Society enter the arena…)

Mark:The LOD are not wasting anytime as they attack the Products of Society up on the entrance ramp…

Rhino:The Legion of Doom mean business….

Mark:Jay Sabre with a thumb to the eye of Animal as he is able to separate himself for a moment…

Rhino:Heidenreich has James Davis up on his shoulder…

Mark:Running Powerslam by Heidenreich driving James Davis in to the steel ramp…

Rhino:Jay Sabre just pulled out a steel chair…

Mark:Animal just kicked it right back in to his face…

Rhino:The EWA Tag Team Champions are being out worked thus far…

Mark:Animal with clubbing blows to the back of James Davis…

Rhino:He is just hammering him down…

Mark:Heidenreich is bring Jay Sabre down to the ring and he drops him right on the side of the ring apron… Hard clothesline from Heidenreich laying out Jay Sabre…

Rhino:Animal just pulled out a table from underneath the ring and he is throwing it inside…

Mark:James Davis just low blowed Animal as he was climbing in to the ring…

Rhino:Jay Sabre just did the same thing to Heidenreich…

Mark:Davis and Sabre are in the ring with Animal and they are stomping away at him…

Rhino:The Products of Society need to compose themselves if they want to keep the tag team titles…

Mark:The Products of Society whip Animal in to the ropes… Double Clothesline… Ducked underneath by Animal…

Rhino:Heidenreich is back in to the ring…

Mark:Double clothesline by the Legion of Doom…

Rhino:Animal is now opening up the table…

Mark:Powerslam by Heidenreich on to Jay Sabre…

Rhino:Animal is laying Jay Sabre out on the table now…

Mark:Heidenreich is climbing the turnbuckle…

Rhino:Animal is handing James Davis to Heidenreich…

Mark:You know this cant be good Rhino…

Rhino:I know what you mean Mark…


Rhino:Neither James Davis or Jay Sabre are moving…

Mark:The referee is counting both men at the moment…

Rhino:That was a devasting move…

Mark:The referee is up to Five.. Six… Seven…

Rhino:I think we have new tag team champions…


Pa Announcer:Here are your winners and NEW EWA Tag Team Champions… THE LEGION OF DOOM!

Rhino:The Legion of Doom has done it Mark…

Mark:The LOD has regain the Tag Team Titles… Can anyone take the titles away from them? Right now its time to head out to the Parking Lot…

FTW Championship Parking Lot Brawl
Taz(c) vs Big Daddy Ace

Mark:We are outside in the parking lot right now and its Taz standing around a bunch of cars…

Rhino:He has the FTW Championship and is waiting for Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Here comes Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Hes not coming alone… He has a baseball bat in hand…

Mark:Taz says bring it on and here he comes… Big Daddy Ace swings the bat… Taz moves and Big Daddy Ace breaks some glass…

Rhino:Is Stone Cold coming? I heard glass shatter…

Mark:Taz with right hands to Big Daddy Ace as he knocks the bat out of his hand… Taz grabs Ace by the head and tries to ram his head in to the hood of the car… Ace blocks and knocks Taz’s head in to the hood of the car…

Rhino:Ace is now bringing Taz up on to the hood of the car…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is now setting up Taz for what looks like a powerbomb… POWERBOMB ON TO THE HOOD OF THE CAR!

Rhino:I think we are going to be crowning a new FTW Champion right here…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace covers him on the hood of the car 1………………………………2………………………3…… NO! Taz got his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was really really close Mark…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is now walking around the parking lot and is looking for something…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace just picked up a tire iron and I dont think Taz is going to like what he is going to do with it…

Mark:Taz is still recovering… Ace has the tire iron… Taz moves out of the way… Taz grabs the tire iron out of Ace’s hand and nails him right across the back with it…

Rhino:The pain in Ace’s face tells the story there…

Mark:Taz grabs Ace by the head and rams him in to the back of another car…

Rhino:There goes that headlight…

Mark:It looks like Big Daddy Ace is bleeding…

Rhino:Taz just picked up a piece of glass and has some evil intentions for it…

Mark:Taz is digging the glass right in to the head of Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Look at the blood starting to flow…

Mark:Taz is now setting up Big Daddy Ace… T-BONE Tazplex on to the hood of the car…

Rhino:Taz is not done as he is climbing up on to the hood of the car…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is crawling to the top of the car…Trying to get away from Taz…

Rhino:Taz is up on the top of the car… Um.. This is not going to be good…


Rhino:I think Big Daddy Ace is out cold…

Mark:Taz climbs down and goes for the cover 1………………………….2………………………3…… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL FTW Champion TAZ…

Rhino:Taz keeps the FTW Championship… But what is with all the honking…

Mark:A car just tried to hit Taz…

Rhino:Heidenreich is in the car…

Mark:Heidenreich has come out of the car and now they are beginning to brawl…

Rhino:Look at them just go at it…

Mark:Heidenreich whips Taz in to the side of the car…

Rhino:Taz is holding on to his back as he is up against the car…

Mark:Heidenreich goes to kick him… Taz moves and Heidenreich just kicked in the window…

Rhino:Taz was lucky to move out of the way there…


Rhino:Taz caught him when he was off guard…Which was a smart move on his part…

Mark:TAZMISSION! Is locked in on Heidenreich…

Rhino:Taz is choking him out and is sending a message at the same time…

Mark:Heidenreich doesnt look like he is going to tap out…

Rhino:And I dont think Taz is going to let go…

Mark:Taz has his body wrapped around Heidenreich on the ground and there is no place to go for Heidenreich…

Rhino:Here come officials stepping in trying to get Taz off of Heidenreich…

Mark:Security has come in and has pulled Taz off of Heidenreich…

Rhino:Heidenreich looks to have passed out…

Mark:Is this over between these two? Or is there more to come… Now before we go back to the ring for the Main Event… We are going to the back as Kent Richardson is standing by with Shane McMahon…

Kent:I am standing outside Shane McMahon’s office… Shane…What is going on with the main event?

Shane:Would No Comment be a good answer?

Kent:No… We need to know… Its coming up next…


(Loud Noise)

Shane:Excuse me… (opens door) KEEP IT DOWN… THIS IS THE WAY IT HAS TO BE… (shuts door)… Now Kent… Everyone knows there is a problem with what happened… Is Lady Violet World Heavyweight Champion? Well… Its up to her… This office did not sanction that match…. But we are sanctioning this match up here tonight… For the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…In a Three Way Elimination Tai Pei Match Up… It will be Lone Jobber… Megumi Kudo and Lady Violet… And to steal a line from the EWA Commissioner… Oh Its True… Its Damn True…

Kent:Lets go to the ring for the introductions…

EWA World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Tai Pei Death Match
Lone Jobber(c) vs Megumi Kudo vs Lady Violet

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a Three Way Elimination TAI PEI DEATH MATCH and is for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing the Challengers… First… From Koshigaya,Japan… Weighing in at 132 Pounds… MEGUMI KUDO…

(“It Came From Japan” plays as Megumi Kudo enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent… From Victoria, British Columbia … Weighing in at 124 Pounds… LADY VIOLET…

(“American Woman” plays as Lady Violet enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From The Slaughterhouse… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… The EWA World Heavyweight Champion… LONE JOBBER…

(“I Want it All” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)

Mark:Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon made this match up an Elimination Match after the controversy…

Rhino:Its more like a handicap match for Megumi Kudo… As you know Lone Jobber and Lady Violet will work together…

Mark:Lady Violet in a fighting position… Megumi Kudo with a kick and knocks Violet’s hands back in to her face…

Rhino:Their hands have been wrapped, glued and glassed… And you know its going to make things right interesting…

Mark:Lady Violet holds her face…Kudo grabs her by the hair and throws her across the ring…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now getting up in the face of Megumi Kudo…

Mark:Straight Right Hand by Megumi Kudo to the face of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is holding his face as he got cut from the glass…

Mark:Lone Jobber reaches back and goes for the right hand… Kudo ducks out of the way of it and starts kicking Lone Jobber in the midsection backing him up in to the ropes… Megumi Kudo whips him in to the ropes… Megumi Kudo connects with a dropkick…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now getting back up…

Mark:Megumi Kudo charges and goes for a headscissors take over…Lone Jobber holds on and drops her with a powerbomb…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo is rolling to the outside of the ring…

Mark:Lady Violet is up on the top rope…

Rhino:Look out below…

Mark:Flying Crossbody by Lady Violet down on to Megumi Kudo…

Rhino:What an impressive move by Lady Violet…

Mark:Lady Violet is now on top of Megumi Kudo and just connected with a couple of right hands…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo is trying to cover up as she shoves her off…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is bleeding now thanks to the right hands from Lady Violet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is just watching the two women beat each other up…

Mark:Lady Violet is up on the apron…

Rhino:Megumi Kudo is up…

Mark:Violet dives… Kudo movea and Lady Violet tastes steel…

Rhino:And I dont think it tasted good…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is now on top of Violet and is hammering her with a couple of right hands and now Lady Violet is bleeding…

Rhino:I think this is the first time Lady Violet has ever seen her own blood this way…

Mark:I would agree… Lone Jobber now goes to the outside and grabs Megumi Kudo and throws her back in to the ring…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is checking on Violet for a moment…

Mark:Baseball slide by Megumi Kudo right to Lone Jobber…

Rhino:You never turn your back on your opponent…

Mark:Megumi Kudo rolls Lone Jobber back in to the ring…

Rhino:Kudo is heading to the top rope…

Mark:Lone Jobber knocks the ropes and Megumi Kudo is stopped in her tracks on the top rope…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is climbing up the ropes…

Mark:Superplex by Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Violet is up on the other rope…

Mark:Moonsault by Lady Violet on to Megumi Kudo… Cover 1………………………..2……………………..3……… NO! Kudo kicked out…

Rhino:That was close Mark… Lady Violet almost eliminated Megumi Kudo…

Mark:Lone Jobber is now picking up Megumi Kudo and is holding her open for Lady Violet to attack….

Rhino:This is not good for Megumi Kudo…

Mark:Lady Violet goes for a right hand… Kudo ducks and Lady Violet nailed Lone Jobber right in the bridge of the nose with a right hand and Lone Jobber is bleeding from the nose…

Rhino:She caught him good…

Mark:Lady Violet looks concerned… Kudo spins her around and nails her with a right hand and follows it up with a kick to the midsection…

Rhino:This is not going to be good…


Rhino:Lady Violet looks to be done…

Mark:Megumi Kudo covers Lady Violet 1……………………………………2………………………..3…………..SHE GOT HER!

Pa Announcer:Lady Violet has been eliminated…

Rhino:We are down to two and back to the original two scheduled for this match up…

Mark:Lone Jobber holding his nose turns back around and sees what just happened…

Rhino:Lone Jobber looks angry…

Mark:Lone Jobber charges at Megumi Kudo and lays her out with a clothesline…Lone Jobber with his fist and grinds it across the head of Megumi Kudo…

Rhino:Kudo is really bleeding now…

Mark:Lone Jobber is rolling to the outside and is bringing a couple of steel chairs in to the ring…

Rhino:Lone Jobber seems either angry or annoyed at something and is making Megumi Kudo pay for whatever it is…

Mark:Lone Jobber has a steel chair and is waiting for Megumi Kudo to get back up on to her feet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is eyeing her up…

Mark:Megumi Kudo turns around… Lone Jobber swings the steel chair… Megumi Kudo ducks out of the way… Lone Jobber turns around… Spin Heel Kick by Megumi Kudo knocking the chair back in the face of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now cut on his head after the chair hit him in the head…

Mark:Megumi Kudo grinds the palm of her hand right in to the forehead of Lone Jobber digging at the open wound…

Rhino:Both Megumi Kudo and Lone Jobbare are losing alot of blood in this match up…

Mark:Their Faces are turning in to crimison masks…

Rhino:Indeed they are…

Mark:Megumi Kudo with one of the steel chairs is heading to the top rope…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes as he heads to the top rope…

Mark:Megumi Kudo is poised and ready…Kudo leaps and connects with the steel chair right to the head of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber looks to be out…

Mark:Megumi Kudo covers Lone Jobber 1…………………………..2………………………3………….NO! Lone Jobber got his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close Mark… I thought she had him…

Mark:Megumi Kudo grabs the steel chair…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering to his feet…

Mark:Megumi Kudo swings… Lone Jobber ducks…

Rhino:Lone Jobber grabbed the other chair…

Mark:Both swing their chairs… Both connect…

Rhino:Kudo and Jobber knocked each other out with those chair shots…

Mark:The referee is counting both Lone Jobber and Megumi Kudo down as he is up to five…

Rhino:They are both trying to crawl…

Mark:They both just knocked heads without even knowing…

Rhino:They are both down and not moving…

Mark:Eight… Nine… TEN! Is that it? Is this match up over?

Rhino:I have no idea…

Mark:The referee is talking with the PA Announcer…

Rhino:Whats the decision?

Pa Announcer:The referee has counted both Lone Jobber and Megumi Kudo out…Which means this match up is a DRAW!

Rhino:Is Lone Jobber still the EWA World Heavyweight Champion?

Mark:Im not sure…

(“Medal” plays as Kurt Angle walks out on to the stage…)

Rhino:EWA Commissioner Kurt Angle is on the stage..

Mark:Looks like he has something to say…

Kurt Angle: Now I know all of you are wondering right now, what to make of everything that has just happened inside that ring. What we have here is a situation that I for one, don’t particularly like to see. I know that Shane made this match what it was, a triple threat match instead of how it was first scheduled as a one on one championship bout. Here we have a draw, a new problem, something both confusing and in my opinion, outrageous. Lone Jobber, you want to try and mess things up by declaring others to take your place without consenting Shane or I, well now you’re going to pay for that mistake. You see everyone, here’s how we are going to address and fix this problem. At the next event, the much anticipated pay-per-view Gold Rush, we are going to have ourselves a main event for the ages, one that is really going to put the pressure on Lone Jobber to keep his title that he only won a mere week ago. And here it is . . . with Jobber’s decision to cross authority and make his own plans, Shane and I are throwing out the World Heavyweight Championship ladder and reevaluating it completely. It is with great pride that I announce the main event at Gold Rush as Lone Jobber will defend and I mean… Lone Jobber WILL DEFEND not anyone else, but him will defend his title against not one, not two, not three, or not even four people, but five different challengers in the eWa’s latest edition of the Extreme Elimination Chamber! (Crowd Cheers) Jobber, you already made your decision a week ago to cross the bosses, now we’re making ours. And your opponents will be…Payne Killer… Triple H… William McConnell… Megumi Kudo and DARIEN! And just for the Heck of it… Shane and I… Will be the Special Guest Referees… Oh it’s true! IT’S DAMN TRUE!

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