Thursday Night Chaos 1-22-09

Mark:We are live in Louisville, Kentucky for Thursday Night Chaos and Rhino what an interesting night of extreme action we have for everyone tonight…

Rhino:You are telling me… Our Main Event is an Alligator Death Match…

Mark:That’s right and it will be Subway putting the EWA Total Impact Championship on the line against Josh Stewart…

Rhino:Subway has been dominating the EWA Total Impact Championship division for a while now… Will his reign come to an end tonight? We will have to see…

Mark:Also tonight the EWA Tag Team Titles will be on the line when Dangerous D and J-Twisted put the gold on the line against Degeneration X…

Rhino:DX has made it clear that they believe they are the better team… Tonight they will get a chance to prove it against the EWA Tag Team Championship…

Mark:Also tonight another EWA First… It will be a Jello in a Pool Match when Alexis Laree battles HBIC Ezay Pusay…

Rhino:I cant wait for that…

Mark:Plus the Number One Contender for the EWA World Title Chris Jericho will be in action as well…

Rhino:This is shaping up to be one hell of a night of action…

Mark:Indeed it is… Lets not waste anymore time and get to the ring for our opening contest…

Steven Eden vs Richard Drivher vs Alan Matthews

Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Grand Rapids, Mi… Weighing in at 248 Pounds… “Dead Eye” ALAN MATTHEWS!

(“Through Struggle” plays as Alan Matthews enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Hollywood, Ca… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… RICHARD DRIVHER!

(“Rubberdoll” plays as Richard Drivher enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Their opponent…From Miami, Fl… Weighing in at 255 Pounds… STEVEN EDEN!

(“Da Rockwilder” plays as Steven Eden enters the arena…)

Mark:Well this match up is underway…

Rhino:This is Alan Matthews first match up back in the EWA in a quite a few months so we will see if his time away from the EWA has done him any good…

Mark:Alan Matthews goes right after Steven Eden and nails him with hard shots right underneath the jaw…

Rhino:Alan Matthews just connected with a huge uppercut taking Steven Eden right off of his feet…

Mark:Alan Matthews now scoops up and slams him straight down to the mat… Richard Drivher now charges at Alan Matthews and takes him off his feet with a running clothesline…

Rhino:Alan Matthews gets right back up…

Mark:Atomic Drop! By Richard Drivher to Alan Matthews… Alan Matthews is dazed after the atomic drop and Richard Drivher scores with a dropkick… Richard Drivher goes right for the cover 1…………………….2……………….Kickout by Alan Matthews…

Rhino:Richard Drivher is now waiting from him to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Steven Eden spins Richard Drivher around and kicks him in the midsection and now scoops him up… Shoulder Breaker!

Rhino:For a moment there Richard Drivher forgot all about Steven Eden and he is paying for it…

Mark:Steven Eden now lines up Richard Drivher… Jawbreaker!

Rhino:Richard Drivher is spinning around…

Mark:Belly to Back Suplex! By Steven Eden dropping Richard Drivher right on the back of his head… Steven Eden covers Richard Drivher 1…………………….2…………..Kickout by Richard Drivher…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is now circling behind Steven Eden…

Mark:Alan Matthews from behind nails Steven Eden with a couple of shots to the back of the head… Alan Matthews hooks up Steven Eden around his waist…

Rhino:Steven Eden is blocking Alan Matthews…

Mark:Elbows right to the side of the head and now Steven Eden switches places with Alan Matthews… Steven Eden is now going for a Full Nelson…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is making sure he doesn’t get the grip locked in…

Mark:Big shots to the midsection by Alan Matthews who now goes behind Steven Eden…Release German Suplex!

Rhino:Nice impactful suplex right there…

Mark:Richard Drivher has made his way back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Look out Alan Matthews…

Mark:Richard Drivher charges at Steven Eden… Steven Eden ducks the clothesline and back drops Richard Drivher over the top rope and to the floor…

Rhino:Richard Drivher just took a nasty fall over the top rope…

Mark:It looked like as he landed on the floor he landed on his leg and it bent right underneath him…

Rhino:That was a nasty fall and I dont think he is going to get up after that…

Mark:It appears from the naked eye that Richard Drivher could have broken his leg…

Rhino:Medical officials are making their way out to ringside right now…

Mark:Back in the ring however… Alan Matthews is now hooking up Steven Eden… DIRECT HIT!

Rhino:Steven Eden has been laid out…

Mark:Alan Matthews goes for the cover on Steven Eden 1…………………..2……………..3………NO! Steven Eden kicks out…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is now waiting for Steven Eden to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Steven Eden is struggling to get back up…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is looking to end it right here and now…

Mark:Steven Eden is up… Alan Matthews has him up on his shoulders… DEADLY DRIVER! NO! Steven Eden escapes… School Boy! 1………………………2……………………..3………..NO! Alan Matthews kicks out…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:Steven Eden is back up… Steven Eden charges at Alan Matthews… GARDEN OF EDEN!

Rhino:What a splash in the corner…

Mark:Alan Matthews collasped… Steven Eden hooks the leg 1……………………..2………………..3………..NO! Alan Matthews gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Steven Eden is now setting up Alan Matthews up on the top rope…

Mark:FORBIDDEN FRUIT! NO! Alan Matthews blocks and knocks Steven Eden off the top rope…

Rhino:Steven Eden is staggering back up…

Mark:Flying Clothesline! No! Steven Eden ducks…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is now the one staggering back up…

Mark:Steven Eden kicks Alan Matthews in the midsection… Powerbomb! No! Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Alan Matthews now waits for Steven Eden to get back up…

Mark:Alan Matthews gets him up on his shoulders… DEADLY DRIVER!

Rhino:That’s gonna be it…

Mark:Alan Matthews hooks the leg 1………………2……….3……… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALAN MATTHEWS!

Rhino:Alan Matthews returns to the EWA and gets the win to start of Thursday Night Chaos…

Mark:Still to come tonight we will see Degeneration X take on Dangerously Twisted for the EWA Tag Team Titles… But its back to the ring for our next contest…

Trish Stratus vs Felony

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for fall… Introducing first… From Toronto, Canada… Weighing in at 126 Pounds… TRISH STRATUS!

(“Keys to the City” plays as Trish Stratus enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Memphis, Tn… Weighing in at 127 Pounds… FELONY!

(“We Are Rockstars” plays as Felony enters the arena…)

Mark:Well here we go… Trish Stratus and Felony lock up in the center of the ring…Both women are now battling for position… Trish Stratus gets backed up in to the ropes by Felony… Felony with a big hard chop right across the chest of Trish Stratus…

Rhino:You heard that chop…

Mark:Felony now whips Trish Stratus off in to the ropes… Felony goes for a clothesline… Trish Stratus ducks the clothesline and now comes off the ropes and scores with a flying clothesline…

Rhino:Felony gets right back up…

Mark:Trish Stratus now with a couple of forearm shots to Felony and is now backing her up in to the corner…Trish Stratus with a big elbow right to the side of the head of Felony in the corner…

Rhino:That was a hard shot right there…

Mark:Trish Stratus now whips Felony off in to the farside corner… Felony staggers out of the corner and Trish Stratus scores with a running clothesline…

Rhino:Felony is trying to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Trish Stratus now pulls Felony up on to her feet and now hooks her up… Vertical Suplex! As Trish Stratus now goes for the cover 1…………………..2………….Kickout by Felony…

Rhino:Felony is slow to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Trish Stratus now scoops up Felony and slams her straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:Trish Stratus is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:Felony is now staggering up on to her feet… Trish Stratus dives off the top rope… Crossbody! No! Dropkick by Felony…

Rhino:That caught Trish Stratus right in the midsection as she came flying off the top rope…

Mark:Trish Stratus is now staggering up on to her feet… Felony lines her up and scores with a Superkick!

Rhino:Big kick right there that caught Trish Stratus square in the jaw…

Mark:Felony covers Trish Stratus 1…………………..2…………3……No! Trish Stratus gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Felony is now waiting for her to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Felony charges and scores with a Running Knee Lift!

Rhino:Trish Stratus is spinning around…

Mark:Big Russian Leg Sweep! By Felony… Who once again covers Trish Stratus 1…………………2…………….3…….NO! Trish Stratus kicks out again…

Rhino:So close right there…

Mark:Felony now scoops up and slams Trish Stratus down to the canvas…

Rhino:Felony is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:JUDGEMENT DAY! NO! Trish Stratus moves out of the way…

Rhino:The Twisting Swanton Bomb missed by Felony…

Mark:Felony is now the one staggering up on to her feet… Trish Stratus lines her up… CHICK KICK!

Rhino:Big Kick by Trish Stratus…

Mark:Trish Stratus hooks the leg 1…………………….2………………3………NO! Felony gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Felony is now trying to pull herself back up on to her feet…

Mark:Trish Stratus is going for it all right now… STRATUSFACTION! NO! Back Suplex! Counter by Felony…

Rhino:Felony countered the Stratusfaction and is now heading back up on to the top rope…


Rhino:That time she was able to connect with the Twisting Swanton Bomb…

Mark:Felony hooks the leg 1………………….2…………..3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner FELONY!

Rhino:Felony debuts in the EWA with a win here tonight over Trish Stratus…

Mark:Still to come tonight Josh Stewart tries to take the EWA Total Impact Championship away from the Dual Champion Subway…But its back to the ring for more action…

Christian Rivers vs Steele

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Austin, Tex… Weighing in at 230 Pounds… CHRISTIAN RIVERS!

(“Duality” plays as Christian Rivers enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Nashville, Tn… Weighing in at 295 Pounds… Representing The Alliance…STEELE!

(“Rebirth” plays as Steele enters the arena…)

Mark:Christian Rivers locks up with Steele in the middle of the ring… Christian Rivers turns the collar and elbow tie up in to a Headlock and is grinding away at Steele…

Rhino:Steele looks to have the power advantage in this match up and one way to neutralize power is by locking your opponent in holds that eliminate power…

Mark:Christian Rivers now takes Steele over in the headlock and brings him down on to the mat…

Rhino:Steele is trying to fight his way back up on to a vertical base…

Mark:Steele now gets back up on to his feet and shoots Christian Rivers off in to the ropes… Christian Rivers comes off the ropes and scores with a Flying Shoulder Block! Knocking Steele right off of his feet…

Rhino:Steele gets back up…

Mark:Christian Rivers goes behind Steele and is going for a Belly to Back Suplex! Steele escapes out of it as he lands on his feet as he now shoves Christian Rivers off in to the corner…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Steele goes behind Christian Rivers and connects with a German Suplex! Steele covers Christian Rivers 1………………..2……………..Kickout by Christian Rivers…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Steele connects with a couple of hard uppercuts right underneath the jaw of Christian Rivers and now connects with a Belly to Belly Suplex!

Rhino:Steele is coming out of the gate tonight and is really putting it to Christian Rivers…

Mark:Steele now covers Christian Rivers again 1………………..2…………….Kickout by Christian Rivers…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is now getting back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:Steele charges in and Christian Rivers gets his boot up right in the face of Steele…

Rhino:Steele is spinning around…

Mark:Christian Rivers with a choplock taking the legs right out from underneath Steele…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is now focusing in on the right leg of Steele…

Mark:Christian Rivers now grabs the leg of Steele and drives his knee right in to the mat…

Rhino:Steele is holding on to his right leg right now…

Mark:Christian Rivers is pulling Steele up on to his feet… Dragon Screw Leg Whip!

Rhino:That will do damage to the knee…

Mark:Christian Rivers now looks down at Steele and stomps right on the right leg of Steele…

Rhino:You can see the pain on the face of Steele after that kick to the knee…

Mark:Christian Rivers is now hooking up Steele… Texas Cloverleaf!

Rhino:Steele is in trouble now…

Mark:Christian Rivers has the Texas Cloverleaf locked in and is trying to prevent Steele from getting to the ropes…

Rhino:Steele is trying to use his upper body strength to power himself to the ropes…

Mark:Steele is getting closer to the ropes…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is trying to stop him from getting there…

Mark:Steele is close to the ropes but Christian Rivers pulls him back away from the ropes…

Rhino:Steele is once again trying to crawl to the ropes but the question is does he have it in him to once again fight his way to the ropes…

Mark:Steele is getting the fan support behind him as he gets closer to the ropes…

Rhino:You can hear the fans willing him to the ropes…

Mark:Steele reaches out and is able to get to the ropes and now the Texas Cloverleaf has been broken…

Rhino:Steele is now limping up on to his feet…

Mark:Christian Rivers is now stalking his prey right now…

Rhino:This is not going to be good for Steele…

Mark:Christian Rivers grabs Steele by the leg… Dragon Screw… Enziguri!

Rhino:Nice counter by Steele…

Mark:Christian Rivers is now slow to get back up…

Rhino:Steele is up as well…

Mark:Steele on one leg starts to score with right hands to Christian Rivers…

Rhino:You can see he is really favoring the leg…

Mark:Steele now shoots Christian Rivers off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Christian Rivers gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:Steele now hooks up Christian Rivers… OXIDATION!

Rhino:Steele could have him now…

Mark:Steele with the cover 1………………….2…………….3………NO! Christian Rivers gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Close near fall right there…

Mark:Steele now is looking to go in for the kill right about now…

Rhino:Christian Rivers is dazed…

Mark:Steele hooks him up… BESSEMER PROCESS! NO! Christian Rivers escapes and kicks Steele right in the back of the knee…

Rhino:That was the weak point and now Christian Rivers is quickly putting Steele up on the top rope…

Mark:Christian Rivers hooks him up… STAY DEAD!

Rhino:Steele has been laid out after that Brain Buster from the top rope…

Mark:Christian Rivers hooks the legs 1…………………..2……………..3……….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner CHRISTIAN RIVERS!

Rhino:Christian Rivers with a solid debut victory tonight and it appears he could be a force to be reckoned with…. If the Price is right…

Mark:We will have to see about that… But right now we have more EWA Action to get to… So lets get to the ring for the introductions…

Kelly Kelly vs Lilith Evans

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Jacksonville, Florida… Weighing in at 108 Pounds… KELLY KELLY!

(“Fully Alive” plays as Kelly Kelly enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Baltimore, Maryland… Weighing in at 135 Pounds… LILITH EVANS!

(“Thoughtless” plays as Lilith Evans enters the arena…)

Mark:Both women are ready to go right now as Kelly Kelly goes right in with a couple of shots to Lilith Evans…

Rhino:Lilith Evans is firing back with a couple of shots of her own…

Mark:Lilith Evans with a hard kick to the midsection and now grabs Kelly Kelly by her hair and tosses her across the ring…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly tries to shake that right off as she gets back up on to her feet…

Mark:Kelly Kelly shakes it off and charges in at Lilith Evans… Lilith Evans with a side step and scores with a Hip Toss!

Rhino:So far the former EWA Womens Champion has been a step ahead of Kelly Kelly…

Mark:Lilith Evans now pulls Kelly Kelly up on to her feet by the hair and now takes her over with a snapmare takeover… Lilith Evans comes off the ropes and drops a leg right down on to the face of Kelly Kelly…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly is being over matched right now by Lilith Evans…

Mark:Lilith Evans now pulls Kelly Kelly back up on to her feet… Kelly Kelly slaps Lilith Evans right across the face…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly is trying to find away to keep Lilith Evans away from her for a moment…

Mark:Kelly Kelly now charges and scores with a clothesline…

Rhino:Lilith Evans gets back up on to her feet…

Mark:Kelly Kelly goes for a kick… Lilith Evans catches her leg… Back Flip! By Kelly Kelly… Lilith Evans spins around… Spin Heel Kick! By Kelly Kelly…

Rhino:Nice move right there…

Mark:Kelly Kelly goes for the cover 1……………..2……………Kickout by Lilith Evans…

Rhino:Lilith Evans gets back up on to her feet…

Mark:Kelly Kelly charges… Tilt A Whirl Headscissors! No! Side Walk Slam!

Rhino:Really nice counter by Lilith Evans as she drove Kelly Kelly hard in to the mat…

Mark:Lilith Evans covers Kelly Kelly 1…………………..2…………..3…No! Kelly Kelly kicks out…

Rhino:Lilith Evans now waits for her to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Lilith Evans hooks up Kelly Kelly… Piledriver!

Rhino:Kelly Kelly was dropped right on her head…

Mark:Lilith Evans covers Kelly Kelly 1……………………….2……………..3…..NO! Kelly Kelly gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Another close near fall right there…

Mark:Lilith Evans is looking to put Kelly Kelly away right now…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly is staggering up on to her feet…

Mark:Lilith Evans now hooks her up… TORTUED! NO! Blocked and Kelly Kelly shoves her off in to the corner…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly is trying to gather herself right now…

Mark:Handspring Back Elbow! Connects by Kelly Kelly…

Rhino:Lilith Evans is now staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Running Bulldog by Kelly Kelly driving Lilith Evans head first in to the mat…

Rhino:The former EWA Womens Champion could be in trouble right now…

Mark:Kelly Kelly with the cover 1………………………2………………..3…No! Lilith Evans gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Lilith Evans staggers to her feet…

Mark:Kelly Kelly charges… Crossbody! 1………………2………..3……NO! Lilith Evans kicks out again…

Rhino:Kelly Kelly is looking to put her away right now…

Mark:Lilith Evans is back up… Kelly Kelly with a kick to the midsection… K2! NO! Lilith Evans blocks and flips Kelly Kelly over… Big Clothesline!

Rhino:That clothesline almost took her head right off…

Mark:Kelly Kelly is now trying to pull herself back up on to her feet…

Rhino:Lilith Evans is in position now…

Mark:DRIVEN! By Lilith Evans to Kelly Kelly as she now goes for the cover 1……………………2……………..3……….NO! Kelly Kelly kicks out…

Rhino:So very close right there…

Mark:You can see a little bit of frustration on the face of Lilith Evans right about now…

Rhino:She thought she had Kelly Kelly beat right there…

Mark:Kelly Kelly is struggling to get back up on to her feet…

Rhino:Lilith Evans is looking to end things right now…

Mark:Kelly Kelly is back up… Lilith Evans hooks her up… TORTURED! NO! School Girl! 1………………….2………………3………. SHE GOT HER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner KELLY KELLY!

Rhino:What an upset by Kelly Kelly…

Mark:Kelly Kelly escapes Thursday Night Chaos with a victory over Lilith Evans and is in line to get a shot at the EWA Womens Champion…

Rhino:Could it be at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard…

Mark:We will have to just wait and see… As we are scheduled to hear from Shane McMahon a little later in the program I am being told… But its time for our next contest…

Big Daddy Ace vs Troy “The Rampage” Joseph

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From Boston, Mass… Weighing in at 273 Pounds… Representing The Alliance… BIG DADDY ACE!

(“No More Sorrow” plays as Big Daddy Ace enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Shangra-la… Weighing in at 252 Pounds… TROY “THE RAMPAGE” JOSEPH!

(“Hall of Illusion” plays as Troy “The Rampage” Joseph enters the arena…)

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph goes right after Big Daddy Ace as the referee calls for the bell… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph starts to back Big Daddy Ace up in to the ropes with the right hands… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph whips Big Daddy Ace off in to the ropes… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph scores with a Flying Back Elbow!

Rhino:That caught Big Daddy Ace right in the face…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets back up on to his feet…Troy “The Rampage” Joseph scoops up Big Daddy Ace and gets him up on his shoulder… Shoulder Breaker! As Troy “The Rampage” Joseph goes right for the cover 1……………………2…………..Kickout by Big Daddy Ace…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now lining up Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph charges at Big Daddy Ace and scores with a Flying Shoulder Block!

Rhino:That move just knocked Big Daddy Ace out of the ring and through the middle rope…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is frustrated on the outside of the ring… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph charges and scores with a Baseball Slide right to Big Daddy Ace out on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now going to the outside of the ring after Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph grabs Big Daddy Ace and goes to ram his head on the steel steps… Big Daddy Ace blocks and rams Troy “The Rampage” Joseph head in to the steel steps…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is going to attempt to fight his way back in to this match up…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace now rams Troy “The Rampage” Joseph right in to the steel ring post…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is being rolled back in to the ring by Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace with boots to Troy “The Rampage” Joseph backing him up in to the corner… Big Daddy Ace now follows up the boots with driving his shoulder right in to the midsection of Troy Joseph in the corner…

Rhino:The Big Tyme Playa is trying to knock the wind right out of Troy “The Rampage” Joseph…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace now shoots Troy “The Rampage” Joseph off in to the farside corner… Big Daddy Ace charges and scores with a running clothesline…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace now hooks him up… Front Face Suplex! Driving Troy “The Rampage” Joseph face first in to the mat… Big Daddy Ace covers Troy “The Rampage” Joseph 1………………2…………….Kickout by Troy Joseph…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace kicks Troy Joseph in the midsection… POWERBOMB!

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph was driven right in the mat…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace covers Troy Joseph again 1…………………..2……………..3…….NO! Troy “The Rampage” Joseph gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is getting frustrated as he now waits for Troy “The Rampage” Joseph to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is staggering around… Big Daddy Ace charges… SPEAR! NO! Troy “The Rampage” Joseph moves out of the way and Big Daddy Ace runs right in to the corner…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is dazed on his feet…

Mark:Face Crusher! By Troy “The Rampage” Joseph driving Big Daddy Ace right in to the mat…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is down on the outside of the ring… FROG SPLASH! Connects!

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph got all of that splash…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph hooks the leg of Big Daddy Ace 1………………….2……………….3……….NO! Big Daddy Ace gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now waiting for Big Daddy Ace to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph now with a hard uppercut and follows it up with a DDT!

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace has been planted…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph covers Big Daddy Ace again 1………………….2………………..3…………….NO! Big Daddy Ace gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is now slow to his feet…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now lining up Big Daddy Ace… RUNNING RAMPAGE RUFFLE! NO! Big Daddy Ace moved out of the way… Troy “The Rampage” Joseph is now turning around and Big Daddy Ace is opening up on him with right hands…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is firing back with right hands of his own…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets sent for a ride in to the farside by Troy “The Rampage” Joseph… Big Daddy Ace with a reversal… Troy Joseph comes off the ropes… SPEAR!

Rhino:Big move right there from the Big Tyme Playa…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace covers Troy Joseph 1……………………..2………………….3…………….NO! Troy “The Rampage” Joseph gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Close near fall right there as Big Daddy Ace thought he had him…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace is now waiting for Troy Joseph to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:This could be it right here and now…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph turns around and Big Daddy Ace hooks him up… ACE CRUSHER! NO! Troy “The Rampage” Joseph escapes and shoves him off in to the ropes… RUNNING RAMPAGE RUFFLE!

Rhino:Big Daddy Ace was planted…

Mark:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph covers Big Daddy Ace 1……………………2………………..3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TROY “The Rampage” JOSEPH!

Rhino:Troy “The Rampage” Joseph with a big win tonight over Big Daddy Ace…

Mark:Big Daddy Ace has been coming up on the losing end of things as of late… Hopefully he will be able to rebound soon enough and one man who is happy to see what has been happening to Big Daddy Ace as of late is the man joining us live right now… EWA Vice President Shane McMahon… Shane… I know you have enjoyed what you have just seen…

Shane:Why would you think that? I want all of my superstars to have suc… Okay… Your right… I was happy to see what just happened out there to Big Daddy Ace and I hope it continues for the weeks and months to come…

Mark:Now Shane we were told you have a few announcements to make regarding Nightmare on EWA Boulevard…

Shane:I do have a couple of announcements to make and one is regarding the EWA Womens Championship… As after the last few weeks its pretty clear that Kelly Kelly deserves a shot at the EWA Womens Championship and it will happen at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard when she goes one on one with Alexis Laree… Now another big announcement for next week… As earlier tonight I received an invite from my sister Stephanie McMahon and next week at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard… It will be the McMahon Family Reunion!

Rhino:All the McMahons will be here next week Shane?

Shane:According to the inviation… All McMahon family members will be at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard for a McMahon Family Reunion…

Mark:Interesting stuff right there Shane… Thanks for joining us Shane and right now we are ready for our next contest which should be really interesting to say the least…

Non Title
Jello in a Pool Match
Alexis Laree vs HBIC Ezay Pusay

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Jello in a Pool Match… Introducing first…From Shangrla… Weighing in at 115 Pounds… HBIC EZAY PUSAY!

(“What is a Juggalo” play as HBIC Ezay Pusay enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent… From Richmond, Virginia… Weighing in at 124 Pounds…The EWA Womens Champion…ALEXIS LAREE!

(“Decode” plays as Alexis Laree enters the arena…)

Mark:Well this is a first here in the EWA…

Rhino:I dont know why it took so long for us to have one of these type matches…

Mark:Both women are standing in the Jello Pool right now and there they go…

Rhino:Both women are tearing in to one another…

Mark:HBIC Ezay Pusay and Alexis Laree are rolling around in the jello as now HBIC Ezay Pusay gets on top of Alexis Laree and starts driving the back of her head in to the jello…

Rhino:HBIC Ezay Pusay is a hardcore diva and she is just pounding away on the EWA Womens Champion…

Mark:Alexis Laree is trying to get to her feet… HBIC Ezay Pusay scoops up Alexis Laree and slams her right in to the jello…

Rhino:This is probably the most viewed match up right now as everyone from what I heard earlier today were trying to make sure they had a seat to see this one…

Mark:HBIC Ezay Pusay goes for a Leg Drop! Alexis Laree rolls out of the way…

Rhino:Jello flies every where when they land it in…

Mark:HBIC Ezay Pusay is now trying to get back up… Alexis Laree hooks her up and takes her down with a Vertical Suplex!

Rhino:The EWA Womens Champion has something in mind right about now…

Mark:The EWA Womens Champion Alexis Laree grabs HBIC Ezay Pusay by the head and she is rubbing her face in to the Jello…

Rhino:Alexis Laree is now looking on the outside of the pool for something…

Mark:Alexis Laree has found herself some Whip Cream…

Rhino:Oh Baby this is going to be good…

Mark:Alexis Laree puts whip cream in her hand and smashes it right in to the face of HBIC Ezay Pusay…

Rhino:HBIC Ezay Pusay cant see as the whip cream got in her eyes…

Mark:Why dont you go help her clean it out…

Rhino:You know… That’s not a bad idea…

Mark:Sit back down…

Rhino:Alexis Laree is now lining her up…

Mark:CHICK KICK! As Alexis Laree covers HBIC Ezay Pusay 1…………………….2…………………3……… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALEXIS LAREE!

Rhino:Alexis Laree with a nice win in an unusual situation for sure here tonight…

Mark:It indeed was a nice win for her and can she keep her roll going when she takes on Kelly Kelly for the EWA Womens Championship at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard… But right now its time to see the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Title Chris Jericho in action…

The Rock vs Chris Jericho

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada… Weighing in at 231 Pounds… Representing The Alliance…CHRIS JERICHO!

(“Break Down The Walls” plays as Chris Jericho enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Miami, Fl… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… THE ROCK!

(“Is Cookin” plays as The Rock enters the arena…)

Mark:Chris Jericho and The Rock are in the center of the ring…

Rhino:These two men have had a couple of good competitive matches with each other last year… So this could be interesting…

Mark:Chris Jericho with a bit of trash talk to The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock isnt being shy about the trash talk either…

Mark:Chris Jericho slaps The Rock right across the face…

Rhino:The Rock smirks at Chris Jericho…

Mark:The Rock now opens up on Chris Jericho nailing him with straight right hands… Chris Jericho gets back up in to the ropes… The Rock with an irish whip… Reversal by Chris Jericho and The Rock comes off the ropes and Chris Jericho scores with a dropkick…

Rhino:That dropkick caught The Rock right in the face…

Mark:The Rock gets back up on to his feet and Chris Jericho scores with a couple of knife edge chops across the chest of the Peoples Champion…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is lighting up The Rock…

Mark:Chris Jericho now hooks up The Rock and nails him with a Float Over Suplex! Cover by Chris Jericho 1………………….2……………..Kickout by The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock is making his way up on to his feet…

Mark:Chris Jericho charges at The Rock… The Rock ducks the clothesline and back drops Chris Jericho over the top rope…

Rhino:Chris Jericho landed on the apron…

Mark:The Rock turns around and Chris Jericho drives his shoulder right in to the midsection of The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock is dazed…

Mark:Chris Jericho now with a Springboard Dropkick! Right to The Rock…

Rhino:Nice move by Chris Jericho…

Mark:Chris Jericho covers The Rock 1……………………..2……………… The Rock kicks out again…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is now waiting for The Rock to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock is back up on to his feet in the corner… Chris Jericho climbs up the corner and starts nailing The Rock with right hands…

Rhino:The fans are counting along…

Mark:The Rock shoves Chris Jericho off the ropes as he got up to punch five…

Rhino:Chris Jericho gets right back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock charges and scores with a Big Clothesline! Taking Chris Jericho right off of his feet…

Rhino:That was one hell of a clothesline…

Mark:Chris Jericho gets back up and The Rock starts to hammer Chris Jericho with straight right hands… The Rock whips Chris Jericho off in to the ropes… Samoan Drop!

Rhino:Big move by The Peoples Champion…

Mark:The Rock covers Chris Jericho 1………………..2……………Kickout by Chris Jericho…

Rhino:The Rock is now lining up Chris Jericho…

Mark:Chris Jericho turns around… Over The Head Belly to Belly Suplex! By The Rock sending Chris Jericho across the ring… The Rock goes for another cover 1…………………..2……………..Kickout by Chris Jericho once again…

Rhino:The Rock is taunting the fans right now as he seems to be in control of this match up…

Mark:Chris Jericho is pulling himself back up… Chris Jericho turns around… SPINEBUSTER! By The Rock driving Chris Jericho right in to the mat…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is in trouble now…

Mark:The Rock covers Chris Jericho 1……………………..2…………………3…..No! Chris Jericho gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Everything is going The Rock’s way right about now…

Mark:Chris Jericho is slow to get back up…

Rhino:The Rock has him lined up…

Mark:ROCK BOTTOM! NO! Chris Jericho blocks and now The Rock spins back around… CODEBREAKER!

Rhino:The Number One Contender could have the win right now…

Mark:Chris Jericho covers The Rock 1……………………..2………………..3………NO! The Rock gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Chris Jericho thought he had The Rock right there…

Mark:The Rock is now staggering back up on to his feet… From behind… Running Bulldog!

Rhino:The Rock was planted in to the mat…

Mark:Chris Jericho springs off the ropes… LIONSAULT! NO! The Rock got his knees up…

Rhino:That had to drive the air right out of Chris Jericho…

Mark:The Rock is now lining up Chris Jericho… ROCK BOTTOM!

Rhino:That’s It!

Mark:The Rock is about to beat the Number One Contender for the EWA World Title… As The Rock hooks the leg 1………………………2………………..3……………. NO! Chris Jericho gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:The Rock can not believe it…

Mark:The Rock is arguing with the referee right now…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is trying to pull himself back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock is stalking Chris Jericho… Chris Jericho turns around… ROCK BOTTOM! NO! Chris Jericho blocks it and trips up The Rock… WALLS OF JERICHO!

Rhino:Will The Rock give it up?

Mark:The Rock is trying to crawl to the ropes…

Rhino:Chris Jericho has it really locked in…

Mark:The Rock is crawling to the ropes…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is screaming for him to Tap Out…

Mark:The Rock reaches out and grabs the ropes…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is now waiting for The Rock to get back up…

Mark:The Rock spins around… CODEBREAKER! NO! The Rock holds on to the ropes…

Rhino:Chris Jericho’s head bounced right off the mat…

Mark:The Rock is in position… ROCK BOTTOM! NO! Chris Jericho blocks again… The Rock spins around… CODEBREAKER!

Rhino:Second Codebreaker he was able to hit…

Mark:Chris Jericho hooks the leg 1…………………2……………..3………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner CHRIS JERICHO!

Rhino:Chris Jericho continues to build momentum as he heads in to Nightmare on EWA Boulevard to fight for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship against Subway…

Mark:We will see Subway in action in our Main Event… But right now the EWA Tag Team Titles are going to be on the line so lets get to the ring for the introductions…

EWA Tag Team Championship Street Fight
Dangerous D & J-Twisted(c) vs Degeneration X

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Street Fight for the EWA Tag Team Championship! Introducing first… The Challengers… Weighing in at a combined weight of 487 Pounds… The Team of The Game Triple H and the EWA Television Champion The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels… DEGENERATION X!

(“Break it Down” plays as Degeneration X enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Their opponents..Weighing in at a combined weight of 501 Pounds… The EWA Tag Team Champions…Dangerous D and J-Twisted… DANGEROUSLY TWISTED!

(“Real Nigga Roll Call” plays as Dangerous D and J-Twisted enter the arena…)

Mark:It is going to be Shawn Michaels and Dangerous D starting things out for both sides… Dangerous D goes for a right hand…Shawn Michaels ducks and nails Dangerous D with a couple of hard chops right across the chest…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is backing Dangerous D up in to the corner with those chops…

Mark:Shawn Michaels now whips Dangerous D off in to the farside corner…Shawn Michaels charges in after Dangerous D… Dangerous D though gets his boot up right in the face of Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:The EWA Television Champion is spinning around…

Mark:Dangerous D charges with a clothesline… Shawn Michaels ducks and starts to chop Dangerous D across the chest once again… Shawn Michaels now scoops up and slams Dangerous D down to the canvas…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is dragging Dangerous D right over to the DX Corner…

Mark:Shawn Michaels tags in Triple H and Shawn Michaels opens up Dangerous D and Triple H kicks him right in the midsection…

Rhino:Triple H is now opening up on Dangerous D…

Mark:Big right hands to the midsection of Dangerous D by Triple H… Triple H now hooks up Dangerous D and connects with a Gutbuster!

Rhino:That knocked the wind right out of Dangerous D…

Mark:Triple H covers Dangerous D 1………………..2…………..Kickout by Dangerous D…

Rhino:The Game is now waiting for Dangerous D to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Triple H stalks Dangerous D… Spinebuster! No! DDT!

Rhino:Nice counter by Dangerous D…

Mark:Dangerous D is now crawling to his corner and tags in J-Twisted…

Rhino:Triple H is back up…

Mark:J-Twisted charges at Triple H and takes him down with a Flying Forearm Shot!

Rhino:The Game slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Facebuster! By J-Twisted driving Triple H in to the mat… J-Twisted now covers Triple H 1……………….2………….Kickout by Triple H…

Rhino:The Game is now trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:J-Twisted pulls him up on to his feet by the hair and drags him back to the corner…

Rhino:J-Twisted takes in Dangerous D…

Mark:Dangerous D and J-Twisted hook up Triple H and score with a double vertical suplex… Dangerous D goes for a cover on Triple H 1………………..2………………Kickout by Triple H…

Rhino:Dangerous D is now waiting for Triple H to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dangerous D kicks Triple H in the midsection and scores with a swinging neckbreaker…

Rhino:Triple H is struggling to get back up to his feet…

Mark:Dangerous D kicks Triple H in the midsection… Stunner!

Rhino:The Game is in trouble…

Mark:Dangerous D covers Triple H 1…………………..2…………….3…No! Shawn Michaels comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:The Game is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:J-Twisted now goes to the outside of the ring and slides a steel chair in to the ring…

Rhino:Dangerous D is waiting for Triple H to turn around…

Mark:Dangerous D slams Triple H right down on to the steel chair…

Rhino:Dangerous D is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:D-BOMB! NO! Triple H moved and Dangerous D goes crashing right down on to the Steel Chair…

Rhino:Triple H is now crawling to his corner…

Mark:Shawn Michaels reaches out and gets the tag from Triple H…

Rhino:J-Twisted gets the tag as well…

Mark:J-Twisted charges at Shawn Michaels… Shawn Michaels ducks the clothesline and spins J-Twisted around… Atomic Drop!

Rhino:J-Twisted is dazed after that Atomic Drop…

Mark:Shawn Michaels with a big right hand knocking down J-Twisted…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is quickly going to the outside of the ring…

Mark:Shawn Michaels grabs a singapore cane from underneath the ring…

Rhino:J-Twisted is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:J-Twisted turns around… Singapore Cane Shot!

Rhino:Big shot by The Heartbreak Kid…

Mark:Shawn Michaels now drops the cane and is now heading up on to his feet…

Rhino:The Showstopper is going to fly…

Mark:Flying Elbow Drop!

Rhino:Big time move by The Showstopper driving the elbow right in to the midsection of J-Twisted…

Mark:Shawn Michaels covers J-Twisted 1…………………2……………..3………NO! Dangerous D comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:Triple H is in the ring…

Mark:Triple H and Dangerous D are trading shots and Triple H clotheslines Dangerous D out of the ring…

Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid is now waiting for J-Twisted to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:J-Twisted is slowly getting up on to his feet…

Rhino:The Showstopper is has him lined up…

Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC! NO! J-Twisted ducks and picks up the singapore cane and nails Shawn Michaels right in the head…

Rhino:What a cane shot…

Mark:J-Twisted now hooks up Shawn Michaels… ONE HITTA QUITTA!

Rhino:Big Move!

Mark:J-Twisted covers Shawn Michaels 1……………………..2……………3………. NO! Triple H comes in and breaks it up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:J-Twisted is now lining up Shawn Michaels… ONE HITTA QUITTA! NO! Shawn Michaels escapes… Both men charge at one another… DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!

Rhino:Both men are down on the mat right now…

Mark:J-Twisted and Shawn Michaels both need to make a tag…

Rhino:Both men are crawling to their corners…

Mark:Triple H gets the tag from Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Dangerous D gets the tag as well…

Mark:Both Triple H and Dangerous D are slugging it out right now in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Look at them go…

Mark:Dangerous D goes for a big right hand… Triple H ducks… Knee Buster!

Rhino:Dangerous D is spinning around…

Mark:Big Clothesline! From Triple H…

Rhino:Triple H is now looking around the ring and is picking up the Steel Chair…

Mark:Triple H lays out the Steel Chair as Dangerous D gets back up on to his feet… SPINEBUSTER! Right down on to the Steel Chair…

Rhino:Big time move right there…

Mark:Triple H covers Dangerous D 1……………………….2………………….3………..NO! Dangerous D gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Dangerous D barely got his shoulder up and is now slow to get up on to his feet…

Mark:Triple H now kicks Dangerous D in the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! J-Twisted comes in to the ring and nails Triple H with a dropkick…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now in the ring…

Mark:Dangerous D turns around… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!

Rhino:Big kick from the EWA Television Champion…

Mark:J-Twisted charges at Shawn Michaels and now tackles him out of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is now crawling on to Dangerous D…

Mark:Triple H covers Dangerous D 1……………………….2………………3…………NO! Dangerous D gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:It took Triple H a couple of extra moments to make the cover and that’s why he couldn’t get the pinfall…

Mark:Dangerous D is now staggering back up on to his feet…

Rhino:J-Twisted just sent Shawn Michaels in to the steel steps…

Mark:Triple H kicks Dangerous D in the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! Low Blow!

Rhino:Nice counter by Dangerous D…

Mark:J-Twisted is back in the ring and quickly hooks up Triple H… ONE HITTA QUITTA!

Rhino:Dangerous D quickly up on to the top rope…

Mark:D-BOMB! Dangerous D covers Triple H…

Rhino:J-Twisted is keeping Shawn Michaels out of the ring…

Mark:Dangerous D hooks the leg 1…………………..2………………3…………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners and STILL EWA Tag Team Champions DANGEROUS D & J-TWISTED!

Rhino:What a win for the EWA Tag Team Champions…

Mark:Dangerous D and J-Twisted beat Degeneration X tonight which has to be considered an update…

Rhino:This will do a lot for the EWA Tag Team Champions…

Mark:Can Subway keep both of his titles? We will find out right now as he puts up the EWA Total Impact Championship…

EWA Total Impact Championship Alligator Death Match
Subway(c) vs Josh Stewart

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the Alligator Death Match and is for the EWA Total Impact Championship…Introducing first… The Challenger…From West Hurley, Ny… Weighing in at 245 Pounds…Representing The Alliance…JOSH STEWART!

(“I Dont Wanna Stop” plays as Josh Stewart enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Wildwood, NJ… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… The EWA World Champion and the Defending EWA Total Impact Champion… SUBWAY!

(“Hits From The Bong” plays as Subway enters the arena…)

Mark:Well Rhino this is one of the most unusual matches in EWA History…

Rhino:There are Alligators all around the ring… Which will hopefully keep the wrestlers in the ring… But that’s probably not going to be the case…

Mark:Subway and Josh Stewart are eyeing up the surroundings…

Rhino:Both men have smiles on their face giving approval for that they are about to go through…

Mark:Josh Stewart strikes Subway first with a right hand…

Rhino:Subway fires back with a right hand of his own…

Mark:Both men now going back and forth trading shots as they slug it out…

Rhino:Look at them go…

Mark:Josh Stewart kicks Subway in the midsection and goes for a suplex… Subway escapes and goes behind Josh Stewart and nails him with a Reverse DDT!

Rhino:Nice counter by the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:Josh Stewart is now getting back up on to his feet… Subway charges and nails Josh Stewart with a clothesline knocking him over the top rope…

Rhino:Josh Stewart held on to the ropes and keeps himself up on the ring apron…

Mark:Subway charges… Josh Stewart ducks and drives his shoulder in to the midsection of Subway…

Rhino:Subway is spinning around…

Mark:Springboard Clothesline! By the challenger Josh Stewart…

Rhino:Nice clothesline right there…

Mark:Josh Stewart now picks Subway up by the head and is bringing him back in to the corner…

Rhion:Josh Stewart is connecting with elbows right to the side of the head of Subway…

Mark:Josh Stewart now is placing Subway up on to the top rope…

Rhino:Bad spot for Subway to be in right now…

Mark:Josh Stewart hooks up Subway… Superplex! No! Subway blocks and knocks him off the top rope…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is getting right back up…

Mark:Double Axe Handle Shot! By Subway laying out the challenger…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is slow to get up after that shot…

Mark:Subway now kicks Josh Stewart in the midsection… Double Arm DDT!

Rhino:Nice move by the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:Arm Bar Submission! By the EWA Total Impact Champion right now as Josh Stewart is quickly crawling to the ropes…

Rhino:Josh Stewart wants to get out of this hold as quickly as possible…

Mark:Josh Stewart is able to get to the ropes and is he is crawling underneath the bottom rope…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is looking to get away from Subway…

Mark:Josh Stewart puts his foot down on the ground and here comes the Alligator… The Alligator chomps and Josh Stewart quickly moves his foot out of the way…

Rhino:Josh Stewart forgot about the surroundings for a second and almost paid a big price for it…

Mark:Subway now pulls Josh Stewart back in to the ring… Subway hooks up Josh Stewart… Pulling Piledriver!

Rhino:Josh Stewart was dropped right on his head…

Mark:Subway is now waiting for Josh Stewart to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:This could be the knock out shot for the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:Josh Stewart is back up… SUBLINE! NO! Josh Stewart ducks and back drops Subway over the top rope…

Rhino:Subway lands on the apron…

Mark:Josh Stewart with a dropkick from behind knocking Subway off the ropes and down to the floor…

Rhino:This is not a good spot to be in…

Mark:Look Out! The Alligator crawls right up behind Subway and takes a bite out of his behind…

Rhino:Did you just hear the sound Subway made…

Mark:One of the trainers quickly gets the Alligator off of Subway as Subway quickly gets back in to the ring…

Rhino:He is going have a hard time sitting down for a while after that…

Mark:Subway is now getting up on to his feet… Josh Stewart is hooking him up… EYE FOR AN EYE!

Rhino:Subway has been laid out after that move…

Mark:The referee is checking on Subway right now…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is going for the kill…


Rhino:The EWA Total Impact Champion is in trouble right about now…

Mark:Subway is trying to fight his way out of his Submission…

Rhino:Subway is rolling around…

Mark:Subway boots Josh Stewart right in the face knocking him backwards and through the ropes…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is trying to hang on to the ropes…

Mark:The Alligator has Josh Stewart’s Foot!

Rhino:Look how red Josh Stewart’s face just got…

Mark:The trainer gets the Alligator off of Josh Stewart but you can see he is in a tremendous amount of pain right now…

Rhino:Subway is now waiting for Josh Stewart to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Josh Stewart limps around… SUBLINE!

Rhino:What a clothesline by the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:The referee is checking on Josh Stewart…

Rhino:The referee says he can continue…

Mark:Josh Stewart is now making his way back up on to his feet really slowly right now…

Rhino:Subway is looking to put him away…

Mark:Subway hooks him up… Single Arm DDT!

Rhino:Josh Stewart been laid out…


Rhino:That’s gonna be it…

Mark:Josh Stewart is trying to block it from being fully locked in…

Rhino:Once it is locked in it will be all over…

Mark:Josh Stewart is able to quickly get to the ropes…

Rhino:Subway was looking to end this match up right there…

Mark:Subway is now clubbing Josh Stewart in the back with shots…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is walking funny after the Alligator took a bite out of his foot…

Mark:Subway is not moving that well either… Subway though now whips Josh Stewart in to the ropes…Subway ducks his head… Josh Stewart puts on the breaks and kicks Subway right in the face…

Rhino:Subway is spinning around…

Mark:Josh Stewart hooks up Subway… BRAIN STEW!

Rhino:The EWA Total Impact Champion has been laid out…

Mark:The question is has he been knocked out…

Rhino:The referee is checking on Subway right about now…

Mark:The referee says he can continue…

Rhino:Josh Stewart can not believe that he can…

Mark:It is showing the toughness of the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Rhino:Josh Stewart is now heading up on to the rope…

Mark:BROKEN SANITY! NO! Subway moves out of the way…

Rhino:Subway is now slowly getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Subway drops an elbow right on to Josh Stewart…

Rhino:Subway has that look in his eye…


Rhino:Josh Stewart is doing whatever he can to block it from being locked in…

Mark:Josh Stewart almost has it fought off…

Rhino:Subway is trying his best…

Mark:Josh Stewart is countering around… STRUNG OUT!

Rhino:Josh Stewart has the triangle choke locked in…

Mark:Subway is trying to fight his way to the ropes…

Rhino:Josh Stewart has it locked in…

Mark:Subway is a tremendous amount of pain…

Rhino:Subway is getting close to the ropes…

Mark:Josh Stewart is trying to keep him away…

Rhino:Subway is starting to fade away…

Mark:The referee is checking on Subway… The arm goes up and it goes down…

Rhino:Two more times and it will be over…

Mark:Subway’s arm goes up and it goes down…

Rhino:Subway doesn’t seem to be awake…

Mark:The arm goes up and it Goes Down! ITS OVER! NEW CHAMPION!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW EWA Total Impact Champion JOSH STEWART!

Rhino:Josh Stewart has done it…

Mark:Josh Stewart has ended the title reign of Subway…

Rhino:Is this a sign of things to come?

Mark:The Alliance has control of the EWA Total Impact Championship… Will they have control of the EWA World Heavyweight Championship? We will fill find out at Nightmare on EWA Boulevard… Good Night Everyone!

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