Mark:Welcome everyone to eWa Deliverance… Live from New Orleans, La… And we have so much great action for you tonight…
Rhino:Oh you bet we do… We got three styles of cage matches… Plus a whole lot more…
Mark:Yes including a Strap Match… And a very exciting Pure Hell match up between Psyko Boy and Demon Child… Yes I said Demon Child…
Rhino:Cant forget about the Heavy Metal match between Purgatory and Iceburg…
Mark:You can only see this kind of action here in the Extreme Wrestling Alliance…
Rhino:No stop action…
Mark:So lets head towards the ring right now to begin this evenings festivities… With a very special Hardcore Cage Match…
Hardcore Cage Match
Edge vs Jay Mack
Pa Announcer:Tonights opening match is set for one fall… And is a HARDCORE CAGE MATCH… Introducing first… From Miami, Fl… Weighing in at 274 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Real Deal… JAY MACK…
(“Never Again” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Toronto, Ontario, Ca… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… EDGE…
(“Never Gonna Stop” hits as he walks to the ring…)
Mark:Jay Mack is not waiting for Edge to step through the ropes as he charges right in to him… Jay Mack really smashed him hard in to the corner…
Rhino:Yes he did Mark…. He really caught Edge off guard to start off this match up…
Mark:Jay now whips him to the farside ropes… And a back body drop by Jay Mack and he sent Edge for a ride…
Rhino:Edge is crawling back in to the corner… While Jay is climbing up the side of the cage… Reaching for some weapon…
Mark:Hes got a two by four Rhino… And he charges at Edge… Edge ducks the 2×4… And He goes for a spin kick does Edge… Jay ducks… And nails Edge with the 2×4 right in the back…
Rhino:Jay is continuing to drive it right in to the back of Edge…
Mark:Jay now with right hands as he picked up the body of Edge… And throws him right in to the steel…
Rhino:He through him in to the hanging steel chair… Mark… Which has got to hurt…
Mark:Edge needs to get some offense in at some point right here and now… But Jay just nailed him with a powerbomb…
Rhino:Its only a matter of time before he covers Edge for the One Two Three…
Mark:Jay now grabs a baseball bat wrapped in chains… And he is nailing Edge right in the back with it…
Rhino:Thats going to leave a mark…
Mark:Jay now reachs up and pulls down a chair…
Rhino:It could be over right now…
Mark:Jay hooks him up…. REAL DEAL DRIVER on the Steel Chair… Heres a cover 1…………………2…………………….3……………
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… JAY MACK…
Rhino:The Real Deal… Who is now a member of Degeneration X… Gets the victory tonight…
Mark:It was a very impressive victory though you have to admit…
Rhino:I dont have to admit anything… But yeah it was…
Mark:Well something is going on in the back…
Rhino:Thats Chris Jericho… Hes attacking Kevin Nash…
Mark:Theres Kurt Angle as well… Angle and Jericho are really taking it to Kevin Nash…
Rhino:Scott Hall is at the Gorilla Position because he was suppose to come out now… And he has no idea whats happening to his tag team partner…
Mark:Kevin Nash is being attack and now officials are breaking it up… Now as the Razor Wire Cage is in place… We go to the ring…
RazorWire cage Match
Vertigo vs Scott Hall
Pa Announcer:This next match… Is a RazorWire Cage Match… And it is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 287 Pounds… SCOTT HALL…
(“Wolfpac” hits he makes his way to the ring…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Atlanta, Ga… Weighing in at 175 Pounds… VERTIGO…
(“Sober” hits as He makes his way out to the ring…)
Mark:Here we go… Scott Hall just threw the toothpick right in the face of Vertigo…
Rhino:And he is laughing about it…
Mark:Vertigo now slaps him across the face…
Rhino:Now he aint laughing…
Mark:And now these two men going toe to toe… Scott Hall takes control with the right hands… Pushing him back near the ropes… Scott Hall about to send him for the ride…
Rhino:Vertigo hangs on the ropes…
Mark:And he just tripped up Scott Hall…
Rhino:Now that was funny…
Mark:Vertigo now drops a big elbow right in to the back of Scott Hall… And he is now putting the boots right to him…
Rhino:Vertigo needs to take control early here in this match…
Mark:Vertigo now grabs Scott Hall by his greasy hair of his… And is now rubbing his face in the razorwire cage…
Rhino:He is trying to open up Scott Hall…
Mark:Vertigo is not a wrestler… But is a fighter… And he now whips Scott Hall in to the ropes… And nails him with a spin kick right to the face…
Rhino:Vertigo is looking to pick him apart with some stiff kicks… As he ties him up in the ropes…
Mark:Kicks right to the midsection by Vertigo… And Scott Hall is in pain…
Rhino:And the blood continues to flow from the forehead of Scott Hall…
Mark:Big Kick right to the temple of Scott Hall… And it has opened him up even more… Vertigo now hooks up Scott Hall… LIGER BOMB…
Rhino:Could it be over…
Mark:Vertigo isnt going for a cover just yet… As he is now ascending the top rope… Along with Scott Hall…
Rhino:What does he have in store at this moment in time…
Mark:FEAR FACTOR… The Cruifix Powerbomb… From The Top Rope…
Rhino:It has to be over here…
Mark:Cover 1……………………2………………3……….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… VERTIGO…
Rhino:What a match up that was…
Mark:Vertigo was able to hold his own against Scott Hall… And he came out on top…
Rhino:Vertigo… The Extreme Boss… Some times crazy… Is on a roll in his company… The EWA…
Mark:Well its time for a strap match… For the eWa X Championship…
eWa X Championship Strap Match
Shawn Michaels(c) vs El Diablo
Pa Announcer:This next match is a STRAP MATCH… And it is for the eWa X Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… From Harlem, Ny… Weighing in at 350 Pounds… EL DIABLO…
(“Let the Party Started” hits as he makes himself to the ring…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The eWa X Champion… The Heartbreak Kid… SHAWN MICHAELS…
(“Boy Toy” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)
Mark:Here we go boys and girls… Its a strap match…
Rhino:Yes indeed… Its going to be interesting… Especially with this height difference… This match is going to be very very strange…
Mark:Remember the way to win… Is to touch all four corners… Or…This was just added… As in recent strap matches… You can pin your opponent…
Rhino:That maybe an advantage for the Heartbreak Kid…
Mark:And Michaels just now flew and nailed El Diablo with a big forearm smash… That sent the big man backwards a little… Michaels now comes back and nails him with another flying forearm smash…
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid… Is trying to take the big man off his feet…
Mark:Michaels now… Springs back off the ropes… Crossbody… But El Diablo catches the Heartbreak Kid… And nails him with a big powerslam…
Rhino:That isnt going to help HBK at all…
Mark:El Diablo now picks up the Heartbreak Kid… And sends him towards the ropes… But pulls him back with the strap and nails him with a big time clothesline…
Rhino:He took his head off Mark…
Mark:El Diablo… Using his strength now… As he picks up the Heartbreak Kid… And just drops him down hard on to the canvas…
Rhino:This El Diablo has a lot of pure power and could be one hell of a wrecking machine…
Mark:El Diablo now hooks up the Heartbreak Kid… For what looks to be a Powerbomb… No… Michaels now… Reverses… It in to a frankensteiner… And Michaels now nailing El Diablo with right hands…
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid is showing his stuff at the moment…
Mark:The Heartbreak Kid now is firing away… With forearms… And now Michaels using all he has… And he takes him down with a big forearm shot to the head… And it knocked El Diablo over…
Rhino;That took out everything HBK had I believe…
Mark:Shawn nips back up… Right hands to El Diablo… El Diablo ducks a right hand… DVD… Death Valley Driver…
Rhino:That is it… It has to be over…
Mark:No Cover by El Diablo… As he is tagging the corners…
Rhino:He has hit two… And he is dragging the Heartbreak Kid across the ring…
Mark:El Diablo now picks up the Heartbreak Kid… But he falls down limp on the canvas…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels title reign could be over… In a matter of moments…
Mark:El Diablo now picks him up and throws him in to the ropes… As now he is tagging the third corner…
Rhino:One more left for El Diablo…
Mark:Michaels is holding the rope…
Rhino:And El Diablo is trying to pull him off…
Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC… Michaels nailed the kick…
Rhino:He was tricking El Diablo the whole time…
Mark:Michaels now crawls over on him… Cover 1………………………….2……………………. NO he kicked out…
Rhino:Oh My God… He kicked out of the Superkick…
Mark:Michaels is in total shock…
Rhino:And so is the whole arena…
Mark:Michaels now warming up the band again…
Rhino:El Diablo is back up…
Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC again… On El Diablo… Michaels covers him again 1……………….2……………..3……….
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner… AND STILL eWa X Champion… The Heartbreak Kid… SHAWN MICHAELS…
Rhino:The Gutsy Heartbreak Kid pulled it out tonight…
Mark:You have to give him credit… He did what he said he would do… And thats give the superkick to El Diablo… Even though it took two… It still got the job done… Well… Its Career Match Time… In some Pure Hell…
William “PsYko Boy” McConnell Vs Demon Child
(“One Of A Kind” hits as William McConnell makes his way to the ring)
(“Without Me” hits as Demon walks to the ring)
Mark: McConnell not even waiting for Demon to get in the ring…Off The Ropes…But Demon slides in the ring as McConnell goes over…
Rhino: NO…PYB LANDS ON THE RING APRON…Demons turns around…Springboard SLD…
Mark: SLD?
Rhino: Single Leg Dropkick..
Mark:(bell rings) Oh…Demons up…he charges McConnell…look at this…McConnell gets his hand out and is holding demon away by his forhead…
Rhino: Thats so damn funny…Demons trying with all his might to get to PYB…PYB moves his hand…BIG BOOT…Demons down again…
Mark: McConnell has the strength advantage in the match up…McConnell laying the boots to Demon…he picks demon up…Sends him into the ropes…Demon ducks the clothesline..But gets nailed with the dropkick…Jason Cain laughin his ass off…
Rhino: PYB sends demon into the corner…PYB charges…Demon moves…PYB sternum first…
Mark: Demon Off The Ropes…Clothesline…or not…as McConnell is still standing…Demon with a kick to the lower regions…McConnell goes down…
Rhino: The only way Demon will ever get anyone down…
Mark: Demon to the top ropes…McConnell With A Kick Up…He spots Demon…springboard SLD…Demon goes crashin to the floor…McConnell to the outside…He starts laying the boots to demon again…
Rhino: PYB is pissed…Jason Cains Getting a table from under the ring…
Mark: McConnell and Demon have taken it over the ring barrier…Demon goes for a right…McConnell ducks…Demon turns around…PSYKO-BOMB ON THE CONCRETE…Demons down…
Rhino: PYB hurt his ass on that move…Jason Cain brining the table over to them…
Mark: We got a table in the second row now…McConnell puts Demon on it…Cain and McConnell both over the barrier…McConnell in the ring…Cain Slides in…McConnell off the ropes…Jason Cain Launches McConnell over the ropes…10 POINT SPLASH…
Rhino: Thats was something Else…from the ring to the second row…a 10 Point Splash…But it looks like PYB hurt himself pretty bad…
Mark: Lets look at that again in slow motion…
Rhino: Look at Demons head bounce…
Mark: McConnell getting some help from Jason Cain…McConnell back to his feet…But Limping…He Picks up demon…Demon and McConnell heading through the crowd…Lefts and Rights By McConnell…
Rhino: The Back Of Demons Head Is Bleeding Profusely…Looks whos joining us…Its Jason Cain…What Brings You here?
J Cain: I played my part…Its time for William To Put This Bitch Out…
Mark: McConnell and Demon have hit the consession stands…McConnell sends Demon flying over the counter…McConnell hops The Counter…
J Cain: Wills stuffing him into the popcorn machine…thats some hot fuckin butter…
Rhino: Don’t ruin the pretzels…
Mark: Yes…for Rhinos Sake..Demon back over the counter….McConell on the counter…Demon up…SLD…
Rhino: Demons getting knocked from every direction…
J Cain: The Bitch Brought It On Himself…Will stalking Demon now…Demons Up…HOOSIER SIDE KICK…Man…You thought RVD had some legs…Just look at Will…Hes got the fastest feet in the world…
Rhino: PYB picking up Demon…whips him into the Snow Cones…Damn it…
Mark: Calm Down Rhino…War has casualties…McConnell brings Demon towards the stairs to the arena…Demon about to fall down them…He gains his balance…turns around…
J Cain: PSYKO KICK…OH YEAH…And Look At Demon Tumble…down every damn stair…Will following after him too…Demon finally hits the floor…hes folded up like an achordian…Heels over head…like RVD does when he gets suplexed on the head…Thats mother fuckers head is just red now…Look at all that blood…forhead busted…back of the head busted…
Mark: McConnell makes it to the bottom…wait…now hes climbing back up…whats he gonna gonna do…hes about 5 stairs above Demon…
Rhino: 10 Point Splash…If Demons back isn’t broken…its hurting bad…
J Cain: Will picking Demon Back Up…He taking him towards the backstage area now…
Mark: Why don’t he just end it…Demons had enough…
J Cain: The Bitch Stole Some Good Stuff Of Wills…He Deserves This…
Mark: McConnell slaming demon into a load of Ladders…McConnell sitting Demon up…he grabs each arm…STRAIGHT-JACKET…Demons yelling in pain as his backs yanked to its limits…
Rhino: Demon Tapping with his feet…hes yelling he quits…but this is Pure Hell…There are no submissions…theres no giving up…
J Cain: Man…did I just hear his back snap?
Mark: McConnell realeses the hold…McConnell searching now…Oh My God…Hes got a sledgehammer…He climbing one of those ladders now…Hes near the top…He jumps…MCCONELL SLAMING THE SLEDGEHAMMER INTO DEMONS BACK…
Rhino: Thats enough…quit the match…Pin him..
J Cain: Will ain’t like that boys…Look at the sledgehammer shot to the leg…Uh Oh…Whats This? FIGURE 4…Wills working on those legs…Demons tappin like a pussy…
Mark: McConnell Releases The Hold…McConnell picks Demon up…hes got him over his shoulder now…wheres he going?
Rhino: Demon over his shoulder…A Sledgehammer in hand…this can’t be good…
Mark: Wait…they’re in the parking lot…This isn’t gonna be pretty…
J Cain: Will…theres the truck man…
Rhino: What Truck?
J Cain: Right there…the one with the word “Outlaws” on it…its got a ton of weapons…all for Wills pleasure…
Mark: Theres the X-Box and Gamecubes he was talkin about…McConnell puts Demon down…he grabs the X-Box…He places demons head on it…He gots the Gamecube…
Rhino: A One Man Con-chair-to with the gaming consoles…
J Cain: Wills reaching into the Truck…Theres The Bamboo Stick…he got demon on all fours…He swings…CRACK…Damn…He Shattered It Over Demons Back…Thats Like Shattering A Steel Chair…
Mark: Speaking off which…Hes got one…He sets it down…he hooks Demon under…
J Cain: Will hurt his ass again…but its all cool…Look at that pin…
Mark: Hes Just Stepping On Him With One Foot Posing…1……..2…….3…..Its over…(bell rings)
Rhino: He was destroyed…That wasn’t a match…
J Cain: That My Friend….Was PURE HELL…(takes off headsets and leaves through the crowd)
Mark:Demon is getting checked out in the ring… They are helping him out… So they can set up for the Heavy Metal Match… But first lets head to the back… As we have been something is happening…
HHH:You know something guys… Jay you got the job done against Edge… Shawn mauled the Giant El Diablo… I think later on tonight… We reveal it… We reveal what this paper is all about… And just think… Nobody can change it… Not Sid… Not Rob… Not even Shane… Its all ours…
Rhino:What in the hell… They keep talking about this paper… What Paper…
Mark:I dont know… But the ring is now set up… So lets head to the ring…
eWa Total Impact Heavyweight Championship Heavy Metal Match
Purgatory(c) vs Iceburg
Pa Announcer:This next match is a HEAVY METAL MATCH… And it is for the eWa Total Impact Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger…From Cleveland, Ohio… Weighing in at 244 Pounds… ICEBURG…
(Iceburg’s theme hits as he makes his way to the ring…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… The eWa Total Impact Champion… PURGATORY…
(“N Pulse” hits as he makes his way to the ring…)
Mark:Well here we go…
Rhino:The ring is metal… The ropes are metal… The floor is metal now…
Mark:This should make for a real interesting match up… Purgatory and Iceburg tie up in the center of the ring… Side Headlock by the Total Impact Champion… As he now grinds the headlock in…
Rhino:Hes really working over him with the headlock…
Mark:Iceburg now picking up Purgatory… Purgatory flips over… And now goes behind Iceburg… And nails him with a belly to back suplex…Cover by Purgatory 1………….2……. Kickout by Iceburg…
Rhino:Every blow each person takes on the ring mat… It will slow them up… Each and everytime…
Mark:Purgatory now grabs Iceburg and puts him in an arm bar submission and is really working right in to the arm… Iceburg hiptosses Purgatory right on to the canvas… To break up the arm bar submission… Iceburg with another hip toss as he got back up on his feet…
Rhino:Each time he hits… He gets up slower…
Mark:Purgatory blocks the next hiptoss and now arm drags him over… And now scoops up Iceburg and slams him down hard…
Rhino:Purgatory is rolling to the outside… And he has a steel chair…
Mark:Purgatory now whips him in to the corner… And he nails him with a verision of what we can now call… Air Purg… Iceburg falls out of the corner and Purgatory slams him down to the canvas…
Rhino:Purgatory is actually wrestling in this match up… Pretty strange to me…
Mark:Rear chin lock by Purgatory as he is driving is knee right in to the lower part of the back of Iceburg… Stiff kick right to the back by Purgatory…
Rhino:Seems like his focus is the back…
Mark:Purgatory now has him up… And nails him with a back breaker… And goes right back to the rear chin lock… That is focusing on the lower back area of Iceburg… Purgatory now lays him down and drops a big time elbow drop… And he covers him 1…….2………… Kickout by Iceburg…
Rhino:Purgatory is really working on the back of Iceburg…
Mark:Purgatory now has him up in a backbreaker submission… As he is driving his shoulder in to the back…
Rhino:Havent seen that move in years…
Mark:And now Purgatory drives him in to the canvas with a dominator…
Rhino:I believe that this match is just about over…
Mark:Adominal Stretch now being appiled by Purgatory…
Rhino:And Iceburg is in Pain…
Mark:Purgatory reaching and pulling the neck back of Iceburg…
Rhino:Will he give it up…
Mark:Yes he does… The pain was to much… And Purgatory wins this match up via submission…
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and STILL eWa Total Impact Champion… PURGATORY…
Rhino:A real technical match up there… With lots of submission moves…
Mark:Not a real classic… But it was something different… Our main event is going to be something different as well… So lets get to the ring…
eWa Undisputed World Championship Tower of Doom Match
Jay Jixhel(c) vs Beaver
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event… Is a Tower of Doom Match… And it is for the eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first… The Challenger… Introducing first… The Challenger… Making his way up the cage… BEAVER…
(“Just Another Victim” hits as they show him climbing up the cage…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… Already in the cage… Your eWa Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion… JAY JIXHEL…
Mark:We are waiting for Beaver to get in to the top cage… So this match up can begin…
Rhino:This should be interesting… Just as Interesting as Lone Jobbers Title reign has been…
Mark:Well the bell sounds and here we go… Beaver just speared Jay as he charged at him… And Beaver is nailing him with right hands… Beaver is just pounding his head right in to the cage itself…
Rhino:Beaver really wants to be the eWa Undisputed World Champion… And looks like he is willing to do anything to get it …
Mark:Beaver now slingshots Jay right in to the steel cage….Now he hooks him up… And now Snap Suplexs Jay Jixhel… And he goes down hard through the trap door of the steel cage…
Rhino:The Second cage to me looks to have a lot of neat toys in there…
Mark:Beaver climbs down and is still pounding in to Jay Jixhel…Beaver now grabs a baseball bat… And drives it in to the midsection of one half of the tag team known as Camera Chaos…
Rhino:Jay Jixhel is not looking good… I think thats why Lone Jobber made him champion… So he could get his ass kicked…
Mark:Beaver now has a chain and wraps it on his fist and is just pounding right in to the forehead of Beaver…
Rhino:He is trying to open up Jay Jixhel…
Mark:Beaver is impressing a lot of people… As the former Tag Champ… Is gettin manhandle right now… Beaver grabs a steel chair and drives it right in to the midsection…
Rhino:From the opening bell it has been all Beaver…
Mark:Beaver now whips him in to the cage and now nails him with a huge chair shot…
Rhino:The blood is pouring out from the forehead of Jay Jixhel…
Mark:Beaver now has him up… POWERBOMB THROUGH THE CAGE…
Rhino:Shades of Mick Foley going through the cage… But Jay didnt go through the mat…
Mark:Beaver is climbing down the ladder to enter the ring cage… And he is now picking up Jay Jixhel…
Rhino:He is bringing him up the ladder with him…
Mark:BEAVER DAM… His verision of the Death Valley Driver… Off the ladder and right back in to the ring…
Rhino:God Damn… What a move by beaver…
Mark:Beaver now covers Jay… 1……………………2………………3…………..
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW eWa Undisputed World Champion… BEAVER…
Rhino:Beaver has done it… Hes the top man in this business right here and now…
Mark:Congradulations… To Beaver… As he is now the most wanted man in the eWa… Cause of the gold he holds… What does DX have in store… Because they have some sort of paper…
Rhino:Yeah what is that paper…
Mark:I Dont know… But we are out of time… SO LONG…