November 2 Dismember 2006
Mark:Welcome to November 2 Dismember live from the Amsterdam Arena here in Amsterdam, Netherlands sponsored by… And tonight Rhino it is the match up everyone is talking about for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:Its going to be Triple H defending against Lone Jobber and I can not wait to see that one…
Mark:Neither can I because tonight the fans get to decide whether the match up will be a Trick Ladder Match, Extreme Rules or Hell in a Cell…
Rhino:The fans are going to be totally interactive here tonight in all of the matches…
Mark:Including who will be the third person in to the Triple Threat Match for the Vacant EWA Television Championship as it will be Goldberg vs Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson vs either Demon Child or Megumi Kudo…
Rhino:This is the most interactive EWA Events of all time…
Mark:Why should we wait any longer… Lets get right down to business with our opening contest…
Fans Decide Opponent
Shawn Michaels vs ???
Choices:Alex Shelly, Dr. Cube or Anarchiah
Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing First… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS…
(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… Chosen by the Fans… From Behind The Camera… Weighing in at 215 Pounds… ALEX SHELLY…
(“Paparazzi” plays as Alex Shelly enters the arena…)
Mark:This match up is underway… It is a rematch from Halloween Hellraiser…
Rhino:Fifty Percent of all EWA Fans voted to see this rematch…
Mark:Alex Shelly and Shawn Michaels lock up in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie up… Shawn Michaels backs Alex Shelly up in to the ropes… The referee steps in for a clean break… Rake of the eyes by Alex Shelly…
Rhino:So much for the clean break…
Mark:Alex Shelly now with a couple of right hands as he backs him up in to the ropes… Irish whip by Alex Shelly… Shawn Michaels comes off the ropes… Flying Back Elbow by Alex Shelly to HBK…
Rhino:Nice move right there…
Mark:Alex Shelly now goes to the ring apron… Slingshot Leg Drop right down on to the Showstopper… Alex Shelly with a cover 1……………………..2……………Kickout by Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:HBK is now back up on his feet in the corner…
Mark:Alex Shelly with a hard irish whip… Shawn Michaels comes out of the corner… High back body drop by Alex Shelly…
Rhino:HBK went for the ride right there…
Mark:Shawn Michaels back up on his feet… Alex Shelly scoops up Shawn Michaels and slams him back down to the canvas…
Rhino:Alex Shelly is climbing up the ropes now…
Mark:Diving Splash by Alex Shelly… Misses as HBK rolled out of the way…
Rhino:Alex Shelly crashed and burned right there…
Mark:Shawn Michaels with a couple of knife edge chops to the chest of Alex Shelly…
Rhino:HBK is lighting up the chest of Alex Shelly…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now whips Alex Shelly in to the ropes… Shelly comes off the ropes… Hiptoss by Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Alex Shelly is staggering around…
Mark:Atomic Drop by Shawn Michaels and he connects with a clothesline…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now climbing up to the top rope himself…
Mark:Alex Shelly staggers up on to his feet…Double Axe Handle…Missed… As Alex Shelly catches Shawn Michaels in the midsection with a right hand…
Rhino:That knocks the wind out of HBK…
Mark:Alex Shelly now hooks up Shawn Michaels… Brainbuster dropping Shawn Michaels right on his head…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels could be knocked out…
Mark:Alex Shelly hooks the leg 1…………………………2…………………….3….NO! Shawn Michaels gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Alex Shelly is now waiting for Shawn Michaels to get back up on his feet…
Mark:Alex Shelly now with a couple of right hands backing Shawn Michaels up in to the corner…
Rhino:Alex Shelly is setting Shawn Michaels up on the top rope…
Mark:Superplex is coming… Blocked by Shawn Michaels and The Heartbreak Kid knocks Alex Shelly off the top rope…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now standing on the top rope…
Mark:Flying Elbow Drop connects right down on to Alex Shelly by The Heartbreak Kid…
Rhino:He drove the elbow right in to the heart of Alex Shelly…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is now getting the fans behind him as he begins to tune up the band for some Sweet Chin Music…
Rhino:Alex Shelly is staggering back up on to his feet…
Rhino:He caught Alex Shelly right in the jaw with that kick…
Mark:Shawn Michaels hooks the leg of Alex Shelly… 1………………………2……………….3……… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SHAWN MICHAELS!
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid didnt know who he would face… But it didnt matter as he was still able to get the job done here tonight at November 2 Dismember…
Mark:We are now set to find out where you the fans of the EWA decided that our Three Way Dance Match up will take place…
Fans Decide Match Location
Three Way Dance
Retro Playa vs Darien Hacaga vs Rob Van Dam
Choices:Scaffold, Parking Lot, Cemetery
Pa Announcer:This next match up is a THREE WAY DANCE… The Fans have decide that this match up will take place…ON THE SCAFFOLD… Now introducing the participants…From Chicago, Illinois… Weighing in at 234 Pounds… THE RETRO PLAYA…
(“Play That Funky Music” plays as Retro Playa enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Tijuana, Mexico…Weighing in at 231 Pounds… DARIEN HACAGA…
(“Figure 09” plays as Darien Hacaga enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Battle Creek, Michigan… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… ROB VAN DAM…
(“Walk” plays as Rob Van Dam enters the arena…)
Mark:All three men are up on the Scaffold…
Rhino:This one could get real interesting…As Fifty Percent of the EWA Fans wanted to see this match up…
Mark:Rob Van Dam and Darien are trading a couple of shots up on the Scaffold…
Rhino:Retro Playa is letting the two of them do battle…
Mark:RVD with a kick and it knocks Darien backwards towards the rail of the Scaffold…
Rhino:RVD is now trying to dump him off the Scaffold…
Mark:Retro Playa is now moving towards them and is trying to help out as well…
Rhino:What The Hell!
Mark:Its Jeremy Johnson!
Rhino:He isnt in this match up…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson just knocked Darien and RVD over the Scaffold…
Rhino:He attacked them from behind and he isnt even in this match up…
Mark:The Retro Playa charges and Jeremy Johnson with a back body drop and Retro Playa goes flying off the Scaffold through the tables below…
Rhino:Jeremy Johnson made his impact felt here in this Scaffold Match…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson will be battling Justin Credible later tonight… But right now Jeremy Johnson has sent a message to the rest of the Competition that he is the Impact Player…
Rhino:Well what happens with this match up…
Mark:I believe this match up has been thrown out… As thats what I have been just told…
Fans Decide Match Stipulation
Christian vs James Davis
Choices:Blindfold, Straight Jacket on a Pole, Casket
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… The Fans Have Decided that this match up will be a BLINDFOLD STRAIGHT JACKET ON A POLE MATCH… Introducing the participants…From Knoxville, Tn… Weighing in at 250 Pounds… JAMES DAVIS…
(“Fear” plays as James Davis enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Toronto, Ontario, Canada… Weighing in at 215 Pounds… Captain Charisma CHRISTIAN…
(“Take Over” plays as Christian enters the arena…)
Mark:Here we go… Christian and James Davis are now being blindfolded…
Rhino:The fans couldnt decide between the Blindfold or the Straight Jacket on a Pole Match…As it was tied with both having 36.4 Percent of the Vote…
Mark:So this is an EWA First…Both men are trying to feel around for each other…
Rhino:They both have gone for right hands but they have hit nothing but air…
Mark:Christian goes for a knife edge chop… Hits nothing but air and spins around… James Davis walks around and goes for a clothesline and he hit the ropes…
Rhino:These men are trying to get a feel for this match up and trying to find one another…
Mark:Both men arms are up in the air…
Rhino:They are really close to one another…
Mark:Christian and James Davis now touch hands…
Rhino:Looks like it is a battle of strength right now…
Mark:Hands are locked and the battle is on…
Rhino:James Davis is starting to over power Christian…
Mark:James Davis has him…
Rhino:The peeps are trying to get behind Christian…
Mark:Christian is now over powering James Davis… Christian now beginning to over power James Davis… Kick to the midsection by James Davis stopping Christian…
Rhino:Christian was about to have all of the leverage…
Mark:James Davis feels around for Christian and he drops him with a DDT…
Rhino:James Davis is now walking around trying to feel for a corner…
Mark:Because they are blindfolded… There are Four Straight Jackets hanging from the corners…
Rhino:James Davis is feeling around and he has found a corner…
Mark:Christian is asking the peeps to tell him which direction to go…
Rhino:Christian is walking towards James Davis…
Mark:James Davis is climbing up… Christian reaches out…
Rhino:Christian has James Davis hooked…
Mark:Belly to Back Suplex by Christian taking James Davis off the middle rope and drops him right on his head…
Rhino:Christian now getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:The Peeps are leading Christian to the corner… Christian now begins to climb up the corner…
Rhino:Christian is trying to keep his balance…
Mark:James Davis is back up… Davis runs at a corner but it was not the corner Christian was in…
Rhino:Christian is trying to reach up for the Straight Jacket…
Mark:James Davis runs in to the corner and he now has Christian up on his shoulders…
Rhino:Christian pulls down the Straight Jacket…
Mark:Electric Chair Drop by James Davis…
Rhino:James Davis needs to pull down his own straight jacket…
Mark:Christian has his but he took a big fall from the Electric Chair Drop…
Rhino:James Davis is trying to find a corner…
Mark:Christian is staggering up on to his feet…
Rhino:James Davis is trying to climb up a corner…
Mark:James Davis is trying to stable himself…
Rhino:He is having trouble balancing himself…
Mark:Christian now staggers around and he falls in to the ropes…
Rhino:James Davis just fell backwards…
Mark:James Davis is hanging from the ropes in the corner…
Rhino:Christian is feeling around and he picks up the Straight Jacket…
Mark:The peeps are leading Christian towards the corner…
Rhino:Christian feels around…
Mark:Christian is now putting the straight jacket on James Davis who is tied up in a tree of woe in the corner…The Straight Jacket is on… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner CHRISTIAN…
Rhino:Captain Charisma Christian wins the first ever Blindfold Straight Jacket on a Pole Match…
Mark:This is a history making night as the fans are in control of what happens… Right now lets send it back down to ringside for the battle of the Impact Players…
Fans Decide Match Stipulation
Justin Credible vs Jeremy Johnson
Pa Announcer:This Match Up is set for one fall… The Fans Have Decided that this match up will be a LAST MAN STANDING SINGAPORE CANE MATCH… Introducing first… From Philadelphia, Pa… Weighing in at 295 Pounds… Accompained by Paul Heyman… The Impact Player JEREMY JOHNSON…
(“Pro Pain” plays as Jeremy Johnson enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Ozone Park, Ny…Weighing in at 225 Pounds… JUSTIN CREDIBLE…
(“Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck” plays as Justin Credible enters the arena…)
Mark:Here we go…
Rhino:The fans couldnt decide between Singapore Cane and Last Man Standing… So its another EWA First…As each had 46.7 Percent of the Vote…
Mark:Justin Credible gets right up in the face of Jeremy Johnson…
Rhino:Justin gives up 70 Pounds to Jeremy Johnson…
Mark:Justin Credible with straight right hands to Jeremy Johnson… Knocking him backwards in to the ropes… Justin Credible whips him in to the ropes… Reversal by Jeremy Johnson… Justin Credible comes off the ropes… Hard Shoulder Block by Jeremy Johnson knocking down Justin Credible…
Rhino:Justin’s head bounced right off the canvas…
Mark:Justin Credible gets back up on his feet… Johnson lifts him up with a press slam…
Rhino:Jeremy Johnson is showing off his power…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson drops him and Justin Credible drops straight down in to the canvas…
Rhino:Justin got the air knocked out of him right there…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson now backs Justin Credible up in to the corner… Knees to the midsection of Justin Credible from Jeremy Johnson…
Rhino:Johnson continues to try to drive the air out of Justin Credible…
Mark:The Impact Player Jeremy Johnson whips Justin Credible in to the farside… Johnson charges in and connects with a running clothesline…
Rhino:Justin Credible is staggering around…
Mark:Scoop and a slam by Jeremy Johnson…
Rhino:Paul Heyman is enjoying what he is seeing right now as Jeremy Johnson rolls to the outside…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson has a singapore cane as he comes back in to the ring…
Rhino:This is not going to be good for Justin Credible who is now getting back up on his feet…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson swings and connects in to the ribs of Justin Credible… One more shot right across the back of Justin Credible…
Rhino:Jeremy Johnson is in complete control of this match up…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson now has the singapore cane and is now choking the life out of Justin Credible…
Rhino:There is nothing the referee can do as its all legal in a Last Man Standing Match…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson lets go of the choke and tells the referee to count Justin Credible down…
Rhino:Johnson believes he choked him out and he wont get up…
Mark:Six… Seven and Justin Credible is back up on his feet… Jeremy Johnson now charges and connects with a running clothesline knocking Justin Credible back in to the corner…
Rhino:Johnson is just beating down Justin Credible in the corner with right hands…
Mark:Justin Credible staggers out as Jeremy Johnson hooks him up and drops him with a front face suplex right across the top rope…
Rhino:Justin is in trouble…
Mark:Johnson with a shot right to the head of Justin Credible as he was defenseless hanging on the top rope…Johnson now charges and knocks Justin Credible backwards as Justin flies off the top rope down to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Johnson is now heading to the outside of the ring…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a table…
Rhino:Johnson has something in mind…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson opens up the table and now goes after Justin Credible… Johnson whips him in to the guardrail… Reversal by Justin Credible and Jeremy Johnson hits the guardrail hard…
Rhino:Johnson is now staggering…
Mark:Superkick by Justin Credible knocking Johnson over the guardrail in to the fans…
Rhino:Justin Credible is now looking around for a singapore cane…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson climbs back over the guardrail and Justin Credible nails him right in the head with the singapore cane…
Rhino:Jeremy Johnson is still on his feet…
Mark:Another Shot right to the head… Johnson still on his feet… Kick to the midsection… Side Russian Leg Sweep with the Singapore Cane ramming Jeremy Johnson backwards in to the steel guardrail…
Rhino:There is fight left in Justin Credible…
Mark:This is a truly a battle of the Impact Players right here… As Justin Credible now rolls him back in to the ring…
Rhino:Paul Heyman isnt happy as Justin Credible climbs the top rope…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson staggers back around… Singapore Cane Shot off the top rope knocking down Jeremy Johnson…
Rhino:The referee is now counting down Jeremy Johnson…
Mark:Five… Six… Seven and Jeremy Johnson is back up on his feet…
Rhino:Justin Credible now waits for him to turn around…
Mark:Kick to the midsection… Low Blow with the Singapore Cane…
Rhino:Ouch that has to hurt…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson looks to be out on his feet… Justin Credible charges and knocks out Jeremy Johnson with a vicious singapore cane shot…
Rhino:That broke right over the head of Jeremy Johnson…
Mark:The referee begins his count…
Rhino:I think Jeremy Johnson could be done…
Mark:Five… Six… Seven…
Rhino:This one looks to be done…
Mark:Eight… Nine… And Jeremy Johnson gets back up on his feet…
Rhino:Justin Credible thought he had him..
Mark:Justin Credible hooks him up… THATS INCREDIBLE! NO! Jeremy Johnson reverses it… TOMBSTONE! NO! Another reversal…
Rhino:They are battling back and forth…
Rhino:That could be it right here…
Mark:The referee begins his count as Paul Heyman is flipping out on the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Justin Credible knocks Paul Heyman off the apron…
Mark:Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… TENO! Jeremy Johnson is back up… Justin Credible charges… Johnson ducks the clothesline..Spins Justin Credible Around… MISSION STATEMENT!
Rhino:Justin Credible was drilled right in to the canvas…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson now puts a Singapore Cane on the turnbuckle as he now drags Justin Credible to the corner…
Rhino:What does he have in mind here…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson is now putting him up on the top rope…
Rhino:This is not going to be for Justin Credible…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson has him setup on the top rope…
Rhino:Look down below its the Table…
Mark:Johnson has him setup… LOW BLOW BY JUSTIN CREDIBLE…
Rhino:Justin Credible now has the singapore cane in hand…
Mark:Shot right to the head…
Rhino:Justin moves to the middle rope…
Mark:Justin Credible Swings and he connects and JOHNSON GOES THROUGH THE TABLE!
Rhino:Looks like Justin Credible hit a home run with the singapore cane…
Mark:Jeremy Johnson fell off the top rope right through the table… The referee counts…
Rhino:Jeremy Johnson isnt moving…
Mark:Five… Six… Seven… Eight…
Rhino:Starting to move…
Mark:Nine… Ten… ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner JUSTIN CREDIBLE!
Rhino:Justin Credible proved that he is the Impact Player… At least for tonight…
Mark:That was another EWA First thanks to the fans of the EWA… As we will now get to see who you decided as Big Daddy Ace’s partner for this next contest…
Fans Decide Partner
Doug Kinsella & Big Show vs Big Daddy Ace & ???
Choices:The Rock, Shane McMahon & Chris Benoit
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing Team Number One… Weighing in at 748 Pounds… DOUG KINSELLA and BIG SHOW…
(“Open Your Eyes” plays as Doug Kinsella and Big Show enter the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponents… The Team of BIG DADDY ACE and the Fans Choice… THE ROCK…
(“Why We Thugs” plays as The Rock and Big Daddy Ace enter the arena…)
Mark:It will be Doug Kinsella and The Rock starting things out…
Rhino:With 38.9 Percent of the Vote… The People picked The Rock to be Big Daddy Ace’s partner…
Mark:The BTP Reunion has begun as Doug Kinsella connects with a couple of right hands to The Rock… The Rock comes back with a couple of right hands of his own… The Rock whips him in to the ropes… The Rock drops his head… Doug Kinsella puts on the breaks and kicks The Rock right in the head…
Rhino:The Rock is turning right around…
Mark:Swinging Neckbreaker by Doug Kinsella… As Doug Kinsella now brings The Rock in to the corner…
Rhino:The Big Show has been tagged in…
Mark:The Big Show drives his knee right in to the midsection of The Rock in the corner…
Rhino:Big Show is lining up The Rock…
Mark:Vicious Hard Chop right to the chest of The Rock…
Rhino:Good God thats one hell of a chop to the chest…
Mark:Big Show has huge hands and he used them to his advantage… Big Show whips The Rock in to the ropes… Big Boot by The Big Show…
Rhino:The Rock is in some trouble…
Mark:Doug Kinsella gets the tag back in… Kinsella now hooks up The Rock… Vertical Suplex and now Doug Kinsella goes for a cover 1………………….2………….. Kickout by The Rock…
Rhino:The Rock is using the ropes to get back up on his feet…
Mark:Doug Kinsella whips The Rock in to the ropes… Reversal by The Rock…
Rhino:Knee to the back by Big Daddy Ace…
Mark:Behind the referee’s back Ace nailed Doug Kinsella in the back… Running Clothesline by The Rock laying out Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:The Rock is bringing Doug Kinsella in to the corner…
Mark:The Rock tags in Big Daddy Ace… Ace is now opening up on Doug Kinsella in the corner…
Rhino:He is hammering him right in the midsection with right hands…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace now hooks up Doug Kinsella… Backbreaker by Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is in trouble now…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace now scoops up and puts Doug Kinsella up on his shoulder… Running Powerslam by Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Shades of the Late British Bulldog…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace goes for a cover 1…………………2………………Kickout by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Ace tags back in The Rock…
Mark:Double Vertical Suplex by Big Daddy Ace and The Rock dropping Doug Kinsella straight down to the canvas…
Rhino:The Big Show is probably dying to get back in to this match up…
Mark:The Rock now whips Doug Kinsella in to the ropes… Samoan Drop by the Peoples Champion… The Rock goes for a cover 1………………….2…………………Kickout by Doug Kinsella again…
Rhino:The Rock is putting the boots to Doug Kinsella as he backs him up in to the corner…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace is tagged back in…Big Daddy Ace with right hands as he now puts Doug Kinsella up on the top rope…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is not in a good position…
Mark:Superplex by Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:I think he could have Doug Kinsella right here…
Mark:Heres the cover 1………………….2………………..Big Show comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:The Rock takes the tag from Big Daddy Ace…
Mark:The Rock and Big Daddy Ace whip Doug Kinsella in to the ropes… Double Clothesline…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is struggling up on to his feet…
Mark:The Rock whips Doug Kinsella in to the ropes… Spinebuster by The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment…
Rhino:The Rock and Big Daddy Ace are in complete control of this contest…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace gets the tag from The Rock…
Rhino:The Rock and Big Daddy Ace are working like a well oiled machine…
Mark:Right hands by Big Daddy Ace to Doug Kinsella… Irish whip… Kinsella comes off the ropes… Powerslam by Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is now waiting for Doug Kinsella to get back up on his feet…
Mark:Doug Kinsella staggers around… SPEAR! NO! Big Daddy Ace hits the corner hard…
Rhino:Both men are staggering around…
Mark:Double Clothesline and both men are down on the canvas…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella and Big Daddy Ace both need to get to their corners and make a tag…
Mark:Ace tags in The Rock…
Rhino:Big Show gets the Tag…
Mark:The Rock goes for a right hand… Blocked and a huge headbutt from the Big Show to The Rock…
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is back in the ring…
Mark:Ace charges… Side kick right to the head of Big Daddy Ace by The Big Show…
Rhino:Ace rolls out of the ring after that kick…
Mark:Big Show hooks up The Rock… Side walk Slam…
Rhino:Right now The Big Show has turned this match up around…
Mark:The Rock turns around… Big Show has him up… CHOKESLAM!
Rhino:Big Show drilled The Rock in to the mat…
Mark:Big Show goes for the cover 1………………………..2…………………..3……NO! Big Daddy Ace breaks it up…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is back in the ring…
Mark:Running Clothesline by Doug Kinsella sending Big Daddy Ace out of the ring…
Rhino:Big Show tags Kinsella in to the ring…
Mark:The Rock staggers up… FINAL TOUCH!
Rhino:Thats gotta be it…
Mark:Doug Kinsella hooks the leg 1…………………………2…………………..3……..ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here are your winners THE BIG SHOW and DOUG KINSELLA!
Rhino:Doug Kinsella and Big Show pick up the win here tonight as The Big Show was just too big of force for The Rock and Big Daddy Ace to handle…
Mark:Lets get set for our next contest…
Fans Decide Final Participant
EWA Television Championship Match
Goldberg vs Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson vs ???
Choices:Megumi Kudo or Demon Child
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Triple Threat Match for the VACANT EWA Television Championship… Introducing first… The Fans Choice… From Parts Unknown…Weighing in at 269 pounds… DEMON CHILD…
(“Voodo” plays as Demon Child enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Brooklyn, Ny… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… BRIAN “HALF DOLLAR” HENDERSON…
(“Im Back” plays as Brian Henderson enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From Atlanta, Ga…Weighing in at 285 Pounds… GOLDBERG…
(“Invasion” plays as Goldberg enters the arena…)
Mark:This is One Fall to a Finish Triple Threat Match up for the Vacant EWA Television Championship…
Rhino:The fans voted Demon Child in to this match up with 68.8 Percent of the Vote…
Mark:The bell has sounded and all three men are looking at one another…
Rhino:All three want to be the EWA Television Champion…
Mark:Demon Child connects with a right hand to Goldberg… Goldberg comes back with a right hand of his own…
Rhino:Goldberg and Demon Child are slugging it out as Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson stands back and watches it happen…
Mark:Demon Child backs Goldberg up in to the ropes… Irish whip sending Demon Child in to the ropes… Reversal by Demon Child… Goldberg comes off the ropes… Dropkick right to the head by Demon Child sending Goldberg out of the ring…
Rhino:Goldberg is trying to recover on the outside of the ring…
Mark:From behind Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson grabs Demon Child… Shots to the back of the head by Henderson… Demon Child tries fighting out of the grib… Demon Child spins around… Over the Head Belly to Belly Suplex by Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson…
Rhino:Demon Child is getting back on his feet…
Mark:Brian Henderson now goes behind Demon Child… German Suplex with a Bridge by Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson… Cover 1……………….2………………….Kickout by Demon Child…
Rhino:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson is now putting the boots to Demon Child in the corner…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson turns around… Goldberg with a running shoulder block… Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson gets back up on his feet and Goldberg nails Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson with knees to the midsection… Goldberg scoops up and slams Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson down to the canvas…
Rhino:Demon Child is staggering around…
Mark:Goldberg lifts up Demon Child and press slams him over the top rope and to the floor goes Demon Child…
Rhino:One hell of a fall right there for Demon Child…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson is back up in the corner… Goldberg comes charging in… Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson gets the boot up right in the face of Goldberg…
Rhino:Goldberg ran right in to that shot…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson hooks up Goldberg… Front Face Suplex as Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson goes for the cover 1…………………………2……………..Goldberg gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Goldberg is struggling to his feet…
Mark:Goldberg turns around… Kick to the midsection by Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson… Sitdown Powerbomb!
Rhino:This could be it right here…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson with the cover 1…………………………2…………………3……..NO! Demon Child comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:Henderson and Demon Child are now going at it…
Mark:Demon Child gets whipped in to the rope…Demon Child with a reversal… Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson comes off the ropes… Demon Child ducks… Back Drop… No…Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson puts the breaks on… Kick to the midsection… Powerbomb!
Rhino:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson is in control of this contest…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson with the cover 1…………………….2…………………3………NO! Demon Child gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson thought he had him…
Mark:Goldberg is lining up Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson…
Rhino:Henderson doesnt see him…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson turns around… SPEAR!
Rhino:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson could be out right now…
Mark:Goldberg hooks the leg 1……………………………….2…………………..3……..NO! Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:That was real close…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson has rolled out of the ring and now Goldberg and Demon Child are doing battle… Demon Child gets sent in to the corner… Demon Child staggers out… High Back Body Drop…
Rhino:Goldberg is now lining up Demon Child…
Mark:SPEAR! NO! Demon Child moved out of the way and Goldberg goes to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson is back in the ring…
Mark:Clothesline from behind by Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson to Demon Child…
Rhino:Henderson is eyeing him up…
Rhino:Will Demon Child Tap Out?
Mark:Demon is crawling to the ropes…
Rhino:He is getting close…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson pulls him back away from the ropes…
Rhino:Demon Child is real close to tapping out…
Mark:Demon TAPS NO! Goldberg breaks it up before Demon Child taps out…
Rhino:Demon was so close to tapping out…
Mark:Goldberg whips Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson in to the ropes… Reversal by Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson… Henderson connects with a Spinebuster!
Rhino:Goldberg’s head bounced off the canvas…
Mark:Demon Child with a dropkick sending Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson out of the ring…
Rhino:Goldberg staggers up on to his feet…
Rhino:Goldberg is out…
Mark:Brian “Half Dollar” Henderson is trying to get back in the ring… Demon hooks the leg 1………………………2…………………..3…………..NEW CHAMPION!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and NEW EWA Television Champion… DEMON CHILD!
Rhino:Demon Child is now the EWA Television Champion…
Mark:The People Choose Demon Child to get in the match up and now he is the EWA Television Champion… As it is now time for Our Main Event for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Fans Decide Stipulation
EWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Triple H(c) vs Lone Jobber
Choices:Trick Ladder, Extreme Rules or Hell in a Cell
Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is Set For One Fall and is for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… The Fans Have Decided that this match up will be an EXTREME RULES TRICK LADDER MATCH… Now Introducing The Challenger…From The Slaughter House… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… Mr. EWA LONE JOBBER…
(“I Want It All” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Reigning and Defending EWA World Heavyweight Champion… The Game TRIPLE H!
(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)
Mark:Everyone has been waiting to see this match up for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…
Rhino:Like we have been saying all night long… You the fans voted and with 40.9 each we now have an Extreme Rules Trick Ladder Match…
Mark:Toys B Purg have provided the ladders as Triple H and Lone Jobber square off in the center of the ring…
Rhino:These two know each other very well…
Mark:The history is there and so is the talking… Lone Jobber slaps Triple H right across the face… Triple H slaps Lone Jobber right across the face as well…
Rhino:Both men are smiling right there…
Mark:Lone Jobber goes for a right hand… Blocked by The Game… Triple H comes back with a right hand of his own… A couple of more follow as Triple H backs Lone Jobber up in to the corner… Hard Chops to the chest of Lone Jobber by The Game…
Rhino:The fans go Wooo!
Mark:Triple H now whips him in to the corner… Triple H follows him in and connects with a running clothesline…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Lone Jobber near the ropes… Triple H with a clothesline… Ducked by Lone Jobber and Lone Jobber pulls down the rope and Triple H goes over the top and to the outside he goes…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now climbing the top rope…
Mark:Lone Jobber flies and lands right down on top of The Game on the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber took it to the air and it paid off right there…
Mark:Lone Jobber now rolls Triple H back in to the ring…
Rhino:Jobber is now picking up the steel steps and slides them in to the ring…
Mark:Triple H gets back up on his feet… Lone Jobber connects with a couple of right hands as he now whips Triple H in to the ropes… Drop Toe Hold right in to the steel steps…
Rhino:The Game now staggers around…
Mark:Mr. EWA sends The Game in to the corner…
Rhino:Jobber has the steps in hand…
Mark:Lone Jobber charges with the steel steps and Triple H gets the boot up and knocks the steps back in to the face of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is regreting bring the steps in to the ring right about now…
Mark:Triple H sends him in to the ropes… Spinebuster Right down on to the steel steps by the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:The Game now rolling to the outside of the ring…
Mark:The ladder is being brought in to the ring by The Game… Triple H sets the ladder up in to the corner… Lone Jobber back up on his feet and The Game whips him hard right in to the ladder…Lone Jobber staggers around and Triple H slams him right down to the canvas…
Rhino:The Game is now moving the ladder around…
Mark:The Ladder laid out flat on the canvas… Triple H slams Lone Jobber down right on to the ladder…
Rhino:Triple H has his eyes on the steel steps…
Mark:Triple H with the steps… Right down on to Lone Jobber’s back smashing him right in to the ladder…
Rhino:Good God that has to hurt…
Mark:The Game tries it again this time Lone Jobber moved out of the way so Triple H only got ladder instead of Lone Jobber…
Rhino:Once is enough to be smashed like that…
Mark:Lone Jobber pulling himself back up on to his feet… Irish whip by The Game… Running High Knee by the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:Triple H once again rolling to the outside of the ring and he has now found a steel chair…
Mark:Triple H with the chair in hand and Lone Jobber staggers up on to his feet… Steel meets Skull knocking Lone Jobber through the ropes and to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is busted open on the outside of the ring…
Mark:Triple H now opens up the ladder and begins his climb up to get the gold… Triple H takes his first step up the ladder and the rung breaks as he started to climb up…Triple H tries to step up on the second one and the rung breaks as well…
Rhino:Well The Game is frustrated as he now has to go get another ladder…
Mark:Triple H goes to the outside and is bringing another ladder in to the ring…
Rhino:This is giving Lone Jobber time to recover however…
Mark:Yes it is… Triple H begins to climb…
Rhino:Lone Jobber rolls back in to the ring…
Mark:Shots to the back of The Game by Lone Jobber as Triple H is on the ladder… Lone Jobber sets up The Game… Razor’s Edge off the ladder by Lone Jobber driving the Champion down in to the mat…
Rhino:Lone Jobber now is able to buy himself some more time to get back in to a little bit of a groove…
Mark:Lone Jobber gains his balance as he now opens up the steel chair… Triple H back up on his feet… Irish whip… Tilt a whirl slam right in to the steel chair by Lone Jobber…
Rhino:The Game’s back must be killing him after that…
Mark:The Challenger wipes the blood out of his eyes as Lone Jobber grabs the broken ladder… Triple H is back up and takes a clothesline shot with the ladder…
Rhino:Triple H is now the one in some trouble right now…
Mark:Lone Jobber now standing over the back of the EWA World Champion and drives the ladder right in to the back…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now standing the ladder up in the corner…
Mark:Triple H is up and gets slammed down to the canvas… Mr. EWA makes his way up the ladder and he rides the ladder right down on to the back of the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:Shades of Shawn Michaels-Razor Ramon right there…
Mark:Lone Jobber now centers the other ladder right underneath the EWA World Heavyweight Championship as he begins his climb to the top…
Rhino:So far so good for Lone Jobber…
Mark:The rungs are now bending as Lone Jobber got closer to the Gold… Lone Jobber moves down a rung… Triple H staggers back up… Moonsault by Lone Jobber right down on to The Game…
Rhino:Nice move there from Lone Jobber…
Mark:Pulling out all of the stops in this match up is the challenger right now… Lone Jobber stands the ladder up in the corner…
Rhino:Triple H is slowly getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Irish whip in to the ladder… The Game puts on the breaks… From behind Lone Jobber hits a dropkick knocking Triple H in to the ladder…
Rhino:The Game looks to be out of it right now…
Mark:Lone Jobber spins him around… DDT!
Rhino:Mr. EWA is now heading back to the outside of the ring to get another ladder…
Mark:Lone Jobber also through a can in to the ring as well as the ladder is slid in to the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is opening the ladder up by the corner…
Mark:Triple H gets slammed back down to the canvas as Lone Jobber climbs the corner…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is standing on top of the ladder…
Mark:450 SPLASH! NO! Triple H moved and slid a chair right where Lone Jobber landed…
Rhino:Lone Jobber just got a face full of chair that he wasnt expecting…
Mark:Triple H slowly back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is struggling to get back up on his feet…
Mark:Right hands by the EWA World Heavyweight Champion… The Game whips Lone Jobber in to the ropes… Spinebuster! By The Game…
Rhino:Triple H is now looking in the trash can Lone Jobber threw in to the ring earlier in the match up…
Mark:Triple H pulls out a box and its a Vintage PS2…
Rhino:We saw a rare PS3 last week… Now back to the Vintage PS2…
Mark:Lone Jobber spins around and walks right in to a PS2 right in to the face…
Rhino:The blood continues to flow from the forehead of the challenger…
Mark:Triple H reaches back in the can and he now has a piece of barbed wire and is wrapping it around his wrist…
Rhino:This could get ugly…
Mark:The Game mounts Lone Jobber and hammers him with straight right hands with the barbed wire on his fist… The Game now trying to rip the forehead open even more with the barbed wire…
Rhino:Lone Jobber’s face is covered in blood…
Mark:Triple H now with a smile on his face as Lone Jobber tries to stagger up on his feet…Kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE!
Rhino:Lone Jobber is out in the ring right now…
Mark:Triple H goes to the outside and brings another ladder in to the ring… The ladder being setup and The Game begins his climb to retain his gold…
Rhino:So far so good for the champ…
Mark:A bloody Lone Jobber is now just starting to move…
Rhino:The Game is close…
Mark:One more rung to go and the ladder gives way…
Rhino:Triple H is pissed…
Mark:Triple H was just about to pull down his title and the ladder gave way…
Rhino:Triple H now goes to the outside and is bringing another ladder in to the ring…
Mark:The ladder is setup and The Game begins to climb up…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is starting to get up on his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber grabs the trash can and cracks it across the back of the Game…
Rhino:Lone Jobber stuns the Game and is now climbing up the other side…
Mark:It will be a race to the gold… Both men slowly climbing up the ladder…
Rhino:Lone Jobber trying to wipe the blood out of his face…
Mark:The Game is almost there…
Rhino:Lone Jobber trying to stop him…
Mark:Right hand by Lone Jobber to the ribs of the EWA World Champion…
Rhino:Both men are basically eye to eye right now…
Mark:Lone Jobber reaches up… Right hand by The Game…
Rhino:They are now slugging it out on top of the ladder…
Mark:The Ladder is shaking… Triple H reaches up… The ladder gives out…
Rhino:Here they come…
Mark:Lone Jobber jumps up and is holding on the gold…
Rhino:The Game throws a ladder at Lone Jobber…
Mark:Lone Jobber Falls! Lone Jobber has THE GOLD! NEW CHAMPION!
Rhino:Triple H can not believe it… Lone Jobber came down with the EWA World Title…
Mark:Lone Jobber has knocked Triple H off of his throne… Lone Jobber is now on top of the EWA Mountain… Who will knock him off as champion? How will The Game React… We will see who knocks Lone Jobber off at New Years Evil… We will see everyone at Saturday Night Torture… GOOD NIGHT AND VISIT EWAZONE.COM FOR LATE BREAKING NEWS ANYTIME! SEE YOU AT TORTURE! LONE JOBBER IS WORLD CHAMPION!