Monday Night Madness 02-19-07
Mark:Welcome to the Allstate Arena right outside of Chicago… As this is EWA Monday Night Madness… Alongside Rhino… I am Mark… And what action we have for everyone here tonight Rhino…
Rhino:The Main Event is going to be Arena Chaos… Match up takes place anywhere but the ring when Subway puts the gold on the line against Shawn Michaels…
Mark:This is Shawn Michaels first singles opportunity to fight for a championship since he lost the EWA World Championship to William McConnell…
Rhino:Will Subway shows us why he is a dominant champion? We will see tonight…
Mark:Also here tonight Big Daddy Ace and Demon Child will go Two on Two… As they both have choosen partners to compete here tonight…
Rhino:We have seen Big Daddy Ace and Chris Benoit as a team before… But how will Demon Child and Christian work as a team?
Mark:That’s the big question mark… Also the Extreme Bowl Preview takes place tonight… So lets get started with our… Wait something is going on in the back…
Rhino:Whats Happening?
Mark:Its Shawn Michaels and he is telling a camera crew to follow him…
Rhino:We saw that Shawn Michaels was a man on a misson earlier tonight and I guess he doesn’t want to wait…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is searching for Subway still…
Subway(From A Distance):SHAWN!
Rhino:Subway is shouting Shawn Michaels name…
Mark:Shawn Michaels turns around and goes charging at Subway…
Rhino:The Brawl is on…
Mark:Shawn Michaels tackles Subway and nails him with right hands… Subway rolls over on Shawn Michaels and is now hammering him with straight right hands…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is covering up…
Mark:Shawn Michaels shoves Subway off of him and now both men are back up on their feet… Subway goes for a right hand… Shawn Michaels blocks and hammers back with a couple of right hands… Shawn Michaels grabs Subway by the hair and rams him right in to the wall…
Rhino:Subway is staggering on his feet…
Mark:Big Uppercut by Shawn Michaels… Michaels now grabs Subway by the head again and rams Subway’s head on a table in the backstage area…
Rhino:These two men are just making their way around the backstage hallway right now…
Mark:There are officials trying keep the area clear as they continue to brawl… Thumb to the eye by Subway… Subway now charges… Shawn Michaels ducks the clothesline and…
(Feed Goes Out)
Rhino:What happened?
Mark:I think when Shawn Michaels ducked… Subway went charging in and nailed the camera man…
Rhino:Well Damn…
Mark:We are going to try and get our camera feed back… But as we try and do that… Lets send it to the ring for the official opening contest…
Win or Go Home
Viscera vs X-Pac
Pa Announcer:This contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Minneapolis, Minnesota… Weighing in at 212 Pounds… X-PAC!
(“Make Some Noise” plays as X-Pac enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Harlem, New York… Weighing in at 554 Pounds… VISCERA!
(“Ministry” plays as Viscera enters the arena…)
Mark:Here we go…
Rhino:X-Pac is giving up a tremendous amount of weight and size to Viscera…
Rhino:Orton and Edge have hit the ring with steel chairs in hand…
Mark:Edge just cracked the skull of X-Pac with that steel chair…Randy Orton lines up Viscera… Steel Chair across the back…
Rhino:Viscera is still standing…
Rhino:Viscera and X-Pac have been laid out by the EWA Tag Team Champions Rated RKO…
Edge:On Behalf of the Acting Vice President, William McConnell… You Two… ARE FIRED!
Rhino:Viscera and X-Pac have been fired from the EWA…
Mark:I guess William McConnell sent out Rated RKO to deliver the message…
Edge:Now that two men have been fired, its time for Rated RKO to take out THE TRASH!
Mark:Looks like the Dumpster Match is on and on right now…
EWA Tag Team Championship Dumpster Match
Rated RKO(c) vs Buck Diamondback & Chaos
Pa Announcer:This next contest is the DUMPSTER MATCH for the EWA Tag Team Championship… Introducing first… Already in the ring…The EWA Tag Team Champions Edge and Randy Orton… RATED RKO! Their Opponents…The Challengers… Weighing in at 620 Pounds… BUCK DIAMONDBACK and CHAOS!
(“Killing in the Name Of” plays as Buck Diamondback and Chaos enter the arena…)
Mark:Edge and Randy Orton are now brawling with Buck Diamondback and Chaos… Diamondback and Chaos back Rated RKO up in to the ropes… Orton and Edge come off the ropes… Double Back Body Drop by Buck Diamondback and Chaos…
Rhino:Orton and Edge are getting right back up on their feet…
Mark:Belly to Belly Suplex by Chaos to Randy Orton…
Rhino:Edge is turning around…
Mark:Running Clothesline by Buck Diamondback taking Edge over the top rope and both men go crashing to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Randy Orton is slowly getting back up on his feet in the corner…
Mark:Shots to the ribs by Chaos as he continues to hammer at Randy Orton… Chaos now drives his shoulder in to the midsection of Randy Orton in the corner…
Rhino:Edge just got sent hard in to the steel guardrail by Buck Diamondback…
Mark:Irish whip by Chaos sending Randy Orton in to the farside corner…
Rhino:Randy Orton is staggering around…
Mark:Chaos charges at Randy Orton… Dropkick by Randy Orton as he caught Chaos coming in…
Rhino:Randy Orton saw him charging at him and he was able to connect with the dropkick…
Mark:On the outside of the ring Buck Diamondback puts Edge up on his shoulder… Edge slides off the back of Buck Diamondback and pushes Buck Diamondback in to the steel ring post…
Rhino:Buck wanted to throw Edge in to the ring post but Edge was able to counter out…
Mark:Randy Orton is stomping away at Chaos in the ring right now…
Rhino:Edge is now waiting for Buck Diamondback to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Irish whip by Edge sending Buck Diamondback in to the steel steps…
Rhino:Randy Orton now has Chaos backed up in to the ropes…
Mark:Uppercuts by Randy Orton before he hooks up Chaos… Inverted Backbreaker by Randy Orton…
Rhino:Chaos is in a little bit of trouble right now…
Mark:Edge is now rolling back in to the ring as now Rated RKO puts the boots to Chaos in the ring…
Rhino:Chaos is trying to get in to the corner…
Mark:Edge and Randy Orton are trading right hands as they connect to Chaos…
Rhino:Chaos is firing back…
Mark:Thumb to the eye by Edge as that stops Chaos comeback attempt… Chaos now gets sent in to the corner…
Rhino:Chaos comes staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Double Clothesline by Rated RKO…
Rhino:Randy Orton is now on the outside of the ring and is opening up the dumpster lid…
Mark:Edge and Randy Orton are now hooking up Chaos… Vertical Suplex over the top rope and Rated RKO dumps Chaos in to the dumpster…
Rhino:One down and one to go for Rated RKO…
Mark:Buck Diamondback is pulling himself back up to his feet… Edge goes for a baseball slide… Buck Diamondback moves and pulls Edge out of the ring… Vicious Clothesline by Buck Diamondback to Edge…
Rhino:He almost took his head off…
Mark:Buck Diamondback is now back in the ring… Randy Orton comes charging in at Buck Diamondback… Samoan Drop by Buck Diamondback to Randy Orton…
Rhino:He tried to crush the ribs of Randy Orton right there…
Mark:Buck Diamondback scoops up and slams Randy Orton straight down to the canvs…
Rhino:Buck is putting the boots to him near the ropes near the dumpster…
Mark:From behind Edge comes charging in and connects with a chair shot across the back of Buck Diamondback…
Rhino:Randy Orton is now getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Randy Orton is now opening the dumpster lid and Chaos nails him with a big headbutt…
Rhino:I guess Chaos isnt done yet…
Mark:Randy Orton gets taken down with another headbutt…
Rhino:Edge is now trying to go to the outside of the ring…
Mark:Buck Diamondback stops Edge from going to the outside as he spins him around and nails him with right hands… Edge gets whipped in to the ropes… Powerslam by Buck Diamondback…
Rhino:Randy Orton is staggering back up on to his feet…
Mark:Chaos hooks up Randy Orton and suplexs Orton in to the dumpster…
Rhino:Edge is staggering up on to his feet…
Mark:Chaos is back in to the ring… Diamondback and Chaos whip Edge in to the roped… Both men duck their heads… Edge slides down to his knees… Double Low Blow…
Rhino:That’s gonna stop them in their tracks…
Mark:Edge is now screaming at Randy Orton to get up…
Rhino:Orton is out of the dumpster and is bringing a chair in to the ring…
Mark:Chaos is slowly back up on his feet… CONCHAIRTO!
Rhino:Skull Smashing Shot right there…
Mark:Buck Diamondback is getting back up on to his feet now… ANOTHER CONCHAIRTO!
Rhino:Buck Diamondback and Chaos have been knocked out by the tag team champions…
Mark:Orton and Edge are rolling Buck Diamondback and Chaos in to the dumpster…
Rhino:They are seconds away from retaining the gold…
Mark:The lids are shut and this one is over…
Pa Announcer:Here are your winners and STILL EWA Tag Team Champions RATED RKO!
Rhino:Randy Orton and Edge just proved tonight that they are the team to beat in the EWA right now…
Mark:Rated RKO stays on top as we now get set for our next contest…
Winner is Entered in to the Extreme Bowl
Megumi Kudo vs Jarrod Knox
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Queens, New York…Weighing in at 268 Pounds… JARROD KNOX!
(“The Sickness” plays as Jarrod Knox enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Koshigaya, Japan…Weighing in at 132 Pounds… MEGUMI KUDO!
(“Battle Without Honor Or Humanity” plays as Megumi Kudo enters the arena…)
Mark:Here we go…
Rhino:This is the debut match up in the EWA for Jarrod Knox and he has a chance to enter the 2007 Extreme Bowl…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is standing in his way however…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is egging him on right now…
Mark:Jarrod Knox goes for a clothesline… Megumi Kudo ducks and hammers him with forearm shots to the head… Megumi Kudo goes for an irish whip… Knox with a reversal… Megumi Kudo comes off the ropes… Flapjack… No… Megumi Kudo counters it in to a DDT…
Rhino:Jarrod Knox was dropped right on his head…
Mark:Megumi Kudo goes for a quick cover 1……………Easy kickout by Jarrod Knox…
Rhino:Knox was able to power out of the pin attempt quickly…
Mark:Jarrod Knox makes his way back up on to his feet… Megumi Kudo charges with a spin heel kick and it knocks Jarrod Knox backwards in to the ropes…
Rhino:Jarrod Knox is still up on his feet…
Mark:Megumi Kudo charges and connects with a dropkick to the knee of Jarrod Knox…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is chopping him down to size…
Mark:Megumi Kudo charges at Jarrod Knox… Jarrod Knox sees her coming in… Jarrod Knox lifts up Megumi Kudo high in the air…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is in trouble…
Mark:Body Press Slam… Megumi Kudo counters it in to a head scissors taking Jarrod Knox off of his feet…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is having some success right now…
Mark:Jarrod Knox gets back up on to his feet… Running Enziguri by Megumi Kudo… Megumi Kudo now goes for a cover 1……………….2…………..Jarrod Knox kicks out…
Rhino:He wasn’t able to power out of that as quickly this time…
Mark:Jarrod Knox using the ropes to get back up on to his feet… Kicks to the midsection by Megumi Kudo backing Jarrod Knox in to the corner…
Rhino:Knox is trying to gather himself but Megumi Kudo is staying right on him…
Mark:Megumi Kudo with an irish whip sending Jarrod Knox in to the corner… Handspring… Back Elbow! No! Jarrod Knox catches Megumi Kudo coming in with the elbow…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is in trouble…
Mark:Full Nelson Slam! Driving Megumi Kudo right in to the mat…
Rhino:Her head just bounced right off the canvas…
Mark:Jarrod Knox goes for the cover 1……………………….2……………3…..NO! Megumi Kudo got her shoulder up…
Rhino:Knox thought he had her as he now waits for her to get back up on to her feet…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is back up on her feet… Swinging Neckbreaker now by Jarrod Knox…
Rhino:Knox is now just picking apart Megumi Kudo right now…
Mark:Jarrod Knox lifts up Megumi Kudo high up in to the air… Body Press Slam driving Megumi Kudo straight in to the mat…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is in a lot of trouble right now…
Mark:Jarrod Knox goes for another cover 1………………….2…………..3…… Megumi Kudo gets her shoulder up…
Rhino:Close again right there for Jarrod Knox…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is trying to make her way back up on to her feet…
Rhino:Jarrod Knox is lining her up from something big right now…
Mark:Jarrod Knox puts Megumi Kudo up on his shoulders… OVERDOSAGE! NO! Megumi Kudo counters it in to a DDT…
Rhino:This is Kudo’s chance right now…
Mark:Megumi Kudo is climbing up the ropes…
Rhino:Jarrod Knox is getting back up on to his feet…
Rhino:That connects on Jarrod Knox…
Mark:Megumi Kudo with the pin 1……………………..2………………..3……….NO! Jarrod Knox gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Jarrod Knox is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Megumi Kudo kicks him in the midsection… KUDODRIVER! NO! Jarrod Knox with a back body drop…
Rhino:Megumi Kudo is slowly getting back up on to her feet…
Mark:Jarrod Knox hooks up Megumi Kudo… OVERDOSAGE!
Rhino:Death Valley Driver right in to a powerbomb… Impressive Move…
Mark:Jarrod Knox hooks the leg 1……………………….2…………………..3………..ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner JARROD KNOX!
Rhino:Jarrod Knox moves on to the Extreme Bowl…
Mark:Impressive Debut by Jarrod Knox… As we now get set for our next contest…Wait a minute… Our cameras are back up and rolling…We are heading to the back with Subway and Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:It looks like they have made their way to the concession stand…
Mark:Shawn Michaels goes to ram Subway’s head in to the wall… Subway blocks and drives Shawn Michaels head in to the wall…
Rhino:Subway is now walking over to the pizza stand…
Mark:Subway just grabs a pizza… Shawn Michaels turns around and Subway smashes the pizza right in to the face of the Heartbreak Kid…
Rhino:He is rubbing his face right in to the pizza…
Mark:Subway is now grabbing the pizza tray… Shawn Michaels sits up and Subway nails him right over the head with the tray…
Rhino:Subway looks to be in control of Shawn Michaels now…
Mark:Shawn Michaels is getting back up on to his feet… Subway now grabs the official Clock…
Rhino:For those at home… You can buy it at…
Mark:Nice Plug…
Mark:Subway sets the clock to 4:20 and smashes the clock over the head of the Heartbreak Kid…
Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid is in trouble…
Mark:Subway is now looking around for some sort of weapon…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is bleeding…
Mark:Subway has a wheel chair and slides it toward Shawn Michaels… Michaels moves and down goes our camera man…
Rhino:We lost our picture again…
Mark:We hope to get back to this match up as soon as we can… But right now lets send it back down to the ring…
Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Cameron, North Carolina…Weighing in at 215 Pounds… JEFF HARDY!
(“2Xtreme” plays as Jeff Hardy enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game TRIPLE H!
(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)
Mark:Triple H and Jeff Hardy are face to face in the center of the ring… The Game scores with a couple of right hands to Jeff Hardy as he backs him up in to the ropes…Triple H whips Jeff Hardy in to the ropes…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy ducks a clothesline…
Mark:Jeff Hardy comes off the ropes as Triple H turns around… Crossbody by Jeff Hardy to The Game… Cover 1………2……. Kickout by Triple H…
Rhino:The Game gets right back up on his feet…
Mark:Dropkick by Jeff Hardy knocking Triple H through the ropes and The Game goes to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Triple H is getting a little frustrated with Jeff Hardy at the moment…
Mark:Incoming… Jeff Hardy dives over the top rope and lands right on top of Triple H…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy doing what he does best and that’s taking chances and having them pay off for him…
Mark:Jeff Hardy rolls Triple H back in to the ring… Slingshot Senton by Jeff Hardy… Hardy goes for the cover 1………………………2…………Triple H kicks out…
Rhino:Triple H is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Right hands by Jeff Hardy as he backs Triple H in to the corner… Irish whip by Jeff Hardy… The Game comes out of the corner… Running Bulldog by Jeff Hardy…
Rhino:Its all Jeff Hardy at the moment…
Mark:Jeff Hardy goes for a cover 1………………….2………… The Game kicks out again…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is now heading back up on to the top rope…
Mark:Triple H is back up on to his feet… Missle Dropkick by Jeff Hardy knocking down The Game one more time…
Rhino:Impressive dropkick right there…
Mark:Jeff Hardy goes for another cover 1………………….2……………Kickout again by Triple H…
Rhino:Triple H is staggering up on to his feet…
Mark:Kick to the midsection by Jeff Hardy… TWIST OF FATE! NO! The Game counters and shoves him off in to the ropes… Hardy comes off the ropes… Running High Knee by The Game…
Rhino:Triple H just took his head off…
Mark:Triple H now mounts Jeff Hardy and hammers him with straight right hands…
Rhino:Triple H is really opening up on Jeff Hardy right now…
Mark:Jeff Hardy tries to cover up as Triple H gets off of him… The Game now goes behind Jeff Hardy… Belly to Back Suplex dropping Jeff Hardy right on the back of his head…
Rhino:Triple H is now taking his time and is picking apart Jeff Hardy…
Mark:Jeff Hardy gets whipped in to the ropes… Tiltawhirl Slam by The Game… Triple H goes for a cover 1…………………2……… Jeff Hardy gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is slowly getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Jeff Hardy spins around… SPINEBUSTER!
Rhino:Triple H just drilled Jeff Hardy straight in to the mat…
Mark:Triple H goes for the cover 1…………………….2………………3………….NO! Jeff Hardy got his shoulder up…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is really in some trouble right now…
Mark:The Game is waiting for Jeff Hardy to get up on to his feet… Kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! Jeff Hardy counters out with a back drop…
Rhino:The Game gets back up on to his feet…
Mark:Jeff Hardy now connects with a couple of right hands to The Game…Kick to the midsection… DDT by Jeff Hardy…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is now trying to regroup right now…
Mark:Triple H is staggering back up on to his feet… Kick to the midsection by Jeff Hardy again… TWIST OF FATE!
Rhino:That could be it right here and now…
Mark:Jeff Hardy goes for the cover 1………………………2………………….3……….NO! Triple H gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:That was a close one right there… Jeff Hardy thought he had him beat…
Mark:Triple H is getting back up on to his feet… Jeff Hardy scoops up The Game and slams him back down to the canvas…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is now heading to the top rope…
Mark:This could be it… SWANTON BOMB! NO! Triple H Moved out of the way…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy just crashed and burned and hit the canvas hard…
Mark:Triple H is getting back up on to his feet…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is up as well…
Mark:Knee Buster…
Rhino:Jeff Hardy is staggering around…
Mark:Triple H with a kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it right there and now…
Mark:Triple H hooks the leg 1…………………….2………………3……. ITS OVER!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H!
Rhino:The Game gets the victory here tonight over Jeff Hardy…
Rhino:Where did Randy Orton come from…
Mark:Out of no where Randy Orton hit the ring and laid out Triple H with a RKO…
Rhino:This was another message from Rated RKO to DX…
Mark:Triple H will be in a gauntlet match and I think Randy Orton will be part of it…As we now get set for our next contest…
Pick Your Partner Match
Big Daddy Ace vs Demon Child
Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is a Pick Your Partner Match… Introducing first… Team Number One… From Parts Unknown… Weighing in at 269 Pounds… DEMON CHILD!
(“Voodoo” plays as Demon Child enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And his partner… From Toronto, Ontario, Canada… Weighing in at 215 Pounds… CHRISTIAN!
(“At Last” plays as Christian enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:Their opponents… First… From Boston, Mass… Weighing in at 256 Pounds… The EWA World Heavyweight Champion… BIG DADDY ACE!
(“Im Comin” plays as Big Daddy Ace enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And his partner… From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada…Weighing in 234 pounds… CHRIS BENOIT!
(“Whatever” plays as Chris Benoit enters the arena…)
Mark:The partner choices are pretty interesting…
Rhino:They both choose a canadian to be their partner…
Mark:That is a pretty interesting fact… Its been a couple of months since we have seen Christian in an EWA Ring…
Rhino:I think we will have to wait a few minutes before he is in action as it will be Demon Chld and Chris Benoit starting things out…
Mark:Chris Benoit starts out by hammering Demon Child across the chest with a couple… Chris Benoit continues with hard chops across the chest as he backs him up in to the ropes… Knees to the midsection by Chris Benoit…
Rhino:Chris Benoit is hammering the number one contender right now…
Mark:Benoit now whips Demon Child in to the farside corner… Demon Child comes out of the corner and gets hammered with a vicious clothesline…
Rhino:Demon Child is slowly getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Kick to the midsection by Chris Benoit… Benoit goes for and connects with a snap suplex… Benoit goes for a quick cover 1…………….2…..Demon Child kicks out…
Rhino:Chris Benoit with a couple of more chops to the chest of Demon Child…
Mark:Demon Child is backed up in to the corner and Chris Benoit tags in Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace and Demon Child will meet when the EWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line at Extreme Bowl…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace and Chris Benoit hook up Demon Child… Double Vertical Suplex…
Rhino:Nice move by the former BTP Partners…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace now goes for the cover 1………………2…………Demon Child kicks out again…
Rhino:Demon Child is being pulled back up on to his feet by Big Daddy Ace…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace scoops up his challenger and puts him up on his shoulder… Running Powerslam by the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…
Rhino:Christian can only look on…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace taunts Christian before he goes for a cover on Christian 1…………………….2………….Christian comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:Christian didn’t like being taunted by Big Daddy Ace…
Mark:Chris Benoit gets the tag back in and connects with a stiff kick to the midsection of Demon Child…
Rhino:Right now Big Daddy Ace and Chris Benoit are just picking apart the Number One Contender… Wearing him down before the match up at Extreme Bowl…
Mark:Demon Child is using the ropes to get back up on to his feet… German Release Suplex… No… Demon Child lands on his feet…
Rhino:How did he just land on his feet…
Mark:Demon Child gets to his corner and tags in Christian…
Rhino:Theres the hot tag…
Mark:Christian charges and connects with a clothesline to Chris Benoit…
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is now in the ring…
Mark:Christian nails him with a clothesline as well…
Rhino:Christian is a house of fire right now…
Mark:Chris Benoit is back up… Goes for a knife edge chop… Christian ducks… And now Christian nails Chris Benoit with a couple of chops to the chest…
Rhino:Wooo! The Peeps are loving it right now…
Mark:Christian now goes behind Chris Benoit… Reverse DDT by Christian… As he now covers Chris Benoit 1……………..2……….. Kickout by Chris Benoit…
Rhino:Benoit is getting up slowly in the corner…
Mark:Christian climbs the ropes and starts hammering Chris Benoit with right hands…
Rhino:The peeps are counting along…
Mark:Eight… Nine and Ten… Chris Benoit comes staggering out of the corner… Bulldog by Christian as he now covers Chris Benoit 1……………..2………….. Big Daddy Ace comes in and kicks Christian right in the head…
Rhino:Big Daddy Ace is now asking for the tag…
Mark:That was a vicious kick by Big Daddy Ace who now gets tagged in… Big Daddy Ace starts hammering Christian with kicks right to the head…
Rhino:Those are hard shots…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace now scoops up Christian and ties him up in to the tree of woe…
Rhino:This isnt good for Christian…
Mark:Running Dropkick right in the head of Christian by Big Daddy Ace… Ace now pulls him down and goes for the cover 1……………2………..3…..NO! Christian gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Chris Benoit is tagged back in…
Mark:Christian is now in trouble… German Suplex by Chris Benoit… Benoit rolls through… A second german suplex…
Rhino:He is going for the trifecta right now…
Mark:Christian blocks the trifecta of german suplexs… As he nails Benoit with elbows to the back of the head… Christian now whips Chris Benoit in to the ropes… Double Clothesline and now both men are down on the canvas…
Rhino:Both men need to make a tag…
Mark:Chris Benoit tags in Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Demon Child gets the tag as well…
Mark:Demon Child scores with a couple of right hands knocking down Big Daddy Ace…
Rhino:Chris Benoit is back in the ring…
Mark:Back Drop by Demon Child sending Chris Benoit out of the ring…
Rhino:Christian is now on the outside fighting with Chris Benoit…
Mark:Demon Child kicks Big Daddy Ace in the midsection… Piledriver by Demon Child… As he now goes for a cover 1…………..2………Big Daddy Ace gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Demon Child is now waiting on Big Daddy Ace to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Demon Child hooks him up… Big Daddy Ace comes back with a couple of shots to the ribs of Demon Child… As he now whips Demon Child off in to the ropes… SPEAR!
Rhino:The EWA World Champion just speared Demon Child out of his boots…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace seems confident now…
Rhino:Demon Child is staggering up on to his feet…
Mark:Big Daddy Ace hooks him up… ACE CRUSHER! NO! SMALL PACKAGE 1………………….2………….3….. HE GOT HIM!
Pa Announcer:Here are your winners DEMON CHILD AND CHRISTIAN!
Rhino:Demon Child and Christian get the win here tonight…
Mark:Is this a sign of things to come for Demon Child at Extreme Bowl… We will have to see…Speaking of Extreme Bowl… Its now time for the Extreme Bowl Preview…
Extreme Bowl Preview Weapon of Choice Elimination Match
Doug Kinsella vs Mark Peora vs Lone Jobber
Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Weapon of Choice Elimination Match… Introducing first… From Salem, Illinois… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… The Machine MARK PEORA!
(“Slave New World” plays as Mark Peora enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Dayton, Ohio… Weighing in 241 Pounds… DOUG KINSELLA!
(“Open Your Eyes” plays as Doug Kinsella enters the arena…)
Pa Announcer:And their opponent… From The Slaughter House… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… LONE JOBBER!
(“I Want It All” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)
Mark:All three men are in the center of the ring right now…
Rhino:We know that Mark Peora said his weapon is his hands…
Mark:We also know that Doug Kinsella has choosen a Flaming Table…
Rhino:But what about Lone Jobber?
Mark:I guess we will find out soon enough… Lone Jobber goes right up to Mark Peora and nails him with a right hand… Mark Peora comes back with a right hand of his own…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is watching on…
Mark:A couple of right hands being exchanged… Doug Kinsella comes to get a piece of the action and both Mark Peora and Lone Jobber knock him down with a right hand each…
Rhino:Guess he should have let them continue to fight…
Mark:Mark Peora and Lone Jobber now look at one another and both men are putting the boots to Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Guess they will eliminate Doug Kinsella and then work on each other…
Mark:Lone Jobber and Mark Peora whip Doug Kinsella in to the ropes… Double Clothesline… Ducked… Doug Kinsella comes off the other side… Doug Kinsella connects with a double clothesline to Peora and Jobber…
Rhino:Peora is getting back up on to his feet…
Mark:Doug Kinsella hooks him up and connects with a vertical suplex… Doug Kinsella goes for a quick cover 1………………..2….. Mark Peora kicks out…
Rhino:Lone Jobber now is back up on his feet…
Mark:Lone Jobber spins Doug Kinsella around and nails him with a couple of right hands…Lone Jobber kicks Doug Kinsella in the midsection… Front Face Suplex by Lone Jobber driving Doug Kinsella in to the mat…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is lining him up…
Mark:Running Dropkick right to the head of Doug Kinsella by Lone Jobber… Jobber now goes for a cover 1…………………..2……………….Kickout by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Mark Peora is now making his way up to feet…
Mark:Mark Peora grabs Lone Jobber and throws him to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is getting up in the corner…
Mark:Shinning Wizard! By Mark Peora to Doug Kinsella in to corner…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is staggering out of the corner…
Mark:Standing Side Kick right to the back of Doug Kinsella by Mark Peora…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella looks to be out of it right now…
Mark:Mark Peora goes for a cover 1…………………………2………………………….Doug Kinsella gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Close call right there for Doug Kinsella…
Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to get back up on to the apron… Mark Peora charges in at him and knocks him off the apron and Lone Jobber goes head first in to the steel guardrail…
Rhino:Right now Mark Peora is in control of this match up…
Mark:Doug Kinsella gets back up on to his feet… Running DDT by Mark Peora… As he now goes for another cover 1………………….2……………..Kickout by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella right now doesn’t seem to be in a good way…
Mark:Mark Peora kicks Doug Kinsella in the midsection… POWERBOMB! NO! Doug Kinsella counters out with a back drop…
Rhino:Mark Peora gets back up on to his feet…
Mark:Swinging Neckbreaker by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is trying to build some momentum…
Mark:Lone Jobber is up on the top rope…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella doesn’t see him…
Mark:Flying Shoulderblock by Lone Jobber as Doug Kinsella walked right in to it…
Rhino:Doug didn’t see Lone Jobber on the top rope and he got nailed pretty good…
Mark:Lone Jobber goes for a cover 1…………………………2……………….Kickout by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Mark Peora is back up on his feet…
Mark:Mark Peora spins Lone Jobber around… Implant DDT by Mark Peora… Peora covers Jobber 1………………………2…………………Lone Jobber kicks out…
Rhino:Mark Peora is now waiting for Doug Kinsella to get back up on to his feet…
Mark:Mark Peora kicks Doug Kinsella in the midsection… PEORA-PLEX! NO! Lone Jobber comes in and breaks it up…
Rhino:Peora got knocked out of the ring by Lone Jobber…
Mark:Lone Jobber now slingshots himself over the top rope right down on to Mark Peora…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is hammering him with right hands…
Mark:Doug Kinsella is in the ring and he just opened up his weapon of choice…
Rhino:The Flaming Table is being setup in the ring…
Mark:Doug Kinsella is now going to the outside of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber doesn’t see him…
Mark:From behind… Doug Kinsella shoves Lone Jobber in to the steel steps…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is rolling Mark Peora back in to the ring…
Mark:It seems like Doug Kinsella has something in mind for Mark Peora… As Doug Kinsella is setting him up on the top rope…
Rhino:The Table is now being set on fire…
Mark:This isnt going to be good for Mark Peora…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is back in the ring…
Mark:Lone Jobber knocks Doug Kinsella out of the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is now climbing up the top rope…
Rhino:OH MY GOD!
Mark:Lone Jobber with the cover 1…………………………2…………………….3…………..HE GOT HIM!
Pa Announcer:Mark Peora Has Been Eliminated!
Rhino:We are down to Lone Jobber and Doug Kinsella…
Mark:Doug Kinsella is rolling back in to the ring…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is motioning for something…
Mark:A Steel Cage is coming down…
Rhino:I guess this is an Extreme Bowl Preview…
Mark:Doug Kinsella is back in the ring…Lone Jobber goes right after him and stomps away at him…
Rhino:He is really stomping a mudhole in on Doug Kinsella at a moment…
Mark:Lone Jobber quickly scoops up Doug Kinsella and launches him head first in to the steel cage…
Rhino:It seems like Lone Jobber is trying to send a message that he is going to win the 2007 Extreme Bowl and is sending that message to Doug Kinsella…
Mark:Lone Jobber now whips Doug Kinsella off in to the ropes… Stun Gun right in to the steel cage…
Rhino:Lone Jobber launched Doug Kinsella right in to the steel cage…
Mark:Lone Jobber now goes for the cover on Doug Kinsella 1…………………..2……………..3…….NO! Doug Kinsella gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is trying to pull himself up on to his feet…
Mark:Doug Kinsella turns around… Lone Jobber hooks him up… DDT… No… Doug Kinsella counters and spins Lone Jobber around… FINAL ENCOUNTER!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Doug Kinsella falls on top of Lone Jobber 1……………………2…………………….3………NO! Lone Jobber gets his shoulder up…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella thought he had him…
Mark:Doug Kinsella grabs Lone Jobber by the legs… Slingshot in to the Steel Cage…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering around after hitting the cage…
Mark:Swinging Neckbreaker by Doug Kinsella…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is trying to build up some momentum…
Mark:Lone Jobber is getting back up on to his feet… Spinebuster by Doug Kinsella driving Lone Jobber in to the mat…
Rhino:It seems like Doug Kinsella is in control of this contest…
Mark:Doug Kinsella goes for another cover 1………………….2………………3…….NO! Lone Jobber kicks out again…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella is now putting Lone Jobber up on the top rope…
Mark:Doug Kinsella climbs up the ropes…
Rhino:Lone Jobber is in trouble…
Mark:Superplex… No Lone Jobber pulls him close and drives Doug Kinsella in to the cage…
Rhino:Doug Kinsella falls off the top rope…
Mark:Lone Jobber gets on to his feet on the top rope… THE GIMMICK FROM THE TOP ROPE!
Rhino:That’s gotta be it…
Mark:Lone Jobber hooks the leg of Doug Kinsella 1…………………………2……………………….3……… HE GOT HIM!
Pa Announcer:Here is your winner LONE JOBBER!
Rhino:Lone Jobber is heading in to the Extreme Bowl with a little bit of momentum…
Mark:Yes he is…As right now our cameras have found Subway and Shawn Michaels battling in the locker room again…
Rhino:Subway and Shawn Michaels have been battling all night long and they are still going at it…
Mark:Shawn Michaels grabs Subway by the head and rams Subway head first in to a locker…
Rhino:Shawn is opening up the locker door…
Mark:Subway’s head is wedged in the door and Shawn Michaels smashes his head with the locker door…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now grabbing Subway by the hair and throws him out of the locker room back out in to the hallway…
Mark:Subway looks to be bleeding after having his head smashed in…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is allowing Subway to start getting up on to his feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels kicks Subway right in the ribs as he was trying to get up and that knocks the wind right out of the X-Core Soldier…
Rhino:It seems like both men just want to beat the hell out of the other…
Mark:Shawn Michaels now is looking around and has a trash can which he smashes over the back of Subway…
Rhino:Hard shots by Shawn Michaels…
Mark:They continue to move down the hallway and now have found their way to a staircase…
Rhino:I think that leads down to the boiler room…
Mark:Subway is getting up on to his feet… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! And it knocks Subway down the staircase…
Rhino:I think Subway could be really out of it…
Mark:Subway isnt moving right now as he fell down a flight of stairs… Shawn Michaels is now walking down the steps to go after Subway…
Rhino:Subway landed right in front of the boiler room door…
Mark:Shawn Michaels throws Subway in to the boiler room…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels should be going for a pin if he wants to be EWA Television Champion… But he is more interested in beating up Subway at the moment…
Mark:Shawn Michaels has found a 2×4 as Subway is getting back up on to his feet…Running Clothesline with the 2×4 by Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Subway is in a lot of trouble…
Mark:Subway is getting back up on to his feet… Shawn Michaels with the 2×4… LOW BLOW!
Rhino:That stopped Shawn Michaels in his tracks…
Mark:Both men have lost blood in this match up… Subway grabs Shawn Michaels and he rams his head in to the boiler…
Rhino:Shawn Michaels is staggering around…
Mark:Subway with a hard headbutt right to The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels knocking him right down…
Rhino:Subway now has a pole…
Mark:Pole right across the back of the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels by the X-Core Soldier…
Rhino:That shot has to take a lot out of Shawn Michaels…
Mark:Another shot with the pole across the back of Shawn Michaels…
Rhino:Neither man has gone for a pinfall just yet…
Mark:Subway is now waiting for Shawn Michaels to get up on to his feet…
Rhino:He is slowly getting up on to his feet…
Mark:Shawn Michaels staggers around… SUBLINE! NO! Shawn Michaels ducks… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!
Rhino:He got all of that kick…
Mark:Shawn Michaels falls on top of Subway…
Rhino:Both men are laid out on the ground…
Mark:The referee begins to count… 1………………..2……………..3……. ITS OVER!
Pa Announce:Here is your winner and STILL EWA Television Champion… SUBWAY!
Rhino:What? Subway is still champion?
Mark:We are looking at the replay of the pinfall right now… Both men’s shoulders were down on the ground and Subway got his shoulder up right before the referee’s hand hit for the three count…
Rhino:That is a shocking end result to the contest…
Mark:Subway is walking out of Monday Night Madness still the EWA Television Champion… But will he walk out of the Extreme Bowl as the Extreme Bowl Champion… Who will be the Extreme Bowl Champion? We will find out at Extreme Bowl 2007…GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!