Saturday Night Torture 10-20-07

Mark:Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia… Welcome to Saturday Night Torture… And Rhino we got one hell of a line up here tonight…

Rhino:Yes we do Mark… Which includes the EWA Television Championship on the line when Arkum defends the title against The Uncrowned Champ John Cena…

Mark:And it will be a Steel Chair Shindig…

Rhino:Oh Boy… I love Shindigs…

Mark:We will also see JaRek who earlier this evening decided to put up his title shot at Halloween Hellraiser when he takes on The Rock…

Rhino:Can The Rock take down JaRek and head to Halloween Hellraiser to take on Triple H?

Mark:That question will be answered as well… Plus tonight the EWA Tag Team Titles are going to be on the line when Gravedigger & Dark Demon challenge Adam Syndal & Arkum…

Rhino:This is a loaded show tonight Mark and we havent even addressed everything that is going to go down here tonight…

Mark:Lets not waste anymore time… And lets get to our opening contest here tonight for Saturday Night Torture…

Sonny Siaki vs Iceberg

Pa Announcer:Tonights opening contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Places Man Fear to Tread… Weighing in at 450 Pounds… ICEBERG!

(“Sad But True” plays as Iceberg enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Pago Pago, American Samoa… Weighing in at 242 Pounds… SONNY SIAKI!

(“Cocky” plays as Sonny Siaki enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Sonny Siaki goes right after Iceberg and hammers him with straight right hands…

Rhino:Siaki is really laying in those shots to Iceberg…

Mark:Sonny Siaki backs Iceberg up in to the ropes… Irish whip by Sonny Siaki… Reversal by Iceberg… Siaki comes off the ropes and gets taken over with a big shoulder block from Iceberg…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki’s head bounced off the mat…

Mark:Sonny Siaki gets up on to his feet and Iceberg lifts him high up in the air in a press slam… Iceberg drops Sonny Siaki straight down in to the mat…

Rhino:Iceberg was holding him up in the air and he just let go and Sonny Siaki dropped right down in to the mat…That has to take the air right out of you…

Mark:Sonny Siaki gets up slowly on to his feet… Iceberg grabs him by the head and delivers a headbutt to Sonny Siaki knocking him down to the mat…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki is crawling to the corner…

Mark:Iceberg pulls Siaki up and nails him with a big hard chop across the chest… Iceberg now whips Sonny Siaki in to the farside corner… Iceberg charges and connects with a running splash in the corner…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Big Hard Clothesline by Iceberg laying out Sonny Siaki… Iceberg now goes for the cover 1…………………..2…………Kickout by Sonny Siaki…

Rhino:Iceberg is now taking it right to Sonny Siaki…

Mark:Sonny Siaki staggers up on to his feet… Iceberg wraps his arms around Siaki and locks in a Bear Hug…

Rhino:Iceberg is trying to squeeze the life out of Sonny Siaki…

Mark:Iceberg is crushing the ribs of Sonny Siaki…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki is trying to fight his way out of the Bear Hug…

Mark:The referee is now checking on Siaki and he lifts up the arm and it drops…

Rhino:You can see Sonny Siaki fading away…

Mark:The referee lifts up the arm a second time… And it drops again…

Rhino:One more time and this one will be over…

Mark:The arm goes up and it doesn’t go down… Siaki rakes the eyes of Iceberg and now breaks up the Bear Hug…

Rhino:Siaki is holding on to his ribs as he tries to fight back in to this match up…

Mark:Sonny Siaki scores with a couple of right hands… Siaki now backs up in to the ropes… Siaki comes off the ropes… Iceberg goes for a clothesline… Siaki ducks and goes behind Iceberg… Double Knee Backbreaker!

Rhino:That got the big man off of his feet…

Mark:Siaki now goes for the cover 1……………………2………………..Kickout by Iceberg…

Rhino:Iceberg is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Sonny Siaki comes off the ropes… Spin Heel Kick by Sonny Siaki… Siaki goes for another cover on Iceberg 1………………2…………….Kickout again by Iceberg…

Rhino:Iceberg is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Siaki with a kick to the midsection…SIAKI SPIKE!

Rhino:Iceberg could be down right here and now…

Mark:Sonny Siaki goes for the cover on Iceberg as he hooks the leg 1……………………….2…………….3……NO! Iceberg gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close…

Mark:Sonny Siaki is now heading up on to the top rope…

Rhino:Iceberg is still down on the mat…

Mark:The Ace in a Hole is going to fly… FLIP MODE! NO! Iceberg moved out of the way…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki got too cocky and he took a chance and it backfired…

Mark:Sonny Siaki is now staggering up on to his feet… Iceberg scores with a couple of right hands… Iceberg whips Sonny Siaki off in to the ropes…Flapjack!

Rhino:Siaki got drilled in to the mat…

Mark:Iceberg now grabs Sonny Siaki and is now setting him up on to the top rope…

Rhino:Sonny Siaki is in trouble…

Mark:Iceberg has him setup…ICEBERG SLAM!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:Iceberg goes for the cover 1……………………….2…………………3…………NO! Siaki gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:So very close… Iceberg thought he had him right there…

Mark:Iceberg is now waiting for Sonny Siaki to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Iceberg is going to go for the kill right here and now…

Mark:Siaki is up… Iceberg hooks him up…EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT! NO! Siaki Escapes… SCHOOL BOY! 1…………………2……….

Rhino:Siaki has the ropes…

Mark:3…… HE GOT HIM!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SONNY SIAKI!

Rhino:The referee didn’t see Siaki use the ropes to pick up the victory…

Mark:Sonny Siaki steals the victory here tonight…But still to come… John Cena will try to take the EWA Television Championship away from Arkum later on tonight… But right now its time for some EWA Womens Division Action…

Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Elmira, New York… Weighing in at 150 Pounds… BETH PHOENIX!

(Beth Phoenix’s Theme Plays as she enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Toronto, Canada… Weighing in at 118 Pounds… GAIL KIM!

(“Unstoppable” plays as Gail Kim enters the arena…)

Mark:The referee calls for the bell and this match up is underway… Gail Kim locks up with Beth Phoenix…

Rhino:Gail Kim is trying to back Beth Phoenix in to the ropes…

Mark:Beth Phoenix shoves Gail Kim backwards and down to the canvas…

Rhino:Gail Kim cant try to over power Beth Phoenix… She needs to use her Speed to her advantage…

Mark:Gail Kim charges at Beth Phoenix… Phoenix goes for a clothesline… Gail Kim ducks and now hammers Beth Phoenix with forearm shots…

Rhino:She is trying to rock the head of Beth Phoenix…

Mark:Gail Kim with a kick to the midsection… Swinging Neckbreaker by Gail Kim… Gail Kim goes for a quick cover 1………………….2……………Beth Phoenix powers out of the pin fall…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix gets back up on to her feet…

Mark:Gail Kim charges at Beth Phoenix… Tilt A Whirl Headscissors… No…Counter in to a Tilt a Whirl Slam by Beth Phoenix…

Rhino:Beth just drove Gail kim right in to the mat…

Mark:Beth Phoenix goes for the cover 1………………..2……………Kickout by Gail Kim…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix is dragging Gail Kim in to the corner…

Mark:Beth Phoenix is now driving her boot in to the throat of Gail Kim…

Rhino:She is choking the life out of Gail Kim right now…

Mark:Gail Kim is staggering up on to her feet… Beth Phoenix hooks up Gail Kim… Gutwrench Suplex…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix is having her way with Gail Kim right now…

Mark:Beth Phoenix now goes for another cover 1…………………2…………….Kickout again by Gail Kim…

Rhino:The Glamazon is dominating right now…

Mark:Gail Kim is trying to get back up on to her feet… Beth Phoenix hammers Gail Kim with shots backing her up in to the ropes…Beth Phoenix with an irish whip sending Gail Kim off in to the ropes… Gail Kim comes off the ropes… Back Drop… No… Countered in to a DDT by Gail Kim…

Rhino:Nice counter right there by Gail Kim…

Mark:Now this is Gail Kim’s chance to get back in to this match up…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix is now staggering back up on to her feet…

Mark:Gail Kim with a kick to the midsection… Single Arm DDT!

Rhino:Gail Kim is starting to get on a roll…

Mark:Gail Kim goes for a cover 1………………………2…………………..3… NO…Kickout by Beth Phoenix…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix barely got her shoulder up in time…

Mark:Beth Phoenix is staggering up on to her feet… Beth Phoenix charges… Clothesline… Ducked by Gail Kim… Gail Kim charges… CHRISTO!

Rhino:What a move…

Mark:Gail Kim with the Tilt a Whirl Headscissors in to the an Armbar and she has it locked in…

Rhino:Beth Phoenix is trying to get to the ropes…

Mark:Beth Phoenix starts to reach…

Rhino:She cant get to the ropes…


Pa Announcer:Here is your winner GAIL KIM!

Rhino:Gail Kim picks up the win here tonight over the Glamazon Beth Phoenix…

Mark:Gail Kim will have interest at Halloween Hellraiser when we crown a new EWA Womens Champion when Alexis Laree and Morgan Alvertez do battle… And those two women will meet later tonight in Mix Tag Team Action… I am being told right now that our next scheduled battle between William Steele and William McConnell wont be taking place as William McConnells flight was delayed and was not able to make it to the arena tonight…So now its time to move on for more EWA Womens Division Action…

Amanda Davis vs Victoria Mitchell

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Long Island, Ny… Weighing in at 230 Pounds…AMANDA DAVIS!

(“Papercut” plays as Amanda Davis enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent… From Berlin, Germany… Weighing in at 200 Pounds…The Forbidden Mistress VICTORIA MITCHELL!

(“Living Deadgirl” plays as Victoria Mitchell enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Both women are staring down one another…

Rhino:These are two big and powerful women…

Mark:Both of these women are looking to make a huge impact here in the Extreme Wrestling Alliance… Victoria Mitchell and Amanda Davis lock horns in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Both of these women are battling for position…

Mark:Neither women is backing down as it is a true power struggle in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is now being backed up in to the ropes…

Mark:Amanda Davis is now the one being backed up as Victoria Mitchell is moving back in to the center of the ring…

Rhino:These two women dont want to give an inch right now…

Mark:Victoria is trying to power Amanda Davis back in to the ropes… Cheap kick right to the midsection by Amanda Davis…

Rhino:Amanda felt Victoria getting an edge and took a shot to get back control…

Mark:Amanda Davis now hammers Victoria Mitchell with a couple of kicks right to the midsection..Amanda Davis grabs Victoria Mitchell by the arm… Short Arm Clothesline by Amanda Davis…

Rhino:That was a hard clothesline right there…

Mark:Victoria Mitchell is now getting back up on to her feet slowly… Amanda Davis hooks her up… Belly to Belly Suplex by Amanda Davis…

Rhino:Nice move right there from Amanda Davis…

Mark:Amanda Davis goes for the cover 1………………2…………. Victoria gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is trying to pull herself up on to her feet right now…

Mark:Amanda Davis gets behind her… Full Nelson Slam!

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell was just drilled straight in to the canvas by Amanda Davis…

Mark:Amanda Davis now goes for the cover 1……………………2………………3…No! Victoria Mitchell gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is struggling right now to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Amanda Davis goes behind Victoria Mitchell… Pumphandle Slam! No! Victoria Mitchell counters out… Victoria Mitchell sets up Amanda Davis… German Suplex! By Victoria Mitchell…

Rhino:This is Victoria’s chance to fight her way back in to this match up…

Mark:Amanda Davis is getting back up on to her feet… Victoria Mitchell whips her off in to the ropes…Victoria comes off the other side… Flying Back Elbow…

Rhino:Victoria is starting to find her groove…

Mark:Amanda Davis gets back up… Thrust Kick by Mitchell… Victoria Mitchell hooks her up… Half Nelson Slam!

Rhino:She could have her right here…

Mark:Victoria Mitchell with the cover 1………………….2………..3…..No! Kickout by Amanda Davis…

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:Amanda Davis staggers back up on to her feet…Missle Dropkick! Connects by Victoria Mitchell…

Rhino:The high risk chance paid off right there…

Mark:Victoria Mitchell goes for another cover 1……………………2……………..3….NO! Amanda Davis got her shoulder up at the last second…

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is looking to go in for the kill right here…

Mark:Amanda Davis staggers up… THE END RESORT! NO! Amanda Davis counters and nails her with elbows right to the side of the head… Victoria Mitchell turns around… Midway Train!

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell is staggering on her feet right now after Amanda Davis’s version of the Atomic Drop…

Mark:Amanda Davis now is hooking up Victoria Mitchell… FINALIZATION!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it right there…

Mark:Amanda Davis turns her over and goes for the cover 1………………………2………………..3………… ITS NOT OVER! As Victoria got her foot on the rope…

Rhino:Amanda Davis is furious right now as she is getting up in the face of the referee…

Mark:Amanda Davis just shoved the referee down…

Rhino:That wasn’t smart…

Mark:Victoria Mitchell is staggering up on to her feet… Amanda Davis kicks her in the midsection… FINALIZATION! NO!

Rhino:Victoria countered this time…

Mark:Amanda Davis spins around… THE END RESORT!

Rhino:That could be it…

Mark:The referee is back up and makes the count 1……………..2…………….3…… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner VICTORIA MITCHELL!

Rhino:Victoria Mitchell picks up her first victory here in the EWA…

Mark:Amanda Davis is fuming… As she just chased the referee out of the ring…Now later on tonight we will see the Devil May Cry Death Match when Shock & Awe defend the EWA Tag Team Titles against the Wolfpac… But right now its time for more in ring action…

Lone Jobber vs Jeff Jarrett

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Hendersonville, Tn… Weighing in at 230 Pounds… JEFF JARRETT!

(“My World” plays as Jeff Jarrett enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From The Slaughter House… Now Residing in the Corporate Offices in Atlanta, Georgia… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… El Presidente LONE JOBBER!

(“I Want It All” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)

Mark:The referee calls for the bell and this match up is underway… Jeff Jarrett goes right for a side headlock in on Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Jarrett is grinding away with the headlock…

Mark:Lone Jobber fires in shots with elbows right to the midsection of Jeff Jarrett breaking up the headlock and now sending him off in to the ropes… Jarrett comes off the ropes and Lone Jobber scores with a clothesline…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:Lone Jobber scoops up Jeff Jarrett and slams him straight down to the canvas… Lone Jobber comes off the ropes and drops a leg right down on to Jeff Jarrett… Lone Jobber goes for a cover 1………………2………… Kickout by Jeff Jarrett…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:Lone Jobber charges in at Jeff Jarrett… Jarrett gets the boots up…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett is now sliding out of the ring…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett trips up Lone Jobber and is now pulling him by the leg towards the corner…

Rhino:This isnt going to be good for Lone Jobber…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett rams Lone Jobber’s leg right in to the ring post…

Rhino:Jarrett isnt done…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett rams the right leg of Lone Jobber in to the steel ring post one more time…

Rhino:You can see the pain on the face of Lone Jobber right now after having his leg rammed right in to the ring post…

Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to crawl to the middle of the ring… Jeff Jarrett is back in the ring and is going back to work on the right leg of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Jarrett is placing Lone Jobber’s leg on the middle rope…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett now charges and drives his weight right down on to the right leg of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is holding on to his leg right now…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett is now pulling Lone Jobber in to the center of the ring…

Rhino:I think we know whats coming…

Mark:Figure Four! No! Small Package 1…………………….2…………………….Kickout by Jarrett…

Rhino:Lone Jobber almost stole the victory right there…

Mark:Lone Jobber is trying to get back up on to his feet… From behind… Jeff Jarrett clips the leg of Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett is now making sure he can lock in the Figure Four…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett grabs him by the leg… Figure Four!

Rhino:Now he has it locked in and there is no where for Lone Jobber to go…

Mark:You can see the pain on the face of El Presidente…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to crawl his way to the ropes…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett is really putting the pressure on the leg of Lone Jobber… Lone Jobber’s shoulders are down and the referee kicks out 1…………………2…………….Lone Jobber sits up…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to fight his way to the ropes…

Mark:Lone Jobber reaches the ropes and now Jeff Jarrett has to break the hold…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett is now waiting for Lone Jobber to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Lone Jobber uses the ropes to get back up… Jeff Jarrett kicks Lone Jobber’s leg right out from underneath him…

Rhino:Lone Jobber was limping around and Jeff Jarrett capitalized…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett is now taunting the crowd with his Strut…

Rhino:He shouldn’t be taunting… He should go for the kill…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett goes for the Figure Four… No… Countered by Lone Jobber and he pushes him off in to the corner…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is trying to get up on to his feet…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett charges at Lone Jobber… Lone Jobber ducks the clothesline… Neckbreaker by Lone Jobber… Lone Jobber rolls over in to a cover 1…………………2…….. Jarrett kicks out…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is still limping around…

Mark:Lone Jobber now sets up Jeff Jarrett… Piledriver! Lone Jobber goes for another cover 1…………………2…………3…No! Jeff Jarrett gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett is staggering up on to his feet… Lone Jobber is setting him up… THE GIMMICK! NO! Jeff Jarrett counters…

Rhino:Jeff Jarrett is now firing back at Lone Jobber with straight right hands…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett whips Lone Jobber off in to the ropes… Dropkick!

Rhino:Nice Dropkick…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett goes for the cover 1……………………2…………..3…NO! Lone Jobber gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is limping back up on to his feet…

Mark:Jeff Jarrett hooks him up… THE STROKE! NO! Lone Jobber blocks… Lone Jobber spins Jeff Jarrett around… THE GIMMICK!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:Lone Jobber hooks the leg 1……………….2…………3………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner LONE JOBBER!

Rhino:Lone Jobber gets a victory here tonight over The Chosen One…

Mark:Lone Jobber is going to be meeting William McConnell at Halloween Hellraiser in Lone Jobber’s Retirement Match…But right now its time for more EWA Womens Division Action…

Brieanna “Breeze” Landon vs Jenna Valentine

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Huntington Beach, Ca… Weighing in at 115 Pounds… Accompanied by Dylan Nolan… JENNA VALENTINE!

(“Headstrong” plays as Jenna Valentine enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent… From Chicago, Illinois… Weighing in at 119 Pounds… BRIEANNA “BREEZE” LANDON!

(“Before He Cheats” plays as Brieanna Landon enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Brieanna Landon goes right after Jenna Valentine nailing her with forearm shots right to the head…Brieanna Landon backs Jenna Valentine off in to the ropes… Valentine comes off the ropes and Brieanna takes her over with a hiptoss…

Rhino:Jenna Valentine gets right back up on to her feet…

Mark:Jenna Valentine charges at Brieanna and she takes her down with a back elbow…

Rhino:Jenna Valentine is getting back up on to her feet by the ropes…

Mark:Dropkick by Brieanna Landon sending her through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Dylan Nolan is talking with Jenna on the outside of the ring…

Mark:He is trying to calm her down and get her focused…

Rhino:Jenna Valentine is taking her time getting back in to the ring…

Mark:Brieanna Landon is tired of waiting and she pulls on the ropes and pulls Jenna Valentine back in to the ring…

Rhino:Jenna Valentine is backing up in to the corner…

Mark:Brieanna charges at Jenna Valentine… Valentine moves out of the way and Brieanna Landon hits the corner hard…

Rhino:Brieanna is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Jenna grabs her by the hair and tosses her across the ring…

Rhino:Brieanna is now trying to get back up on to her feet…

Mark:Brieanna gets back up… Jenna charges and scores with a swinging neckbreaker… Jenna Valentine goes for the cover 1…………………..2………….Kickout by Brieanna Landon…

Rhino:Jenna now is backing Brieanna up in to the corner…

Mark:Jenna Valentine is placing Brieanna up on the top rope…

Rhino:What could she have in mind?

Mark:Hurricanranna! From The Top Rope…

Rhino:Nice move right there from Jenna Valentine…

Mark:Jenna Valentine now goes for the cover on Brieanna Landon 1……………………….2………………..3….NO! Brieanna gets her shoulder up…

Rhino:That was close… Dylan Nolan is cheering her on at ringside…

Mark:Brieanna Landon is getting back up… Jenna Valentine kicks her in the midsection… DDT! No! Countered… Neckbreaker by Brieanna Landon…

Rhino:Nice counter right there…

Mark:Both women are making their way back up on to their feet…Jenna Valentine goes for a right…Blocked by Brieanna Landon… Landon fires with a couple of shots of her own… Brieanna Landon now hooks her up… Snap Suplex…

Rhino:Brieanna is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:Brieanna is now going to take a chance… Senton Bomb! Connects!

Rhino:What a move by Brieanna…

Mark:Brieanna Landon now goes for the cover 1……………………2…………………3……….NO! Jenna Valentine kicks out…

Rhino:Brieanna thought she had her right there…

Mark:Jenna Valentine is now staggering up on to her feet…

Rhino:Brieanna Landon is going to try and end this match up right here and now…

Mark:Brieanna Landon hooks her up…BREEZY!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:Jenna Valentine is down and out… Brieanna Landon goes for the cover…

Rhino:Dylan Nolan is on the apron…

Mark:Dylan Nolan is distracting the referee…

Rhino:Brieanna is now distracted…

Mark:Dylan just threw something in to the ring…

Rhino:Jenna Valentine is back up on her feet…

Mark:Brieanna turns around… Powder!

Rhino:Jenna Valentine just threw powder in to the face of Brieanna Landon…

Mark:Brieanna is blinded…SO-CAL SLAP! Jenna Valentine hooks the leg 1……………….2………3……. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner JENNA VALENTINE!

Rhino:Thanks to the Distraction of Dylan Nolan and the Powder he threw in to the ring… Jenna Valentine picks up the victory here tonight…

Mark:Still to come we will see Alexis Laree & Morgan Alvertez in action… When they are apart of the Mix Tag Team Match up later on tonight… As those two will meet for the EWA Womens Championship at Halloween Hellraiser… But for now its time for more in ring action…

Shawn Michaels vs Mike Smith

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… From Houston, Tx… Weighing in at 220 Pounds… The King of Extreme MIKE SMITH!

(“Becoming The Bull” plays as Mike Smith enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From San Antonio, Texas… Weighing in at 227 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Heartbreak Kid SHAWN MICHAELS!

(“Boy Toy” plays as Shawn Michaels enters the arena…)

Mark:The referee calls for the bell and this match up is underway…

Rhino:What is Shawn Michaels asking the referee right now?

Mark:I think he just asked who that is…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels showing no respect to Mike Smith…

Mark:Shawn Michaels just said… Oh… That’s Mike Smith…

Rhino:If I were Mike Smith I would just beat the hell out of Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Mike Smith and Shawn Michaels are face to face… Shawn Michaels is just talking off Mike Smith’s ear right now… Mike Smith connects with a big right hand that knocks Shawn Michaels right off of his feet…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels gets right back up…

Mark:Mike Smith scores with a couple of more straight right hands to Shawn Michaels… Mike Smith backs Shawn Michaels up in to the ropes… Irish whip sending Shawn Michaels in to the ropes…HBK comes off the ropes… Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is now staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Mike Smith backs HBK up in to the corner with right hands… Mike Smith with a Hard Irish Whip sending Shawn Michaels hard in to the corner… Shawn Michaels just flipped over the turnbuckle and on to the apron… Mike Smith charges and knocks Shawn Michaels off the apron…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels hit his head right on the steel guardrail…

Mark:Mike Smith goes right out after Shawn Michaels… Mike Smith with an irish whip sending Shawn Michaels right in to the steel guadrail…

Rhino:Right now Mike Smith is taking it to Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Mike Smith rolls Shawn Michaels back in to the ring..

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is trying to pull himself up in the corner…

Mark:Mike Smith charges and scores with a running clothesline… Shawn Michaels staggers out of the corner… Running Bulldog…

Rhino:Mike Smith is in control of Shawn Michaels right now…

Mark:Mike Smith hooks the leg 1……………………2………….3…….No! Shawn Michaels gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels is trying to get back up…

Mark:Mike Smith scoops him up and slams Shawn Michaels straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:The King of Extreme is now heading to the top rope…

Mark:Flying Headbutt! Connects right down on to Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Mike Smith could have him right here…

Mark:Mike Smith covers Shawn Michaels 1……………………2………………..3……..No! Kick out by Shawn Michaels…

Rhino:Mike Smith is now waiting for Shawn Michaels to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Shawn Michaels gets back up… Mike Smith kicks him the midsection… Mike Smith hooks him up… EXTREME BOMB! NO! Shawn Michaels counters with a headscissors take over…

Rhino:Nice counter by The Heartbreak Kid…

Mark:Mike Smith is back up on to his feet… Shawn Michaels ducks his clothesline and scores with an Atomic Drop…

Rhino:Mike Smith is staggering around…

Mark:Shawn Michaels scoops up Mike Smith and slams him straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid is starting to find his groove…

Mark:Shawn Michaels is now picking Mike Smith back up on to his feet and is hammering him with Knife Edge Chops across the chest backing him up in to the corner…

Rhino:Mike Smith is now being setup on the top rope by Shawn Michaels…

Mark:Shawn Michaels has him setup… Superplex!

Rhino:Shawn Michaels got all of that Superplex…

Mark:HBK now goes for the cover 1……………………….2…………………3…….NO! Mike Smith got his shoulder up…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels now is beginning to tune up the band…

Mark:Mike Smith is staggering up on to his feet…

Rhino:Shawn has him lined up…

Mark:SWEET CHIN MUSIC! NO! Ducked by Mike Smith… Mike Smith spins him around… Big Time Clothesline!

Rhino:Mike Smith just took Shawn Michaels head off with that clothesline…

Mark:Mike Smith covers Shawn Michaels 1…………………….2………..3…….NO! HBK gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Mike Smith is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:The King of Extreme is going to fly… EXTREME SPLASH! NO! Shawn Michaels rolled out of the way…

Rhino:Shawn Michaels got out of the way just in time and is now back up on to his feet…

Mark:Mike Smith is staggering up… SWEET CHIN MUSIC!

Rhino:Shawn Michaels just knocked out Mike Smith with that shot…

Mark:Shawn Michaels hooks the leg 1………………………2……………..3…………. HE GOT HIM!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner SHAWN MICHAELS!

Rhino:The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels picks up the victory here tonight at Saturday Night Torture…

(Lights Go Out)

Mark:The lights have gone out here in the arena…

Rhino:What is going on now?

(Lights Turn On)


Mark:Chris Jericho has a steel chair… Shawn Michaels turns around… CHAIR SHOT! By Chris Jericho laying out the Heartbreak Kid…

Rhino:The Outsiders are running down to the ring…

Mark:The Outsiders are chasing Chris Jericho out of the ring…

Rhino:Chris Jericho is leaving through the crowd…

Mark:Shane McMahon has just come out on to the stage and has a microphone in hand…

Shane:JERICHO…You want DX…You Got DX… At Halloween Hellraiser… As it will be a THREE on ONE HANDICAP MATCH!

Rhino:That’s big news right there…

Mark:Jericho got what he wanted and that’s DX… So we will see that at Halloween Hellraiser… But right now its time for more EWA Action…As we find out who is going to fight for the EWA Television Championship at Hellraiser…

Number One Contenders Match for the EWA Television Title
Dangerous D vs Tracy Smothers

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is the Number One Contenders Match for the EWA Television Championship… Introducing first… From Nashville, Tennessee… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… TRACY SMOTHERS!

(“Wild Eye Southern Boys” plays as Tracy Smothers enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Cashville, Tn… Weighing in at 243 Pounds… DANGEROUS D!

(“Many Men” plays as Dangerous D enters the arena…)

Mark:And here we go… Dangerous D goes right after Tracy Smothers… Tracy Smothers is backing right off and is ducking his head between the ropes…

Rhino:Tracy just pulled an Old School Heel Move right there…

Mark:Tracy Smothers is asking for a Test of Strength…

Rhino:Tracy wants to try and over power Dangerous D…

Mark:Both men lock hands… Tracy is trying to over power Dangerous D…

Rhino:Dangerous D is now turning the tide on Tracy Smothers and is now over powering him…

Mark:Tracy Smothers with a kick right to the midsection…

Rhino:Dangerous D was over powering Tracy and he took a cheap shot right there…

Mark:Tracy Smothers now scores with a couple of right hands opening up on Dangerous D… Tracy Smothers whips Dangerous D off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop by Tracy Smothers…

Rhino:Dangerous D is staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dangerous D is backed up in to the corner… Tracy Smothers now drives his shoulder right in to the midsection of Dangerous D in the corner…Tracy Smothers pulls Dangerous D out of the corner and connects with a Float Over Suplex… Smothers floated over in to the pin 1…………………2…………..Kickout by Dangerous D…

Rhino:Tracy Smothers is heading up on to the top rope right now…

Mark:This isnt smart by Tracy Smothers…

Rhino:Dangerous D is back up…

Mark:Dangerous D stops Tracy Smothers on the top rope and he launches him right off the top rope and down on the canvas…

Rhino:That was a mistake right there by Tracy Smothers…

Mark:Tracy Smothers is getting back up and is trying to back off…

Rhino:Tracy is trying to sucker him in again…

Mark:Dangerous D opens up and scores with right hands… Dangerous D whips Tracy Smothers off in to the ropes… Powerslam!

Rhino:Dangerous D wasn’t having any part of Tracy trying to cheap shot him again…

Mark:Tracy Smothers staggers back up on to his feet… Dangerous D kicks him in to the midsection… Dangerous DDT!

Rhino:Tracy was just dropped on his head…

Mark:Dangerous D goes for the cover 1………………..2…………………..3…….No! Tracy gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Dangerous D is now waiting for Tracy Smothers to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dangerous D hooks up Tracy Smothers… Powerbomb!

Rhino:Tracy Smothers has been laid out…

Mark:Dangerous D is now heading up to the top rope…

Rhino:We know whats coming here…


Rhino:Dangerous D got all of that…

Mark:Dangerous D goes for the cover 1…………………….2…………….3……… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner DANGEROUS D!

Rhino:Dangerous D with an impressive showing as he picks up the victory and the Number One Contendership for the EWA Television Championship…

Mark:Dangerous D will meet the winner of Arkum & John Cena later on tonight at Halloween Hellraiser…But its is now time for some Mix Tag Team Action…

Mix Tag Match
Judas Mesias & Alexis Laree vs Jason Phoenix & Morgan Alvertez

Pa Announcer:This next contest is a Mix Tag Team Match and is set for one fall… Introducing first… Accompanied to the ring by James Mitchell… The Team of ALEXIS LAREE & JUDAS MESIAS!

(“Lies” plays as Alexis Laree & Judas Mesias enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Their Opponents… Accompained to the ring by Amanda Davis… The Team of MORGAN ALVERTEZ & JASON PHOENIX!

(“Violence Fetish” plays as Morgan Alveretz & Jason Phoenix enter the arena…)

Mark:Its going to be Morgan Alvertez and Alexis Laree starting things out…

Rhino:These two women will meet at Halloween Hellraiser to determine a new EWA Womens Champion…

Mark:Alexis Laree charges at Morgan Alvertez and tackles her down and starts pounding her head in to the mat…

Rhino:She is just pulling at the hair of Morgan Alvertez as she pulls her back up on to her feet…

Mark:Alexis Laree grabs Morgan and tosses her across the ring by her hair…

Rhino:Morgan is backing up in the corner…

Mark:Amanda Davis is up on the apron as Alexis Laree goes after Morgan Alvertez…

Rhino:Amanda Davis was hired to be the bodyguard of Morgan Alvertez…

Mark:Rake of the eyes by Morgan Alvertez after the Amanda Davis distraction and now Morgan Alvertez takes her over with a snapmare… Morgan Alvertez now comes off the ropes and connects with a dropkick right to the face of Alexis Laree…

Rhino:Nice set of moves by Morgan Alvertez…

Mark:Morgan Alvertez goes for the cover 1………………2…………. Alexis Laree kicks out…

Rhino:Morgan Alvertez walks over to her corner and tags in Jason Phoenix…

Mark:The tag means that Judas Mesias has to come in to the ring as well… Jason and Judas are exchanging right hands right now…

Rhino:Look at these two just trade shots…

Mark:Judas Mesias backs Jason Phoenix up in to the ropes with the right hands… Mesias now whips Jason Phoenx off in to the ropes… Phoenix comes off the ropes… Ducks the clothesline from Judas Mesias… Jason Phoenix comes off the other side… Big Boot by Judas Mesias…

Rhino:Jason Phoenix was able to duck the clothesline but not the big boot…

Mark:Judas Mesias goes for the cover 1………………..2…………. Kickout by Jason Phoenix…

Rhino:Jason Phoenix is now getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Judas Mesias nails Jason with a couple of more right hands and now kicks Jason Phoenix in the midsection… Judas Mesias hooks him up… Front Face Suplex! Driving him in to the mat… Judas Mesias goes for another cover 1………….2…………. Kickout by Jason Phoenix…

Rhino:Right now Jason Phoenix is struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Judas Mesias now charges at Jason Phoenix with a clothesline… Phoenix ducks and lifts up Judas Mesias… DVD! The Death Valley Driver!

Rhino:Nice counter move right there dropping Judas Mesias right on his head…

Mark:Jason Phoenix now goes for the cover 1……………….2…………..Kickout by Judas Mesias…

Rhino:Judas is now trying to get back up…

Mark:Jason Phoenix scoops up Judas Mesias… Shoulderbreaker!

Rhino:Jason Phoenix is now starting to get back in control of this match up…

Mark:Another cover by Jason Phoenix 1……………..2……………..Kickout by Judas Mesias…

Rhino:Jason Phoenix is now waiting for him to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Off the top rope… Alexis Laree flies off the top rope and scores with a Flying Headscissors taking over Jason Phoenix…

Rhino:Where in the hell did she come from…

Mark:I have no idea… But Jason Phoenix is getting back up…

Rhino:Judas Mesias just tug in Alexis Laree…

Mark:Morgan Alvertez comes in the ring and charges at Alexis Laree and takes her right off of her feet…

Rhino:Look at Morgan Alvertez go right now as she is just choking Alexis Laree…

Mark:Morgan can be a spit fire at times and she is showing her fire right now…

Rhino:Alexis Laree is staggering back up on to her feet…

Mark:Head Scissors Take Over by Morgan Alvertez…

Rhino:Morgan is now heading up to the middle rope…

Mark:Leg Drop! No! Alexis Laree rolled out of the way before Morgan connected with the leg drop…

Rhino:Morgan Alvertez is staggering back up on to her feet…

Mark:Big Roundhouse Kick!

Rhino:Alexis Laree caught her right in the face with that kick…

Mark:Alexis Laree now covers Morgan Alvertez 1…………………………2………..3………..No! Amanda Davis just pulled the referee out of the ring…

Rhino:The referee is having words with Amanda Davis…

Mark:The referee has just thrown Amanda Davis out of the arena…


Mark:Alexis Laree just dove through the ropes right down on to Amanda Davis…

Rhino:Morgan Alvertez just crawled and tagged in Jason Phoenix…

Mark:Judas Mesias is in the ring as well…Judas charges with a clothesline… Jason Phoenix ducks and spins Judas Mesias around…PHOENIX HELL HOLE! NO! Judas Ducks… Phoenix spun around… Chokeslam!

Rhino:Jason Phoenix was just drilled in to the mat…

Mark:Judas Mesias is now waiting for Jason Phoenix to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:The referee is trying to get Amanda Davis out of the arena…

Mark:Jason Phoenix is up…

Rhino:Mike Smith just hit the ring…

Mark:From behind… Superkick to the back of the head of Judas Mesias…

Rhino:Why was Mike Smith out here?

Mark:Jason Phoenix is now heading up to the top rope…

Rhino:Jason is going to fly…


Rhino:He got all of that…

Mark:Alexis Laree and Morgan Alvertez are going at it on the outside… Jason Phoenix goes for the cover…

Rhino:The referee is back in the ring…

Mark:The referee counts 1……………….2……………3…….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners JASON PHOENIX & MORGAN ALVERTEZ!

Rhino:What a match up that was…

Mark:A lot of back and forth action but in the end Jason Phoenix and Morgan Alvertez pick up the victory…

Rhino:There must be some sort of an Alliance now between Jason Phoenix and Mike Smith…

Mark:It appears that way… Who will walk out with the Womens Championship… Will it be Alexis Laree or Morgan Alvertez… We will find out at Halloween Hellraiser… But right now its time for the EWA Television Championship Steel Chair Shindig…

EWA Television Championship Steel Chair Shindig
Arkum(c) vs John Cena

Pa Announcer:This next contest is the Steel Chair Shindig and is for the EWA Television Championship… Introducing First… The Challenger… From West Newbury, Mass… Weighing in at 240 Pounds… JOHN CENA!

(“The Time is Now” plays as John Cena enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Deathlehem, Pa… Weighing in at 3040 Ounces… The EWA Television Champion… ARKUM!

(“The Toys Go Winding Down” plays as Arkum enters the arena…)

Mark:John Cena doesn’t wait for Arkum to get in to the ring as these two men are battling on the Entrance Ramp…

Rhino:John Cena is opening up on Arkum with right hands…

Mark:Arkum ducks a right hand and kicks John Cena in the midsection and scores with a swinging neckbreaker on the entrance ramp…

Rhino:Arkum is now heading down to ringside and is picking up a steel chair…

Mark:John Cena is back up… Arkum throws the chair at John Cena… Cena ducks the chair… Running Dropkick by Arkum…

Rhino:Arkum used the Chair as a Diversion and was able to connect with the dropkick…

Mark:Arkum now grabs John Cena and is bringing him down to ringside… Arkum has Cena by the head and goes to ram him in to the steel steps… Cena blocks and elbows Arkum in to the midsection and now rams Arkum face first in to the ring post and now rolls him back in to the ring…

Rhino:John Cena is bringing a steel chair in to the ring with him now as Arkum gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:John Cena with a couple of right hands and follows it up with a body slam…

Rhino:Cena is wedging the steel chair in between the turnbuckles…

Mark:Arkum staggers up… John Cena scoops him up on his shoulder… Cena rams Arkum’s head right in to the steel chair…

Rhino:That’s gotta rattle your brain…

Mark:John Cena now covers the EWA Television Champion 1……………2……………..Kickout by Arkum…

Rhino:John Cena back on the outside and is now just throwing a couple of more steel chairs in to the ring…

Mark:John Cena has a steel chair and is waiting for Arkum to get up on to his feet… Arkum staggers up and John Cena cracks his skull with the steel chair…

Rhino:The EWA Television Champion isnt in good shape right now…

Mark:John Cena goes for another cover 1…………………..2………….Kickout again by Arkum…

Rhino:John Cena is now opening up the two steel chairs… As it looks like he has something in mind for Arkum…

Mark:Arkum tries to get back up as John Cena pulls him back up on to his feet…

Rhino:John Cena has Arkum up on his shoulders…Could it be time for the FU?

Mark:John Cena has him setup… FU! No! Arkum is countering as he kneeing Cena in the face…Spinning DDT! By Arkum driving John Cena head first in to the steel chairs…

Rhino:Arkum just saved himself with that counter…

Mark:Arkum crawls on top of John Cena and goes for the cover 1……………………2……………3…….No! John Cena kicks out…

Rhino:Arkum is trying to shake off the earlier shots from the steel chairs…

Mark:Arkum is on the outside of the ring and is just throwing a pile of chairs in to the ring…

Rhino:He threw in about five or six chairs…

Mark:This is the Steel Chair Shindig… So the more chairs the better…

Rhino:I agree…

Mark:John Cena is staggering up on to his feet… Arkum sends John Cena off in to the ropes… The Phanton Menace! Right down on to the pile of chairs!

Rhino:Arkum could have Cena after that move…

Mark:Arkum pulls him off the chairs and goes for the cover 1……………………2………………..3…..No! John Cena kicks out…

Rhino:Arkum is always thinking and he is trying to think of what to do with the steel chairs….

Mark:John Cena is trying to get back up on to his feet… Arkum throws a chair at Cena… Cena catches the chair…The Shimmering Alchemist!

Rhino:The EWA Television Champion caught him good with that shot…

Mark:Arkum rattled the brain of the challenger as he now goes for the cover 1………………………..2…………3…….NO! John Cena kicks out again…

Rhino:Arkum is now heading up on to the top rope with a steel chair…

Mark:What does the EWA Television Champion have planned…

Rhino:He has something in mind…

Mark:Well whatever it is… We wont see it as John Cena just threw a chair at Arkum knocking him off the top rope right down on to the pile of chairs…

Rhino:John Cena now has his chance to get back in to this match up…

Mark:John Cena picks up Arkum and sends him off in to the ropes… Flying Shoulder Block! By The Uncrowned Champ…

Rhino:John Cena is now going to the pile of chairs that Arkum just landed on and is now opening two of them up…

Mark:This didn’t work for him last time…

Rhino:No it didn’t…

Mark:Arkum staggers up on to his feet… John Cena hooks him up… Spinout Powerbomb! Right down on to the steel chairs…

Rhino:The EWA Television Champion is in trouble…

Mark:John Cena hooks the leg 1…………………….2………………3………NO! Arkum gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:John Cena is trying to figure out his next move…

Mark:Arkum trying to get back up on to his feet… John Cena runs him over with a clothesline…

Rhino:John Cena is on the outside of the ring and is throwing in a few more steel chairs…

Mark:John Cena just piled up about five more steel chairs in the ring…

Rhino:The EWA Television Champion is staggering back up on to his feet… As John Cena is looking to go for the FU to finish off the champion…

Mark:Arkum turns around…John Cena lifts him up… FU! No! Arkum lands on his feet… Arkum from behind scores with the Straight Jacket Lung Blower!

Rhino:Arkum is now trying to get back in to the match…

Mark:John Cena getting back up on to his feet… Arkum scores with a couple of knife edge chops across the chest…Arkum whips John Cena in to the ropes… Dropkick connects…

Rhino:Arkum is now picking up John Cena…

Mark:The Challenger is in trouble…POST CARD FROM DEATHLEHEM! Right Down on to the Steel Chairs…

Rhino:Arkum has just laid out John Cena…

Mark:The EWA Television Champion isnt done…

Rhino:He isnt? It looks like Arkum wants to send a message…

Mark:Arkum picks up John Cena… GRAVE YARD SMASH! Right in to the Steel Chairs…

Rhino:John Cena looks to be hurt…

Mark:John Cena has been knocked out… Arkum goes for the cover 1………………….2………….3…… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner and still EWA Television Champion ARKUM!

Rhino:Arkum retains the EWA Television Championship here tonight at Saturday Night Torture…

Mark:Officials have come out to check on John Cena who appeared to be knocked out by the Grave Yard Smash on to the chairs…

Rhino:John Cena is being helped out of the arena…

Mark:We havent seen the last of Arkum… As in our Main Event… Arkum along with Adam Syndal will defend the EWA Tag Team Titles against The Wolfpac… But right now The Rock is going to take on JaRek…

The Rock vs JaRek
Special Referee-Triple H

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first… The Special Guest Referee… The EWA World Heavyweight Champion… TRIPLE H!

(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Now introducing the particpants… First…From Atlantic City, Nj… Weighing in at 285 Pounds… Representing The Wolfpac… JAREK!

(“You’re Ever So Inviting” plays as JaRek enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… THE ROCK!

(“Is Cookin” plays as The Rock enters the arena…)

Mark:Triple H calls for the bell and this match up is underway…

Rhino:The question going in to this match up is who will Triple H side with…

Mark:That’s a good question… Earlier this evening JaRek made it clear that he would be putting up his Title Shot against Triple H…

Rhino:So Triple H can basically choose his opponent here tonight…

Mark:The Rock goes right after JaRek and nails him with right hands… JaRek gets backed up in to the ropes by The Rock… The Rock whips JaRek in to the ropes… Reversal by JaRek… The Rock comes off the ropes and JaRek nails him with a hard clothesline…

Rhino:JaRek is now putting the boots to The Rock as he tries to get to the corner…

Mark:The Rock is backing off in the corner and is yelling at Triple H to get JaRek away from him…

Rhino:What will Triple H do?

Mark:Triple H does indeed step in and tells JaRek to back up… JaRek does back up and waits for The Rock to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:The Rock is trying to talk his way through this match up at the moment…

Mark:The Rock sticks out his hand as he wants to shake the hand of JaRek…

Rhino:Dont shake his hand JaRek…

Mark:JaRek shakes… The Rock tries to pull JaRek in for a clothesline… JaRek put the breaks on and pulls The Rock in for a short arm clothesline…

Rhino:The Rock’s Gameplan just backfired on him right there…

Mark:The Rock is trying to take a time out right now as he heads out of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is having no part of that…As he telling The Rock to get back in to the ring…

Mark:Triple H is actually going out of the ring to get The Rock back in to the ring…

Rhino:JaRek has gone to the outside as well…

Mark:JaRek goes for a clothesline… The Rock moved and JaRek nailed Triple H…

Rhino:JaRek wasn’t trying to hit The Game… But The Rock went back in to the ring and Triple H got nailed…

Mark:JaRek tries to enter the ring but The Rock catches him with right hands as he stands on the apron… The Rock grabs JaRek by the head and drops him head first on the top rope…

Rhino:The Rock now pulling JaRek in to the ring and is telling Triple H to count…

Mark:Triple H rolls back in to the ring and makes the count 1…………….2………..Kickout by JaRek…

Rhino:The Rock wanted a faster count as he had the big man down…

Mark:The Rock putting the boots to JaRek right now… JaRek tries to pull himself back up on to his feet… The Rock opens up with right hands…

Rhino:The Rock is really laying in those rights…

Mark:The Rock whips JaRek off in to the ropes… The Rock gets the big man off of his feet and scores with the Samoan Drop…

Rhino:Nice move right there by the Peoples Champ…

Mark:The Rock goes for the cover… Triple H counts 1………….2……..Kickout again by JaRek…

Rhino:That count was quicker but The Rock is still complaining of a slow count…

Mark:You can tell The Rock wants to be number one contender in the worst way…

Rhino:JaRek is up in the corner…

Mark:The Rock is putting JaRek up on the top rope… The Rock hooks him up… Superplex! No! JaRek blocks and shoves The Rock off the top rope…

Rhino:JaRek now comes down off the top rope and is going after The Rock…

Mark:The Rock turns around… JaRek hooks him up… Capture Suplex! By JaRek…

Rhino:Very nice suplex by JaRek…

Mark:JaRek goes for the cover and Triple H makes the count 1……………2………….Kickout by The Rock…

Rhino:JaRek is pulling The Rock back up…

Mark:JaRek clinches up The Rock and starts driving his knees right in to the chest and head…

Rhino:He is really connecting with those strikes…

Mark:JaRek now sends The Rock off in to the ropes… Big Boot!

Rhino:JaRek laid out the Peoples Champion with that Big Boot…

Mark:JaRek goes for another cover 1………….2……….3….NO! The Rock got his shoulder up…

Rhino:Triple H has been fair with his counts so far which is very surprising…

Mark:JaRek is now waiting on The Rock to get back up on to his feet… JaRek hooks up The Rock… DDE!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:JaRek hooks the leg as Triple H makes the count 1……………………..2………………………………3…No! The Rock got his shoulder up…

Rhino:That count was a little slower Mark…

Mark:Yes it was and I think JaRek noticed that it was…

Rhino:Triple H and JaRek are exchanging words right now…

Mark:Triple H is saying is that it was a fair count…

Rhino:JaRek should go right back to work on The Rock if he wants to take on Triple H at Halloween Hellraiser…

Mark:JaRek now goes behind The Rock… DA WRECK! NO! The Rock counters out… The Rock shoves JaRek right in to Triple H sending Triple H out of the ring…

Rhino:JaRek and Triple H hit heads and now JaRek is slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock trying to get himself back together… JaRek staggers up… Spinebuster! By The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock has that look in his eye…

Mark:Here it comes… The Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment… THE PEOPLES ELBOW!

Rhino:The Rock got all of that one…

Mark:The Rock is covering JaRek but Triple H is on the outside of the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is just now statring to roll back in to the ring…

Mark:Triple H crawls in and makes the count 1………………….2…………………3…………… HE DIDNT GET HIM!

Rhino:JaRek found a way to kick out right there…

Mark:The Rock is getting up in the face of Triple H right now…

Rhino:The Rock feels he had JaRek beat…

Mark:It was The Rock who pushed JaRek in to Triple H knocking him out of the Ring…

Rhino:The Rock and Triple H are nose to nose right now…

Mark:The Rock just nailed The Game with a right hand knocking him off of his feet…

Rhino:Triple H doesn’t look to happy as he gets back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock goes back after JaRek… Triple H spins The Rock around… Kick to the midsection… PEDIGREE!

Rhino:The Game just laid out The Rock…

Mark:JaRek is back up on to his feet…

Rhino:JaRek is setting up The Rock…


Rhino:The Rock is out…

Mark:JaRek covers The Rock 1……………..2…………..3……… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner JAREK!

Rhino:JaRek is still the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Mark:Triple H isnt going to let JaRek celebrate…The Game kicks him in the midsection… PEDIGREE!

Rhino:The Game just laid out the Number One Contender…

Mark:Triple H just sent a message to JaRek… And these two men will meet One on One… In the Final Moments match for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Rhino:After what just happened I cant wait to see that match…

Mark:But right now its time for our Main Event…

EWA Tag Team Championship Devil May Cry Death Match
Shock N Awe(c) vs Gravedigger & Dark Demon

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is the Devil May Cry Death Match and is for the EWA Tag Team Championship… Introducing first… The Challengers…At a Combined Weighing on 635 Pounds… Representing The Wolfpac… The Teamof GRAVEDIGGER & DARK DEMON!

(“Wolfpac” plays as Gravedigger & Dark Demon enter the arena…)

Pa Announcer:And their opponents…They are the Reigning and Defending EWA Tag Team Champions… They are Arkum and Adam Syndal… SHOCK N’ AWE!

(“Defeatist” plays as Shock N’ Awe enter the arena…)

Mark:Well here are the rules for this match up… All four men will in the ring at the same time… Normal Death Match Rules Apply…

Rhino:There are tons of weapons around the ring… And the ropes have been turned to Barbed Wire…

Mark:The way to win is to get one of your opponents to say I Quit…

Rhino:This one is going to be good…

Mark:Arkum wrestled about Twenty Minutes ago when he retained the EWA Television Championship against John Cena so we will see how much he has left in the tank…

Rhino:Arkum and Adam Syndal give up the weight and size to Dark Demon and Gravedigger…

Mark:Well here we go… Arkum goes right at Dark Demon… Dark Demon catches him in midair and now lifts him up high in the air…

Rhino:Where will he drop him?

Mark:Arkum rakes the eyes of Dark Demon… Arkum gets out and is behind Dark Demon and nails him with a dropkick to the back of the leg…

Rhino:Adam Syndal is trying to back Gravedigger up in to the corner with right hands…

Mark:Arkum now charges from behind and scores with a running bulldog to Dark Demon…

Rhino:He had Dark Demon down on his knees and he was able to drop him with the bulldog…

Mark:Adam Syndal whips Gravedigger in to the farside corner… Syndal charges in at Gravedigger… Gravedigger tries to get the boots up… Adam Syndal slides underneath his legs and to the outside of the ring… Syndal grabs him by the legs and pulls him right in to the ring post…


Mark:Perfect way to describe that move Rhino…

Rhino:Adam Syndal comes back in to the ring and he has a barbed wire 2×4 in his hand…

Mark:Dark Demon has made his way back up on to his feet… Arkum whips Dark Demon at Adam Syndal and Syndal nails Dark Demon with the Barbed Wire 2×4…

Rhino:He took him right off of his feet with that shot…

Mark:Syndal throws the 2×4 to Arkum and Arkum now mounts Dark Demon and he is now using the Barbed Wire to rip at the forehead of Dark Demon…

Rhino:He is trying to bust him wide open…

Mark:Adam Syndal slides underneath the barbed wire and is trying to find something else to use…

Rhino:Adam Syndal grabs a steel chair and is wrapping it up in Barbed Wire…

Mark:From behind on the outside of the ring Gravedigger nails Adam Syndal with a clothesline…

Rhino:In the ring Dark Demon has been busted open by Arkum…

Mark:The blood loss will play a key factor in this contest…But now Gravedigger grabs the Barbed Wire Chair and cracks it over the skull of Adam Syndal…

Rhino:Adam Syndal spent too much time preparing the weapon and he wasn’t able to use it…

Mark:Arkum sees his partner in trouble…


Mark:Arkum dives through the Barbed Wire Ropes… Gravedigger side steps Arkum and holds up the Barbed Wire Chair and Arkum goes face first right in to the Barbed Wire Chair…

Rhino:That probably didn’t feel too good…

Mark:Arkum felt the steel earlier… Now this time it was just wrapped in Barbed Wire…

Rhino:Dark Demon is now trying to get himself back together…

Mark:Gravedigger rolls Adam Syndal in to the ring… As Dark Demon now wipes the blood out of his eyes…Dark Demon hooks up Syndal… Double Underhook Backbreaker!

Rhino:Gravedigger just sent Arkum hard in to the steel steps…

Mark:Dark Demon is asking Gravedigger for something…

Rhino:Gravedigger is sliding a table in to the ring right now…

Mark:Gravedigger and Dark Demon are setting up the table… Adam Syndal is trying to get up on to his feet…

Rhino:Adam Syndal is staggering around and he isnt going to like the end result…

Mark:Gravedigger and Dark Demon hook up Adam Syndal… DOUBLE CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE TABLE!

Rhino:Oh My God!

Mark:Adam Syndal is out…

Rhino:Remember Adam Syndal has to say I Quit… In a normal match they could have just pinned Adam Syndal and walked out with the EWA Tag Team Titles…

Mark:The referee is asking Adam Syndal if he gives up…

Rhino:Adam Syndal is shaking his head no as he is trying to get up…

Mark:Gravedigger has gone to the outside of the ring and is bringing another table in to the ring…

Rhino:This one appears to be wrapped in Barbed Wire…

Mark:They are really looking to put away Adam Syndal right now and they want to do so where Adam Syndal will give up…

Rhino:Dark Demon is now standing on the middle rope…

Mark:Gravedigger is handing him Adam Syndal…

Rhino:Arkum is back in the ring and he has light bulb tubes…

Mark:From behind… Arkum breaks the Light Bulb Tube over the head of Gravedigger…

Rhino:Gravedigger didn’t see it coming…

Mark:Arkum breaks one over the leg of Dark Demon as he stands on the middle rope… HURRICANRANNA THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE TABLE!

Rhino:Dark Demon just went straight through that table…

Mark:Arkum is telling the referee to ask Dark Demon if he gives up…Dark Demon is saying no…

Rhino:Adam Syndal is telling the referee to ask Gravedigger as Syndal is sticking the Barbed Wire 2×4 in his throat…

Mark:Gravedigger is shaking his head no… Adam Syndal now drives the Barbed Wire 2×4 in to the face of Gravedigger busting him wide open…

Rhino:Arkum is bleeding from the shot he took earlier from the Barbed Wire Chair…

Mark:Arkum has gone back to the outside of the ring and is looking for something…

Rhino:Adam Syndal continues to rip at the face of Gravedigger with the Barbed Wire…

Mark:You can see Gravedigger’s face turn in to a crimson mask right now…

Rhino:Arkum just pulled out a Baseball Bat wrapped in 2×4 and is bringing it in the ring with him…

Mark:Dark Demon is trying to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Arkum just lit the Barbed Wire Bat on Fire…

Mark:Arkum is lining up Dark Demon…Arkum swings… Dark Demon ducks and now grabs the Flaming Barbed Wire Bat from Arkum… Dark Demon swings… Arkum ducks… But Dark Demon nailed Adam Syndal with the Bat…

Rhino:He just knocked out Adam Syndal with that shot…

Mark:Arkum now charges at Dark Demon… Stun Gun! Right on to the Barbed Wire By Dark Demon…

Rhino:Dark Demon caught Arkum and now he dropped him in to the Barbed Wire Ropes…

Mark:Arkum is caught up in the ropes…

Rhino:Dark Demon has the Baseball Bat…

Mark:Dark Demon is now choking Adam Syndal with the bat and ask him if he gives up…

Rhino:Adam Syndal is shaking his head no…

Mark:Gravedigger just slid to the outside of the ring and has just found himself a Light Bulb Tube…

Rhino:Arkum is trying to get himself out of the Barbed Wire…

Mark:Dark Demon lines up Arkum now and nails him right in the head with the Baseball Bat and it knocks him out of the ring…

Rhino:I think Arkum is out cold on the outside of the ring…

Mark:Adam Syndal is staggering up on to his feet… Gravedigger has the Light Bulb Tube… Syndal turns around… Gravedigger swings… Syndal Ducks…Gravedigger Nails Dark Demon!

Rhino:A mistake right there by the Wolfpac…

Mark:Adam Syndal is wiping the blood from his face from the shot earlier…Syndal clips Gravedigger from behind…

Rhino:Adam Syndal slides out of the ring…

Mark:Arkum still isnt moving right now…

Rhino:Adam Syndal just pulled out a Glass Chair out from underneath the ring…

Mark:That’s a Purgatory Special…

Rhino:Yes it is…

Mark:Adam Syndal is now waiting for Gravedigger to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Gravedigger is staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:Adam Syndal Charges… From Behind Big Boot! By Dark Demon…

Rhino:Adam Syndal forgot about Dark Demon…

Mark:Dark Demon just laid out Syndal from behind…

Rhino:Arkum is just now starting to move and fight back in to the ring…

Mark:Dark Demon now picks up the Glass Chair that Adam Syndal brought in to the ring…

Rhino:Arkum is back in the ring…

Mark:Gravedigger has a Barbed Wire Chair… Arkum tries to get up on to his feet… Barbed Wire Chair to the Back of the Head…

Rhino:Arkum has been knocked out again…

Mark:Adam Syndal turns around… GLASS CHAIR SHOT! By Dark Demon…

Rhino:Adam Syndal has been knocked out as well…

Mark:The referee is checking on both Arkum & Syndal… Neither man is moving… The referee has Stopped the Match…Its Over!

Pa Announcer:Here are your winners and NEW EWA Tag Team Champions THE WOLFPAC!

Rhino:Dark Demon and Gravedigger win this back and forth Brawl for the Gold…

Mark:That was an incredible Death Match between these two teams… But tonight The Wolfpac was too much for Shock N’ Awe…

Rhino:I would love to see another match between these two teams…

Mark:The Wolfpac now hold EWA Tag Team Titles… We will see you at Halloween Hellraiser… Good Night Everyone!

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