Friday Night Frenzy 07-22-11

Mark:We are live in Mobile, Alabama as this is Friday Night Frenzy… Along side my tag team partner Rhino… I am Mark… And what a night of action we have for everyone tonight Rhino…

Rhino:Oh this going to be a great night…

Mark:In our Main Event it will be the EWA World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk battling Triple H…

Rhino:These two men have had their issues the last few weeks and now they go head to head tonight…

Mark:That should be one hell of a Street Fight…

Rhino:You have the long time EWA Superstar against the current face of the company… You know it has to be good…

Mark:Also tonight we will crown a New Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship when Steve Austin battles Goldberg…

Rhino:Oh man its special when those two meet in the ring…

Mark:It will be special tonight… We have alot more action as well… So lets get started and send it to the ring for the introductions for our Opening Contest…

Jamie Nitro vs Alexis Laree

Pa Announcer:Tonights Opening Contest is set for one fall… Introducing first….From Richmond, Virginia… Weighing in at 124 Pounds…The EWA Womens Champion…ALEXIS LAREE!

(“All I do is Win” plays as Alexis Laree enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Her opponent…From Manchester, UK… Weighing in at 261 Pounds… JAMIE NITRO!

(“Tears Dont Fall” plays as Jamie Nitro enters the arena…)

Mark:The referee calls for the bell and this match up is underway… Jamie Nitro goes after Alexis Laree… Alexis Laree ducks the clothesline and Jamie Nitro turns around and Alexis Laree nails him with forearm shots…

Rhino:She is really laying them in right now…

Mark:Alexis Laree whips Jamie Nitro in to the ropes… Reversal by Jamie Nitro… Alexis Laree comes off the ropes… Tilt a Whirl right in to a Backbreaker!

Rhino:A Nice counter by Jamie Nitro…

Mark:Alexis Laree is now slow to get back up on to her feet…

Rhino:She is holding on to her back…

Mark:Jamie Nitro hooks her back up and nails her with a Side Walk Slam…

Rhino:She was dropped right in to the mat…

Mark:Jamie Nitro covers Alexis Laree 1…………….2……….Kickout by Alexis Laree…

Rhino:Look up at the entrance way right now…

Mark:That’s WT Riker…

Rhino:Wonder what he is doing out here?

Mark:He has a notepad in hand and is looking to be taking some sort of notes…

Rhino:We know that Alexis Laree has been complaining about her competition… So I wonder if the EWA Executive Committee Representative is taking notes and scouting what is going on here…

Mark:Alexis Laree is back up on to her feet in the corner… Jamie Nitro whips her off in to the farside…

Rhino:Alexis Laree is staggering out of the corner…

Mark:Jamie Nitro charges in… Alexis Laree ducks… Jamie Nitro turns around… Low dropkick!

Rhino:Nice move right there…

Mark:Alexis Laree comes off the ropes and nails him with a straight on dropkick right to the head…

Rhino:Nice combination of moves right there…

Mark:Jamie Nitro is now staggering up on to his feet…

Rhino:Alexis Laree is setting him up…


Rhino:She got all of that kick…

Mark:It looks like Jamie Nitro is out on his feet…

Rhino:Alexis Laree wants to put him away…


Rhino:Jamie Nitro has been planted…

Mark:Alexis Laree covers Jamie Nitro 1…………2………3…….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALEXIS LAREE!

Rhino:Nice victory for Alexis Laree…

Mark:WT Riker walks to the back after making a lot of notes…

Rhino:He seems to be interested in the direction of Alexis Laree…

Mark:We shall see what happens with that… Still to come tonight we will crown a new Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship when Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Goldberg… As we now get back to the ring for more action…

Alan Matthews vs PyroManiAxe

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From the Lotus Pod… Weighing in at 245 Pounds… PYROMANIAXE!

(“Assassins” plays as as PyroManiAxe enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Grand Rapids, Michigan… Weighing in at 248 Pounds… ALAN MATTHEWS!

(“David De La Hoz” plays as Alan Matthews enters the arena…)

Rhino:This PyroManiAxe has an interesting look…

Mark:Yes he does.. As we now get set for this match up… PyroManiAxe nails Alan Matthews with right hands…

Rhino:He is laying in the shots…

Mark:PyroManiAxe whips Alan Matthews in to the ropes… Spin Heel Kick!

RHino:He caught him good with that Spin Kick…

Mark:PyroManiAxe covers Alan Matthews 1………….2……..Kickout by Alan Matthews…

Rhino:The former EWA World Champion is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:PyroManiAxe charges in… Monkey Flip!

Rhino:That sent him across the ring…

Mark:Alan Matthews is now staggering back up on to his feet… Roundhouse Kick!

Rhino:He caught him right in the face with that kick…

Mark:PyroManiAxe goes for another cover 1……………..2………..Kickout by Alan Matthews…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:PyroManiAxe scoops him up and slams him down to the canvas…

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:Shooting Star Press! No! Alan Matthews got his knees up…

Rhino:That had to drive all the air right out of PyroManiAxe…

Mark:PyroManiAxe is now staggering to his feet… Alan Matthews hooks him up… Northern Lights Suplex! With a Bridge 1………………2………Kickout by PyroManiAxe…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is now just putting the boots right to the back of PyroManiAxe…

Mark:PyroManiAxe is trying to get back up on to his feet… Alan Matthews hooks him up… German Release Suplex!

Rhino:That dropped PyroManiAxe right on his head…

Mark:Alan Matthews covers PyroManiAxe 1………………..2…………….Kickout again by PyroManiAxe…

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is slowly getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Alan Matthews hooks him up… Tiger Bomb!

Rhino:He could have him right here…

Mark:Cover by Alan Matthews 1……………….2………….3…No! PyroManiAxe gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Another close nearfall right there by the former EWA World Heavyweight Champion…

Mark:Alan Matthews is now waiting for PyroManiAxe to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is staggering to his feet dazed…

Mark:Alan Matthews hooks him up… DIRECT HIT!

Rhino:He could have him down for the count…

Mark:Alan Matthews with the cover 1………………….2………………..3……….NO!

Rhino:PyroManiAxe gets his shoulder up…

Mark:Alan Matthews is a little frustrated right now…

Rhino:He wants to get back on the winning track and right now he is unable to keep PyroManiAxe down…

Mark:Alan Matthews is now waiting for PyroManiAxe to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:You know whats coming here…

Mark:Alan Matthews has him up on his shoulders… DEADLY DRIVER! NO!

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is blocking…

Mark:Knees right to the head of Alan Matthews and PyroManiAxe is able to escape out of it…

Rhino:Alan Matthews is spinning around…

Mark:PyroManiAxe grabs Alan Matthews… Chokeslam!

Rhino:Alan Matthews driven right in to the mat…

Mark:PyroManiAxe quickly goes up on to the top rope…

Rhino:He is going to try and fly again…

Mark:Frog Splash! Connects!

Rhino:He could have Alan Matthews right here…

Mark:PyroManiAxe hooks the leg 1………………..2………….3…….NO!

Rhino:PyroManiAxe thought he had him down for the count right there…

Mark:Alan Matthews is now struggling to get back up…

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is lining him up…


Rhino:He got him with that spear…

Mark:PyroManiAxe covers Alan Matthews 1……………….2…………3……..NO! Alan Matthews once again gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Another very close nearfall right there…

Mark:PyroManiAxe is laying Alan Matthews near the corner…

Rhino:PyroManiAxe is heading back up on to the top rope…

Mark:360 Moonsault Splash! No!

Rhino:Alan Matthews rolled out of the way…

Mark:PyroManiAxe staggers up on to his feet… Alan Matthews has him up on his shoulders… DEADLY DRIVER!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it right there…

Mark:Alan Matthews covers PyroManiAxe 1……………….2………….3……….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner ALAN MATTHEWS!

Rhino:Alan Matthews gets back on the winning track here tonight at Friday Night Frenzy…

Mark:Alan Matthews looks to get back in the title hunt… Still to come tonight we will crown a new Number One Contender for the EWA Total Impact Championship when Dave McGavin battles Benjamin J. Franklin… Its now back to the ring for more action…

Lone Jobber vs The Rock

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From The Slaughter House now residing in the EWA Offices in Atlanta, Ga… Weighing in at 235 Pounds…El Presidente LONE JOBBER!

(“Shut Your Mouth” plays as Lone Jobber enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Miami, Florida… Weighing in at 275 Pounds… THE ROCK!

(“Is Cookin” plays as The Rock enters the arena…)

Mark:Well here we go…. The Rock nails Lone Jobber with right hands… Lone Jobber ducks the right hand and nails The Rock with a Jawbreaker!

Rhino:That’s a nice counter to a right hand…

Mark:The Rock is spinning around and Lone Jobber now nails him with right hands… Lone Jobber now whips The Rock off in to the ropes… The Rock comes off the ropes… Back Elbow!

Rhino:That took The Rock right off of his feet…

Mark:Lone Jobber scoops up The Rock and slams him straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is up on the middle rope…

Mark:Fist Drop! By Lone Jobber from the middle rope and he now covers The Rock 1…………2………….Kickout by The Rock…

Rhino:The Rock is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Lone Jobber is now hooking up The Rock… Vertical Suplex!

Rhino:Nice suplex…

Mark:Lone Jobber covers The Rock 1………………2…………..Kickout by The Rock again…

Rhino:The Rock is getting back up…

Mark:Lone Jobber whips The Rock off in to the ropes… Lone Jobber goes for a clothesline… The Rock ducks the clothesline… The Rock comes off the ropes and nails Lone Jobber with a Flying Clothesline!

Rhino:Both men are down on the canvas right now…

Mark:Lone Jobber is now staggering back up…

Rhino:The Rock is back up on to his feet…

Mark:Lone Jobber goes for a right hand… The Rock blocks and now lays in with right hands…The Rock whips Lone Jobber off in to the ropes… Samoan Drop!

Rhino:Nice move right there…

Mark:The Rock covers Lone Jobber 1…………..2……….Kickout by Lone Jobber…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock hooks him up… Belly to Belly Suplex!

Rhino:A nice suplex by The Rock…

Mark:The Rock covers Lone Jobber again 1……………….2…………3…….No!

Rhino:Lone Jobber is now slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:The Rock is lining up Lone Jobber… Spinebuster!

Rhino:The Rock drills him right in to the mat…

Mark:The Rock is standing over Lone Jobber…

Rhino:You know whats coming right here…

Mark:The elbow pad flies off… The Rock comes off the ropes… PEOPLES ELBOW! NO!

Rhino:Lone Jobber moved out of the way…

Mark:The Rock is now staggering up on to his feet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber is back up…

Mark:The Rock turns around… LOW CARD KICK!

Rhino:Lone Jobber got all of that kick…

Mark:Lone Jobber covers The Rock 1………………….2…………….3…………NO!

Rhino:The Rock barely got his shoulder up right there…

Mark:Lone Jobber is now waiting on The Rock to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:The Rock is in trouble…

Mark:Lone Jobber kicks him in the midsection… HERTIAGE!

Rhino:The Rock has been planted…

Mark:Lone Jobber covers The Rock 1………………….2………………3………….NO!

Rhino:The Rock got his shoulder up at the last second right there…

Mark:Lone Jobber thought he had him down for the count…

Rhino:El Presidente is waiting on The Peoples Champion right now…

Mark:The Rock is staggering to his feet…

Rhino:Lone Jobber has him setup…


Rhino:The Rock ducked…

Mark:Lone Jobber staggers to his feet… ROCK BOTTOM!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:The Rock covers Lone Jobber 1…………………….2………………3…………… ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner THE ROCK!

Rhino:The Rock pulls out the victory here tonight at Friday Night Frenzy…

Mark:Competitive back and forth match up between these two and The Rock comes out on top tonight… Still to come tonight in our Main Event it will be CM Punk battling Triple H in a Street Fight… But its back to the ring now for more action…

Non Title Match
Troy “The Rampage” Joseph vs Johnny Blaze

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall… Introducing first…From New York City, New York… Weighing in at 235 Pounds… JOHNNY BLAZE!

(“Smoke 2 Joints” plays as Johnny Blaze enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Shangra-la… Weighing in at 252 Pounds… The EWA Total Impact Champion…TROY “THE RAMPAGE” JOSEPH!

(“Hall of Illusion” plays as Troy Joseph enters the arena…)

Mark:Here we go… Troy Joseph and Johnny Blaze are face to face in the center of the ring… Troy Joseph nails Johnny Blaze with a couple of right hands and now shoots him right off in to the ropes… Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze gets right back up on to his feet…

Mark:Troy Joseph kicks Johnny Blaze in the midsection… Front Face Suplex!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze driven right in to the mat…

Mark:Troy Joseph covers Johnny Blaze 1……………….2………………Kickout by Johnny Blaze…

Rhino:Johnny Blaze is getting back up on to his feet in the corner…

Mark:Troy Joseph is now driving his shoulder right in to the midsection of Johnny Blaze…

Rhino:Hes driving the wind right out of Johnny Blaze…

Mark:Troy Joseph now whips Johnny Blaze hard in to the farside corner…

Rhino:He is staggering out dazed…

Mark:Troy Joseph hooks him up… Flapjack!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze driven right in to the mat…

Mark:Troy Joseph covers Johnny Blaze again 1………………….2………………..Kickout by Johnny Blaze…

Rhino:Johnny Blaze is now slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Troy Joseph hooks him up and nails him with a Swinging Neck Breaker!

Rhino:The EWA Total Impact Champion is now heading up on to the top rope…

Mark:Johnny Blaze staggers to his feet and staggers right in to the ropes…

Rhino:He fell right in to the ropes and Troy Joseph is caught on the top turnbuckle…

Mark:Johnny Blaze is now climbing up on to the top rope… Hurricanranna!

Rhino:Nice move by Johnny Blaze…

Mark:Johnny Blaze covers Troy Joseph 1………………2…………….Kickout by Troy Joseph…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is now slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Johnny Blaze sets him up… Sitdown Powerbomb!

Rhino:Nice powerbomb…

Mark:Cover by Johnny Blaze 1………………2………..3……No! Troy Joseph gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Close one right there…

Mark:The EWA Total Impact Champion is staggering up on to his feet… Enziguri! Right to the back of the head…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is dazed on his feet…

Mark:Johnny Blaze sets him up… Tornado DDT!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze has laid out Troy Joseph…

Mark:Johnny Blaze is now heading up on to the top rope…

Rhino:It looks like Johnny Blaze is going to fly…


Rhino:He hit the Shooting Star Press!

Mark:Johnny Blaze 1……………..2…………….3……….NO!

Rhino:Troy Joseph got his shoulder up at the very last second right there…

Mark:You can see that Johnny Blaze thought he had him down for the count right there…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is now struggling up on to his feet…

Mark:Johnny Blaze kicks Troy Joseph in the midsection… UP IN SMOKE! NO! Back Body Drop!

Rhino:Nice counter by the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:Both men are now getting back up on to their feet…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is trying to get back in to this match up…

Mark:Troy Joseph blocks the right hand and now whips Johnny Blaze off in to the ropes… Powerslam!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze is now staggering back up on to his feet…

Mark:Troy Joseph kicks him in the midsection… Stunner!

Rhino:He could have him right here…

Mark:Troy Joseph covers Johnny Blaze 1………………2……………3……….NO!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Johnny Blaze is now using the ropes to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is lining up Johnny Blaze…

Mark:Troy Joseph scoops him up and slams him straight down to the canvas…

Rhino:Troy Joseph is heading back up on to the top rope…

Mark:Swanton Bomb! Connects!

Rhino:He got all of it…

Mark:Troy Joseph covers Johnny Blaze 1………………..2……………….3………….NO!

Rhino:At the last second Johnny Blaze was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Troy Joseph is now waiting for Johnny Blaze to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:He is looking to put him away right now…

Mark:Johnny Blaze staggers up on to his feet…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:Johnny Blaze moved out of the way…

Mark:School Boy! 1…………………..2……………3………….NO!

Rhino:Troy Joseph kicks out…

Mark:Troy Joseph charges at Johnny Blaze… Clothesline! No!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze ducked out of the way…

Mark:Johnny Blaze spins Troy Joseph around… UP IN SMOKE!

Rhino:He hit it…

Mark:Heres the cover 1………………….2………………3………….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner JOHNNY BLAZE!

Rhino:Johnny Blaze scores the upset victory over the EWA Total Impact Champion…

Mark:This has to move Johnny Blaze up the ranks for the EWA Total Impact Championship dont you think?

Rhino:I would agree with you right there…

Mark:We shall see…Right now its time to find out who the Number One Contender for the EWA Total Impact Championship is going to be…

Number One Contenders Match for the EWA Total Impact Championship
“Shooter” Dave McGavin vs Benjamin J. Franklin

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is for the Number One Contendership for the EWA Total Impact Championship…Introducing first…From Fort Lee, New Jersey… Weighing in at 202 Pounds… Shooter DAVE McGAVIN!

(“Calffornia Dreamin” plays as Dave McGavin enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Philadelphia, Pa… Weighing in at 315 Pounds… BENJAMIN J. FRANKLIN!

(“Here Comes The Money” plays as Benjamin J. Franklin enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:Now introducing the Special Referee… STEELE!

(“Rebirth” plays as Steele enters the arena…)

Mark:Well here we go… Steele calls for the bell as the Special Referee…Benjamin J. Franklin starts things off and shoves Dave McGavin right back in to the ropes… Dave McGavin comes off the ropes and nails Benjamin J. Franklin with a Dropkick!

Rhino:That knocked Benjamin J. Franklin backwards…

Mark:Dave McGavin comes back off the ropes again…. Dropkick!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is staggered…

Mark:Dave McGavin comes off the ropes again… Crossbody! Caught!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin caught him in mid air…

Mark:Dave McGavin fights out of it and spins it in to a DDT!

Rhino:Nice counter right there by Dave McGavin…

Mark:Dave McGavin covers Benjamin J. Franklin as Steele makes the count 1……………2…………Kickout by Benjamin J. Franklin…

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is now getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dave McGavin with hard kicks right to the midsection of Benjamin J. Franklin…

Rhino:He really is laying in those kicks…

Mark:Dave McGavin comes off the ropes… Spin Heel Kick!

Rhino:That took him off of his feet again…

Mark:Dave McGavin covers Benjamin J. Franklin as Steele makes the count 1………………2……………Kickout again by Benjamin J. Franklin…

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is now slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Dave McGavin is now up on the top rope…

Rhino:Looks like he is going to fly…

Mark:Flying Crossbody! Caught!

Rhino:He was caught again…

Mark:This time he was caught off the top rope… Bankroll!

Rhino:Nice fallaway slam by Benjamin J. Franklin…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin now covers Dave McGavin as Steele makes the count 1………………2………………Kickout by Dave McGavin…

Rhino:Dave McGavin is now the one who is slow to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin is now picking Dave McGavin… Side Walk Slam!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is taking over this match up right now…

Mark:Dave McGavin slow to get back up… Benjamin J. Franklin hooks him up… Full Nelson Slam!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin drove him straight in to the mat with that Full Nelson Slam!

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin covers Dave McGavin as Steele makes the count 1……………..2…………3……NO!

Rhino:Close one right there…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin is now waiting for Dave McGavin to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Dave McGavin seems to be out of it right now as he is staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin hooks up Dave McGavin… FOREFATHER!

Rhino:Big time chokeslam…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin covers Dave McGavin as Steele makes the count 1………………2………….3……..NO!

Rhino:Another kickout by Dave McGavin…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin is now looking to put Dave McGavin away right now…

Rhino:Steele has been making the count fair…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin has Dave McGavin setup…ALMIGHTY DOLLAR! NO!

Rhino:Elbows to the side of the head of Benjamin J. Franklin…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin is now spinning around… Jawbreaker!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is dazed…

Mark:Buzzsaw Kick! By Dave McGavin…

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is in trouble…

Mark:Dave McGavin covers Benjamin J. Franklin as Steele makes the count 1…………….2………..3…….NO!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin got his shoulder up in time right there…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin is now struggling to his feet…

Rhino:Dave McGavin is setting him up…

Mark:Inverted DDT! No!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin is blocking…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin spins Dave McGavin around… ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!

Rhino:Dave McGavin was planted…

Mark:Benjamin J. Franklin covers Dave McGavin as Steele makes the count 1………………2…………3……….. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner BENJAMIN J. FRANKLIN!

Rhino:Benjamin J. Franklin just earned himself a shot at the EWA Total Impact Championship…

Mark:It will be Benjamin J. Franklin and Troy Joseph next week at Beach Brawl for the Gold…

Rhino:Steele looks down at Dave McGavin and shakes his head and walks away…

Mark:Guess he wasn’t impressed… But now its back to the ring to find out who the Number One Contender for the EWA World Championship is going to be…

Number One Contenders Match for the EWA World Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Goldberg

Pa Announcer:This next contest is set for one fall and is for the Number One Contendership for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship… Introducing first…From Victoria, Texas… Weighing in at 252 Pounds… STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!

(“Glass Shatters” plays as Steve Austin enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent… From Atlanta, Georgia… Weighing in at 285 Pounds… GOLDBERG!

(“Invasion” plays as Goldberg enters the arena…)

Mark:The winner of this match up will go on to challenge CM Punk for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship at Beach Brawl… Stone Cold and Goldberg are face to face in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Two Icons of the ring are face to face one more time…

Mark:Stone Cold nails Goldberg with a right hand… Goldberg fires back with a right hand of his own…

Rhino:They are both giving shots back and forth…

Mark:Steve Austin whips Goldberg in to the ropes… Goldberg with a reversal… Steve Austin comes off the ropes… Goldberg lifts him up high in the air…

Rhino:This isnt going to be good for Stone Cold…

Mark:Stone Cold rakes the eyes and gets out of the Press Slam…

Rhino:Goldberg is trying to get his vision back…

Mark:Stone Cold with a kick to the midsection… STUNNER! NO! Goldberg shoves him off in to the ropes…Stone Cold comes off the ropes…Shoulder Block!

Rhino:That knocked him off of his feet…

Mark:Steve Austin staggers back up on to his feet in the corner… Goldberg is now driving his shoulder right in to the midsection of Steve Austin in the corner…

Rhino:The air is being driven out of the Texas Rattlesnake…

Mark:Stone Cold staggers out of the corner… Goldberg lifts Steve Austin up… Press Slam!

Rhino:That time Goldberg was able to hit and drop Steve Austin right in to the mat…

Mark:Goldberg covers Steve Austin 1……………..2………..Kickout by Stone Cold…

Rhino:Steve Austin is getting back up on to his feet..

Mark:Goldberg scoops up Steve Austin… Running Powerslam!

Rhino:Goldberg is in complete control of this match up right now…

Mark:Goldberg covers Steve Austin again 1………………..2…………….Kickout once again by Steve Austin…

Rhino:Steve Austin is struggling right now…

Mark:Goldberg now whips Steve Austin in to the corner….

Rhino:Here comes Goldberg…

Mark:Running Clothesline! No!

Rhino:Steve Austin moved out of the way…

Mark:Goldberg now staggers out of the corner… Russian Leg Sweep!

Rhino:Nice move by Steve Austin…

Mark:Steve Austin now comes off the ropes and drops the elbow right down in to Goldberg’s face… Steve Austin covers Goldberg 1……………..2………..Kickout by Goldberg…

Rhino:Goldberg is now the one who is slow to get back up…

Mark:Steve Austin hooks up Goldberg and nails him with a Vertical Suplex!

Rhino:Steve Austin really has turned the tide in this match up…

Mark:Steve Austin covers Goldberg again 1………………..2……….Kickout by Goldberg…

Rhino:Goldberg is now struggling to get back up…

Mark:Steve Austin is nailing Goldberg with right hands and is now backing him up in to the corner…

Rhino:Stone Cold is really laying in the shots…

Mark:Steve Austin with boots right to the midsection in the corner…

Rhino:He is really stomping away right now…

Mark:Steve Austin now pulls Goldberg out of the corner… DDT!

Rhino:Goldberg has been planted…

Mark:Steve Austin covers Goldberg 1………………2………….3…..No!

Rhino:Goldberg was able to get his shoulder up…

Mark:Stone Cold is now waiting for Goldberg to get back up on to his feet… Steve Austin is now setting up Goldberg… Piledriver! No!

Rhino:Goldberg countered with a back body drop…

Mark:Both men are now slow to get back up on to their feet…

Rhino:One of these two will get a shot for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Mark:Steve Austin goes for a right hand… Goldberg blocks and now nails Steve Austin with right hands…

Rhino:He is nailing him with big right hands…

Mark:Goldberg whips Steve Austin in to the ropes… Superkick!

Rhino:He caught him good with that kick…

Mark:Goldberg covers Steve Austin 1………………….2……………..3…..NO!

Rhino:Close nearfall right there…

Mark:Steve Austin is now struggling to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Goldberg is looking to put Steve Austin away right now…

Mark:Goldberg is lining up Stone Cold… SPEAR! NO!

Rhino:Steve Austin moved…

Mark:Goldberg is spinning around… Kick to the midsection… STUNNER! NO!

Rhino:Goldberg blocked…

Mark:Goldberg spins Steve Austin around and hooks him up… JACKHAMMER!

Rhino:Steve Austin is fighting it…

Mark:Steve Austin escapes and now spins Goldberg around… STONE COLD STUNNER!

Rhino:He got all of that Stunner…

Mark:Steve Austin covers Goldberg 1………………2……………3………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!

Rhino:Stone Cold is now the Number One Contender for the EWA World Heavyweight Championship…

Mark:It will be Steve Austin and CM Punk at Beach Brawl for the EWA World Title…

Rhino:That should be one hell of a battle…

Mark:We will now see the EWA World Heavyweight Champion in action as we get set for our Main Event…

Non Title Street Fight
CM Punk vs Triple H

Pa Announcer:Tonights Main Event is a Non Title Match and is a Street Fight set for One Fall… Introducing first… From Greenwich, Ct… Weighing in at 260 Pounds… Representing Degeneration X… The Game TRIPLE H!

(“King of Kings” plays as Triple H enters the arena…)

Pa Announcer:His opponent…From Chicago, Illinois… Weighing in at 222 Pounds…The EWA World Heavyweight Champion…CM PUNK!

(“This Fire Burns” plays as CM Punk enters the arena…)

Mark:Well here we go… CM Punk and Triple H lock up in the center of the ring…

Rhino:Both men are battling for position…

Mark:Triple H with a side headlock in on CM Punk…

Rhino:CM Punk is trying to fight his way out of it…

Mark:CM Punk with elbows to the midsection and shoves Triple H off in to the ropes… The Game comes off the ropes… Shoulder Block!

Rhino:CM Punk gets right back up…

Mark:Triple H with a couple of right hands and now whips CM Punk off in to the ropes… Clothesline!

Rhino:Right now Triple H is taking it to CM Punk…

Mark:CM Punk rolls out of the ring and is trying to slow down Triple H…

Rhino:He is telling the referee to hold Triple H back…

Mark:CM Punk walks right back in to the ring… Triple H and CM Punk lock up again… This time CM Punk locks in a side headlock in on Triple H…

Rhino:CM Punk is grinding away with that headlock…

Mark:Triple H with elbows to the midsection of CM Punk..Triple H goes to shove him off… CM Punk grabs Triple H by the hair and pulls him back in to the side headlock…

Rhino:That wasn’t an easy escape for Triple H…

Mark:Triple H with more elbows and nails CM Punk with a Belly to Back Suplex!

Rhino:Nice escape…

Mark:Triple H covers CM Punk 1………………..2………..Kickout by CM Punk…

Rhino:CM Punk is backing up in to the corner..

Mark:Triple H goes after CM Punk… CM Punk ducks out of the ring…

Rhino:CM Punk is trying to frustrate Triple H right now…

Mark:CM Punk is taking his time to get back in to the ring…

Rhino:Triple H is going out after CM Punk…

Mark:Triple H is now chasing CM Punk around the ring… CM Punk rolls back in to the ring…

Rhino:Triple H follows him back in…

Mark:No he doesn’t as Triple H ducks quickly out of the ring… Baseball Slide and Triple H moved out of the way…

Rhino:CM Punk slid right out of the ring…

Mark:Triple H pulls CM Punk back up… Big Clothesline! By Triple H…

Rhino:The Game took his head off with that clothesline…

Mark:The fans are getting behind Triple H right now…

Rhino:Triple H is looking to do more damage to the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…

Mark:Triple H with an irish whip… Reversal by CM Punk and Triple H goes right in to the Steel Guard Rail!

Rhino:That backfired…

Mark:Triple H is staggering around.. CM Punk lines him up and nails him with a kick right to the side of the head…

Rhino:CM Punk is now taunting the crowd…

Mark:CM Punk rolls Triple H back in to the ring…

Rhino:The Game is staggering up on to his feet…

Mark:CM Punk is up on the top rope…Flying Crossbody! Connects! CM Punk with a cover 1………………….2…………Kickout by Triple H…

Rhino:The Game is now trying to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:CM Punk with kicks right to the midsection of Triple H and is now nailing him with forearms backing him up in to the corner…

Rhino:He is laying in more kicks to Triple H in the corner…

Mark:CM Punk pulls Triple H out of the corner… Floatover Suplex! In to a cover 1……………….2………………Kickout by Triple H…

Rhino:The tide has turned and the EWA World Heavyweight Champion is in control of this match up…

Mark:The Game is now staggering back up… CM Punk hooks up Triple H… Double Underhook Backbreaker!

Rhino:The Game is in trouble…

Mark:CM Punk covers Triple H 1………………2………………3…No! Triple H kicks out…

Rhino:CM Punk is now going to the outside on the ring apron…

Mark:Triple H is using the ropes to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:CM Punk is getting set…

Mark:Springboard Clothesline! Ducked!

Rhino:Triple H saw it coming…

Mark:CM Punk staggers up on to his feet… Triple H charges and clotheslines CM Punk over the top rope and to the outside…

Rhino:Triple H is now going out after CM Punk…

Mark:The Game with a couple of right hands and now grabs CM Punk and rams him head first in to the steel steps…

Rhino:CM Punk is staggering around…

Mark:Triple H scoops up CM Punk… CM Punk gets dropped face first on to the Steel Steps…

Rhino:Business has now picked up…

Mark:Triple H is now picking up CM Punk… Front Face Suplex and he drops CM Punk across the Steel Guard Rail!

Rhino:The Game is in charge right now…

Mark:Triple H grabs CM Punk and rolls him back in to the ring… Triple H covers CM Punk right away 1……………….2………….Kickout by CM Punk…

Rhino:CM Punk is now struggling to get back up…

Mark:Triple H whips CM Punk off in to the ropes… Running High Knee!

Rhino:CM Punk is down on the mat…

Mark:Triple H comes off the ropes…Running Knee Drop! By the former EWA World Heavyweight Champion… Triple H covers CM Punk 1………………2…………3…..No! CM Punk gets his shoulder up…

Rhino:Triple H is now rolling to the outside of the ring…

Mark:The Game just grabbed a Steel Chair…

Rhino:This isnt going to be good for the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…

Mark:Triple H grabs the chair… CM Punk gets back up on to his feet… Steel Chair Shot!

Rhino:Big time chair shot right there…

Mark:The Straight Edge Superstar is in trouble as Triple H hooks the leg 1…………………2…………….3……..NO!

Rhino:CM Punk barely got his shoulder up right there…

Mark:Triple H is now waiting for CM Punk to get back up on to his feet…

Rhino:Triple H is eyeing him up…


Rhino:What a counter by the EWA World Champion…

Mark:CM Punk scores with the DDT and now gets his arm over Triple H 1……………….2……………3…..NO! Triple H kicks out…

Rhino:CM Punk is staggering back up…

Mark:CM Punk now picks up the Steel Chair…

Rhino:The Game is getting back up on to his feet…

Mark:CM Punk throws the steel chair right in the face of Triple H…

Rhino:Triple H is dazed on his feet…

Mark:CM Punk with a big round house kick right to the side of the head of Triple H…

Rhino:The Game looks out of it…

Mark:CM Punk covers Triple H 1……………….2……………3………..NO!

Rhino:Triple H barely got his shoulder up right there…

Mark:Triple H is now staggering up on to his feet in the corner…

Rhino:CM Punk is lining him up…

Mark:Running Knee!

Rhino:CM Punk isnt done…

Mark:Running Bulldog! Right down in to the Steel Chair!

Rhino:CM Punk could have Triple H right here…

Mark:CM Punk covers Triple H 1……………….2…………….3………..NO!

Rhino:The Game got his shoulder up at the last second…

Mark:CM Punk thought he had Triple H down for the count…

Rhino:CM Punk is now telling everyone he is going to put Triple H to sleep…

Mark:The Game is struggling to get back up on to his feet… CM Punk gets Triple H up… GO TO SLEEP!

Rhino:That’s gotta be it…

Mark:CM Punk covers Triple H 1…………………..2……………….3……… ITS NOT OVER!

Rhino:Triple H got his foot on the rope…

Mark:CM Punk is demanding his hand be raised…

Rhino:He believes that this match up is over and now the referee is telling him about the foot on the rope…

Mark:CM Punk is now grabbing the Steel Chair…

Rhino:Triple H is using the ropes to get back up on to his feet…

Mark:CM Punk is lining up Triple H…

Rhino:This could be the end for Triple H…

Mark:CM Punk swings… Triple H ducks… SPINEBUSTER!

Rhino:What a counter by The Game…

Mark:Triple H now falls on top of CM Punk… As the referee begins the count 1……………………..2……………….3……………NO!

Rhino:CM Punk was able to kick out right there…

Mark:Triple H is now trying to get back up…

Rhino:CM Punk is struggling to get back up on to his feet as well…

Mark:Knee Buster!

Rhino:CM Punk is spinning around…

Mark:Triple H kicks CM Punk in the midsection… PEDIGREE! NO! CM Punk trips up Triple H… Flipover in to a Pin 1…………………2…………….3……………NO!

Rhino:Triple H some how kicked out right there…

Mark:CM Punk is now setting up Triple H…

Rhino:Here it comes…


Rhino:Triple H escapes…

Mark:Triple H spins CM Punk around… PEDIGREE!

Rhino:Triple H got all of it…

Mark:Triple H covers CM Punk 1…………………….2………………3…………. ITS OVER!

Pa Announcer:Here is your winner TRIPLE H!

Rhino:The Game just beat the EWA World Heavyweight Champion…

Mark:What a match up this was…

Rhino:These two men really beat the hell out of each other tonight…

Mark:At the end of the day Triple H gets some revenge on CM Punk and pulls out the victory…

Rhino:Can the EWA World Champion recover in time for Beach Brawl?

Mark:We will see…We will see you at Beach Brawl! Good Night Everyone!

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