Tuesday Night Carnage 03-07-00

Jim Ross:Welcome everyone to TUESDAY NIGHT CARNAGE….We are here in the City of Brotherly Love and The Place where Extreme Wrestling is Known Philadelphia,PA in the First Union Center…Tonight we have alot of action tonight including a Rematch for the EWA World Title between Sid and Scott Steiner…Also the KKK will be defending the Tag

In Your House: Sabotage 2000

JoeyS: Live from Madison Square Gardens, a sold-out crowd is going crazy awaiting the official start of EWA’s first pay-per-view Sabotage! I’m your host Joey Styles and welcome, in this telecast we will see the self-proclaimed “Ruler of the World” get caged in with the true “Scotty Too Hotty” Scott Steiner. And where a friendship

Tuesday Night Carnage 02-06-00

MATCH 1 X-pac Vs Rikishi {Steel Cage} Winner: Rikishi. Rikishi dominated this match with his size and weight advantage. When the ref was distracted Rob came down to help X-pac and accidentally hit him with the Van Daminator. After the match….Rikishi danced. MATCH 2 3 Man Round Robin Tournament to Crown an EWA World Television